Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 16: Was separated

"Don't worry, this place can't be endless, just because the fog has blocked your sight and made you feel impatient." I consoled Zhenhong to calm her down, but unfortunately the effect was obviously not good. True red has always been in a very excited state.

My side was persuading Real Red, but Christina suddenly reached out to signal us to be quiet, both of me and Real Red looked at her in wonder, and did n’t know what she meant, but Christina pointed in one direction and said, "You do n’t feel ?"

"What do you feel?"

"Energy Shockwave. Like a heartbeat, very rhythmic."

"How can I not feel it?" The gold coin asked in confusion. "Does the rest of you feel it?"

Really shook her head. "I didn't feel anything, anyway."

The gold coin then looked at me, and I sensed it seriously and then shook my head: "No, I can't feel anything. But if we don't feel it, it doesn't mean that we don't have it. Christina is the most sensitive to magic fluctuations here. Her induction The scope and intensity are definitely greater than ours. "

"So what do we do now? Past?" Zhenhong asked me.

"Anyway, it is aimlessly looking for a goal. It is the same everywhere, right?" Gold Coin said.

I thought about it and was right, so I simply said to Christina: "Take us there."

Christina nodded and walked directly along her own induction, and the Death Guard on our side followed the collective turn and continued to form a protective circle around us to step on mines.

The room we are in may be a very asymmetrical rectangular room, if it is reduced to see it. This place may be more like a corridor, its length is much larger than its width. The location of the wave that Christina sensed was on our side, so our direction of movement changed from portrait to landscape. As a result, we found a wall without going too far, indicating that we had reached the edge of the room. If the distance between the left and right sides of this room is the same as the door we enter, then the width of this room is actually less than one kilometer, and its length is at least five kilometers. After all, we start from entering It ’s been over five kilometers, and I do n’t know how long it is.

Although I didn't find anything like the gate after seeing the wall. But seeing the wall at least knows that this place is not endless. Therefore, the emotion of true red has also stabilized obviously.

The gold coin looked at me and asked me, "Should we continue to move forward or back in this situation?"

Christina pointed to the wall and said, "If possible, I hope to open a hole here to see. That thing is not far away from us."

"Are you sure?" I asked Christina with a glance.

Christina nodded. "Look at it if you can."

I nodded and let the guards of death on both sides let go, and then pulled out the eternal force against the wall and drew a sword.

The walls are not very solid, the hardness of the granite itself is OK, but it is not much better than tofu in the face of eternity. Easy penetrating sword. It even made me feel some abnormal touch. So that when I entered the sword I snorted in doubt.

Cristina heard my voice questioningly and asked me, "What's wrong?"

"I don't feel right."

"Is there something hard?" Cristina asked.

The gold coin immediately said to Christina: "What do you think is hard for the eternal boss?"

Christina nodded and thought: "Yeah! What do you feel, President?"

"I don't know. It feels soft and very elastic. It doesn't seem to be completely pierced. A certain amount of resistance can be sensed, but the thing still has some elasticity."

"How does it sound disgusting?" True red road.

I shrugged helplessly, "I don't know, it just feels weird. I'll know if I open the granite outside."

Cutting granite is not difficult. We have peeled off a large piece of granite in the lower two or three layers, but what is hidden in this layer of granite which is 60 cm thick makes us feel a little puzzled Already.

Behind the granite is actually a layer of blue-gray, with a little transparent gel-like things. Of course, the thickness of this substance in front of you is quite amazing, because it is very soft, and it is likely to be easily destroyed if it is not thick enough. But in fact, even this eternal sword is very difficult to cause any substantial damage. It's not that my eternity is not sharp enough, but that it is too soft and completely unpowered.

The gold coin was tentatively poked with his heavenly sword, and the result was completely useless like eternity. The toughness of this thing is very high, and it is extremely soft. A slight touch of the sword tip is a pit, but you can restore it immediately after you take it a little.

Christina also came over to feel this thing with her hands, and then we were surprised that she pressed her palm into the inside of the thing as hard as she could, and she even stunned herself.

When we heard Christina's voice, we looked at it immediately, and it turned out that Christina's palm was stuck in the gel, but what surprised us even more was that there was something in the gel in La Christie. Na, actually took advantage of Christina's unsuspecting opportunity to pull in her half of her body. As soon as we saw this was okay, we hurried up to help. The gold coins and I directly grasped Christina's exposed body and began to pull out, while true red was simply hitting the surface of the soft gel-like substance with a punch using the irrigation technique.

