Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 42: Missing companion

Christina said immediately after I asked, "No big problem, the magic has almost recovered."

"That's good." I turned to Blazing Dragon Ji and asked, "You're comfortable now?"

Blazing Dragon Ji shook her head and said, "It's still a bit uncomfortable, but it should be fine soon. I don't care if you want to start now."

"It's better to be careful." I said and looked at the other houses in the town. After thinking about it, I decided to continue hunting for crystals, but I also greeted them with Christina. When it comes to a monster that I can't solve, I will bring it here, and then everyone will kill it.

After briefly talking about the arrangements afterwards, Blazing Dragon and Christina went back to rest, and I continued to search forward. The previous big toad has already run away. At the speed of that guy's movement, I do n’t expect to catch up with it. I hope that the monsters encountered later will not show up with such a strong moving entity, otherwise it will only be Doing white work!

Fortunately, there are few creatures like the big toad just now. After all, I did n’t find that kind of thing in the next moving process, but most of the monsters I met in the houses behind were also weird. Existence, basically there are five to fifteen different types of monsters in each room here, some of them are ghosts, and some are demons, which are not normal creatures anyway.

However, although the shapes and abilities of these creatures are strange, there are only two kinds of things that burst out after these guys died. Among them, the spirit body, the final explosion must be a psionic crystal. As long as it is solid, it must be the kind of red spherical crystal, and this crystal will definitely appear in the monster's heart.

Along the street, one room and one room of the reconnaissance past, killed a lot of strange things all the way, and finally when I walked back to the house where Christina rested, I had more than five hundred spirits in my hand. Can crystal and almost three hundred red crystals.

When I returned to the house with these things, I unexpectedly noticed that someone was chatting inside. Before I asked what was going on, I saw the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon Ji came down from the second floor together.

"Well? Sakura Yu? Why are you there? Are you alone or with someone else?"

"I'm with Zhenhong." Sakura Yu jumped off the stairs as she said, and then said, "When we got here, we met a scary and scary ghost, me and Zhenhong. Sisters were scared to death for a while. Later, we ran back to fight and finally managed to hide here. I didn't expect to meet Sister Christina and Sister Fiery by accident. Oh yes. We also saw on the way A big toad flew out from here, did you also run away? "

"That ... it's a good thing that you can find us anyway. Now that everyone is here. Let's act together and search the town quickly?"

In fact, according to the previous plan, we should go directly to the soul well that female ghost told me, but now the situation has changed.

When we were teleported to this place. The people with me are Real Red, Gold Coins, Christina, Matsumoto Masako, August Smoked, Sakura Rain God, and Blazing Dragon Girl. I count eight people in total. The geographical situation here. According to the description of the female ghost I subscribed to. It should be a medium-sized mountain, plus a circle of villages at the foot of the mountain. In other words, the area is not small. But in such a large area. Real red, Kristina, Blazing Dragon Girl, Sakura Yushin and I plus five people were actually teleported to this town, and in fact, there were less than two hundred points between our landing points. It's just meters.

Such a high-density centralized landing indicates that the teleportation does not randomly place us in the entire active area, because if that is the case, we should be very open to each other. It can't be so densely concentrated, so, according to my judgment, most of the remaining gold coins, Masamoto Matsumoto, and August smoked were not thrown far away, but should be in the village. The reason why it is difficult for us to meet each other is mainly that our strength is suppressed very much, so the detection range has been reduced a lot, and the heavy rain outside has generated a lot of noise, so there is no way to use sound to locate the position of the companion. In addition, the rain screen obscures the view and the dim light caused by the clouds above the head, even in such a place, it is difficult to find others even at a distance of 50 meters, let alone 200 meters.

Therefore, Matsumoto is congratulating that most of them are still in the village, but they don't know where they are.

Although there are no detailed tips about where we land, but because I have just gone out to clean up all the monsters in half of the village, now actually Matsumoto is congratulating them where they may exist, leaving the other half of the village Now, the search scope is actually narrowed down a lot.

