Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 213: Ready for action

"Isn't that the Grim Reaper? Have you returned to Hong Kong?" Seeing the ghost ship from a distance, even the guy who broke into the king was a little nervous. In fact, most seafarers like this kind of ghost ship will be a little scared, not to mention that Grim Reaper was originally a super alternative ghost ship. The biggest feature of this guy is that it forms a ship spirit but has no crew.

Most ghost ships are actually normal, but they are haunted, so they become ghost ships. Strictly speaking, the ghost ship in the game is the ship controlled by the undead. This is the ghost ship. However, this Grim Reaper seems to be the ship itself turned into a ghost, it is a real ghost ship. There is no undead creature on this guy, but the ship itself has become an undead. It is itself a conscious warship, a very exaggerated, very perverted and very alternative warship.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of the Death God is not too strong, the ship's truly dreadful energy is actually two other attributes-unsinking and mimicry.

There is a property called Deathless in the attributes of the Death God, and this property means that although this guy can be destroyed, it will never sink. Even if it is beaten, it can continue to sail without any impact. . Even if you destroy its ship spirit, that is to make it disappear, it will not sink. Therefore, any battleship will have a headache when encountering this thing, because this guy can't sink.

The mimic property is slightly better than the unsinkable property, but the effect is also special. This ability allows the Grim Reaper to simulate any warship or even an island it has ever seen, and its size is very broad. At the smallest, it can even become a small wooden boat with only one hundred tons, and at the largest it can become something as large as three or four aircraft carriers. And sometimes it can become an island to disguise itself, and when people come to the shore, they are waiting for them with a sickle of death.

How did such a perverted ship finally become something of our Frost Rose Alliance? This is complicated to say, but a simple explanation can make it clear in just a few words. Because this guy is us-a lottery.

In fact, the system often performs some world-class activities every three to five. This is the same as most online games. I did n’t pay attention because I did n’t care about it. but. I don't care that it doesn't mean there is no such thing, in fact this is how it comes.

One time before our guild somehow got the title of the best sea power guild, and then the system allowed us to draw twice to get two prizes.

According to the convention of our guild, as long as it is not the kind of lottery that is forced to be drawn by me. In the end, they were lucky to draw. These two lucky values ​​show that the infinite Super Living Treasure draws me two prizes in the end, of which the lucky draw is this ship, and the Ruyi draw is a guild attribute, that is, the bank will build any water, water The facilities or vehicles can be rewarded with a 10% acceleration in the progress of the project. In other words, our guilds are building ships or building water and underwater buildings faster than others.

The topic was far away, and I turned my eyes back. It was obvious that the Death Vessel was approaching us, because her order was to tour the Pacific Ocean, draw charts and explore unknown areas.

Because of its "unsinkable" nature, which is considered to be anti-aircraft to the ship, the task of the Death God is to explore the most dangerous waters. Because of this Death Cap we have even explored several forbidden-level replica maps on the Pacific Ocean. And there are detailed charts over there, just because the difficulty is too high, and the return on revenue is not proportional, so we did not challenge it. After all, there are copies on land. There is no need to go to sea to take on the task.

The Grim Reaper, which is itself a ghost ship, has no crew, and she does not need to consume fuel and other supplies. Without the crew, she does not need food and fresh water, so this guy should theoretically have unlimited battery life. However, this guy not only returned, but actually came out during the day.

In fact, in addition to not sinking, Death has another attribute is diving. Although this guy has no connection with the submarine. But people just can dive, and they can dive very deep. Generally, it sails underwater in the submersible mode during the daytime, and then it will only release water at night. However, today she reacted abnormally. Not only did she come out during the day, but she also ran to the base here. I don't know what it is for.

Because of the imminent port call, our Eternal is already very slow. The Grim Reaper rushed past our right front at an incredible speed, and then played a large angle drift in the stern of our ship. When turning, we all had a forty-five-degree tilt, and it did not tilt outward. But inward. This movement is obviously different from when the ship turns. Normally, the boat will tilt to the outside when turning, but the Death Squad leans inward like a motorcycle ready to turn, and then rolls sideways to make a large angled U-turn, and then from our Port side caught up and slowly leaned on the side of the Eternity.

