Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 188: Post-war

What broke into the Russian player's legion was not a temporary patchwork army, but a subordinate branch of a more special one of the guild troops.

This unit was originally a special undead corps in our guild. It was full of undead creatures such as ghosts or ghosts in Asia. However, in order to create terror effects, it sneaked into Russian players. Not all of this unit is inside, but one of them. This unit was originally established to quietly open the enemy's gates and important urban defense weapon control areas at night. So unlike the general army, this unit mainly focuses on penetration ability, so basically The whole team is stuff like ghosts. When I encountered a timid person, I suddenly felt fainted when I saw this army. After all, such a large group of ghosts acting together is really a ghost night. Such a large-scale ghost army is really not so easy to accept.

In any case, Russian players are now completely battered. Because they were affected by negative energy, they had a very serious hallucination, so when they saw the infiltration troops of our guild, the first reaction was that they had hallucinations again, so everyone kept the maximum restraint, and they did n’t know The enemy has arrived. Of course, there are people who find wrong, but the Russian command system is not as good as our guild, so although people in some areas found that these are not hallucinations, it is not a half-time to let everyone know It will be possible, and we have no plans to let these invading troops stay in the Russian team for long. Basically, the attack started when all the ghost locations were in place.

The ghosts suddenly attacked the surrounding players, and the surrounding Russian players immediately fell into chaos, because some people instinctively began to help their own people, while others thought it was an illusion and prevented those around them from hitting those ghosts, and ended up with themselves. People's opinions are not uniform. There can be ghosts only when the combat effectiveness is up. When a group of Russian players were pulling there, the ghosts of our guild were naturally idle, and when they went up, they put down all the players here, and then there was a slash, and then there was a chaos in the army.

Although many people discovered that these were not hallucinations because of ghost attacks, they really started to resist these ghost attacks, but don't forget that our negative energy attacks did not end. Losing energy in a negative energy environment when people are not moving is already fast. Once emotional, it will consume your mental energy faster. So when these Russian players started playing against our ghost, their illusions became more and more serious. With the emergence of hallucinations, many Russian players began to attack their own people, and then the people who were hit began to fight back. Then it turned into a melee. Because the ghosts around the real and fake make those Russian players are all soldiers. There is no one who can determine whether he is a companion or an illusion. He can only keep his distance to protect himself and avoid accidental injury.

There is chaos in the Russian players' camp, but outside their camp. A huge army is gathering fast at an unimaginable speed. If the Frozen Banshee saw this pure cavalry's vanguard, it would definitely be startled, because this vanguard was composed of players of the same level as the 1400. At present, the average level of players in the game is about 1,200, and 1,400 or more means that they are quite powerful people, because two hundred levels higher than ordinary people is equivalent to exceeding a large level, strength The gap will be very obvious.

At present, the vanguard of this cavalry unit is all such players, and the equipment is better than one. Although it is not very unified, the concentration of such advanced players is already exaggerated. If a group charge is carried out, Unless the enemies in front can surpass these people's overall level by more than a hundred levels, they will never stop their charge.

In fact, this cavalry was not brought together by our Frost Rose Alliance family, but all the guilds associated with us were out, and the most elite players in each guild gathered together to make such a super strong. Cavalry brigade. And, at the front of this cavalry brigade, the leading knight with a frosty rose flag behind me is me, and besides carrying the flag to guide the troops forward, I also have an important meaning here, that is, using my The summoning ability helped my magic pet help open the way. Although the Russian players are quite confused now, after all, there are still some masters in Russia. Although I have a strong personal strength, the masters of the enemy may not always find me directly. I am everyone in the charge. Flag, so I ca n’t turn around arbitrarily. In this case, if I find that I need reinforcements, I can only let my magic go.

"Okay, everyone is on the horse, we are going to give the Russians a hard shot." As I said, I took the lead in climbing Ye Ying's back, then turned again and shouted to the cavalry behind him: "You have communications in your ears. For a while, you must abide by the command of the army god. If anyone messes up, the guild you belong to will deduct the corresponding part when distributing the loot, so you do n’t want to mess up things. The goal of this battle is to pierce the large army of Russian players rather than to wipe out this unit. Our main force is not here. There are not so many troops to completely destroy this unit. The purpose of piercing is to disturb the enemy and serve us. Of the looting troops to gain time to grab a few more cities, rather than let us go to a few people. So, remember, do n’t fight in love, just follow the person in front of you, dash through the opponent ’s army, and then follow I withdrew from the battle and did not allow myself to turn around and return to the battlefield. As long as we pierced through the opponent's battle array, we proved that we have this ability, even if we no longer shoot, as long as Feng banshee know that we still exist, they would not dare to accelerate progress, so our goal is achieved. Well, everyone put on a helmet, ready to charge. "

Although some people in the United Legion did not agree with me, they all got the important attention from the presidents of their guilds before they came. It is required that they must not produce any moths for the benefit of the guild, so even the most disobedient thorns are quite honest this time, at least not intentionally disrupting anything.

