Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 147: Mark of the Soul and the Status of the Oracle

The goddess who held my neck didn't respond at all, and even took an indifferent attitude to my questioning. Of course, I was very annoyed at this situation, but I also knew why the other party was so tough. The reason was It was her armor made of magic semiconductor.

In addition to the characteristics of magic semiconductors, the physical properties of this armor are also exaggerated. The hardness is amazing, but it is still very tough. My blade claws have been covered with eternity, but I still ca n’t easily cut into each other. Armor, such attributes are absolutely terrible. However, although it takes some effort, eternity can break this defense.

Understanding the reason why the other party was so hard, I began to increase the strength of my hand and press down hard. Eternity slowly cut into the armor, and the other party finally realized that his defense seemed to be unstoppable. My attack.

In fact, the ability of the goddess of the Siberian Protoss is really terrible in my opinion. The previous battle was unskilled, even if it was just. This hard-line behavior just did not show her temperament, but let me treat her IQ casts doubt. When I put it down from the back, I used a dagger for a short puncture, and successfully damaged the other side's spinal nerve bundles. This shows that I can actually penetrate her armor, and this fool didn't realize it. At this point, I thought that I was wearing a turtle shell and I took her for granted.

As eternity gradually deepened and felt the cold on his neck, the other party finally began to react. First, I struggled and twisted, and after I repaired it again to destroy the nerve bundle, I only cried and kept begging me to stop cutting. But of course I cannot be polite at such times. Of course, I have no intention of killing the other party directly. No matter how stupid, this is a god, even if the quality is worse, it will not be worse than ordinary people. In addition, the existence of the deities has many other functions, such as the use of gods to make containers of the power of faith, or to make super-strong artificial souls. There are also protoss bodies that can be used to make many special equipment. Even if you don't kill them, using the conversion ability of the protoss to convert the power of faith that players can't use into the essence of divine power is also a very good way to use.

This kind of divine essence is actually a kind of thing similar to Shiquan Dabu Wan.

Generally speaking, there is no fixed form of the Divine Essence. The specific form depends on the strength and attribute trend of the deity who condenses the Divine Essence, and of course, the other party's investment in this Divine Essence. Under these circumstances. The size, color, and form of the Divine Essence will vary. The more powerful the gods condense the essence of the divine power, the more crystal clear. And the low-level shrines will even make the surface frosted like a stone. The nature of the deities will affect the color of the divine essence. For example, the divine essence made by the guys of Hades are all black, and the old one of Fahai is all golden, like amber. As for the thing that Wei Na made out of herself, it was something like ruby. Also. When making the essence of divine power, the protoss need to continuously input their smelted divine power into it. So the difference in input will affect the total divine capacity of this divine essence. However, during this period, the deities can also compress the divine essence, so the size of the divine essence is not necessarily proportional to the input amount, but the divine essence with a large compression ratio will be relatively solid. If the compression ratio is small, it will appear as jelly or even aerosol. But because the compression itself is not very strenuous, most gods will consider directly condensing the solidified divine essence in the form of gems.

Although the gods can condense the essence of the divine power to the player or ordinary direct physical enhancement, this kind of thing rarely happens, because the essence of the divine power is not made out of thin air, it is the origin of the divine power consumed by the divine from. This consumption does not agree with the use of divine power. Using divine power is like we use magic. After using it, we take a break and fill it up, and there are many ways to speed up recovery or even fill up directly. However, the consumption of Divine Power is another matter. This consumption is more like the consumption of our attribute points. When our attribute points drop, the whole person's combat power will decrease, and the deities consume their own original divine power as we consume the attribute points. Once they are lost, it is not easy to replenish them. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the protoss will not condense the essence of divine power, because for them, it is the same as the martial arts novels who pass on power to the protagonist in the martial arts novels. They will lose more to others as they give themselves It is really strange that the behavior of the people is happening to the protoss.

However, although the Protoss themselves don't like this situation that helps others develop their strength and damage their own divine power, there are exceptions in our guilds. Because the chaos and order of our guilds are under my control, this is all The only protoss power in the world that can be directly controlled by players. In the second place, we will have rich resources of faith power, so the gods do n’t particularly care about the loss of their own power. Anyway, it is not very difficult to add them back. It is nothing more than taking the time to refine the power of faith. Anyway, the power of faith can be used openly, and naturally they don't care so much.

Because of this situation, we occasionally let the chaos and order protoss refine some divine essences to reward some players in the guild as rewards. After all, some special abilities require the basic attributes to reach a certain standard before they appear. Out of the advantages, and the essence of magic can enhance some of the player's attributes, just to achieve the role of adjusting player attributes.