Although this Death Vessel is very large, it is obviously much smaller than the Big Mac such as Eternity, but the speed of Death Vessel is quite horrible, and the handling technology is more cattle than any crew, and it is not directly used The distance of one meter is close to the Eternal and we are on the same side.

When I saw the other person ’s action, I knew that there was probably something to tell us, so I asked the King to sink them for a certain depth, because the Eternal was too large, and the deck was a lot higher than the Death. No, you can't see the deck over there.

The two ships did not descend to the same height. In fact, the Eternity only controlled the sinking a little bit. I saw a girl in white standing on top of the mast of the opposite Death.

This is actually the ship spirit of the Grim Reaper. Unlike the reputation of the Death God, this boat lady looks only fifteen or six years old. She is very small, about one meter six, with a white nightdress on her body, bare feet and shallow The golden long hair fluttered with the sea breeze, and it felt very aura. Of course, if you think this person seems harmless, then you are very wrong. Although the Shipman of the Grim Reaper looks like a ignorant girl, in fact, she is a real one-Grim Reaper. The only difference was that she didn't wear a robe and forgot to bring a sickle.

"Death, is there anything?" I asked the girl standing on the side of the ship looking at the mast. Although the other party is the ship spirit of the Grim Reaper, and she exists like Grim Reaper, after all, she is our ship of the Frost Rose Alliance, and as the president of the Frost Rose Alliance can directly order her. and. Because it is a system-rewarded prize, the death loyalty is locked, that is, it is impossible to betray, not even decline.

After hearing my question, Miss Ship Spirit of the Grim Reaper stretched her finger directly to the east. Then he said in a very hollow voice: "I found that a large number of fleets are gathering, and the target seems to be us. Murderous, I sense it."

The syntax of Grim Reaper is a bit weird, but the content is clear. I didn't expect her to respond faster than us. I originally planned to send a request for assistance to the nearby marine races here, and let them help us find the fleet of the Paladin Alliance. I didn't expect that we came across here. Reaper, and she actually knew the position of the opposing fleet in advance.

"We're here for this matter. How? What's your energy situation now? Can you join the battle?"

After hearing my words, the dull death on his face suddenly put out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, while the red light flashed in his eyes. "My soul is already hungry and thirsty! Are we going to hunt?"

"Yes, it should be enough to fill you up this time."

Although Grim Reaper is already strong. But she is a typical existence that is not the strongest but only stronger, because she can strengthen herself by absorbing a special force of existence, just like I kill enemy creatures or the player can strengthen the dragon soul suit with the breath of death. As long as there are ships sinking nearby, whether it is your own or the enemy's ship, the Death God can absorb from it something we can not see and can not measure to strengthen itself. Then she will become stronger and stronger. For example, her speed has not been so exaggerated just after being drawn out, just following us out for a few naval battles and that's it. And now her combat effectiveness is not the same as that year.

In any case, the combat power of the Death God is non-productive and can be infinitely strengthened, so this time, if the Paladin is going to have a sea battle with us, the Death God can absorb some power and grow into a stronger existence .

Although the Death is very strong, the Eternal is also quite a bull. But it is impossible for us to get the entire fleet of the enemy with two ships, so it is imperative now to find out the number of the enemy and then mobilize our own fleet to fight a large-scale war with them. Of course, although this matter is planned now, it still takes a lot of time to implement, because it will take time for the two sides to meet. This is, after all, a battle across the Pacific Ocean, and our warships will not be able to pick up people within a day no matter how fast they are.

Because we know the approximate location of the other party, we don't need to worry too much about our actions. We first dispatched two guided ships to be towed by the Grim Reaper, and dragged them to each other's fleet to observe the enemy's situation and record detailed information. Rely on the large-bore sighting telescope equipped on the guide ship and its own high speed. You can easily observe from the enemy's line of sight. Of course, the players who went out this time were the players in the guild, and they had to bring a guarding spear and then conduct aerial reconnaissance. At the speed of a spear, as long as you don't deliberately advance, others will definitely not be able to take it.

