Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 183: True and false information

"Well? Why are you back?"

"Bad, bad things!" The guy started yelling and startled everyone around when he came back.

The Frozen Banshee looked at this guy in a fraught state of mind and asked, "Willn't Bear Fortress really be lost? Isn't Essinger moving the fortress and using super weapons again? Isn't there a cooling time limit for the thing? You are so Lost the city soon? "

After hearing the words of the Frozen Banshee, the guy immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, the castle was not lost."

"So what's your name?" Frozen Banshee asked in amazement.

The guy said directly: "It's not a problem with Bearburg, but our offensive."

"What's wrong with the offensive?" The Frozen Banshee didn't know what crazy this guy ran back to, so she talked nonsense.

The guy immediately said: "Listen to me first, don't interrupt. The situation before was similar to what we expected, but after Isinger moved to our fortress, he fired a gun for half an hour outside our range. Then we sent a flying warship to bombard us for twenty minutes and bombed our city defense system. At this time we were ready to co-exist with the city. Everyone already planned to sacrifice themselves to stop the frost. The troops of the Rose League. But at this time, the troops sent by the Frost Rose League were neatly lined up, and then pushed toward us neatly at the same speed as walking, but this speed was really slow enough, After walking for almost two hours, he hasn't come to us yet. "

"They haven't crossed the battlefield for two hours?" Someone finally found the problem.

The guy nodded: "Yes, the opponent's team has not been able to cross the battlefield for two full hours. And the strangest thing happened after that."

"What's weird?"

"There was a player in our guild who waited impatiently and rushed out alone, and then he rushed to the front of the opponent's team."

"What's weird about this?" Said the president of a Russian guild.

The president of the Russian guild here immediately interfaced: "This is not strange, but the problem is that he actually withstood the first wave of set fire. He was shot by the opponent's archer like a hedgehog, and then hit two more. The magic bomb, then knocked over the opponent's shield and rushed into the opponent's team, and it was still fighting for more than thirty seconds before being killed. "

"I rely, this guy is really personal!" Said a president of a Russian guild.

The president of the Russian guild who came to report immediately shook his head and said, "This guy's usual performance is very general, that is, slightly higher defense, but it is definitely not so abnormal. Afterwards, we do n’t know what happened. . I ca n’t stop shouting anyway. Just let ’s rush together and at least die the enemy ’s back, but guess what? We actually broke the other ’s defense. ”

"What?" The Frozen Banshee jumped up from her position. "You defeated the Frost Rose Alliance's offensive?"

The president of the Russian guild who came to report nodded: "Yeah! So I'm weird! Our people have already been killed by the other side by shelling and bombing, and only half their lives are left. The team actually killed the Frost Rose Alliance team as if they were cutting melon and vegetables. After that, I personally went up and chopped a few people. It turned out that these and the players were low-level personnel. The combat effectiveness was very bad . Basically the cannon fodder. "

"Cannon fodder unit?" Frozen Banshee frowned. "I haven't heard of Frost Rose League's habit of using cannon fodder to attack the city!"

The president of a nearby Russian guild immediately said, "Frost Rose League does not have a cannon fodder at all, okay? Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

The president of the Russian guild who came to report immediately said: "I'm not blind, can I still see the situation on the battlefield? The strength of the opponent is really bad."

"That's not right!" Said another president of the Russian guild, frowning.

The president of the Russian guild who came to report immediately said: "No, I thought of it later. This may actually represent another situation."

Although the Frozen Banshee immediately thought of the possibility, she didn't say it, but asked, "What's your situation?"

The president of the Russian guild immediately said: "The information we got before may be fake, it is Frost Rose Alliance or Zi Ri deliberately released false information to let us know. Those who took the information were either bought or They were deceived. They may have been exposed at that time, so Ziri took advantage of them to send us false information. "

The president of the Russian guild next to him said solemnly: "If this information is false, then you say that the true intention of the Frost Rose Alliance is ...?"

In fact, the presidents of the Russian guilds who were present at this time had actually thought of the real intention, but none of them wanted to say it, because their instinctual hope was a wrong judgment, but in fact this is actually the most Right judgment.

Finally, the Frozen Banshees were somewhat sane, so she said, "The intention of the Frost Rose Alliance is to hinder our revenge. This so-called second battlefield should be false news, and their main force has not come at all. "

"I rely on, then our attacking force ...?" A president of the Russian guild suddenly responded.

