Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 79: Fellow countryman

When I stepped into the Juling Pagoda, the city tree immediately began to report: "Statistical results came out. 21 torpedoes in ship lock 1 needed repairs. The outer city wall was also attacked by 16 torpedoes, which also needed repairs. The city suffered The bomber attacked 34 buildings with varying degrees of damage and no houses collapsed. However, a temporary cargo storage point in the port was ignited by the bomb and some of the wood was burned out! The personnel was not counted for the time being, and the initial loss was slightly estimated. The overall assessment is a minor injury and does not affect city operations. "

"I see." I opened a private chat: "Eagle, are you online?" After waiting for a long time without a reply, I had to change my name to Hongyue. "Red Moon, are you there?"


"The damage in the city is not serious, and some places need repairs. You take care of it."

"Okay, leave it to me. Ah, by the way, my brother said that I have something to find you. I didn't contact you some time ago, I forgot it for a while!"

"Okay, I know. I'll go to him when I have time."

Damn little Japan, I've been so busy that they even bothered me, and wanted to exhaust me! My private pets who just cut off the private chat are all back. Those who went up to deal with Feilong just now are sure to return. I summoned Fenglong: "It's hard, you can all go back to rest." They were about to return to Fenglong's special agency space, and I cried, "Ling and Arona stay."

I waited for the other magic pets to go in before I told Ariana: "Atlantis may be confusing at this time. I think you are responsible for the communication on both sides. If you need to contact me directly, please contact me."

"Thank you."

"OK, go now."

After I left, I told Ling: "Follow me to the temple."

"Are you doing anything?" Ling whispered.

"There is something, but I can't ask until you are all together."

Ling Ling no longer spoke, so I started a private chat to contact Ziyue and Lin Yue. "Are you there?"

"Yes." The two answered at the same time.

"Come to the temple right away."

"Ah? I'm still in Steel City!" Lin Yue cried.

"No matter what you're doing, put down immediately and come right over."


I waited for a minute at the gate of the temple and Ziyue arrived, but Lin Yue made me wait for nearly ten minutes to arrive. Lin Yue ran up the long stairs to the entrance of the temple and actually followed Sun Yan. I took a look at Sun Yandao: "I'm sorry, I have to talk about personal matters today, can you avoid it?"

"Why can't Sun Yan listen?" Lin Yue asked me.

"You don't want him to treat you like a monster, so you better not bring him in."

Lin Linyue was a little surprised. "What's wrong with you today, Xiaolinzi? Did you take gun medicine? I didn't mess with you again!"

Zi Ziyue said angrily: "Siaoyue, don't top it, there must be something in Ziri."

I didn't explain anything and turned and walked into the temple. Lin Yue saw that I went in and turned around and ran away. Ziyue wanted to chase Lin Yue, stopped after two steps, shouted a few words, but Lin Yue didn't listen, she finally turned around and followed me into the temple.

I saw Ziyue following me and said, "She's gone?"

"Well." Ziyue trot up a few steps to catch up with me. "How did you do it today? It's a little different than usual!"

"I saw something that I shouldn't see today. Although I now think of it with regrets, there is nothing I can do now."

"What is so scary?"

"It's not horror, but it puzzles me. Forget it, it's not clear now, let's talk when the parties are all together."

We walked all the way in the temple and just met a passing maid. "Where's Wina?"

The servant girl reverently replied, "His Goddess is in the reading room."

"I went in the wrong direction!" Ziyue turned around and walked back.

I grabbed Ziyue. "Don't go, let's go to her direction." Turned to the maid and said, "You go to inform Wei Na and say I'll wait for her in her room and tell her it's important.

The servant girl bent down and saluted and hurried to the reading room, and I took Ziyue directly to Wei Na's room. The two of us waited in the room for less than five minutes and trot in. "What is so urgent?"

"Some very important things." I tossed out an album in my hand. "Locked."