After arranging things here, the Eternity stopped directly in the port and waited for the subsequent fleet, and I used the teleportation array to return to the Isinger mobile fortress first. I originally thought that I needed to investigate overseas, but in the end I was robbed of my job by Death, but now I have nothing to do.

It was already the next morning when I returned to the moving fortress of Essinger. At this time, the eight-dimensional snake was still under the guidance of many great gods in our turn. Although there are many things to learn, they are still lucky. The full version of the Yagi snake is good in intelligence, and it is a fierce beast. The soul strength is very high. If you do n’t sleep for a few days, it will be like playing, there will be no negative situation at all. In addition, because these things are all about the use of strength, and the Yaki snakes are very concerned about improving their own strength, so they study very seriously. In addition, he has a good background, so he learns everything very quickly. He has learned a lot in a long time, and the difference is some details.

Seeing me coming back, the peacock who didn't need to instruct the Yagi snake came over and asked, "Are you in a hurry to let him go to Japan? Wait a minute, it should be almost noon."

"It doesn't matter, it's not urgent for now, but since you're almost done, I will come here in the afternoon." After I finished, I left here first, and then returned to the warehouse on the side of Isinger's Mobile Fortress. Little himself emptied out of Fenglong space temporarily. It was only then that I remembered that there was still a robbed treasure of heaven and earth in my hand that had not yet appeared.

This thing was finally found from the gorilla's cave, because the other party came back too fast, so I did n’t even have time to see what it was, I felt the energy intensity of this thing was very high. Then he hugged and flung to Fenglong Space and ran, but the guy was still blocked there. Of course, now that the orangutan has been hung up, but I have retained the thing, and most importantly, there are too many things after returning here, the Yaki snakes have forgotten to come to me to share this thing.

Although it seems that the Eight-Big Snake has forgotten this thing, I have no intention of swallowing it alone, and I am very generous to myself.

When I found a place in the warehouse, I took out the natural treasure.

The heavens and earth treasures in the flood season were all very good things. The laws of the world of that era had not been completely mixed with energy, so the space of that era was full of energy. It is precisely because of this high energy concentration that this matter can absorb a large amount of energy regardless of what it is. So some inanimate things have life, and some alive things have become high-level life. Of course, more ordinary things have absorbed a lot of energy and turned into natural treasures. To put it simply, the energy environment in the flood season was too good, so monsters, monsters, and all kinds of natural treasures grew like wild grass. Of course, because there are too many high-level creatures, that era is also very dangerous. The mortality rate is very high. All those who can survive are those who have good strength, intelligence, and luck.

Taking out the things in my hand will only put me on a table in front of me. This is not an ordinary table, but a table specially used to inspect items. There is a special isolation barrier on it, which belongs to the system production. Although it costs money, it is absolutely reliable.

After putting this thing in place, I started to observe the shape of this thing. To be honest, this thing made me very confused when I got it, because it was neither a lifeless thing nor a certain plant. Generally speaking, Tian Cai Di Bao is either an energy-rich ore or a plant that absorbs energy to mutate. As for the animals that have absorbed energy, they become monsters. Will not become a treasure. After all, things are not the same as plants. Animals have intelligence. After absorbing energy, they will find ways to grow themselves, so animals eventually absorb energy and become their abilities, and plants absorb energy in their own body. This is why it also absorbs energy. The heavens and earth treasures that plants turn into can have a huge nourishing effect, but the monsters that animals turn into have basically no tonic effect.

In fact, even if a plant absorbs a large amount of energy, it does not all turn into a treasure. Most of them become monsters. After all, is there a lot of mountain spirits?

However, no matter how the animal turns into a natural treasure, it is too rare, and the one in front of me is not even sure if it is an animal.

This thing is not big enough to hold it with two hands, which is slightly smaller than football. Close to the volume of a volleyball. Its main body is a sphere with a yellow-brown surface, which is smooth and looks like medical silicone. It feels almost the same, is super flexible, and is almost better than a balloon.

If it were just these things, I would have thought that it was too old, because the image of this thing is too similar to that of old. However, in addition to the above characteristics, there are still a lot of tentacles outside this thing. These tentacles are about a hundred, evenly distributed on the surface this fall. The length of the tentacles is different, but the difference is not large. The longest tentacles are about a foot more, and the shortest are less than two inches shorter than the longest.