Anyway, the matter of the soul well is not urgent, we just use this opportunity to search for Masamoto Matsumoto if they are also in this village, so that we can get together as soon as possible. In this kind of unfamiliar ghost place, everyone still gathers together to have a higher survival rate.

Because I did n’t meet the real red and the cherry rain gods before, I thought I encountered the Blazing Dragon and Kristina by accident. Now it seems that this is because the previous teleportation only covered a large area, not Throw us around. Now that so many people have come together, the rest is not hard to find.

After Kristina and Zhenhong came downstairs, I told them briefly, and of course they had no opinion on this, so we started to enter the streets outside and started searching for Matsumoto's congratulations.

"This is the first time since I entered the game that I felt it was a mistake to choose a mage profession." Kristina said as she walked while holding my shield.

As a mage, of course, Christina does not have a helmet, but this is not a problem at all, because at least ten kinds of magic can be used in the general-type spells that all mages of all departments can learn. Protect from rain. What we can say here is not only to prevent rain, but also to say that this method has the ability to prevent rain. At the same time, it also said that the consumption of this magic is very low, so that the mage can always support this spell through the entire rain process without seriously affecting the individual's combat effectiveness.

However, although there are a lot of magics that can be used to cover the wind and rain, at this stage, everyone's abilities are suppressed very much, so even a super mage like Christina is afraid to say her magic. A lot. The result is that she dare not use magic to block the rain now, because the consumption of any magic here is amazing, even the small magic that blocks the rain is not the kind of magic that Christina can support for a long time. Just because there is no way to use magic to stop the rain, Christina can only consider other methods.

It would be a good idea to get a fighter helmet. Because Christina also had armor on her body. Her robes were not made of pure knits. In fact, the set of Christina's body should be called Mage One, not Mage Robe. The upper part of this thing uses something similar to the light armor worn by the soldiers, except that the set of Christina's set is more tight-fitting and looks more beautiful. After all, the armor used by soldiers needs to consider the structural strength and range of motion, and the wizards do not need too much physical movement. So the armor does not need any activity. The thickness need not be so exaggerated. Therefore. So Kristina's armor looks similar to a piece of one-piece armor corset, and it is not too much to say that it is a corset. As for the lower body of Christina ...

Below her waist is a circle of skirt that is about the same length as a miniskirt. In fact, it is just a circle of nails extending down the waist. There is also a real skirt inside this circle of skirts. This is made of braid. The top of this skirt starts at the waist and extends below the skirt, but the length is not the same. The front part of this lining skirt is actually very short, that is, slightly longer than the skirt, but the rear part has been dragged to the ground. The entire skirt is designed with asymmetric front and rear, and the front is short and the back is long. .

Of course, this skirt is not made of ordinary materials, but is made by using five or six different magical creatures and threads drawn from several types of magic metal. In addition to the magical properties of horror, the physical properties are almost perfect. Not only is it very tough, a thin layer of silk can have the general defense of Kevlar armor, but more importantly, this thing is as soft as The finest silk is average, and this thing is water, fire, dripping and non-sticking, even if you put it in the mud and rub it, as soon as you pick it up, the mud on it will immediately go down by itself, and you won't see any traces.

Because of this horrible performance, Kristina's skirt is completely afraid of water. And there are sleeves made of similar materials under her upper body armor, which extend to the wrist, which means that Christina's whole clothes are almost waterproof and can be worn as raincoats. And the only problem is the head.

The head of the mage's equipment generally uses two things-headdress or crown. However, no matter whether it is a headdress or a crown, it looks like it can block the rain. Christina's own crown area is not small, but there are still a lot of hollow design, anyway, it is definitely not a rain hat.

If there is no way to stop the rain on your head, your eyes will be affected by heavy rain. Even if you don't care about the wet feeling on your body, the problem of covering your eyes is a major problem. Therefore, Kristina's best way is to get a knight helmet and buckle it on her head. The advantage of this is that it can block the rain and not affect the combat attributes.

The equipment in "Zero" does not actually prohibit you from wearing multiple pieces of equipment in one location. As long as you have a way to put on it, the system will not prevent you from wearing it. For example, you can wear ten layers of robes on your body. Although it looks very bloated, it can be put on. This is beyond doubt. However, what you wear does not mean that the system will admit that these things you are wearing are "equipped" by you.

