Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 77: Isinger is not Pearl Harbor

After ten minutes on the spot, I finally shook my head. "I give up."

When I finished talking, my dad's face showed a relief smile. "You're grown up, you're a real man." Dad took my neck and patted my shoulder.

"Growing up is certain." I put a hand in front of me: "But this body ... I'm already confused."

"What is the goal of Long Yuan?" Dad asked me suddenly.

I looked at Dad in amazement, but still answered: "Unlock the last equation of life."

"Remember the slogan at the entrance to the Longyuan headquarters base?"

I nodded. "The divine right is in my hands."

Dad also nodded: "Just remember it. Long Yuan doesn't believe in God. All living things have basic principles, and we just want to uncover the secret of life. When the final equation is solved, the power of God is It's in our hands. We are all natural creatures, whether they are insects or birds, everyone is the same. Humans are not more noble than anything, the only difference is that we are the smartest and knowing these is enough. So you do n’t Think about what you are. You just need to know that you are you and you are my son. This is enough. As long as you evolve stronger and smarter, what is the difference between races? Do n’t think about those that do n’t. Just worry. Giving you such a developed brain doesn't make you think about this ethical issue. "

"I think I understand what you mean. Alright, I'm fine." Turned to look at the creatures floating in the bottle. "Have they not been in touch with the consciousness in the game?"

"Most don't, except for the two of them."

"Wena and Ling? Have they already entered this real body?"

The dad nodded and said, "Weina's consciousness was a consciousness contact experiment last week. It only entered 30 seconds. Because the consciousness of the resistance is strong, we quickly pulled her out. I hope you can get more out of this. Consciousness, her thinking seems to be quite special. We found a rather strange radio wave in her consciousness. When she merged with the body, this radio wave instantly strengthened to an unimaginable level. We want to know what kind of power it was. There is no such design in the experiment. We estimate that it is the result of self-evolution. You also know that the super-law system of "Zero" includes the ability of self-evolution, and Weiner obviously evolved. "

"I understand, I will look for her in the future. What about Ling?"

"In fact, Ling's consciousness is special. Each individual here was completed in the past two or three years, but she is different. She is older than you. Long Yuan's first fully synthetic DNA biological code mother 27 years ago , Which is the Ling you see now. She completed it 27 years ago, when she was just a cell, and then slowly developed into a baby after 3 years. She grew to this state 5 years ago and stopped Growth. It can be said that she is a miracle that should not appear. Maybe she is the future of humanity. "


"Because her DNA tail has never worn out in 27 years. A person's DNA tail will gradually lose and become shorter as people age. We call this process abrasion. In fact, this is exactly how people age. In the process, when this thing wears more than 60%, the human body will quickly deplete, which is the so-called end of life. But the average person begins to show signs of severe aging when this thing wears 45%, and is terminated by some diseases earlier. But she The wear and tear is always zero, which means that she has never aged, and time has no effect on her. We are not sure whether this is the cause of the long-term in the petri dish or something else, so we plan to wake her up as soon as possible. If you leave the culture She can still keep this record, and that's going to turn the sky. "

"Do you mean that she has an immortality?"

"If she still doesn't age like she does now after leaving the petri dish, it is really immortal!"

I walked to Ling's jar and stroked it. "Although I am not religious, our technology is really starting to scare me. Who can tell me if we are on the right path? Immortality! That is a plague!"

"You can understand this layer. We will not let it flood even if the research results come out. After all, with the current level of technology, immortality is even more dangerous than Ebola virus."

Most people may think that immortality is a good thing. In fact, it is very dangerous. If the world was born without death, it would soon be over because of its overpopulation. At present, most of the world's population still dies from aging. Once everyone no longer aging, it is really the end of the world.

"Why is Ling so important not to cultivate alone?"

"That was her own request. Ling already had consciousness before the game started. In fact, you were completely in contact with her in the game by accident."

"But she already knew her condition and didn't tell me?"

"This is our request, she must speak like an NPC in the game."

"Then she volunteered on me ...?"

