Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 222: Rogue Gundam

The conflict between Russia and us did not happen suddenly, and it was our country that Russia invaded first, so Russian players are prepared for the conflict with our Frost Rose Alliance. This article is written by. 23u. After the first launch, we and Russia faced the border many times, and both sides had an intuitive and accurate understanding of each other's fighting methods and approximate fighting power data. Therefore, the Frozen Banshee has long known that not only are there many air forces in our guild, but they are also very strong, so she ordered to study various anti-aircraft weapons in advance, and directly strengthened anti-aircraft weapons for all warships. This is all a matter of course.

Compared to Russia, the situation of the Paladin is much worse. From the beginning, they did not plan to tear their faces with our guild, but recently the relationship between the two sides has changed drastically. First of all, in order to get the winning card in the domestic hegemony, the Paladin League planned to raid the headquarters of the Russian Banshee House to steal technical information. What was unexpected was that our guild was also doing this, and both sides made it at the same time. The same decision, and acted together without knowing each other. Everyone knows the final result. We got the technology, and the Americans had to do a lot of work in vain and because of this they lost their soldiers and set off the Russian side.

Because this technical data theft operation failed, the Paladin League not only did not get the winning trump card, but also lost one of the big cards in it. In this case, the gunman guy was a bit messy, and later took the team Joining our Russian development plan, it turned out to be totally irrational, and finally we were kicked out of the joint development plan because the food was too ugly. Then there is the raid plan for the New World Research Base. This has to say that the Paladin plan is pretty good. Before that, I didn't even think that someone could hit the New World Research Base, and the guy of Gunslinger just pulled my face with action.

Of course, my face is not so easy to draw. After successfully entering the New World Research Base, the invaders of the Paladin Union were fiercely counterattacked by us. Not only did they get nothing, but they continued to lose a few big cards.

It is under such a state that the Paladin Union decides to wage all-out war against our guild. Therefore, it can be said that the action of the Paladin Alliance is to rush the matter out, and it is not a plan at all. Prepared action. It is precisely because there is no plan and no preparation, so except for the suddenness of strategy. There are few advantages. of course. They were equally unprepared for anti-aircraft guns.

The battleships of the Paladin Alliance are relatively advanced in the world, but their air defense firepower is just the basic configuration, which can be said to be very weak. Although gamers are real people, they should know the importance of air defense. The problem is that the air defense weapons in the game are too difficult to get. And the air units in the game are not lethal. Not as high as air defense demand in reality. In the game, the air unit is a little more threat to the player, and it has little damage to cities, warships and other things. It feels like an infantry with a light machine gun. Although the threat to other infantry is huge, it is absolutely no threat to tanks and fortresses.

Because of this situation, almost all warships in the game have few anti-aircraft guns. Unless we set up our Frost Rose Alliance as a hypothetical enemy, we can say that we do not need anti-aircraft weapons at all, because everyone actually has nothing. Decent Air Force.

The Paladin did not take us as a target before, so it did not prepare anti-aircraft weapons, and it was too late to prepare when it was about to start. Now suddenly I saw our black squattered air force. The Gun God, like all the Paladin players, felt the scalp tingling and stomach cramps instantly.

"What can I do?" A Paladin player saw the black spots quickly approaching the sky, and was about to cry.

"What's panic?" Gun God pretended to be calm, but he was actually quite flustered, but he was the backbone of the Paladin, so even if the pressure in his heart was heavy, he had to pretend to have all the expressions in his possession. At least he can ensure that members will not panic. "Order all air defense firepower in place, the fleet ..."

The gun **** originally wanted to say that the fleet was concentrated, because this is the basic way of air defense operations. Numerous warships can be placed close to each other and squeezed into a group to take care of the area above each other's heads. In this way, the formation of a cross barrage can better defend the attack of air units. However, the God of Guns suddenly remembered that the current situation is not only a plane in the sky, but also a warship at sea. Although they ca n’t see our warships now, the guild ’s guide ships have no intention of leaving, and they are still around the circle. As long as these guide ships are still there, it means that the munition ’s shells are always possible. Falling.

The best way to deal with aircraft air strikes is to gather the fleet to defend the group, and the best way to face the enemy ’s ultra-long-range strike is to disperse, avoid being covered by fire, and make room for the warship. But now, planes in the sky and warships at sea are appearing at the same time. Is this well dispersed? Or is it better to get together?

The Gun God, who had no idea what to do, was stuck there directly, and his subordinates waited for his order. As a result, he waited for a long time without waiting for the following.

"President? What shall we do?"