These tentacles are dark brown and understandably darker than the spheres. The root of the tentacle has the thickness of the little finger of the child, and it gradually tapers from the root to the tip, but it is not sharp. To be honest, these tentacles look disgusting because they look like mouse tails, not to mention so many.

This thing was placed in a stone when I found it, and this stone is a simple concave structure. The sphere can roll on the ground by the push of the tentacles, but the tentacles are not strong enough to drive it out of this. Stone pits that were not deep.

After I got the thing, it seemed to be shaking like fear, and the tentacles on it would dance unconsciously, which felt very disgusting. Fortunately, there is no slime, otherwise I really have to think about whether to touch this thing.

Although I don't know if this is an animal, but I am at least certain that this should be a living thing, and that 80% is not a plant. but. I don't know what this is.

It seems that nothing can be seen. In the next step, I began to identify this thing using appraisal. Instead, the properties of this thing were quickly read out after appraisal, but I saw this thing. After the property, I immediately held it.

"Is there anything wrong?"

This thing that looks like an embryo of an alien monster is indeed an animal, and it is a high-level animal. The attribute of this gadget clearly writes the words "human seed".

The word human seed is not often heard, and adults sometimes say, "I keep you as a human seed?" When scolding a child, but the human seed in this and the human seed here are basically irrelevant.

The "human seed" I just got can be said to be a blank template. It has not been activated yet. After activation, you can choose to transfer a soul into it, and then make it a baby and grow up quickly. Become a person in the end. Of course, there is a huge difference between this person and ordinary people, because it is cultivated by "human seeds".

Human seeds can be cultivated before they are activated. Depending on the cultivation method, humans grown from human seeds will have many different development directions. And its qualifications and potential will be greatly affected. As long as you use some special good things to fuse with this person's seed, you can make the grown-up people have super innate attributes, and they will get twice the result with less effort in any direction in the future. It can be said that this is the basic template for creating legends!

The first thing I thought of after seeing this was the gods.

Everyone knows that protoss are often immortal and immortal, but this does not mean that their bodies are not important. First of all, after the body disappears, practice will become extremely slow, and many abilities must be used by the body. The bigger problem here is that it takes a lot of energy to reshape a body. Often, the strength of the immortal will be reduced, but if you do not reshape your body, it means that your development potential is worse than others. Besides, in case of danger, the body itself is also a layer of protection.

Because of the above reasons, the seed of this person in my hand is very important to the deities or the entire protoss power, because as long as it is with this thing. Not to mention one more life, at least in the event of a major calamity in which the body is destroyed, at least it can quickly recover without consuming extra things. Besides, the body cultivated by this person's seed can be cultivated by himself in advance. So in this way, you can customize a body according to your needs, which is really tempting for the protoss. Of course, this kind of thing is also for the Protoss. We players are definitely not going to use it, because we can be resurrected after we die, there is no need to change the body, and even if you have to change, even if this body has greater potential, at your current level, it is estimated that few people will be willing Delete the number and practice again?

After thinking about the purpose of this thing, I immediately started thinking about how this thing can make the most of it.

The chaos and order of the protoss should not need this thing. After becoming our guild protoss, there is ample supply of faith, so as long as the soul can run away, it is too simple to reshape the body. The chaos and order in the guild cannot be used, so it can only be used by the gods outside. However, there are many protoss forces that have a good relationship with me, and it is a question of whom.

The court of heaven is undoubtedly a good choice. European dark temples can also be considered. There is also the Egyptian protoss. These three should be the most suitable choices.

Don't talk about heaven, the relationship is more direct, and the most important point is that heaven is a big money, there are many good things, can be changed to good things. As for the dark temple, I just ruled it out again. The strength of this dark temple is still weaker than the other two, so it is not considered.