After confirming that the entire army was ready, I immediately drove Night Shadow forward, and the following teams immediately followed me and started to move. After confirming that the whole team started to move, I let the night shadow accelerate. The night shadow that originally walked around the square step immediately started trotting, and then the trot became a normal speed. The cavalrymen behind saw me. After accelerating, it immediately began to accelerate, and then the speed became faster and faster, and finally maintained the same speed as me and began to rush forward. Although Night Shadow had not yet reached all speeds at this time, the cavalry in the back was at most this speed. So I can only let Ye Ying weigh on my own speed. Avoid being disconnected from the team behind.

Don't look at our cavalry's striker lineup, which is quite scary. In fact, our number and quality of personnel are not top-notch. Although the vanguard was a strong mess, the following were actually all ordinary cavalry. In this battle, our main forces were all lost to the occupied area, and there were not many troops brought out. In addition, the three-way army is siege. There are two more looting cities that have been attacked. All that remained was cavalry not suitable for siege warfare. So I called up all these cavalrymen, and then created another raid here.

Although the number of our cavalry is small, the quality is not very good. But our forward is really too strong, so once we charge, it will be like a wooden knife with a diamond cutting edge. For the time being, let ’s not say what the hardness is, at least the cutting ability will not be too bad. As long as we don't stop advancing, the cavalry's frontal attack ability will be fully utilized. As for the weak part of the back ... as long as you don't stop, it is impossible for them to chase behind our cavalry to launch an attack anyway?

For this battle, I also deliberately obtained this scarlet battle flag from the guild warehouse. This is actually not the guild's guild flag. The reason it has the Frost Rose logo on it is because it is now in my hands. If you change this flag to Masamoto Matsumoto and hold this flag, it will immediately become the symbol of the New Black Dragon Club. .

This thing is actually a guild equipment, and its use is quite special. It has many functions, basically adding attributes, but each one adds very little, so it has little practical significance. There are only two really important attributes of this thing.

The first attribute is the group charge. As long as the head of the cavalry team runs in front of this banner with this flag, this flag can increase the speed of the slowest cavalry in the team to the average speed of the entire cavalry team. This ability doesn't really mean much to our Frost Rose Alliance's army, because the cavalry of our guild is basically composed, and when we buy, we try to choose the same unit to buy enough, because the same The logistic maintenance of arms will be much simpler, and because the attributes of the same arms are the same, it is easier to command when fighting. Besides, the equipment of the same unit is the same, and it seems to have more momentum when lined up and marching. Under such a premise, the guild's arms are actually quite uniform. Each legion has its own exclusive arms. Rarely, there are several arms with different speeds in a cavalry unit. And precisely because our cavalry is basically formed, this group's charge attribute is meaningless to us.

However, although it usually doesn't make sense to us, this action is quite meaningful, because this time the cavalry is a player that will come together in each line, let alone the level of the mounts of these players, there are more than ten light types. There are almost three hundred species of creatures in a large class, and the speed of such a complex preparation is completely inconsistent. Among them, the fastest such as Night Shadow can almost be described by lightning, while the slowest is only ordinary war horses. If such forces run at full strength, it may not take ten minutes to change from a neat cavalry team. A long and messy cavalry line, so at this time the role of this flag is shown. Although you can't make everyone's speeds uniform, this piece can make everyone's speed reach the average line, so as long as you run fast and slightly suppress your speed, then most of them can ensure that the neat formation advances. .

In addition to this group charge, the second most important attribute of this flag is an attribute called a "flag." The characteristic of this attribute is that everyone in the cavalry can know the location of the flag anytime, anywhere. In this case, it doesn't matter if someone runs away from the main force for some reason, because he can always know in which direction the banner is and what the approximate distance is, so he can actively move closer to the banner and not run. Wrong direction.

Now the legion of Russian players is not only in chaos, but more importantly they are covered by a large mist of death. In such a place where the visibility does not exceed ten meters, it is normal for the Corps to disperse, but there is no problem with this flag. Even if it is temporarily separated from the main force, as long as it is not hung up, you can continue to move towards the flag. Run where you are so you can catch up sooner or later.