"We ... we ..." Gun God suddenly sounded as if we had made a decision after half a day: "We moved closer to the Russian fleet and formed a unified air defense front with them."

"Hah?" The sacred lance players around him who heard the order of the gun **** all stared at the boss instantly, because they had no idea that the gun **** would make such a decision.

In fact, strictly speaking, when the fleet is under attack, warships with weak air defense capabilities move closer to warships with good air defense capabilities and rely on the other party ’s air defense ring for auxiliary defense. This is the most correct method. However, the most correct solution is based on the premise that both belong to a fleet. In other words, providing cover for your own fleet is a matter of course. But the problem is that although the fleet of American players and Russian players look like a fleet, they are not actually a fleet. This is a joint fleet of two parties. However, because the previous problems caused various contradictions between the personnel of the two sides, the two sides said that the joint fleet was actually two thieves who accidentally met at the owner's house. Out of common interest relationship, the two are temporarily combined together and choose to act together. However, now that some accidents have occurred, the donor's house actually has a bad dog. At this time, a thief wants to hide behind another thief. Do you think the other thief will give himself up to help the thief block the bad dog? Obviously unlikely.

"Chairman, the fleet of the Paladin seems to be approaching us." A player from the Banshee's House put down her telescope and said to the Frozen Banshee.

The Frozen Banshee, who had always been attracted by the flying machines in the sky, heard the words for a moment. The telescope was then turned towards the side of the Paladin fleet. When the previous player reported, the fleet of the Paladin was just turning. So it wasn't very clear what to see, but when the Frozen Banshee turned to look at it, she found that the fleet of the Paladin Union over there was very clearly moving closer to its own fleet.

"Asshole, Gunslinger, this is intended to make us stand in front as a shield!"

Although the American player's fleet is comparable to the Russian player's fleet in defense, it sinks a Russian battleship or an American battleship. The difference is not big. After all, if they get together. No matter who attacked, the counterattack was the same. So once the fleet of American players merges with the fleet of Russian players. Then the cost of attacking any of these targets is equal. Then, of course, in this case we will choose to eliminate the important goal first.

The Russian warships have very strong anti-aircraft firepower, while the Americans do not. Then, it also sinks a warship. If the Russian warship is sunk, the antiaircraft firepower we need to face will be large. Decreased, on the contrary, sinking an American warship will basically not change in any way for the air defense fire we face. With such a prerequisite, anyone with a slightly normal head will definitely choose to consider sinking Russian warships, because sinking them can effectively reduce the number of air defense weapons we need to face. Therefore, if the fleet of American players and the fleet of Russian players are mixed, it is actually the Russians who are thundering for the Americans.

If it is really an ally with deeply entangled interests, such as the situation in our Frost Rose Alliance and the Iron Crusaders, if this happens, the two sides cover each other, and no one will account for the loss, but the problem is American players There is a contradiction between the fleet of Russian players and the fleet of Russian players. In this case, it is quite rare to be able to act together under pressure, but the Americans actually want the Russian player ’s fleet to help them mine, isn't it nonsense? The Russians would let their enemies fight the bomb if they let the door clip.

"President, President Pavlov and many other guild presidents are asking us how to respond to American actions." The correspondent said to the Frozen Banshee.

The Frozen Banshee thought for a moment and said, "Command the fleet to turn to position 030, and the warships on the left side of the fleet close to the Paladin fleet quickly move closer, sailing with minimal clearance, forming a barrier, and not let American warships come in. , Immediately send a contact signal to tell the Americans not to approach our fleet. "

"What if they rush?"

"What's the hesitation then? Boom him!"

The Russian fleet quickly and efficiently executed the Order of the Frozen Banshee, and the Paladin was trying to move closer to the Russian fleet. The fleet soon discovered the Russians' actions.

A player reported to the God of Guns: "President, the Russian fleet is turning away from us, and their fleets are moving closer, and the gap in the middle is too small. If we intersect forcefully, a collision accident is likely to occur. And just now The Russian side sent a newsletter saying that we were not allowed to come near, or we would be at our own risk. "

After hearing this guy's words, all the players in the bridge focused their attention on the gun god, and the gun **** was silent for a while and then suddenly said, "No matter them, lean on."

Gunslinger's decision was reckless and overbearing. Normally, Gunslinger would not make such a decision, but just like this time, we were at war with our guild. At this time, Gunslinger was already in trouble.