Although the goddess of the Siberian tribe in front of her is bad, she is at least a god, and as long as she is a god, she has the power to refine the power of faith to produce divine power. In this way, we can treat her as a cow even if she is not much use Raising, the only difference is that cows eat grass and milk. She absorbs the power of faith to produce divine essence. In contrast, this goddess is much more useful than cows.

However, although there is no intention to really kill this goddess. But the previous attitude of the other person determines my attitude towards her. For this stupid person who does not have a big picture and can't judge the status quo, she can't give her a good look. She needs to be controlled in the same way as the simplest way to treat animals. Let them understand that you are the one I have control of. He You can only obey and obey, otherwise you will endure tremendous pain and loss.

Ignoring the other's exclamation and begging completely, I just cut the guy's helmet and armor around the neck with the eternally attached blades. After cutting off the connection point of the armor, I directly grabbed the edge of the back of the opponent's armor and slammed forward, and easily got the opponent's helmet down.

"Ah ... don't ..." As the helmet was taken off, the other party immediately screamed in horror, but I didn't manage the money at all. Raised the other party directly.

Somewhat unexpected. What is appearing in front of me is not the image of a beautiful woman in the imagination. Although the appearance of the protoss below the average line rarely appears, there are indeed some unique and strange existences. However, the goddess of the Siberian protoss apparently damaged the appearance for some reason. Her head was covered with a thick layer of blood, and no hair was visible. Although the face is not so exaggerated. But all are bulging folds. And the color of the skin was grayish white, and it looked like rotten meat. What's more terrible is that the goddess didn't have a nose. Instead, the two holes felt like the original nose had been lost for some reason. Only the nostrils on the skull were left. As for the mouth ... the thing now looks like a monster's mouth. The upper lip is completely gone. You can see the teeth directly. The lower lip is very deformed, but at least some shapes can be seen.

It can be said that this head is almost as if it has been roasted in a fire. Not only is the skin completely deformed, but the facial features are almost invisible. Except for the normal eyes, the other mouths, ears, and noses are basically the same.

Seeing me staring at her face, this Siberian goddess obviously responded very much. She whimpered and writhed constantly, as if she wanted to hide her face quickly. I can understand this reaction. A woman, especially a beautiful woman, will have a strong sense of inferiority once she is disfigured. She does not want others to see her ugly appearance, and hopes that others will remember her beauty Look like. Although the goddess of the Siberian protoss is a god, according to the settings in the game, the gods are only stronger than ordinary people and do not surpass certain ideological characteristics of human beings, so this goddess has a reaction similar to ordinary people. This is a very normal situation.

"Don't you want me to see your face?" I asked cruelly.

The other side cried and nodded desperately, but instead of letting her go, I said, "So what if I throw you out on the battlefield now?"

When she heard me, the other person was terrified to stop crying. She opened her eyes and looked at me in surprise. Although her lips were gone, the angle of her teeth opened meant that she must be very surprised now. Seeing this reaction, of course, I was very satisfied, because such a reaction shows that the other party cares about her image, and this is the chip I want to beat her.

"Don't you want to?" I said intentionally coldly.

The Siberian goddess who suddenly responded wriggled. According to her current situation, she could twist her body and it was a very big reaction. But she was still struggling and trying to hug me and crying, "Please, don't, don't!"

"Huh, now I know crying? What did you do?"

"It's my damn, it's my fault, please, don't show my appearance to others, please."

"Your appearance is meaningless to me at all. If you are my subordinate, it is not bad to help you restore your appearance, but you are only my enemy. Why should I do what you want?"

Although I didn't say this explicitly, the meaning is already obvious, that is, I want her to join our guild. Probably really anxious, this time the other party was very clever, immediately heard my voice outside the string, and immediately shouted: "I join, I will join your guild, do what you want me to do . "

"Join us?" I looked at the other person and said meaningfully: "Your spirit mark is still in the core of the power of the Siberian Protoss, how do you join our chaos and order Protoss?"

"I ... I ..." The other person's eyes moved around, apparently trying to figure out a way. After about ten seconds, it seemed like a lot of determination. She suddenly looked at me and said, "I can stop that spirit mark."