Wearing on the body and equipment is not a concept at all. Take a simple example. Many weapons in "Zero" have attribute limits, which require users to reach a minimum of strength or agility. Of course, there are also attributes such as level requirements. The mage's staff will generally require intelligence before they can be used. However, before your attribute is not hit, it does not mean that you will not get that thing, you can still pick it up, but the system does not recognize that attribute, which means that although you hold the weapon in your hand, the weapon Will not be counted in your combat power, you are actually exactly the same as the combat power without weapons.

This mage robe is the same concept. You can put ten layers on your body, but the system only recognizes the innermost layer, because that is the first one you put on. It is equipment recognized by the system as "in equipment".

Like Christina now. As long as she puts a large helmet on the outside of the crown, she can protect it from rain, but the system does not calculate the attributes of this helmet. Christina's own crown can still play a role, so that Do not affect combat effectiveness. It can also ensure that the eyes will not be affected by water entering the eyes.

unfortunately. This method is simple though. Now it doesn't work, and the reason is that this space is forbidden to open all space channels. When I first arrived here, I found out that I couldn't open the door of Fenglong Space and Earth here. Even the space storage window on my body, anyway, the doors with storage capacity could not be opened anyway. Because everyone's storage space can't be opened, although we have a lot of unused equipment in our hands, we can't get it out. Kristina actually has a helmet herself, which she used when diving, but unfortunately couldn't get it out. In order not to be caught in the rain, she had to borrow a shield from me.

My dragon soul suit has two detachable shields, which are hung on the upper arm parts of my left and right arms, but this shield is a folding shield. It is not large when it is stowed, and it looks like a very large piece on the arm. Large shoulder armor, but in fact, as long as you hold it in your hand and shake it hard, it will directly expand into a large shield with a standard shape. Although the attributes of this shield are very high, Kristina cannot be equipped, but this does not prevent her from using a shield as an umbrella. Of course, after all, the shield is not used to prevent rain, so it is actually very hard to put it on your head. After all, this stuff is a soldier's equipment, and it's not too heavy. Fortunately, Christina was barely able to move.

"Actually you don't have to hold that thing." Zhen Hong suddenly said beside him.

Kristina looked at Zhenhong with a depressed face and asked, "I will become a chicken without holding this. Do you want to see me out?"

"I don't mean that. I mean you can find them who can borrow wings!"

"Wings?" Kristina froze for a moment before she suddenly responded: "Why? I didn't expect it." She turned and looked directly at us.

There are only three people with wings here, me, the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon girl. Kristina and I know best, but the problem is that I am a man and she is a woman. If I want to use my wings to block the rain, I must stick to me. But although Christina didn't mind this very much, she couldn't care less. However, the chances of Sakura Rain Goddess, Blazing Dragon Ji, and Christina are not many. Everyone can only be known, and it's really impossible to know what they are familiar with. After all, everyone really spends less than three times together day.

Although a little tangled, Christina finally chose the cherry rain god, because the cherry rain **** looks the best to talk, and the girls are more talkable. Besides, the cherry rain **** chick also has a feature that I and Blazing Dragon Ji do not have, which is that she is semi-assistant, similar to gold coins. In contrast, once a battle occurs, I and Blazing Dragon Girl must be on the front line. In this case, in the event of an emergency, when I run with Blazing Dragon Girl, Christina will have a chance to react. No, it will be even more embarrassing. Therefore, in contrast, it is best to stay with the cherry rain **** chick, at least the cherry rain **** chick does not need to rush to the front, and Christina can also stay with her.

Of course, the sakura rain chick will not reject Christina's request, and she will spread the white feathers behind her directly above her head and overlap to form a canopy-like existence.