"It's completely autonomous. This is also part of the experiment, we can't interfere." Dad patted me with a smile: "You are really welcomed by girls? Ling actually asks to be a magic pet to follow you."

"Are you there? Women are more difficult to understand than relativity in my impression."

"Then you have to ask yourself. But now, let's leave this place? This room is only 10 degrees, you are nothing, I can't stand this old man!"


I followed my dad out of this training library, and I still didn't enter the last room. Countless times in my head I guessed what would be in it, but I didn't regret the opportunity to give up. Learning to give up does not mean weakness. Although arrogant courage to go forward is often praised, that heroism is not something I should learn, and my identity cannot be a hero.

玫瑰 Rose didn't go online when I returned to the room, she was waiting for me. I don't know why I suddenly wanted to cry after seeing her.


Rose saw me for a moment and then stood up quickly and walked over. She just looked at me like this and said nothing. After a long time, she slowly raised her hand and touched my eyebrows. The soft little hands slowly slid over my cheeks, then reached my neck and slowly wound around. The ear lobe converged behind my head, and then she pulled my head into her arms and hugged so quietly and stopped.

I loop around her waist too. "Why not go online?"

"Wait for you."

"You know I'm upset?"



"do not know."



"If one day the world denies my existence ..."

"I will deny this world with you."

I tightened my arms tightly and pushed the rose away a little distance and pressed my hands on her shoulders. "I just saw something more sensitive, and I feel a bit depressed. I am much better now. Although I don't believe in God, I thank God for keeping you by my side."

Rose's eyes flashed with tears: "Although you said something very nasty, but I believe you. Let's go online now?"

I nodded: "Okay."

两个 When we went online, the two looked at each other. I was about to speak, and suddenly I heard a dull but not too loud explosion. Judging by the sound of the explosion is very powerful, but the distance is far, probably confirmed that it was from the port. I pulled the rose and turned the teleportation ring, and we were already in the port's teleportation array the next second.

"What's going on?" I grabbed a soldier who was passing by. The harbour is now in a mess, and several places are still smoking.

The soldier shook his head and said, "I just heard the explosion, and I don't know what happened."

It seems that what happened just now is suddenly all of us didn't respond. I looked at the port, and a battleship was smoking, apparently under attack. Suddenly, there were several white tracks in the water.

"Torpedo!" Rose found it too.

"Go and hatch the dragon eggs." I said to Rose.

Rose didn't say anything and ran towards Hong Yan. Almost a few seconds after her departure, a series of explosions caused a large warship to tilt, and a huge splash showed how exaggerated the charge of the torpedo was.

I took out the leaves of the city tree and ordered him: "Raise the port gate and close the port. Isinger enters a state of war and urgently activates all defense facilities."

"Do it now."

It cost me so much money to build Isinger at first, but now I can see the effect. The advantage of high automation is quick response. Bubbles quickly popped in the traffic canal outside Isinger Harbour, and the two barriers began to rise slowly. Just as the gate was close to the water level, several white tracks rushed towards the channel.

Shuihua clearly shows the position of the torpedo. I roughly counted it, there are more than forty. As the torpedoes passed above the gate, the gate rose to the surface. The first dozen or so torpedoes passed through the gate and entered the inner port. The dripping gate was completely closed, and the third wave of torpedoes hit the gate one after another and left large pits on it. The dozen or so torpedoes that rushed in successively hit the targets. No one was on our battleship, and there was no way to dodge the inner harbor! Seeing a large number of battleships fired, the sailors began to extinguish the fire in an orderly manner. The heavily wounded warship was dragged into the dock for emergency repairs. According to this performance, the damage would not be too serious.

爆炸 The sound of explosions continued outside, and the enemy seemed to want to blast our gates with a torpedo. Although Isinger's sluice is absolutely thick, it will always be worn like this. Quickly order the tree of the city again. "Activate the antigravity device and raise Isinger."

明白 "Understand. The anti-gravity device starts to operate."

