Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 40: Debris collection

If you want to brush the crystal, you will naturally go out, but this place is a veritable "ghost place". Considering the existence of many ghosts, there are some very special abilities, so I have a little trouble to go out alone. However, even if I don't want to go out alone, it seems that nobody can go with me now.

This place is full and there are only four other than me. Kristina needs to restore her magic power, so she must not be able to move. Although Blazing Dragon Ji didn't have much problem in terms of attributes, she was mentally tired, so she couldn't count on her. The remaining two ghosts ... forget it! It ’s better not to bring them!

After thinking about it, I didn't think of any good way. I could only decide to go out alone. Remind Kristina and Blazing Dragon Ji to pay attention to the two female ghosts to prevent them from making fun while I am away, and then I leave the room alone.

Going out from this place is the street, but this is just a very common village-level gathering place in Japan, so there is no drainage facility on the road, and the heavy rain at this time is particularly heavy, so now the road surface is about to change It's a stream. One foot down, the water has completely covered the feet.

"This **** weather!" I had to pull down my mask while standing in the heavy rain. The helmet part of the Dragon Soul suit is actually covered by rain, so under normal circumstances, I don't necessarily have to put down the mask even when it rains, but the amount of rain in this place is so great that the helmet The diversion troughs and rain shields on the upper side have no way to completely divert the flow, and the mask can only be lowered if there is no way.

Although the Dragon Soul suit is used as top equipment. Its various attributes and wearing comfort are top-level, but the closed helmet is closed after all. Even if it is a law array with air filtration and oxygen generation, it will be somewhat uncomfortable after being closed. . After all, my head must be sealed in a sealed jar. Even with breathing assistance, it is definitely not as comfortable as breathing fresh air directly, so I generally do not need a mask. Feeling this stuff on the face is affecting comfort.

Although the rainwater can't get in after putting on the mask, my vision range is also blocked by a small part, and because the rainwater will flow down the crystal baffle of the helmet mask on the eyes, the picture I see from the inside It's like being separated by a curtain of water, considering that the place is already dark. In this case, the impact on sight is really not so great. to be frank. I don't usually think that the helmet of the Dragon Soul suit is blocking the line of sight, but in this case, this small impact has been greatly amplified.

Although I was temporarily blocked from view due to the influence of the helmet, the visibility range was still large, so I didn't care too much. More importantly, I didn't plan to fight anyone on the road. Because I have already inquired about it before. The real gathering place of the ghosts is still in these houses on the roadside, and the wandering spirits outside are actually relatively rare.

Now that you have a clear goal, the rest is much simpler. After walking down the street to a house, I went straight to a house next to the house where Christina was hiding. Because this is the house on both sides of the street. So I do n’t know if it ’s out of habit or there are regulations. Anyway, this row of houses is generally tall, and even the building style is the same. If it ’s not because of some differences in the position of the windows and individual decorations, these buildings can simply It is said that it was poured out of a mold. Unfamiliar people may find this house before they come out.

Before entering the door of the house in front of me, I broke the eternity into a fluid structure, and then let it attach to the blades on my body, and the remaining part was covered with a layer on my ten fingers. This mode is one of the more commonly used fighting modes, because in this case, all the blades in my body have eternal attributes, and because I do n’t have weapons in my hand, I can let go of my hands and feet to fight. No matter if it is a skilled weapon, it is definitely impossible to compare it with your own finger soul. After all, even a hard-working person cannot practice swords all day long, and your fingers are with you for a lifetime. From birth Fingers have been used by you since the beginning, so no matter who it is, using a finger is definitely more flexible than using a weapon.

The enemies in this place are all monsters or ghosts, and currently there may be more spiritual beings, so what I need now is not high attack, but high agility. The appearance of these spirits is almost instantaneous, so weapons with slow attack frequency must not hit these guys. On the contrary, if I just use my finger or a weapon anywhere on my body, my speed will be greatly increased. In this case, my attack can hopefully hit those ghosts and the like. As for the attack power ... this is actually not the main issue. Spirit creatures are generally not high in defense and have low health. In simple terms, they are not resistant. These guys are attacked a little bit, and they can be easily killed. Of course, considering that almost all spirit creatures have the attribute of invalid physical attack, it is actually not easy to hit them.

Immediately after getting ready, I strode into this house. The entrance to the gate is a small platform. This place is probably used for changing shoes. Most people in Japan don't wear shoes at home, so you need a place to change shoes at the door. But I do n’t plan to be polite to the head of the household here. My combat boots are attributed. At this time, it is impossible to change shoes in any way, right?