On the Egyptian Protoss side, I have a better relationship with Anubis. Compared to heaven, I think that my relationship with Anubis is closer. Tianting and I can only be regarded as a cooperative relationship, just like buyers and sellers in business. Although there are many cooperations, the relationship is very general. Anubis and they are different. Although there is not much cooperation, we have a relationship between friends and acquaintances. It is better to say that it is an acquaintance, and that it is not exactly a friend, but it is definitely better than the relationship in heaven. And there's another benefit to Egypt. That is, the Egyptian Protoss is a rich man like the heaven, and there are many good things. What's more important is that the side of heaven is a little bit cut, and the side of the Egyptian Protoss is very generous, and generally gives me a lot more benefits than the actual, and the heaven requires me to squeeze toothpaste a little from them every time Pull out.

The comparison between the two sides is better in Egypt, but there are too many things here, and I wo n’t be able to walk away for a while. I can only let go of this thing, and when I have time, go to Egypt and use this thing to change thing.

After researching this thing, I went around the warehouse again, and then went out to arrange some things such as sundries. When I walked around and returned to the Temple of Chaos and Order, I saw the Baqi serpent lying on the ground with a spit of foam, and a large group of Chaos and Order protoss was busy treating him.

"I rely, what's going on?"

"The power of faith **** too much, it's strong!" Radamantis said.

"Does this work?"

Before I could let the Eight-Big Snake understand how to operate the core of divine power, naturally I needed an intuitive understanding of the power of faith. But the Yaki snake has never seen the power of this faith before, and naturally it is even more difficult to understand. Therefore, in order to assist the teaching, they let Radamantis loose a bottle of faith.

Because they have taught the Hachi-Qi serpent to practice divine power before, this time they let Radamantis give the power of faith directly to the Hachi-Qi serpent, and then let him absorb some of the power of faith. However, this matter was originally nothing. It's a pity that I forgot to tell the Bachi snake that the power of faith is too strong. As a result, this idiot opened the seal of the power tank of the faith to the maximum and absorbed too much power of the faith. His divine power itself was unstable, and it was just transformed a little bit. It was almost washed away by the power of this faith. However, it did not cause much damage. But the Hachichi snake was tortured enough, and now he was still pumping on the ground.

I couldn't help asking when I looked at the big snake, "Is there something else to do after this! Can he move like this?"

Vena, who was already busy, said, "It's okay, it's just eating. It's just a short while. You wait a little while, and I'll wake him up right away." Vena said, and stretched out her fingers at the Yagi snake Place your eyebrows slightly. Then I saw the Hachichi snake as if it was shocked, and then suddenly returned to normal.

"Well? What happened to me just now?" The Eight-Big Snake looked at us in wonder after he sat up from the ground.

Weiner explained to him the general reason, and then asked, "Do you know how to use the power of faith now?"

The Hachichi snake nodded and said, "The power of faith is really a good thing. It is too exciting."

"That's because you have sucked too much!" Wei Na explained: "Every time we first use the divine power to form an air mass on the bottle mouth, and then release the power of faith to mix it with our own divine power. When The two form an unstable state, and you have to **** it back into your body when you lose control of it. At this time, you will not have such a big reaction. Of course, you are mainly because of your own divine power. Too few. It ’s okay for us to **** directly, as long as we control the speed. "

"It was really exciting just now!" After asking, I looked at the other side. "President Ziri, are we going to Japan soon?"

"Are you nervous?" I keenly noticed that the Yagi snake seemed to be a little unstable.

The Hachichi snake didn't hide it, but looked at me with a little embarrassment and said, "It's a bit nervous. I think I can see the other one soon. It's a little nervous. And I'm afraid I can't play well and I can see . "

"You can rest assured. Don't forget, you are all alone, except for some changes in character and appearance, your essence is the same, so any method of identification is invalid for you, as long as you can Disguise your appearance, and no one can say that you are false. After all, you are the same as your soul, and you can even directly manipulate the Soul Mark of the Yachi serpent. "

"I see." Yachi Snake nodded. "When will we pass?"

"Have you finished your studies?"

The Yagi snake didn't answer directly, but looked at Wei Na. Wei Na immediately said: "It's impossible to finish the study. He and Hyundai's Hachichi serpent are thousands of years away. How can the less learned things be written in less than a day? But we are urgently reinforcing it now. It ’s barely enough, and the rest is waiting for you to come to Japan. You can always ask us. By the way, Ziri. Give him a communicator. "

"I didn't bring it with me. The communicator used by the people in Japan is special and different from our own. And the Yagi snake needs to be customized."