Wei Weina immediately turned to lock the door, and then pressed the switch next to the door. There was a stone slab outside the door of the room, and a stone slab at the same time. The windows were all closed automatically. Several gates closed the windows. Now no one should want to hear the sound here.

Ziyue and Wei Na were confused by me, they didn't understand what I was going to do. Ling is almost the same, but she knows I have something, but she doesn't know what it is. I asked the three of them to sit side by side on the sofa and sit down across from me. "Now we can start. First of all, I want to say that what we are going to talk about today is only we know and nothing happens after going out. Especially you, Ziyue. If Lin Yue asks you, you let her ask me You must never tell her. "

Ziyue was surprised: "Aren't you going to bring Xiaoyue to listen?"

"It was originally, but judging by her performance today, I don't think it would be good. Although it seems that she is only a little younger than you, I don't think she actually has your mental level."

"All right!" Ziyue nodded.

I looked at them and said, "What I am going to say today is not about this game world, but about another real world."

The three women showed surprised expressions at the same time. Among them, Ziyue was only a little strange, and Ling was very surprised. As for Wei Na, she was completely lost in thought. I waited for them to fully digest my words before saying, "Maybe you will find it strange, and each of you will have different reasons. Ziyue, you must be surprised what I talked to the two NPCs. Is it the real world? "


Wu Ziyue nodded and said, "They can't understand those things?"

I shook my head: "Other NPCs may not work, but both of them are okay. Really?" The last "Is it" asked the two NPCs.

Both Ling Ling and Wei Na nodded. Ziyue looked at them in surprise. "Have your intelligence evolved to this level?"

I said, "It's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of body. Both of them used to have a body in reality."

"You mean that Long Yuan is engaging in androids?" Ziyue's understanding is really extraordinary, which strengthens my guess even more.

I nodded. "Long Yuan is indeed studying artificial people, and I am very honored to tell you that the two of them already have a body in front of them."

Xi Ziyue covered her mouth in surprise. The news is generally unacceptable, and Ziyue's response has been very good.

I will wait and continue: "Ziyue you know my identity, I don't know the news. In addition, according to my guess, there is a very serious problem directly related to the two of us, oh no, it should be returned There is Lin Yue. "

"what did you say?"

"How much do you know about biology?" I want to see Ziyue's knowledge before deciding how to explain it to her.

"A little bit. I know a little bit deeper than science and know that there are courses in this area in college."

那么 "Do you know what is the easiest way to make living things?"

"It should be to rewrite the DNA sequence of the embryonic cell and then culture it like a test-tube baby."

那 "Do you know what the highest technological goal is?"

"The teacher said that it is made directly by biological adults."

I seem to know more than Ziyue. "You know this. It's easy to do. The technique of rewriting DNA is relatively simple. Just detach the nucleus of a normal embryo and inject a new nucleus into the cell. This is how the world's first cloned organism was made. It ’s just that the clones are injected into the nucleus of somatic cells of normal organisms, and the DNA injected when making new species is completely artificially synthesized. As for adult production, it is a more advanced and complicated project. So far, few countries can For adult synthesis. "

"Isn't Long Yuan finished?" Ziyue pointed at Ling and Wei Na.

I nodded: "But science and technology have been developed step by step. It is impossible to leap forward unless there is technical support from other countries. Long Yuan is already Taishan Beidou in this area and wants others to support it. No one has that technology, so our technology has been worked out step by step. "

"I understand."

"But don't you find it strange?"

Qi Ziyue hasn't responded yet. "Strange? Anything strange?"

"I saw Ling and Weina's bodies today, and they were already adult. The result of my investigation was that they were made in the form of adult bodies without passing through the normal embryonic stage. Ling passed in a petri dish. Fully developed and formed into an adult, and Wei Na is an adult individual directly manufactured within a few months. The kind that makes Ling is already intermediate technology, and Wei Na is directly produced by advanced technology. "

Xi Ziyue cried, "Yeah! Why is there no elementary stage?"