I stepped directly on the floor of the house in the two-step cross-country platform, but what made me very depressed was that the hidden advantage in this place was almost gone.

All the houses in Japan are made of wood, and the thing of wood is actually very soft, especially for a long time, the wood will still be deformed, and then if there is something heavier on it, it will creak immediately the sound of. and. Even though there are cushions under my feet, my suit is not too heavy, so every step on the ground will make a heavy snoring sound. Such a big movement, in addition to the real deaf, is estimated that only those who need to wear hearing aids may not hear? As for whether there are such monsters in the game ... I haven't seen them anyway. On the contrary, there are a lot of blind creatures that can lock on the attack by your heartbeat alone.

Recently, I suddenly feel like I have a crow's mouth. I just thought of a blind creature with great hearing, and suddenly one flashed out from the front. The shape of this thing basically retains a little human shape, but there are no human features on his head. In fact, except for a large mouth that almost covers half of the face, the head of this thing is a bare bald head. ladle.

In addition to the strangely long head, the skin of this thing is also unsightly. The pale skin did not show any wrinkles. On the contrary, it looks like the skin after human edema. It looks a little crystal clear. However, once the human skin is crystal clear, it will definitely not look good, because the blood vessels and meridian tissue covered there are all very disgusting things according to the normal human aesthetics. Finally, except for this strange glittering skin. The extremities of this thing are also very variable. Its hands and feet have been completely mutated. Not only did your fingers and toes get a lot thicker. And a long claw grew from the tip.

At this point the thing was hanging upside down on the roof with its strong and powerful limbs, and was rushing towards me at an incredible speed.

The moment I saw that stuff rushed in, I took the initiative. In fact, this is often the case. Dodging after seeing the enemy often causes greater losses, but it is better to rush forward. of course. I'm talking about a situation where there is not much difference between the enemy and us, or you are stronger than the enemy. If the opponent is strong, it is better to run quickly.

The thing on the other side has no eyes, so it must rely on vision to capture the position, but even knowing this is useless, thinking that I can't mute myself. This place is full of wood. I can definitely make a huge noise no matter where I borrow, but I can mute myself for a short time.

Just when I was about to rush with that thing, the two of us suddenly reacted at the same time. The thing ran and leaped suddenly from the ceiling, and I took off at the same time, and then we met in the air. The opponent's two front paws instantly clasped my left arm, which was deliberately stretched out, and then I heard a bitter metal rubbing sound, and above my left arm arm was a splash of Mars caught by this guy . However, just when this guy was holding my arm hard, my right hand was exactly pressed against his forehead.

Of course, this guy is not trying to kill his head, he just wants to bite me, but I take advantage of it. After all, eyes are better than ears, so my observation is more intuitive. When the other person reached out and wanted to bite me, I held down the top of my head, and then my five fingers clenched suddenly. Although the guy's scalp and cranium were very slippery, they still did not play a protective role in the face of eternity. My fingers successfully bit his brain, then eternally penetrated his cranium and entered the brain Close them together with force.

It takes less than two seconds to add a piece before and after this entire process. If normal people saw us, they would probably only see me and the monster hitting each other in the air, and then they would turn over and land on their own. The cracked cranium, as for that thing, has been completely paralyzed without any movement.

Earlier I said that this place is full of spirit creatures. I didn't expect that there would be monsters that are not spirit creatures. I walked over and turned this guy over with my feet, and then I looked at this guy's head carefully, only to find that he had eyes, but his skin wrapped the eyes in it.

Seeing this, I simply tore open the entire scalp of his scalp, but the structure inside made me even more surprised, because this guy's skull is completely a human skull, except for a slight variation in the oral cavity.

This thing is obviously a human variant, and it looks like a failure. But that's not the point, because I suddenly heard a clutter of footsteps behind me.

This footstep sound is very familiar to me, because the thing I just killed is such a footstep sound, and this messy sound at this time can only be one reason-more than one came.

The moment I heard the sound, I turned around, and then I saw seven or eight such things suddenly rushing down the dark stairs. Some of them are hanging from the ceiling. Some are squatting on the ground, while others are attached to the wall. Anyway, these things are like bugs, and they can stand on any plane.

After they came down, they smelled left and right, and then pointed their heads at me. Obviously, they also have a good sense of smell. They have discovered the death of their companions, and I can be sure that these things already know that I am here, but because I have n’t moved since I turned around, they do n’t know my exact location for a while. But I believe they must know what I am about.