Normally, punching on this soft object is basically useless, because this thing is soft, it will absorb your punching power, and it will not produce much power at all. However, the power technique is a technique that can control the burst position of power. There are many types of boxing techniques that use this technique, and among them, the most well-known ones are probably across the mountains. This bullfighting across the mountains is to instill power into obstacles, but the power itself is implied. It is a kind of kung fu that does not explode on the target behind the obstacle until it passes through the obstacle to form a killing effect.

The scope of application of empowerment can be said to be very broad, and its connotation is far more than just sending power out a certain distance, because it can also allow you to easily face situations such as the one at hand. If you are an ordinary person, as long as you do not know how to instill power, even if you are reincarnation of Hercules, if you encounter this kind of softness, it is estimated that you have to be blind because it is not powerful enough to handle. However, we are very lucky, because True Red is capable of instilling skills, and it is a master level. In addition to me in the guild, only the true Red ability is the highest. And because the power of true red is greater than mine. So although her technique is slightly worse than mine, it produces better results than me. With a loud noise, the gel-like thing surrounding Christina burst out, and the gel burst. We and Christina fell off the wall and rolled into a ball.

It's really red but we don't care about it. Because just now she has discovered something more important. An arm appeared in the gel that just burst. This arm should look like a human hand. At least it used to be, but now this hand has been quite rotten, obviously it has not just fallen off of a person. Looking at the decay rate, the dead body has been dead for at least several days in order to reach this level of decay, and it must be so exaggerated in a very hot and humid place, and it will take at least ten days if it rots in an ordinary area environment. It is possible to do it.

It's such a hand that is already rotten and has only bones left. It almost just pulled Christina into the gel. This shows that the hand can still be moved before, and it can move even if it turns so bad. Can be an undead creature.

"Undead creature?" Zhen Hong said frowning at the rotten hand on the ground.

I got up from the ground, walked over and squatted to look at the hand, and after confirming that there was no danger, I reached out and picked it up.

"How do you catch such a disgusting thing?" Christina called immediately when she saw the thing in my hand.

"It's okay, I've seen more than this disgusting one." I said and re-examined the broken hand in my hand before throwing the broken hand to the real red women and saying, "This thing is strange, it doesn't feel like undead Creatures, but lifelessness exists. "

"Dead but not an undead creature? Is it a ghost of the Eastern system?" Cristina asked.

"I don't know about this, anyway, this should not be the undead."

Zhenhong looked at the big hole burst by herself on the soft wall and said, "Hey there are black gurgles. Do you need to go in and check them?"

"It's better to go in and see." I said, and walked straight to the entrance of the cave.

In fact, according to standard procedures, I should throw lighting magic first when encountering such a hole, and then the next step is to be a pet or a creature to find the way, and finally it is my turn to enter it, but the situation is slightly different now. Everyone's magic is not much, and we still have a main task that we haven't gotten, so I'm a little more urgent, and the result is an accident.

It was n’t a big deal, it was me and the big guy ... I was lost.

Just behind the big hole that was just exploded, it was a space interface that didn't know what type. The hole that I drilled through was actually on the other side of the passage, and the hole didn't know whether it was one-way or one-time, or something else. For any reason, after I got into it, I found that I actually appeared in the middle of the village of Huangshi Village, that is, next to the dry well we crossed.

Although I know this place, the situation is quite bad now. First, there is no other transmission port near me, that is, who can't use the channel port to transmit back. Secondly, although I recognized Huangshi Village here, I was not sure which Huangshi Village it was.

In fact, this is the third Huangshi village I have seen so far. The first yellowstone village we saw was actually on the normal game map, that is, the yellowstone village surrounded by dense fog. That can be said to be the beginning of the buff mission. Later, when we jumped out of the dry well in the middle of Huangshi Village, we reached the second Huangshi Village. This yellowstone village is already one of the official maps in the buff mission, and we took the mission to destroy the soul collector and dived back. but. Now there is a third Huangshi Village in front of my eyes.

There is a big difference between the No. 3 Huangshi Village and the first two Huangshi Villages. I can recognize them at a glance because it is the only Huangshi Village that remains intact among the three Huangshi Villages.