I smiled and nodded: "Long Yuan can't jump to the second or third stage without going through the first part, that is to say, there is still a first stage experimental body."

"But what does this have to do with us?" Ziyue was surprised. But she saw me smiling and watching her, and after a while she suddenly exclaimed, "Is this the first experiment?"

"Lin Yue and me."

"No, it's impossible." Ziyue's spirit was close to the edge of collapse. "My baby and I were born with my mother in October. We are normal people."

"Yes, there is nothing wrong. You were born in October with your mother. This is true. The first stage of the experiment was to only produce embryos. You need a surrogate mother to give birth to children in October. As long as the embryo implantation process is not allowed, Everyone knows, no one knows who your child is. Are n’t there many women in foreign countries who can't give birth to a surrogate mother and seek surrogate mothers for artificial implantation of fertilized eggs to help with childbearing? There is no technical difference in fertilized eggs. I now doubt whether your parents know about it. "

"What do you mean?"

"With the current technology, the entire colonization process takes only a few minutes. The hospital can operate without your father's knowledge. No one can detect this small movement. But I guess your mother should know about this. After all, this is a certain need. For the sacrifice project, we are unlikely to do this experiment without your parents' knowledge. "

"then you……?"

I smiled bitterly: "I may be your brother. It's just siblings born by two different surrogate mothers, but I guess our DNA is similar."

Xun Ziyue rubbed her head in pain: "Then tell me why?"

"Because I'm not sure, I want to ask you a favor."

"May I help?" Ziyue looked at me. "What do you want me to do?"

"The best way to confirm this guess is the DNA test. I am the young master of Long Yuan. The DNA test equipment is very good. But I can't take the blood of our parents because they will definitely know what I want to do. So only You come to take the blood of your parents, and Lin Yue and yourself. As long as you analyze the DNA of everyone, you will know if my guess is true. "

Ziyue slumped on the sofa like a deflated ball and stared straight at the roof: "I think you guessed it!"

"Why do you say that?"

因为 "Because Lin Yuechang and I are not like our parents at all, none of the children in the family look like us. Someone used to joke that we were raised, but now it seems like something really happened!"

"Then you can collect their blood samples as soon as possible, and I will analyze the DNA. By the way, you can't mix in other things when collecting. There are disposable needles in the drugstore outside. You can buy a few and find a chance to get some sleeping pills to entice them Pour it down and take some blood. It's enough for a few milliliters per person. There should be a scale on the syringe. "


"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible. But if the results come out, tell me as soon as possible."

"of course."

After I explained Ziyue, I turned to Ling and Wei Na and said, "Now you should know why I called you?" Both nodded.

Su Ling suddenly slipped down from her seat and knelt on the ground and slammed at me: "Sorry master, I have been deceiving you!"

I quickly pulled Ling up and let her sit on my lap and reach out and rub her forehead: "I don't blame you, what are you doing? Don't try so hard, are you all red!"

Ling Ling smiled, but tears fell. "Master, thank you. Ling will never hide anything from you in the future."

"You just said the opposite. It used to be that you were an NPC before, but you will be personal in the future. You should have your own privacy."

Ling Ling looked at me and suddenly burst into my arms and cried. "Master! 555 ~ ..."

I caressed the long hair behind her: "Your actual age is older than me! How can you cry like a child?"

"Is anyone touched!" Although Ling has burst into tears, but tears can't be controlled endlessly.

Vina said: "Zi Ri. You are all real-world people, can you help me figure things out first? Last time I was resting in the temple, suddenly the room changed and it scared me."

I patted Ling's back to appease her while appeasing her: "That time, someone in the real world was trying to help you integrate this consciousness with your body, but you were too resistant, and only sent you for 30 seconds. came back."

"I don't know of course I have to resist. But in the 30 seconds I received a lot of information, I will understand something that I never knew before. It is amazing."

