Starting human body

Chapter 419 Alien Investigation Bureau AIB

"Cake shop?"

Pejia blinked her round synaptic eyes, and all kinds of delicious cakes and snacks appeared in her mind.

As a little boy in Pegasus, he happened to be at the age of gluttony. He smelled the scent of cakes when he first wandered outside. At that time, he could only stare at the window and look at the plum blossoms to quench his thirst.

Now being adopted by Asakura Riku, he has gradually accumulated a little savings by doing some handiwork, but he has never had the chance to buy cakes.

Thinking of the scene of a human child celebrating his birthday, Pejia's bright eyes filled with water.

"Xiao Lu, next time you go to the cake shop, please take me with you."

"Yes, yes," Asakura Riku said distressedly, "But Peijia, you'd better be careful. It would be terrible if the boss sees you."

"Don't worry, I'll hide in your shadow."

Pejia assured her, patting her chest.

Each Pegasus star can create a "dark area" in a different space to hide himself. When he goes out, he hides in the shadow of Asakura Riku. As long as he does not take the initiative to expose himself, no one can discover him.

"Pejia, you want to eat cake, right?" Asakura said with a smile, "But the boss's place won't open for a few days, so I'll take you to the business district to buy it first."

"Is that okay?" Pejia's voice was reserved.

With a shy and timid personality, he stays at home most of the time. He and Asakura Riku haven't been to the business district very often, and the things there are probably very expensive, so he may not be willing to buy them.

Relying only on the money Asakura Riku earns from his part-time job and his handiwork, his daily life is tight. After paying the rent, he can only eat instant noodles most of the time.

"Forget it, just wait for a few days." Peijia still didn't want to go to the business district.

Desserts in shopping streets are not as good as the gorgeously packaged cakes in commercial districts, but the prices are much cheaper, and there may be opening promotions.

"That's fine," Asakura Riku has a rough personality and simple thinking. He didn't think too much. He nodded and agreed, "We will go and cheer up the boss then."

AIB Japan branch.

The cute new agent Aizaki Moa is following behind her partner, senior agent Zena. Compared with the wooden and expressionless senior, Aizaki Moa's out-of-the-box personality seems a bit out of place. She is obviously wearing a professional black suit and looks like a long-legged lady. His posture, words and deeds are like a living treasure.

No, it should be said that it is a living treasure.

As one of the few Earthlings to join AIB, Moya Aizaki has already made a lot of jokes. Fortunately, Zena is in charge here in Japan, but no one can fire her.

"Okay, let's send this guy away first."

Zena handed the captured gangster alien to Aizaki Moeya, and then took off the mimic device worn on his ears and transformed back into the Shade alien appearance.

"There have been a lot of things happening recently..."

"You, stand still for me!"

Moe Aizaki pretended to be a tiger and placed the gangster aliens in a grand manner, but soon his true colors were revealed. When he looked back and saw his senior's true face, he couldn't help but scream in surprise.


"It's about time you got used to it, right?" Zena said speechlessly.

Aizaki Moya's face turned slightly red. She looked squarely at her senior's metal face and saluted, "Zena-senpai has a handsome nose!"

"Hmph, don't do this to me," Zena unmoved and operated the virtual panel, "We have to meet the young man who subdued him later."

"Ah?" Moya Aizaki made a bitter face, "Do you still have work today? I haven't even eaten yet..."

"You keep eating while you're working and you're not full yet? I'm really impressed by you."


As Zena completed the operation, the gangster alien was shrouded in a beam of light and teleported away from AIB in an instant.

No matter how many times he watched this scene, Aizaki Moya still found it quite strange.

Alien technology is amazing.

"By the way," Zena reminded in front of the virtual panel, "there is news from above today. The new management officer should be coming in the next few days. Please be careful when the time comes. I don't want to see my partner fired."

"Management officer? Is he our immediate superior?"

Moe Aizaki was nervous and curious.

"Senior Zena, do you know what a manager is like?"

"I don't know. It's said to be a big shot from another universe."

Zena was equally confused.

He has always been in charge of AIB. Before this, he had never heard of having a management officer.

Not to mention he is still a mysterious big shot.

Is it related to the "Inpark Crisis"?

Without thinking too much about this matter, Zena immediately called up the previous battle images between Natsuki and the gangster aliens.

"That's amazing." Aizaki Moya's attention was attracted by the image, and she pointed at Natsuki in the screen and asked, "Is this person also an alien?"

"Probably," Zena nodded, "That's why we went to investigate. After all, they are strangers from the universe that are not recorded in the database. It would be too dangerous to leave them alone."

"I don't think there's any danger," Aizaki Moya's eyes were filled with little stars, "Look at him saving that little girl..."

"Hmph, don't make judgments easily. There are many things that cannot be taken at face value," Zena warned. "Then it's up to you to get in touch with him and see."

"Me?" Aizaki Moya's face turned bitter.

Although the young man in the video looks a bit handsome, who knows what kind of monster he really is, and he might be even scarier than Zena-senpai.

During this time, she was very familiar with the camouflage ability of aliens. She also followed Senior Zena to capture a star Zerg alien. The opponent's head covered with tentacles scared her.

After that, she had nightmares for several days.

"What? Is there a problem?" Zena turned his metal face and asked calmly.

"No!" Aizaki Moya saluted like a soldier again, "Promise to complete the mission!"


Zena looked back with satisfaction.

"I will also act with you today."

Shopping Street.

The AIB agent car stopped at the intersection. Aizaki Moya looked at her senior Zena with a sullen face, swallowed and walked into the store first.

"Hello, we are from Nicole Nicole Life Insurance Company, excuse me..."

"I don't need insurance."

Natsuki had sensed it when the two were approaching.

To be precise, he sensed the aura of Zena from the Shade planet.

This man is not simple.

The Shades themselves are a fighting race in the universe, and they also possess the S-class biological weapon Saigon, known as the God of Time and Space Destruction.

Zena, on the other hand, was once an instructor of the Shade planet. After its home planet Shade planet was destroyed by civil war, it became yearning for peace, and then joined the Planetary Alliance.

The name "God of Time and Space Destruction" is of course an exaggerated name for the Shade people. His strength is average for him, but his ability to control time and space makes even him a little envious.

the most important is.

These two people will be his subordinates next, so he is very clear about the purpose of their coming here.

"Sales Department, Sena Sunrise Tree?"

Natsuki took Zena's business card and looked at it, but did not identify himself for the time being.

Although he has used some means to become the AIB manager, he currently does not want to get involved in AIB affairs, and there is no need to get involved.

It's better to do things in the dark.

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