Don't think that the wings on the player are very small and can't block many things. In fact, all the creatures with wings in "Zero" have the ability to retract. This kind of expansion and contraction is not entirely caused by folding. It is more of a magic effect, and it feels a bit like blowing a balloon. Just like my wings. When I put my wings behind my back, I have two options. One is to make it completely disappear. You can't see the shadow of the wings at all. This is also the pattern I use in most cases. The second is to hang the wings on the back, but the wings are folded. In this mode, my wings look as if two huge umbrellas are hung behind, and their length is about one meter. It is not as long as my height, and the thickest part is also more slender. The waist is almost the same thickness. If this size doesn't change, the spread wings won't be able to generate enough lift to take me to the sky. However, in fact, as long as I spread the wings, I can form a pair of huge wings with a maximum wingspan of more than eight meters and a front and rear width of one meter eight. Such a big pair of wings. If you close your head. Naturally, a large area of ​​occlusion can be formed.

Sakura Yumi is relatively petite, so her wings are obviously not as big as mine, but it is not a problem to help Christina to block the rain.

With the mobile rain shed of Sakura Yumi, Kristina was obviously much better. At least you do n’t need to hold a large shield of tens of pounds.

Go all the way in the rain. Kristina and Sakura Rain chicks stay in the middle of the road at all times. True Red and I were on both sides, with Blazing Dragon Girl in front.

Now the goal of the operation is to search for people instead of clearing the area, so no carpet-type promotion strategy is needed. It can only be a pull-up investigation. The advantage of Blazing Dragon Ji in the forefront is to leave the weakest of the three tanks to protect Sakura Rain Goddess and Kristina, and Zhenhong and I can do it because of their strong single penetration ability. Act separately and separately. Our task is to enter the buildings on both sides to search for Matsumoto who may be there, and then exit quickly if we are sure there are no enemies. Of course, if the enemy pursues, we also need to lead the enemy outside the gate, then block the opponent's course, and finally kill these guys. As for the two crystals ... Of course, they can be collected and collected. Monsters that are not easy to deal with do not care as long as the opponent is not an active attack type.

Using this method, our advancement speed is not fast, but it is not slow. We will be near the village entrance after ten minutes, but we still haven't found any trace of Masamoto Matsumoto. .

"Strange, isn't the three of them really in this village?" Looking at the village entrance in front, Zhenhong was just as confused as me.

Christina asked, "Would you like me to have a bigger flare to lead them out?"

"Don't!" This time is the female ghost who followed us. She will be responsible for taking us to the soul well after we searched here, so she is always by our side.

Christina looked at the female ghost doubtfully. Although she didn't ask, she probably knew why she was against it. This kind of place is actually very clear. There are too many monsters. If you release magic sounds that have a great effect, you may not be able to draw much. So using a large flare in this kind of place is better than letting us go to a room by room. Search, at least this is not safer?

Although Christina did not ask, the female ghost explained the reason, and the meaning was similar to what we thought. Of course we won't be stupid. I really did that, so everyone went back to the previous way of action and continued the search of one room at a time.

Carefully pushed away the wood in front of me, and I made sure I stepped in after I was sure there was nothing to rush out, but I heard a sound of wood cracking behind me before my feet even landed. In such a heavy torrential rain, such a big movement can be heard across the road. It can be seen that the sound on the opposite side is already very loud. I thought about it and rushed over without turning around, and before I got to the middle of the road, I saw one red, one white, two two **** flying into the room over there, followed by two explosions, and the front of the house was directly bombarded. Open two big caves.

Although we don't want to release the flare to attract unnecessary monsters, we won't shrink from being loud because of loud sounds, otherwise we will put the cart before the horse.

After two large holes were blasted over the building on the other side, I also crossed the middle of the road. The blazing dragon Ji shouted when I saw it, and I shouted back, "You don't move." Then I rushed in In the opposite building. However, I just rushed in from the first floor, and immediately heard a loud noise from the upper floor, and then saw a large pile of pieces of wood falling on the street outside, and with these things came down A humanoid object.

Immediately after seeing the changes outside, I made a sudden brake. I want to rush back when I turn around, because I do n’t know how these creatures are fighting. There are only two Blazing Dragons and Sakura Yushin with melee ability outside. I am not very relieved. Although either of them is a first-class master, just don't forget that this is the task of the buff task. The buff task itself is already rare, and now there are even deeper missions out there. Needless to say, the difficulty is absolutely terrifying. Therefore, no monster can look down on such a place. In a word that players often say: Hell has no mobs. This means that there are no mobs in quests on Hell difficulty, and any monster must be treated as a fight.