"Those are the information written directly into the memory cells of your body. These things are also fused together when your mind and body are combined, so you know a lot of things instantly."

"It's amazing anyway." Wei Na seems to be looking forward to that moment. "But it was a bit messy at the time, and many things were incomplete. I know that there is a real world that is completely independent of our world, but I still don't understand it. According to the content of that knowledge, that is, the world is a fake 喽"

I nodded: "It can be said. This world is fake, not real. In the real world, what we call a virtual world is actually a fake world."

"How did this world appear?"

"This is troublesome to explain! It can be said that a supercomputer has imagined a dream-like fantasy in his thinking. This computer is called the host. And you NPCs are using a certain program on another computer. The fictitious life that carries out activities in this way, this computer is called a coprocessor. The coprocessor inputs you into the dream of the host and merges you into it as part of the dream. That is to say you are just a set of data that will think.

那么 "So what are you adventurers?"

"We are real individuals in the real world. When we use special equipment to input our consciousness into this dream world, we become adventurers. We generally call ourselves players, because we come in to play."

玩 "Play? What's so fun in such a dangerous place?"

"I don't know about this. Everyone has their own purpose, and it's not exactly the same. The real world we live in is too monotonous and too sad. Everyone enters this to relax. Although it is dangerous here, we are taking risks. The person is dying, and can be resurrected after death. Anyway, the outside body will not be injured, and the danger is not a problem for us. The environment here is much more beautiful than the outside, there are so many monsters to play, and between people Communication is also more naked because there is no accountability. "

"Who said it?" Wei Na said: "I think you just see people talk, talk about people, talk about ghosts and talk about ghosts, there is no one to rely on."

gosh! It turns out I look like this in Winner's eyes! "Don't talk about me, now say you. When you last joined the flesh, it seemed to send a strong wave. What were you doing?"

"I felt scared and wanted to protect myself, so I used detection magic to detect the surrounding situation."

"Is there a result?"

恩 "Well. I felt a lot of spider-web-like lines in the walls, and those lines had some faint magical energy. There were also a few people in the next room, and they were worried."

Xi Ziyue has recovered almost at this time, and she suddenly interjected: "Can she use magic in reality?"

I shook my head and said, "There is no such thing as magic in the real world ~ ~ Weina must have emitted some form of electromagnetic waves at the time. But it did play the same role as magic. Researchers at our base said that there was something at the time Invaded the circuit system and seized control of the computer, I guess it was probably caused by Wei Na's subconscious. And you said that there are many wires in the wall with weak magic on them. In fact, those are the wires that connect the instruments, and some are the data wires. , The so-called magical energy should be the electromagnetic induction phenomenon on the wire. You are regarded as magical energy. How about the next time I take you to do fusion again? "

Wei Wei Na excitedly said: "Okay! I thought long ago, but I didn't know what was going on at that time, so nervous. I would love to see your real world."

Today is really a lot of gains, Wei Na actually manipulated the bioelectricity in reality to achieve the magic effect, just do not know how much strength can be. She was using detective magic at the time, but it only played a detective role and did not consume much. If it can really directly constitute the actual attack effect, then it will be developed. After all, I have limited electromagnetic induction. I do n’t think it will be very powerful. In short, everything will be known after Wei Na ’s body and consciousness are completely merged. I hope Wei Na can use magic-like effects, I also want to try using magic effects in the real world, hehe, it must be very cool.

轰轰 轰轰! We were talking about the sudden noise from the door of the room. I stood up too hard and Ling, sitting on my lap, fell to the ground. I quickly helped her up. "Speaking here today, remember this is a secret. By the way, you don't have to hide the roses, she knows it's all right, but other people must not say it."

I waited until both of them nodded before I walked to the door and pressed the switch. When the door opened, Vinda was outside the door. "Citylord, you are really here."

"Is there anything urgent for me?"


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