Essinger shook a bit, and then it became apparent that Essinger started to rise. Several torpedoes with white trails arrived near Isinger. Only the first few hit the outer wall of the central area, and the rest were drilled through below the city.

I teleported directly to the wall and looked out. A huge fleet was approaching. With the help of Xingtong, I can see the shapes and flags of those warships, but what surprised me was that these warships actually hang Chinese flags, and their shapes are very similar to Chinese style warships. But I quickly realized that these were not Chinese ships, they were little Japanese camouflage ships. That's why they can approach Isinger silently.

"Weapons, what about weapons?" I picked up the leaves of the city tree. "Hurry up your weapon."

"Just gathered energy to start the anti-gravity device, now the protective cover is being activated, and the weapon has to wait another 15 seconds. The power center cannot start so many things at the same time."


"I try my best."

Four large platforms on the four corners of Isinger slowly raised four high towers with crystal rings on the outside. After rising, the four towers began to light yellow and buzz. Soon the four high towers were shining at the same time, and a light yellow light curtain in front of Isinger appeared successfully. This is our magic shield. Although it is valuable, the defense effect is very good.

After the protective cover was activated, there was a shock under my feet, a ground seam appeared on the wall behind me, and then the slate on the ground began to sink downward. The sunken part just happens to be a square, turning into about 10 meters. After the square slab subsided for more than a foot, it began to move to the sides, and a black hole opening appeared there. Then I heard the sound of gears turning from below, and something rose from below. This is a large turret, shaped like the main turret on a battleship. When it was fully raised, the base of the turret closed the opening. The bare panel in front of the turret suddenly opened two elongated openings, and two giant cannon tubes like logs in the virgin forest slowly protruded out. After the barrel was in place, the two mechanical clips snapped and locked the barrel in place. The turrets on the wall next to each other rose up in order. Looking at them, they saw only one artillery sticking out in a row.


In addition to these artillery, other things have risen in some places, such as the magic crystal cannon. This thing is our housekeeping weapon, so much money is spent for this time. There are also some small and medium magic light cannons next to the magic crystal cannon. These are small magic light cannons made of clear light crystal fragments. They are much less powerful but can still sink the battleship if they are hit too much, and use it to deal with enemy personnel. And the battery is very easy to use.

The infantry platform behind the ramparts finally rose, and a team of soldiers pushed the crossbow gun down from it and quickly mounted the crossbow gun and began to load ammunition. Less than 10 minutes before and after, Isinger had completely entered the state of war.

Vida ran out of the teleportation side next to him, and saw me here, and he ran over immediately. "City Lord."

恩 "Well. Are you moving fast?"

"It's already slow today. I just erected training equipment outside the city. The alarm suddenly sounded, and I hurried right away. Are those enemies?"

"There is still below the water. Just now we were hit by a torpedo. They smoked in the port. It is estimated that there were submarines using torpedo attacks. There may have been other submarines in the port. Go and find some people to launch. "


The little Japanese submarine was really arrogant enough, and all came into our port. They certainly didn't know that we had a gate. This is great, and they were locked in the port. Vinda was fiercer than me. When he got to the port, he immediately ordered the water in the port to be drained. The water surface continued to drop, and soon there were only twenty or more meters left, just to ensure that the bottom of the warship with the largest draught hit the rock layer under the harbor. At this depth, the submarine could not be hidden, and it became a living target.

A large group of soldiers jumped directly onto the submarine and opened the submarine's hatch with violence. After all, advanced NPCs are still more powerful. The little Japanese inside kept cursing in Japanese and desperately resisted, but the NPCs ignored them and dragged them around the clothes collar like dragging a dead dog. A total of four submarines trapped in the port received the same treatment, and three more in the canal were forcibly suppressed.

的 The little Japan outside was even more arrogant, and a large group of flying dragons suddenly emerged from the clouds. In the past, there were many flying dragons in Japan. At that time, I felt very strange. Now I want to come to be the guild guardian, otherwise there would not be so many. However, the large number is also in vain. Actually, we don't want to live longer than the Air Force.