The Hachichi snake said at this time: "Can you call me a ghost car? You all call me the Hachichi snake, and it always feels strange, like it's calling someone else."

"No, you have to be familiar with the name as soon as possible. You have to be yourself the Hachi-Oki and adapt to it as soon as possible. This is good for you." I said seriously.

The Hachichi snake had no trace of character, and nodded very modestly to accept my criticism.

Because all the things that must be mastered have been taught, and there are too many things that have not been mastered. It is impossible to learn them all at once. Therefore, the Yaki Snake can only go to Japan with me now, and wait for the shortcomings before learning slowly.

It ’s certainly not a fair past to send the Yaki snake to Japan, so I ended up taking the Yaki snake to make some camouflage, and when we came out of the special camouflage department, it looked as if nothing had changed. Yes, this camouflage does not change our appearance. Because we have our own transportation equipment, it is very easy to go to Japan, we can not let people see us, and naturally we do not need to disguise our facial features. What we need to camouflage is our energy characteristics, especially those of the Yagi Great Serpent. My energy characteristics in Japan are attracted by a host of hostile Japanese players at most, but the energy characteristics of the Yagi snake are quite dangerous here. If you bring in the true Hachimanchi, the king will see the king. Then there is the excitement.

So, for security, we first disguised. After getting the energy camouflage, I took the humanized Yagi snake to the air port at the top of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and there was already an aircraft waiting there.

This is a completely black-painted aircraft, which looks a bit like a bat with spread wings, but with a larger proportion of wings. And the middle fuselage is small and very slender. In fact, this is a traffic boat dedicated to infiltration operations. Its combat power is basically zero, and its turning ability is very general. After being discovered, it can only rely on its speed advantage to escape. It will definitely have no chance of fighting the enemy. The ability of this thing basically concentrates on several aspects. First, it is extremely fast. Basically this is one of the fastest aircrafts in our guild. Note that the speed can reach 1.5 times the speed of sound. It is very rare in our guild, and it is slightly faster than the speed of a lance. faster.

The second advantage of this thing is its stealth ability. Because of its small size, it is equipped with the most up-to-date mirage system. The stealth ability and the mirage system of the general level are completely different. Even in the daytime, there is no trace at all, as long as it is not anti-stealth reconnaissance skills If you scan it, you will never be found.

The third advantage of this gadget is security. Its east-west system is an experimental thruster. In fact, I think this thing is not so much a thruster as a magic circle. In fact, the propeller of this thing is a kind of magic array. The shape of this magic array is just like a round cake, and different sizes can be produced according to the needs of the thrust.

A total of ten such thrusters are installed on the aircraft, four of which are one meter in diameter facing downwards, which can provide power for vertical take-off and hover in the air. The remaining six are on the tail, all facing backwards, four of which are small propellers with a diameter of one meter, and the remaining two are large propellers with a diameter of two meters and two.

The thickness of this propeller is less than fifty centimeters. Compared with its diameter, it can be said to be a thin layer, and there is no hole in the middle of it, just like a solid discus. On one side, there is a magic array of concentric circles. This is the propulsion surface. It can send thrust in this direction and let the thruster move in the opposite direction.

It is said that the production cost of this magic array thruster is very high, and the thrust is not too ideal, but this thing is really super quiet and there is no sound at startup. After all this thing has no mechanical parts. The whole is a solid whole, the magic flow does not produce noise, and naturally there is no sound at all. Of course, it would be better if this thing could be hidden together with the magic wave. But that thing is unlikely to be really hidden. Otherwise, this gadget is probably too perverted. After all, an aircraft that cannot be found at all is almost a super bomber!

Because it was specially designed to send us to Japan, the speed of this aircraft was very fast. We just took off and headed straight for Japan. At this time, Matsumoto was also notified.

As the true master of the Yaki snake, although Matsumoto does not have to be nearby, it is now necessary for him to go back to Japan to cooperate with our actions. It isn't that the Makimoto snake needs the cooperation of Masamoto Matsumoto, but we need Masamoto Matsumoto to help us reduce the number of witnesses, so that we can create the scene. Pretending to be an illusion of an attack by the Yagi snake. More importantly, we need to let Matsumoto Masa arrange people to appear in a reasonable place at a reasonable time, and then "just happen" to film the course of the Yaki Snake plundering the Japanese Guild.