Because of the nature of this flag, I can only carry this flag. Because only I can guarantee that this flag will not fall. Otherwise, once the flag bearer is killed, all the previous attributes are gone, and the presence of the guide flag is suddenly lost in the enemy's battlefield. The cavalry behind it is estimated that at least 70% to 80% can be lost before there is hope to rush Out.

In fact, I have another advantage in carrying the flag. That is not going the wrong way. The fog of death here is indistinguishable from the enemy. So our people actually can't see anything. But I am an exception. Because part of the fog here is made by my guardian ring of the evil dragon, so here I am like having the perspective of God, and I can accurately know the exact location of everything in this large area around me. In this case, although most players can't see the road, at least I can find a correct way for them, which is better than everyone charging with their eyes closed. Of course, because they can't see it, the charge is also very difficult, which is why we use such a high-level team to be the forward, because the high-level players have higher attributes and are more likely to encounter unexpected situations. Easy to handle.

Our team of horses under my leadership charged at a full speed for a short distance and directly entered the edge of the Russian player's line of defense. At this time, the Russian player did not even realize that he had been attacked. There is really no detective way below the range to find distant enemies, so it was not until we rushed to these guys that less than ten meters that they finally found someone attacking them. It was only at this distance for the cavalry in the charge. It's just a matter of less than a second, so almost as soon as these people found us, they were directly knocked out by our vanguard.

Compared to the unprepared Russian players, our cavalry is much easier. The cavalry in the charge originally took advantage. More importantly, they were not completely unprepared. Although they could not see me, they could see it. Therefore, I started to mention it when there were more than a hundred meters from the enemy. Be aware of the approximate distance of their enemies, and they directly took their weapons and prepared them for the enemy's appearance. In this case, even if they saw the enemy at the last second, but because they were ready to fight in advance, So when I really saw the enemy, I could react immediately, but the enemy was completely unprepared and was suddenly knocked out by the cavalry who burst out of the mist. The cavalry was attacked by this sneak attack. The power has been exerted to the limit, and the player level on our side is already high, so the Russian player over there is almost instantly given up all seconds.

After killing this row of Russian players, the cavalry on our side is completely rushed into the middle of the other large army. All the Russian players are in front. Because of the obscuration of the fog and the command system, it is actually in a semi-paralyzed state. Without any preparation, they were directly knocked over by the cavalry on our side, and the subsequent cavalry stepped on these fallen players to turn them into a part of the ground completely. When the cavalry rushed over, those people Even the body was almost invisible.

In fact, even if there is no fog, the strength of our cavalry is absolutely enough to pierce the army of Russian players. After all, the strength of our striker determines that no one can stop us, and the cavalry is almost as long as it is not stopped. Is invincible. Even if the Russian players are strong, we can only stare at them when they meet us.

The Frozen Banshee knew that our cavalry rushed into their team about ten minutes after our invasion, and when she called her men and ran to intercept us, she only saw the body and the wounded in one place. As for our cavalry, we have nowhere to go.

It was quite angry at our charge of the Frozen Banshee, but she had no way to do it, because she didn't dare to let the troops pursue it. Now all she can do is to hold back, no matter how we provoke, for them to return It is victory to get to the city, otherwise as long as they deviate from the line, even if they can catch us and surround us later, that is also their failure. The Frozen Banshee knew this, so she didn't let anyone chase us. But psychologically she really wanted to trouble us. But she also knew that she couldn't do that, and the two emotions made her very sad. Biting her lips so hard, in the end the Frozen Banshee restrained her emotions and ordered everyone not to pursue, and dealt with the wounded as soon as possible after the army assembled. Then accelerate back to town.

The personnel responsible for creating the fog on our side ceased to create the fog after we rushed out of the enemy's battlefield. Because supporting such a large area of ​​fog itself is also quite magical. Now they can't afford it anymore, and our tactical purpose has been achieved. At this time, it is obviously meaningless to continue to cover this area. and so. When we left the battlefield here, the Frozen Banshee ushered in the first good news in so long. As the mist dispersed, the guild's ghost corps also withdrew from this area, but the good mood over the Frozen Banshee soon disappeared, because she disappeared quickly after the mist disappeared. I saw a messy army.

During this short period of time surrounded by the mist, their army had lost almost one million people, and the reason why this loss was so large was not due to the strength of our ghost army, it was because their own people accidentally hurt too much Already. Of course, although the loss of more than one million people is not small, it is not too exaggerated compared to the total number of troops in this unit. This is actually why I have been constantly harassing the Frozen Banshee but never launched a large-scale attack.