No matter what these things are now. But I definitely can't sit still. Just as those things approached me along the ground and ceiling. I suddenly shot first.

Because of the large number of opponents, I dropped my heavy hand as soon as I came up. First, he jumped in place towards the nearest monster, and the opponent probably heard my action, so he almost took off at the same time as me. And then they collided with me in the air. But this thing doesn't weigh as much as mine. So I ended up being overthrown. The two of us smashed into the ground together, and other monsters nearby rushed up immediately, but I suddenly rolled on the spot. Then a kick bounced on the side wall, grabbed a flying monster in the air, twisted and smashed it to the ground, and I flew upwards by reaction force. In the middle of the air, I shot a dragon's tendon against the opposite wall, and then quickly shot another one in the opposite direction.

Two dragon tendons were shot into the ceiling on both sides of the diagonal of the room, and I myself rely on these two cables to hang in midair.

The monsters below stopped for a while, and all of them stopped as if they were still. They seemed to be looking for my voice. But unfortunately, I now rely on a cable to hang in midair. This will not produce business without touching the ground, and those things can't find the target without hearing the sound. Although their eyes were only covered with skin, and the skin was still translucent, their vision seemed to really disappear.

While those things were at a loss, I adjusted the length of the cable on both sides to make me successfully move directly above a monster, and then when the monster listened to nearby movements, I suddenly retracted Cable line. The cables on both sides made a loud noise when they were forcibly pulled out of the wood, but because the two sounds appeared at the same time, the monster below was obviously a little dizzy. I don't know which side to attack first. However, just when they were confused, they suddenly made a scream of screaming in the middle of them, which scared the monsters around them, because this voice was sent by their companions, and this voice represented It means-help.

Although I heard the call of my companions, I couldn't see the sound of my landing, so these monsters completely lost their judgment. Some are squatting overwhelmed, while others are half-squatting on the ground, standing upright with their two big claws, and waving left and right in front of them, attacking non-existing enemies.

I'm certainly not afraid of these guys' attacks, because I haven't landed at all. In fact, I am standing on the back of the monster below, but when I fell, I turned the back blade of my foot to the sole of the foot, turning the combat boots into skates. Of course, this is not a roller skate, but a real skate with a skate. However, at this time, there was no ice cube below, so the two ice skates on the bottom of my feet were directly embedded in the monster's waist ribs. That kind of pain is why this guy screamed.

I certainly wouldn't let this guy resist, so after stepping on it, I used my own hands to pinch the guy ’s shoulder blades, and then when he tried to move, I stepped up and completely scrapped his limbs . After completely losing his ability to move, this guy can only slump to the ground, but because his friends thought it was his voice, he didn't attack here. And I have gradually killed this monster completely. After all, this thing is not a ghost, he is also bloody, and now a large pool of blood has flowed on the ground, and this monster has gradually lost its response.

After confirming that the one underneath was dead and chasing, I stood up carefully from his back, because the monster's body was under the foot. So the sound is not the same as stepping on the ground. The surrounding monsters act as companions' voices and do not attack it.

When I stood completely upright and found that the surrounding monsters had no further action, I carefully took out a flying knife from my body.

I have confirmed the previous attacks. The ability of these monsters to recognize sounds is not so strong that they can hear everything, at least they can't confirm my position from my heartbeat. Moreover, I have done a lot of actions in the air before, these guys have not responded, which shows that they are not strong enough to judge the enemy's attack based on the sound of the changing airflow.

In fact, I have encountered such a super creature that is extremely sensitive to sound before. Those guys are really difficult to give birth. They can even react before you because the sound changes caused by the change in the way the heart supplies blood before you attack After all, senior personnel will adjust their bodies in advance before preparing for the attack. The heart must need a lot of blood in this process. The rapid heartbeat rhythm and the change of beating sound caused by this large blood supply can be used as the pre-judgment criteria for the attack action. So, those monsters sometimes seem to have the ability to foresee, you move them before you even move. Also, those real high-end auditory creatures can actually hear the sound of weapons cutting the air. So every action you hear will be heard. The other party can accurately guide your current posture. Rather than just knowing your approximate location.

Fortunately, these things are not so abnormal now, they can only rely on sound for approximate positioning. I can't hear my specific movements, so even if I attack with a flying knife, they should not find out. After all, the sound of flying knives is actually very small, and they are unlikely to find this movement.