"It should have been surrounded, even more than half broken!" The Frozen Banshee whispered. "We still underestimated Frost Rose Alliance and Ziri!"

"But what are we going to do now? We can't just sit and wait for developments?" Asked the president of the Russian guild who reported.

The Frozen Banshee shook her head and said, "Of course we can't ignore everything. We need to find a way to recover our losses as much as possible."

"But how can we recover from this situation?"

A female Russian guild president next to her said: "Since the news of the Second Battlefield is false, and they sent cannon fodder troops. It is purely to attract our attention, then it means that our western cities are not at all Any danger. In this case, there will be nothing to recover in the western city. What really needs to be recovered is our attacking force. There are a large number of troops, including the troops we paid for. Lose it, we do n’t know when it will be postponed next time! So what we need to do now is to send reinforcements as soon as possible to reinforce the attacking forces, and we must rescue them all. "

"But the slyness of the Frost Rose Alliance, will they make it so easy for us to rescue the besieged forces?" Asked the president of a Russian guild.

This guy also thought very reasonably, so the Frozen Banshee immediately frowned and thought. A few seconds later she suddenly said firmly: "No. The Frost Rose Alliance can do nothing more than design an ambush to stop and block our rescue road halfway, but as long as we don't count the casualties, we can definitely rush over because Frost Rose Alliance There are so many manpower. We have a large number of offensive forces. The strength is there. They need enough strength to eat this force. Therefore, the Frost Rose Alliance can not mobilize a lot of troops, the interception is just Harassment will not cause too many casualties. As long as the offensive forces can be rescued. Even if only a small percentage can be rescued, it is a good deal. "

"Yes, these harassing troops can be ignored. We must rescue our offensive forces." The presidents of the surrounding Russian guilds echoed.

In this way, the Frozen Banshee quickly determined the course of action, and the main forces arranged by the Russian side in the western city were quickly transferred to more than 80%, and then they assembled and began to rush to our occupied area. Rescue their first offensive force.

In fact, what the Frozen Banshee didn't know is that the first unit of the Russian offensive was actually reduced by more than half at this time. They thought that even if we could eat this power, it would take at least a few days. After all, More than 100 million people! Even if 100 million pigs let you kill, it will take a long time, right? However, what she didn't think of was that after we divided and surrounded, because we also had a lot of people, the other person's personnel consumption rate was far faster than their imagination.

After all, the Second Expeditionary Force of the Russian side was dispatched soon, but what they did not expect was that the people on their side had just stepped out not far, and the troops on the side of the moving fortress of Isinger had suddenly split. Suddenly, two troops were separated from the original large army, and then bypassed Xiongbao and ran towards two nearby Russian cities.

We have no intention of concealing this time, so the Russian side soon knew our actions. The Frozen Banshee frowned when she saw the information and said, "Are they frightening us?"

A Russian guild president next to him said, "I think this should be a trick of Frost Rose Alliance. Frost Rose Alliance's intelligence gathering ability is much better than ours, so we must not hide them from our transfer. They found us Action, we know that we have seen their plans, so in order to stop us from rescuing the troops in front, they specially divided two troops out to pretend to attack our big city. In this case, we will be adjusted if we are scared. The soldiers came back to protect the city, and their purpose was achieved. "

As soon as the Russian guild president finished speaking, the next Russian guild president immediately said, "But have you ever thought about it?"

"In case?" The president of the Russian guild looked at his companion in doubt, "What in case?"

"What if the two troops that are divided are not soft-footed shrimp?" The Russian guild president said, "We found that the attacking force was cannon fodder. It was thought that a battle had occurred, but in fact it was not in contact It ’s just the enemy ’s striker. The intelligence just said it in detail. The two troops separated from the rear of the other side. This unit did not make contact with our people. What kind of unit are they? Of course, there is a certain possibility that the situation you are talking about is true. They may be trying to scare us back into defense, but what if they are not? What if these two units are really powerful siege forces? Our city has been evacuated. If their troops attack this time, as long as their strength is not weaker than the average combat power of the players in the world, they can break into our city. If this happens, , Then we're losing more than just the offensive forces. "

I have to say that smart people are everywhere. This guy can be said to have guessed all our intentions, but it would be useless to be clever. There is no evidence to say that there are so many guesses. Besides, he can't be sure of the authenticity of this guess.