Although I don't know the difficulty of the buff task we entered, even if the buff task itself is the lowest difficulty. That is advanced difficulty. The mission here is definitely a **** difficulty. Therefore, the monsters here must be dealt with as monsters of the same type or in clusters. The easiest way to deal with these difficult monsters is to gather together and use the number advantage to level the opponent's strength advantage.

What I thought was pretty good. But unfortunately. It's impossible to go all the way I think. Just as I turned around and rushed out. The ceiling above my head fell off with a bang, and two figures fell along with a pile of broken pieces of wood. One of them was really red, and her golden armor was easy to recognize. And another figure ... Is this grandpa an octopus? But how did the octopus come ashore?

Although I didn't understand what the situation was, I immediately made a judgment. Shouted at Zhenhong over there: "You go and fix the outside one, this is left to me."

True Red rarely disputed my decision during the battle, and turned and rushed out. And I rushed to take advantage of the chance that the big octopus fell to the southeast and northwest. Eternity quickly coagulated in my hands, and then changed into the form of a hook sickle. It is definitely impossible to use a small knife to deal with this kind of thing. The shape of the octopus shows that it has a strong immunity to physical damage, and it must be accompanied by a strong ability to regenerate the body. Therefore, dealing with this kind of thing can not create those small wounds, otherwise it is purely showing others their own strengths.

Taking advantage of the chance that the thing hadn't responded, I rushed straight up, the eternal hook sickle in my hand made a straight piercing, and then picked up the opportunity. Feeling no resistance, my eternal hook sickle cut the big piece of meat directly from the opponent's head. The body of this guy was almost translucent. The falling pieces of meat began to melt quickly as soon as they landed, turning into a puddle of water in less than ten seconds.

"I depend!" I quickly looked out to see the result, and it turned out to be almost the same as I guessed.

If the body of a thing can be broken down into water after death, it means that the body of the thing should actually be composed of a large amount of water. For example, in the real jellyfish, as soon as it is ashore, the gadget will quickly disintegrate into a pool of liquid, and then disappear. The jellyfish's body is composed of more than 95% of water. The main reason for a large beach.

This octopus-like thing can be decomposed into water, which means that it is similar to jellyfish, and the body is basically composed of water. However, although the creatures in the game draw on the blueprints of many real-life creatures, the creatures in these games are processed after all. They have been strengthened in many ways on the basis of certain creatures in reality. Since this octopus-like monster is mostly composed of water, and can be decomposed into water after death, can I infer that in reverse, as long as there is enough water, this thing can actually heal wounds quickly?

Just because I thought about it, I just looked outside, and the results I saw were similar to what I thought. The one who fell out was actually an octopus monster, and at this time four people, really red, Kristina, the sakura rain goddess, and the fiery dragon dragon, were all pressed together and beaten. The reason for this is not how powerful the octopus is, but because the opponent can reproduce almost infinitely. The octopus monster in the torrential rain can absorb the falling water from the ground and the sky and repair the body. As a result, no matter how Kristina attacked them, this monster is immortal. As soon as any damage occurs, less than five seconds Will be as good as ever.

Such a perverted creature, it's no wonder that Christina can't figure it out. but. In fact, I should be more worried than I am, because they are four-on-one, but I am one-on-one. And, unfortunately, although we are in the house, this house is obviously the same as the previous house and was smashed into a sieve-like thing because of the battle. There are leaks everywhere, and that thing can take water at will .

Fighting a creature that can regenerate indefinitely as long as there is water in the rainstorm, this shows that the rhythm of the pit father! but. It has become like this. We may not be able to run now, but we can only bite the bullet.

However, although this thing can be infinitely regenerated, I believe that in the true sense, infinite regeneration does not exist. Regeneration is in addition to the basic materials needed to build the body. In fact, the **** of the soul and the energy supply are needed. These are essential. The regenerative ability itself can develop indefinitely. And the material that this body needs to build the body is everywhere. So now all I can consume is its energy and soul.