Of course, when our film crews don't need our spy, Masamoto Matsumoto can arrange any reason for the other party to let them happen. As for whether the other party will shoot this kind of thing, don't worry. It's as if modern people like to take pictures with their mobile phones when they encounter anything. In the game, everyone also likes to record the game screen with a recording crystal. Some people even have a panoramic record for 24 hours. Just like a driving recorder, after a period of time, some useless screens are deleted, so that you won't miss the wonderful moment. Already.

Although we had taken off for a while when Matsumoto Masa was notified, Matsumoto Masa arrived in Japan before us because he had a valid reason. You can use the transnational transport array on the Essinger Mobile Fortress to return. Right now we are in the cooperation period, so the transnational transport array on the Essinger Mobile Fortress and the fulcrum transnational transport array can be borrowed at will, just give Money is just fine.

"Boss, I've arrived in Japan. What about you?"

"We are still at sea! Probably ..."

"Fifteen minutes," the pilot in front reminded alertly.

"We have fifteen minutes to reach Japan. Where is the attack point you designed? Give me the coordinates first, and we won't land on the coastline. Go straight inland."

"Okay. I gave the military coordinator the coordinates, and he will guide you there. I will arrange the" witnesses "first."

"Okay." I was just about to hang up and suddenly remembered that there was nothing to say. "Yeah. You'd better let us spymen keep an eye on where the real Yagi snake is, but don't come with a real or fake Lee!"

"If you don't say I will pay attention, I have already set up here. I will wait for your action. By the way, do we have to wait until night for the first action?"

It was already afternoon when we took off from the country. Japan was earlier than it was dark. It is almost dusk now. If we start to work there immediately, we can finish the attack at dusk. But if you wait a little longer, it's going to be evening.

After hearing Matsumoto's words, I said without thinking, "Wait a minute before we go, we wait until late at night, and wait for the peak period of online players to pass."

"What's going to be late at night?" Matsumoto asked, not understanding, "Isn't there more witnesses when there are more people?"

"You fool!" August smoked his voice suddenly in. "When there are many people, the Bachi snake is definitely a large group of witnesses. At that time, people have seen it on both sides. When so many people speak, everyone will wonder if there is something tricky here, and then it can be easily confirmed. At the time, two Yagi snakes appeared at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until early in the morning to take action after most people go offline or go to sleep. This can reduce the probability of two Yagi snakes appearing at the same time. "

"That makes sense!"

"Smoked in August, why are you there too?" I asked in confusion.

"Matsumoto is not alone. He is responsible for arranging to witness the destruction of the Yagi snake on your side, and I am responsible for taking someone to monitor the real Yagi snake. If the other party takes action, I will be the first one. You can run as soon as it is reported. "

According to our plan ~ ~ Sooner or later two Yagi snakes will appear openly together. At that time, our Yaki snake will declare that it is the real Yaki snake, and the real Yaki snake The serpent is a monster. Of course, this is a plan in the future, and before that, the bad reputation of the Yagi snake must be established, so during this period, no one can know that two Yaki snakes appear at the same time, otherwise we will give this matter to It is very difficult to say perfection. And even if everyone believes it, there will always be some doubt in my heart.

After all things were discussed properly, the aircraft on our side also arrived inland in Japan, but instead of landing directly at the attack point, we found a place that was a little farther away and landed before we waited for the attack time. At this point, there are more players online, and the crowd is too dense. At this time, the probability of being found near the target point is too high, it is better to stay away.

When Vaughn was waiting here, Matsumoto Masaha also returned to the headquarters of the New Black Dragon Club, and arranged a reason to send a team of players here, and their course of action would just pass by the attack. In that city, someone will definitely record the whole process at that time, and Matsumoto will be able to use this to make a fuss. At that time, there was a video recording to prove that the Yagi snake and the ghost-handed Nobunaga's dog leg had a hundred mouths and could not tell.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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