This unit led by the Frozen Banshee is like a large dinosaur with a slow response. You can bite and bite him like a mosquito here, because this big dinosaur is too large and slow to respond. You little mosquito can't help it. However, if you want to slam this big dinosaur forward, it is purely to death, because the power of the big dinosaur is not that mosquitoes can resist.

Although our power comparison with the Frozen Banshee is not as exaggerated as the comparison between the big dinosaur and the mosquito, the reason is the same. This army led by the Frozen Banshee is almost the last force of Russia. Such a huge force is not something we can handle casually, so we can only intercept and harass them, and we cannot fight directly.

In any case, our tactics were very successful. The Frozen Banshee's troops could not get through the harassment so fast that we could only move slowly towards our city.

Watching the Russian troops slowly approaching the city, the president of a French guild who was with me asked: "Just let them go?"

I looked at the Russian troops not far away, and then said, "Our goal has never been them, so whether they can go is the same for us. Now the Russian side has suffered heavy losses, and they have no strength. Then we countered our occupied area and waited for them to readjust their status. Our occupied area has been recognized by the system. Even then, it will not be easy for them to invade, and you should not forget that The agreement is not only for these seven days. As long as this colony is still alive, our joint defense agreement will be in effect, but we will not form a unified coalition command as usual this time. "

Another guild president next to him asked, "Are we going back now? Anyway, you don't plan to harass those Russians anymore, what are we doing here?"

"No, we can't leave yet." I said, "Although we don't intend to harass them, the Frozen Banshees don't know! So as long as we stand here, they will not dare to hurry back. You can slow down their movement speed. Don't you mind standing here longer? "

If it were n’t for the previous paragraph, many people would probably go, but of course no one would leave after hearing my explanation, because the slower the icebound banshees go back, our looting troops can loot over Many things, and these things will be assigned to all of us later. This is equivalent to saying that the slower they are now, the more benefits we will have in a while.

Although we are in the vicinity, they will continue to harass at any time, but the Frozen Banshee is still moving faster than before. This is mainly because the Frozen Banshee is getting closer to the city Can't wait. Although we also want them to be slower, we do n’t dare to push too hard at this time, because there are Russian cities nearby. They can attack and retreat here, but we are Behind the enemy, it is better to be cautious in this case. But we don't have to worry too much. As a result, Russia has lost our temper. It is basically impossible to take the initiative to attack at this time. Secondly, all of us are cavalry, and all of them are high-mobility units. What's the problem? They can't catch up anyway.

The large army led by the Frozen Banshee finally returned to the urban system safely. But it was already half past five in the morning. In other words, the Frozen Banshee's troops were dragged out by us for more than ten hours before returning. Without our interference, they should have returned to the city before 5 pm yesterday.

The extra ten hours finally helped our looting troops get eight more cities. Coupled with the gains made before this point in time, our raiders looted a total of fifteen cities during this operation. In fact, if we really want to do destruction, we can handle more than 20 cities, but because we are looting, it takes time to move things, which leads to a slower speed. But having said that, we are coalition forces, a team that relies on interests. If we use the destructive mode that is detrimental, it is estimated that these guild leaders must fight me. If it weren't for pulling some allies to help us strengthen our strength and resist the counterattack of Russia together, I really do n’t want to convene such an alliance. It is too embarrassing. I know that things are tied to each other and we have the strength to do it. It's quite annoying to think that you can't achieve it at all.

In any case, we finally won this time, so there is no contradiction at all, everyone is very happy. After returning with a full load, the raid forces entered the Isinger Mobile Fortress directly, but this time we did not let the Isinger Mobile Fortress teleport back, but let the Isinger Mobile Fortress fly back.

The reason why this is done is to save money. After all, the consumption of flying magic crystals is much lower than that of teleporting. But another more important aspect is that we want to use this to make a last mentality for Russian players. Deterrence makes them completely afraid of Isinger's mobile fortress, which will be of great benefit to our future battles.

After flying near important urban areas in western Russia, Isinger moved the fortress for a day, and returned to the occupied area and landed again in the evening of the next day, and after the rest of the day, the players and leaders of the guilds now They can all be said to be slowing down.

Seeing our Isinger Mobile Fortress coming back, these people immediately concentrated on the side of the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Of course, they were not here to welcome us back, but to wait for the stolen goods.