In fact, the current situation looks complicated, but the analysis is simple. The battleship air defense capability of the Paladin is almost zero, if faced with previous mobile angel air strikes. Because our mobile angels were not many in the first place, Americans can completely ignore this small loss by virtue of the number of advantages. However, the number of air units we have now determines that Americans will definitely be taken by us if they do not have appropriate air defense firepower No scum left by the Air Force. Therefore, if the LPG fleet does not want to change the status quo, the result is death, there is no escape route at all.

Conversely, if the Russian formation is forced, there are two situations.

the first. The Russians simply scared them. Dare not really attack them. Then, after the battle of the Paladins approached, the Russians had to give way to avoid collision. Keep the Russian fleet close. This way there is no problem at all. Although they will be scolded by the Russians and fired by the Frozen Banshee, what about it? The Gunslingers and the Paladins didn't care about this at all.

The second case. Russians are playing for real. They may not really let the Paladin fleet approach. Then, in the end, there should be a collision accident, but because everyone ’s course is basically the same, this side scraping will not cause much damage to the warship. As for whether the Russians can fire ... how about firing? Did the Russians dare to sink all the battleships of the Paladin? Obviously dare not. Once it was found that sinking several warships could not scare the LPG warships, the Russians who did not want to lose a helper could only let it go, because sinking all the LPG warships was harmless to them. Therefore, the Russians can't do that kind of mentally disabled thing. At least not until the Frozen Banshee has lost her mind.

Therefore, the Paladin fleet does not need to care about the reaction of the Russians at all, it only needs to rush inside.

People were anxious. It really did everything. The Gun God is now standing on the edge of the cliff. He has no possibility of steady development. At will, whatever he is doing now is gambling. If you win, you can get a little vitality, and if you lose, you are only a bit more thorough than before. There is almost no difference. With such a status quo, individuals will make decisions similar to Gunslinger.

"Chairman." After the Frozen Banshee had given the order, she turned her attention back to the Air Force on the opposite side, but she didn't see anything but she suddenly heard her subordinates shouting in a stern voice. Soon.

"what happened?"

"That ... that ..."

"What the **** are you talking about?"

The Frozen Banshee impatiently put down the telescope and turned to look at his own hands, only to find that the other was pointing at the side of the fleet, saying, "The fleet of the Holy Lance Alliance rushed up at full speed!"

"What?" The Frozen Banshee couldn't believe it, lifted the telescope again and looked in the direction of the Fleet of the Paladin. As the men said, instead of slowing down, the Fleet of the Paladin was not at full speed. Rushed up.

Although it was said that the fleet of American players and Russian players were moving in the direction of China before, the cruise speed was used instead of full speed. The marine engine has a safe speed, the so-called cruising speed. At this speed, the ratio of energy consumption and speed of the ship is the highest, and the engine on the ship can continue to sail for a long time in this state without downtime maintenance. However, this speed is usually not the full power of this engine. If the ship is at full speed, the speed will be much faster than the cruise speed. However, at this time, not only the fuel consumption is very horrible, but also the propulsion parts on the ship will be lost together. Times. In this mode, the ship can only persist for a short time, otherwise it may burn the power unit or cause the drive shaft to break.

Because of the above reasons, most warships only go full speed only when they are officially engaged in combat, and they are not always open at all times. It is impossible to use full speed during regular sailing, otherwise the destination ship will be finished first.

Although the fleets of American players and Russian players were rushing towards China before, they were using cruising speed and did not reach full speed. At this time, the Paladin fleet was able to mix with the Russian fleet. Full speed was turned on, and he rushed towards the Russian fleet at this speed.

"How dare these guys ...?" Said a female player beside the Frozen Banshee indignantly.

"No, they dare," the Frozen Banshee said weakly, "because they knew we were afraid."

"Who said we dare not?" The player next to him was not convinced ~ ~ No, we just did not dare. The Frozen Banshee said: "We still need the fleet of the Paladin and the Frost Rose Alliance to battle with us, so we cannot sink all their ships, even if they fired several ships, What's the point other than letting the Chinese read the joke? "

After hearing the explanation of the Frozen Banshee, the people next to her were all quiet. The Frozen Banshee had made it clear that they really did not dare to move the American fleet.

After a few seconds of silence, the Frozen Banshee said weakly to the correspondent around her: "Give an order to make way for the Americans and let them in. Also, let the captains of the warships restrain their subordinates, so that no accidents occur. The main enemy now is Frost Rose Alliance, and other things will be said later. We don't have that energy now. "

"Good chairman."

Watching the correspondent send a message, the Frozen Banshee suddenly recovered her capable appearance and shouted at the people around her: "Don't be angry, at this time, first leave all your anger to those Frost Rose Alliance in the sky. Let ’s fly, that ’s our number one enemy. ”(To be continued ...)

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