打开 I open the guild channel: "Order all Frost Rose Alliance players to return to Isinger to aid the battle and release a spear to prepare for the battle. Tell each other not in the communication area."

In fact, there is no big problem if you don't call the player back. In addition to the ones the player brings, the guild guardians will also have 1,000 defenses. These guardians are used to protect the city. When the dragons rushed down, the Isinger Center immediately flew a spear. These small jets circled around Juling Tower in a neat queue and then rushed towards the dragons.

The spears spread apart to find their targets. A dragon that had just rushed out of the clouds had not been able to adapt to the environment. It felt a gust of wind blowing by, and then its neck separated from the body. The knight on the back of the dragon was also dumbfounded. He thought that the dragon was a very powerful air force. I did not expect that it was not a level with the spear.

The hordes of spears hovered and attacked the dragons, and the dragons were powerless at these creatures that were far faster than their own. How could they attack? The dragons struggled to bite the spear that flew past them, but the hit rate was too low. However, this time, Little Japan seems to have lost the blood, and there are not 10,000 or 8,000 flying dragons. They don't have phoenix dragons, and flying dragons can't fly over from Japan by themselves, there must be an aircraft carrier in charge of transportation nearby. It looks like this is more than one guild. Little Japan ’s powerful guilds are out.

The magic crystal that the Black Dragon Club traded with the White Sharks last time was not theirs. It was accumulated by the major Japanese guilds. As a result, I hijacked all those things. Little Japan must have come to revenge this time. Maybe they also plan to take back the magic crystal! It ’s a pity that they are doomed to fail this time, not to mention that Isinger ’s defense ca n’t rush in. Even if they come in, it ’s useless. Those magic crystals are pulled away by the white sharks. The rest are in my space door. Even if I kill them, they can't get a piece of it. However, Little Japan didn't know this, and they were still madly attacking to regain their magic spar.

After the spears killed hundreds of flying dragons, I noticed that there are more than 10,000 flying dragons in Japan. If there is a guardian beast like flying dragons in a certain guild, as long as you add people to this guild, you can get a lot of protection. beast. It is not yet clear how many flying dragons there are, and new flying dragons are constantly joining the battle in the clouds. At present, more than 20,000 have been seen. Over Essinger is now an overwhelming dragon, a huge black patch. Although the spears are fierce, they are not enough, and it is also very hard to fly between these dragons. I also sent my magic pet and guardian beast to help out ~ ~ but the effect was minimal.

Suddenly there was a bright dragon yin from the center of Isinger, and all the flying dragons in the sky were calmed down. Then a huge red figure suddenly rose into the air, and a large, small figure flew up following it.

The crimson figure must be red inflammation, except for him, there is no such big creature as Isinger. Those behind him can only be our totems, those newly hatched dragons. Totem beasts are owned by the guild. When they appear, they are full, and the joining of these dragons, especially Hong Yan, immediately reversed the situation. Hongyan's fight against the flying dragon was like fighting flies. The flying dragon in the sky did not dare to fight with Hongyan. When he saw him, he turned around and ran no matter how the knights on their backs pulled.

The performance of those totem beasts is also unusually good. The dragon species that are physically attacking are almost sweeping the flying dragon group. Anyone who approaches is immediately finished. The magic dragon is even more terrifying. It kills a lot of people. It blows up a lot, and the power of the magic crystal cannon is just that. The only regret is that the Crystal Dragon is a physical attack and does not fly. They can only stare on the ground, but they quickly find their target. I saw 36 crystal dragons that evolved into Wu Jinglong stepped on the wall and jumped into the sea. I also knew with their toes that their target was the fleet outside. I don't know what little Japan will do when it sees so many crystal dragons.

Rose ran out of the teleportation array. "See?"

I nodded "Well. That's fine. But why didn't I hear the system prompt?"

"I heard it." Rose said: "The guild channel is so noisy, how can you hear it without turning off?"

"Did you hear the reward? We should get rewards for the first Totem Beast."

"There are rewards."

"What is the reward?"

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