The facts are similar to what I reasoned. The first flying knife hit the forehead of one of the monsters accurately, and then directly penetrated it. The monster fell down almost without shaking, and the surrounding monsters stood up alertly, but they had no idea what the attack was. They just judged that their companions had been attacked from the **** smell, but they didn't know anything about how they were attacked.

Watching these idiot monsters scurrying around there, I immediately shot again, and because of previous experiments, I have determined that these things do not have enough hearing to judge my attack position and orbit, so this time I am completely without I don't want to release my hands and feet to launch continuously, and within a few seconds, I will continuously kill all the remaining monsters.

After all the monsters were killed, I deliberately hopped a few times in this place, the purpose is to create sound to attract the monsters above. After all, this place is a hall, which is relatively large and suitable for my play. For such monsters, the narrower the place, the better it may be for them.

My noise did not attract the emergence of new targets, so I temporarily abandoned my intention to continue making noise, because there may be no such monsters on it. Of course, it may also be because the **** smell below made the remaining ones realize that the next opponent is a strong opponent, so the rest did not dare to come down.

Whatever the reason, at least the following should be temporarily safe. However, the purpose of my visit this time is to collect crystals, but these monsters have entities. They are not like the spirits I dealt with before. They will dissipate as soon as they die, and then they will drop a crystal. These guys don't know if they will explode the crystal or be inside the body, anyway, I didn't see anything.

There is no way, this kills all killed, can't help but look for it! Holding the eternally condensed dagger, the head of this thing was first opened, and then stirred in the brain. As a result, nothing was found, but there was a layer of green slime on eternity. Fortunately, when the eternal deformation occurs, the surface structure of Cantbiton is really dripping and does not stick, no matter what disgusting thing sticks, it will fall off naturally.

I didn't find what I wanted in my head, so I had to open my mouth. However, this project is a bit large. I had to change the eternity into more professional equipment, and it took a lot of effort to cut this guy's body into pieces. However, I didn't find anything.

"I trust, this thing won't burst into nothing, right?" After working hard for a long time, I felt like I had been working completely for nothing. I knew I shouldn't have entered this room at the beginning. I cost so much to kill so many monsters, and one of them was cut into pieces by the pathological anatomy standard. Even if there is a stone in this guy, it must have been turned out by me, but the result is that he excepted the bones. No hard objects exist.

Although one has been dissected, because I have encountered some low-level Warcraft individuals who do not have magic cores before, so just dissecting an individual can not be sure that these things are not the kind of crystal. Maybe that one just didn't exist for that thing.

No way, I can only start to dissect the second corpse, and I have already thought about it. If I do n’t have this, I will cut three more. This is equivalent to dissecting five corpses. If there are no corpses, it is basically It is certain that this thing is really nothing.

While struggling to cut the corpse, I prayed for something new in the body. As a result, there was still nothing after the object was shredded by me. Some depressed continue to cut the third, this time is still the same as before, first open the skull, and then open the mouth, as a result, when I cut this guy's heart, I unexpectedly found that his heart was actually There is a hard block.

After carefully digging out this thing, I found out that this is a mung bean-sized crystal, which is not the same as the crystals that were dropped by the spirits. The previous crystal is teardrop-shaped and ice-blue in color, but this one is spherical and dark red.

Although the color and shape are different, it is always a good thing to be able to explode something. I am excited to put this thing aside ~ ~ and then start to cut the remaining corpses.

Since one has been dug successfully, there is no need for a whole dissection this time. Dig out the heart directly and get one in a few seconds. After all the bodies were cut, a total of four crystals were obtained, and it can be said that less than one-half was produced.

After collecting absolutely no crystals, I didn't look at the properties and went straight to the second floor. These things are definitely useful anyway, and I guess the estimate I just got is as simple as a psionic crystal, probably the kind that I wo n’t understand, so I ’d better wait to go back and ask Female ghost.

Packing these crystals and boarding the second floor, I found that the door in front of me suddenly opened by myself within two steps, and then a small head was found out of it. At the bottom of this head is connected a small body. It looks like this is a child, at most it is only five years old. However, the child's body was not physical, but rather hazy as if made of water vapor. Obviously, this is a little ghost, and the strength is very low, otherwise it should not be so hazy.

Since it was not a dangerous thing, I strode over, and then the little thing turned around and saw me when I walked over. This reaction made me sting. After reacting, I walked over and opened the door, and then I was dumbfounded. (To be continued ...)

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