Although this guy has nothing to say, the Frozen Banshee cannot help but listen. Thinking of this possibility she also had a headache. What this guy said is actually very reasonable, and the possibility is very high, but the problem is that she has such a small force on hand if she is going to rescue the offensive forces. There is no one on the side of the city. but. If some people are sent back to defend the city, the number of rescue troops will be too small. Not only may they not be able to rescue the first offensive force, but they may also be brought in. so. The Frozen Banshee now feels like she is buying a lottery pick number. It's just that she is not betting on the future of everyone.

Just as the Frozen Banshee hesitated what to do. A Russian guild president over there said suddenly, "Even if we don't know which side is right, then we might as well choose one, it is better to be hesitant than this. A wrong decision is worse than no decision."

After listening to this guy's words, the Frozen Banshee also felt very reasonable. So he nodded, "In that case, we will still execute according to the first plan. Don't stop the rescue forces, continue to go and rescue our first offensive force. As for the side of the city wall ... I will go to the front line to test it myself If I really do it, I will mobilize troops from nearby cities to deal with them. It should not be too much of a loss. In addition, if the bet is correct, we can recover the loss and start again. "

In fact, at this time, the Frozen Banshee is just trying her luck. They have too little information available. The true and false information is blended together. The Frozen Banshee's information network is equivalent to providing no useful information. , And also fainted herself. It can be said that the Frozen Banshees have pinned all their hopes on this gambling. As for what will happen if they lose ... they dare not think about it or are willing to think about it.

After the plan was finalized, the Russian rescue forces immediately began to accelerate, and the Frozen Banshee ran to one of the two target cities we chose to take command. However, all her actions were within our expectations, and the Frozen Banshee was still too strong in the end.

In fact, at this time, the Frozen Banshee and Ben should not bet. If it were, I would draw back all the troops to defend the city. In this case, although it is equivalent to giving up the offensive troops, as long as the city is still there, the personnel can not be supplemented. It's a matter of time. But the problem is that the Frozen Banshee is too strong. She is unwilling to admit that she has been dumped, so she insists that she must bet once and use everyone's fate to prove that she has not lost. Although such people can sometimes lead everyone forward, if they are not careful, they will lead everyone into hell. After all, leaders cannot always bet because they cannot afford to lose.

Because the detection system on our side is too powerful, the decision of the Frozen Banshee will soon be known from the giant mosquito post. After hearing the report, Hongyue, who had followed the bombering spacecraft, said with a smile, "It seems we are going to have a good harvest this time."

Rose said, "It's a big harvest after you have killed the Frozen Banshee. Now ... have a character."

"Don't be so conservative." Hongyue said suddenly and turned to me: "Looking at the success of this action plan, should we just continue to expand the results?"

I looked at Hongyue and asked, worried, "What are you trying to do? Now the situation is very good, don't you accidentally lose your money!"

"Why are you so unconfident in me!" Hongyue said, "My idea is actually very simple. Isn't the Frozen Banshee worried about both the frontline troops and the western cities? He must be focusing on these important main forces Then, what if we go to the wild now? "

"Sweeping in the wild?" I stunned and reacted suddenly. "It looks like it really works!"

What Red Moon wants to sweep is actually those wild mining areas. Although the mining areas developed by various guilds are within their own sphere of influence ~ ~, they are rarely in the city, and most of the mining areas are in the wild. These mines will be guarded by the guild to which the mine belongs, but usually it also acts as an alarm and does not have much actual defense capacity. After all, this is a mine pit is not a city, and there is nothing to put up your line of defense. .

If it is normal, these mines have no value in attack, because you cannot occupy after the attack, the main force of others will come over, how many things can you dig out during this period? There is simply no gain. Therefore, this kind of place usually has no value of snatching unless you intend to occupy it for a long time.

However, things are different now. Because of entering the wartime state, production on the Russian side almost stopped. Usually those who transport ore do not need to transport ore, and the mining work inside the mining area is still continuing. Therefore, the mining area on the Russian side must have hoarded a lot of ore and did not remove it. At this time, we have already obtained the initiative on the battlefield. If we send some highly mobile troops, such as those air battleships, to go out to raid these mines in units of single ships, we can really make a lot of money in a circle. Yet.

"That sounds good, or else it's up to you, and I'll see how much you can bring back."

"Relax, you are guaranteed to be satisfied." (To be continued ...)

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