Before the operation started, we applied for a guarantee agreement with a supervision effect through the system agreement, so all the loot captured in this battle were concentrated on the Isinger Mobile Fortress, and the players in the guilds There is nothing left in my own hands, of course, this is the effect of the system. Otherwise, even if our guild is no longer cattle, it will not be possible to eliminate the problem of players' possession of loot.

"President Ziri, now Essinger Mobile Fortress is back. Can the spoils be divided?"

Of course, I really like these people's faces, but I can understand this situation. After all, everyone is gathered for the benefit, and they are not Lei Feng. Why can't you help you with things? So I just didn't like their behavior, but I didn't accept it.

"Don't be in a hurry, everything is here. Is there a system to guarantee that you are afraid that things will not fly?" After I finished speaking, I turned to the God of War and said, "Lord of God, report the statistical results."

"Yes. In this campaign, we have seized more than 355,700 pieces of various equipment."

Suddenly I heard such numbers, the presidents below took a collective breath. Although I knew that there would be no shortage of things, I did not expect that there would be so many. In fact, it is not surprising to think about it. The enemy was wiped out by us by hundreds of millions of troops. In the middle, there were hundreds of millions of equipment exploded. In addition, there were some guild hoarding equipment in the warehouses in the cities that were attacked. These were robbed by us. There are so many together. strange.

Watching the voices of the following presidents gradually calm down, the army **** said again: "In addition to the equipment, this time we also got about 50 million or more items of various props, in addition to All types of ore total 2.7 million tons. "

"Why are there ore?"

"This is what our vice-chairman went out to sweep out a few mines by the way," said the **** of war.

After hearing that, the chairpersons nodded and said, "You Frost Rose Alliance really thought about it. We have forgotten that there are still wild mining areas that can be robbed!"

"Okay, that's probably what the supplies are. The specific list is here. But there are a lot of them. You don't need to look carefully, right?" I said, pointing down to the pile of documents on the table next to me, two feet high.

Seeing that document records that these presidents are desperately shaking their heads. Just kidding, if this thing is turned over, it is estimated that it will be next year? "Well, President Ziri! We won't look at things. Do you want to divide it now?"

"Wait. There is one thing you haven't heard yet." I said.

The presidents looked at me in doubt and asked, "What else?"

"Of course it is money." I said directly with a smile: "Don't you want to know how much money we have looted from the 15 cities this time?"

The president's eyes all stared at the boss when he heard the money. Then everyone locked their eyes on me. They thought they all wanted to know how much money we got. Compared to the things mentioned before, this latter is the most affordable.

Because equipment needs to be targeted at individual players, it is not that all equipment is valuable in everyone's hands. And we can't really allocate it according to everyone's needs. After all, there are too many things. There is no way to match everyone one by one. You can only divide it roughly, and then let the lines divide themselves. However, there will definitely be a lot of inappropriate equipment under this distribution method. Although it can still be sold or exchanged with each other, the process is quite cumbersome after all, so the ultimate benefit of replacing these equipment is Discounted.

In addition to equipment, those props are the same. Although the items of props are more versatile, the functions of these items are also messy and weird, and most of the items have no levels, so it is not easy to determine the value. Therefore, if these items are in your hands, they cannot immediately become real. Interests.

In the end, those ore is indeed a benefit, but the problem is that the distribution of these ore to everyone is only meaningful for some trades.

Ore is not the final product. It is better if it is iron ore. After all, there will be smithy in each guild. This thing can always be used, but for some special ore, some guilds do not use it at all. Naturally The land can only be sold, which requires trading and transportation, which is quite troublesome anyway. How much money you can get in the end is not certain.

In contrast, the simplest and most affordable is this money. The funds that are seized are in the hands of anyone. Taking them out is changing them to various things ~ ~ It is extremely convenient. So everyone is most interested in this part.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused, I smiled slightly, and then said directly: "The total funds we have obtained this time are ... three ... one billion crystal coins."

The following guild presidents boiled instantly. Although there are many guilds here, according to everyone's scale, it is not a problem to divide some large guilds into hundreds of millions, and those small guilds can also get them. millions. This money is a huge sum for them. So robbery is really a lot of money. Of course, the premise is that you have to spend your life.

"Okay, don't get excited, let's talk about the distribution now." After the crowd calmed down a little bit, I called out to them and said, "Although everything is here, I think Probably you do n’t want all things to be evenly distributed? Many things are useless to get back, so I think we might as well come directly to a trade fair here, everyone price these things, then buy and sell them on the spot, and wait for all to be processed Let ’s take away what we got in return, so would n’t it be better to take what we need? ”

"Okay, we listen to you."

"That's no problem. God of War, show everyone the list." (To be continued ...)

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