Whether it was Huangshi Village, which used to be the entrance to the mission, or the Yellowstone Village where the corpse was encountered after entering, it is already a semi-ruin. Most of the buildings have collapsed, and the rest are dilapidated. One or two walls, some roofs are open, there is no good house anyway. However, this third Huangshi village where I am now. The architecture inside is not new. But they are all intact, not even a little dust, as if someone was cleaning it.

Of course, although the third yellowstone village is far superior to the two previous yellowstone villages in terms of new and old buildings and cleanliness. But I still recognized this is Huangshi Village at a glance. Because the three villages have exactly the same building structure and layout. Especially the well in the middle of the village, this thing is a huge sign, telling me that this is Huangshi Village.

After confirming that this place is Huangshi Village, what I want to determine the most is where Christina and Real Red are going. But the results are very worrying, because I tried all the contact methods except offline, and none of them worked. I couldn't find them at all, and I didn't even know if they followed me into the transmission channel behind the big hole.

I ca n’t get in touch with them and I have to act alone.

Holding eternity in my hand, I carefully walked over to the house where the young girl met when I took the task, because this is the largest house in the village, and it is generally more likely to encounter situations. Do n’t think that encountering a situation is a bad thing. In fact, encountering various situations in such a destined task is not a bad thing. Rather, it is the worst to find nothing, because that would mean The full difficulty of this mission may be concentrated in one or two battles. Such tasks are mostly gambling, and the hope of victory is actually very slim, so it is not a good thing to say that it is not a good thing, but a bad thing.

The house where the girl was located was near the wellhead, not too far away, but now this place is much more gorgeous than the house I met when I first took the task. The most important thing is that when we met the girl's house, only half of the house was left. When lying on a tatami, you can see the sky directly, saying that the ruins are not exaggerated at all. However, now this house not only connects three houses in front, back, left and right, but also the materials on the surface of the building look very new. In some places, there are even things like the bronzing Jiahui logo, which are incomparable to the previous ruins. .

Although the house is very new, it feels less human than the previous ruins. Although this house is beautiful, it is weird everywhere, and as I get closer, the more and more dense breath of death in this house is telling me clearly-this is not good.

Although I can clearly feel the strangeness of this place, it is useless to shrink back. I have already arrived here. How can I be willing without investigating? Besides, I have already lost contact with everyone in Huangshi Village. I ca n’t go back without investigating the situation here, right?

Move carefully to the gate. Unlike the last time, the gate of this house is closed this time. However, when I went to the door and tried to push it, the door suddenly slipped to the side. In fact, I was going to knock on the door. Only when I got to the door did I find that the door of the house was sticky. I could n’t knock at all, otherwise it would hit a hole. But do n’t worry about it anymore, because the door has opened by itself, just enter it.

This house was not topped when I took the task before, so the brightness is okay, but the house in front of it is new, and the third Huangshi village itself has a lower light intensity than the previous two Huangshi villages, so Now the house can almost be said to have no fingers, and even my dark vision can only see some outlines.

Although the sight is not good, this place is still inaccessible, but he had no choice but to go forward while holding Eternal while carefully guarding.

This room is a fan-shaped area upon entering the door. This place is paved with rocky ground. It should be a place to change shoes. Then it is a tatami mat floor ~ ~ at least 20 cm higher than the outside threshold. .

The light coming in through the doorway, standing in this fan-shaped area, can see the general situation in the center of the room. There is no air there, there is no girl who posted the task before. Of course, that girl should be in the main world now, and it should have been hung up, so it is normal to not find that girl here.

Although the total area of ​​this house is not small in good condition, the characteristic of Japanese architecture is that it can make good use of space. No separate furniture can be found in the house. Everything is either attached to the wall or under the tatami. It is rare to see all kinds of dense furniture in Chinese families. It is also because there is no furniture to block it, so with perfect dark vision, I just made a few casual glances to basically confirm that there is no one here.

"Strange, it's not here!" I searched the room and I couldn't help talking to myself. It is said that task triggering should be relatively simple! But why haven't there even been an event that can trigger my task?

I was thinking there, and before I got out of the room, I suddenly felt a chill that spread from the coccyx to the scalp. I immediately tightened my whole body muscles and slowly turned my head back. I'd like to see what the host here is. (To be continued ...)

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