It may take a long time to consume the energy of this thing. After all, this is just like completely exhausting the power of an electric machine, and it will definitely not be too short in time. But if it is to deal with its soul, it does not necessarily take long. If the soul of this thing is very strong, and it also has a certain ability to regenerate, then it will be more difficult to consume the soul of this guy, but if the soul of this thing is not enough, and there is no regeneration ability, then I have to deal with it Much simpler.

When I was thinking about how to deal with this thing, it had stretched all its wrists and feet to the place where there was water, and then I saw that the gap in his head was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, less than thirty times before and after. The big gap in this guy's head disappeared in seconds.

Looking at the amazing healing power of this thing, I once again affirmed that I had to use a soul attack to work. Fortunately, the ability to switch between eternity is very convenient. I just inject a little magic, and a light blue light on the eternity.

In fact, this blue light is Hellfire. It should have been dark purple, and it should be a few meters high. A blazing fire should be raised. Unfortunately, the attribute is suppressed, the purple flame has turned blue, and the original flame is a few meters high. The blade was now covered with a thin layer. However, the key to this flame is to burn the soul, so the size doesn't really matter much, as long as it has.

Taking advantage of that thing and the last wound was not fully recovered, I rushed straight up holding eternity. The monster on the opposite side blocked with wrists and feet as expected, and it tried to restrain my movements with wrists and feet, but its first wrist and foot just touched eternity and it just seemed to accidentally hit a red iron. With the sound of Dora, the guy couldn't help but choke for a while, and at the same time his wrists and feet curled back, apparently just enough pain.

However, I didn't intend to let this guy go, and while it was giving up the attack because of pain, I rushed straight up to it and pierced the guy's head with a sword, and this guy seemed to be suddenly shocked The tentacles of the whole body suddenly danced wildly. I didn't expect that this thing reacted so much after being injured, and was caught off guard by a while, but eternity was left on its head. However, although I was pumped out, the guy started to melt slowly after a flurry of tentacles.

In fact, I have probably guessed the composition of this creature now. Strictly speaking, this thing is not a solid creature at all, it is actually a spirit body, which is why an octopus will run to land. It fixes water around the soul through its own soul, and then simulates a body that is exactly the same as it was before its death. However, in reality these bodies are nothing more than water, which is not true, which is why the cut parts will melt. As for wound healing ... that should actually be more appropriate for recondensation.

My eternity has just inserted the hellfire that burns the soul directly into the heart of this guy, that is, directly inserted into its soul, and then the hellfire begins to burn its soul, and as the soul is continuously burned, Its control of the surrounding water is getting weaker and weaker, so it can no longer maintain its physical state, and it looks to us as if it has melted.

Sure enough, even the most difficult monster to find is the right way to kill. With my example, the octopus outside didn't last long. Without the soul energy to gather the body, even if it is soaked in water, its regenerative ability will not play any role, but the intact body will begin to break down and fall off by itself.

After we got these two monsters, we really got two soul crystals ~ ~ It shows that these two things are really spirit bodies. However, although we have solved these two problems, we are not happy because we can now basically determine that most of the remaining three people of Masamoto Matsumoto are not here.

We just made so much noise when we fought with the two monsters. If they were sure, they would have found it. But until now, nothing has happened, only to show that Matsumoto is not at all nearby. However, all five of us were sent to a village. Why are three of them exceptions, Masamoto Matsumoto, gold coins, and August smoked?

"Do you remember what you were doing when you were teleported?" As I searched the house where the octopus monster was found, I asked Zhenhong that they wanted to know why Matsumoto was in a different position from our teleportation.

Christina and they thought about each other's reactions at the time, but I found that there seemed to be nothing in common, that is, the transmission position may have nothing to do with our response. However, if it is not for our own judgment, what determines their three teleportation positions? Can't it really be random? Eight people randomly added a whole mountain plus a dozen villages. As a result, five of them fell into a circular area with a radius of 200 meters. Only the remaining three did not know where they were going. ? (To be continued ...)

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