The mark of the divine spirit is a connection point where the divine individual stays in the divine core of the tribe. It is itself a part of the divine spirit, so as long as this thing is in the divine core, you can get those divine power transformed from the divine core. In addition, this spirit mark is also a kind of containment, which can let the main **** of this tribe control the ordinary protoss in his own tribe, and if necessary, can even destroy that protoss individual by destroying the soul imprint in the core of the divine power. Therefore, this thing is equivalent to an insurance, a means of control. In front of this Siberian goddess, if she wants to leave the Siberian gods, she must first get her own imprint of the soul from the core of the power of the Siberian gods. Otherwise, it is tantamount to giving the key to your opponent. Under such circumstances, even if she is willing to surrender, how dare I accept it.

However, although the mark of the spirit soul is a restriction on the various deities in the protoss, it does not mean that there is absolutely no solution. First of all. Divine Soul Mark has a problem of cutting proportion when it enters the core of Divine Power. The Soul Mark says that being white is part of the spirit. In most cases, joining a protoss requires cutting a piece from its own soul. Then put into the core of the divine power of this tribe, and how much this specific cut is also said.

First of all, a protoss must keep at least 50% of the spirits outside the core of the divine power if they want to ensure that their bodies are operating normally. Otherwise, the insufficiency is too serious, the body will even be affected, and there will naturally be no use for it. Therefore, the mark of the soul and soul can only be less than half of the total amount of the soul and it is usually not much. The Protoss demands that their own deities leave such a large number of spirits.

According to the practice of the protoss around the world, generally 15% to 10% of the deities are left in the mark of the deities. Only the kind of treatment that is very good and other deities who want to join in the deities will raise their deities. Imprint demand ratio. However, this specific ratio is not the same, but divided according to the strength of each deity. If it is the kind of deity that is particularly strong, such as when the original King of Peacock was in the Buddhist gate, its status is equivalent to the kind of high-level devotion specially invited by the protoss to fight, and the status is naturally different from those of small gods. . For this kind of existence, generally, one thousandth or even one thousandth of the soul is left in the core of the divine power, the symbolic significance is greater than the actual significance. However, if, in turn, it is the kind of very weak deities who want to join some particularly powerful large protoss, then the proportion of gods and souls that need to be turned in may be as high as 20% or more. There is also a situation where a deity in the protoss has made a mistake or is suspected of collaborating with the enemy, then the main deity of this tribe will designate the deity to increase the proportion of his soul mark in the core of the divine power. This can also be regarded as a restrictive measure.

In fact, this strategy of the Protoss is somewhat similar to the way some companies treat employees. Some domestic companies will be used to deduct workers for a month or two without paying. If you resign, the unit will approve the money, but if the unit does not agree with your resignation, you have to leave. No more for you. Although such rules are not legal, many local units actually do so. However, just like these protoss in the game, this kind of temporary deduction of wages for months is actually targeted at the bottom-level workers. Those who are really senior will not be treated like this at all, because those senior talents The company is rushing to ask you, and they will directly change jobs to them. With their income level, they do not care about you deducting his money at all, so most companies are not able to use this restriction when they encounter such senior talents. .

The same is true of the protoss in the game. The great gods are superior in strength, and they are required to go to any protoss, so they can only be intimidated and not intimidated. This restriction measure will naturally be reduced, otherwise they will leave if they annoy others.

This goddess of the Siberian Protoss is obviously not a small role in the Siberian Protoss, because she just said something like "don't want that spirit mark". Being able to say such words means that the other party must not have many imprints of souls in the core of divine power. Although the connection between the spirit and the imprint of the spirits left in the core of the power of the tribe is actively cut by the gods, it will not cause back-eating and other situations ~ ~, but the loss of this spirit is real.

If a **** loses a part of his body, it can grow again. Even if the body is completely destroyed, it does not matter. It can be born and reshaped. However, although the spirit also has the ability to regenerate, this ability is much weaker than the body. According to the god's own strength, the proportion of spirits that can be restored is different. Some super gods can even reshape the soul with only 30% of the soul left. Although this process is long and difficult, it is feasible after all. However, it is only a few great gods. Most of the deities will lose their regeneration ability after the loss of the soul is more than 30%. Even if they make up, they will permanently lose something because of the previous loss. Normally, if a **** wants to fully recover after the loss of the soul, then the loss ratio of the **** should not exceed 10%, which is why the mark of the soul stipulated by many protoss must reach 10% to 15%. The reason is.

Since this goddess said that she did n’t want that spirit mark, that is to say that the lost soul was not necessary for her, then it means that the spirit mark she stayed in the core of the power of the Siberian Protoss may not even reach 10% , And to achieve such a proportion, she must not be an ordinary existence.

"What is your identity? With your fighting ability, I think that the Siberian Protoss should not leave you with a mark of less than 10% of the spirit?" (To be continued.)

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