Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 22: Monsters in Monsters

The more common things are the more easily forgotten, as if we usually don't notice the air around us, in fact they always surround us. The sea of ​​silence, or the sea of ​​perdition, the sea of ​​death, the water of the river, the river of hell, and the sea of ​​endlessness, is a place anyway, referring to the black sea at the entrance of **** that the endless horizon claims to be unable to cross, which is all the darkness and sinking in the world The extreme negative energy formed by the strength, its powerful negative attributes can devour all light, any positive energy in front of it is as fragile as a candle in the flood, and nothing is left as long as a light splash of water splashes. If you want to say the number of things ... I also know with my toes that it is endless.

"Oh, I forgot such an important thing, thanks to Yan Jun for reminding me."

"Haha, let's go!" The ten hall Yan Jun turned away with a sharp smile, and I no longer politely turned back to my own palace of the king of Yan, and then ran to the sea of ​​silence. The endless black sea was not With any trace of waves, the entire sea surface is as stable as a mirror, but if you dare to take a step forward, you are guaranteed to know what is the most terrifying thing in the world. This seawater is a liquefied body of negative energy. Compared with it, 10,000 years of corpse poison and evil breath are just as harmless as spring breeze.

After a short pause, I began to take out various bottles from my body and carefully identified the following, and finally selected a purple gourd I did not know when. No way, the wind dragon will help me collect the dropped items automatically, so I often pull out a bunch of strange things from my body that I do n’t know when I put them in. This purple gourd obviously belongs to this category of "unknown object", but after looking at the properties a little, I determined that this is the most suitable thing for the seawater of the silent sea.

Although it looks like water, the sea of ​​silence is condensed by negative energy. After all, not everything can be taken out. If you put a glass bottle in the sea of ​​the sea of ​​silence, it is just like iron sulfuric acid. It's almost assured that there will be no residue left after a few minutes. Now this gourd in my hand belongs to Xianjiabao. Its main function is to load things, and its main part does not really come into contact with the loaded materials. It is actually equivalent to a water pump that can remove the external materials. Inhaled into a compressed space inside, this space exists independently, and the outer bread is covered by a space barrier, not the shell of the gourd. Although the water in the still sea has a relatively light corrosive effect, it will not corrode the space, so this gourd is not afraid of it.

After taking a gourd for ten minutes, I finally filled it completely, because I do n’t know how much water the king needs to evolve, so I can only install as many as possible. When I returned to the heavenly court, Tai Shang Laojun was already waiting for me, and it was no surprise to see him appear so soon. "If the water is here?"

"You already knew what I needed was Ruoshui?"

"Crap, otherwise what am I doing to get you to hell?"

Well, it took a long time for people to know what they needed, but it turned out to be a mystery with me that caused me to go around such a large circle. Anyway, I finally got it back. "It's all in this gourd. You can see if it's enough, and I'll go back and install it." If water is something that most people naturally can't touch, I can do as much as I want, anyway, we have the Lord of the Darkness, Moreover, it is the body of a great demon king, and is not afraid of water corrosion at all. If most people estimate that standing on the quiet seashore for a while, the water vapor of the sea will corrode nothing.

Tai Shang Laojun saw that the gourd I handed out was not picked up by hand, but was dusted, and a small hole was automatically opened on the stove top in front. "Pour Ruo water into it, be careful not to go too fast, I have to stop immediately if I ask you to stop."

"I see." I quickly climbed to the stove and started to add water to Riga. Because I was not sure about the amount at first, I dared to drop it one by one. Taishang Laojun looked at it for a while and felt that the king's absorption was good, so let me Speeded up a bit.

I added the flow of Ruo Shui to a thin waterline, and then kept it open for a few minutes. The old monk suddenly shouted, "Cut it down a bit, it's almost saturated!" I quickly turned off the water flow to The previous state of water droplets, after waiting another ten seconds, Taishang Laojun suddenly shouted, "Quick stop." I quickly cut off the water flow and took the gourd aside, but Taishang Laojun asked me to add two more drops. When I went in, I had to run back again, and finally made up seven or eight drops to get in. Taishang Laojun let me down. "Well, this time is almost the same." Taishang Laojun said: "Your potential is really good. If I didn't follow you, I would like to accept him as a disciple."

"What? You want to take him as a disciple?"

"That's right. This guy's willpower is thousands of times stronger than the average soul, especially the unyielding spirit, which is almost the same as Xingtian of that year! Oh yes, do you have black crystals?"

I hurried out an egg-sized black crystal from my body.

"Is this ok?"

"Be the best."

"The best?" I thought for a moment and asked, "Which aspect is your best? Volume? Energy intensity? Or stability?"

"Stability is the most important, followed by energy intensity, and finally volume. Combine the three factors to do your best to find the best one, but the volume is at least a bit larger than a person, and it is better. It must be a whole piece, not broken. "

"I'll take this thing with me." As I said, I pulled a spinning cone-shaped crystal column that was almost ten meters high and three meters in diameter. "Would you like this piece?"

Taishang Laojun appraised it, and then nodded his head and said, "Yes, this is the best. Why do you still carry such a large piece of crystal with you?"

"This is my magic storage. You also know what kind of property I am. This black crystal is just like an energy block to me. Of course, I need to find a large enough block (I think it is an" energy block ". ) "

Then you are ready, your men are almost upgraded, I will guide him into this crystal at once, and then you will immediately cut a hole in your hand to let your blood flow to the crystal, and you You must quickly take the crystal away from here to Yincao Difu, the energy of heaven is not suitable for the final process of molting. "Tai Shang Laojun said here after stopping for a while and added:" Actually, it is most suitable to put him in Ruobu soaking to complete the last stage, but now he is simply the essence of the huge dark energy, you If you put him in Ruoshui, it will definitely attract a lot of monsters in Ruoshui. If you are not afraid that he will be eaten, you can try it, but completing the final transformation process in that environment will definitely make him a great advance. Step, this choice is up to you, I just give you a choice. "

"I see. I'll protect him from completing evolution in Ruoshui."

Now that you've decided, let's get started. Tai Shang Laojun finished pointing at the stove in front of him. The top of the stove suddenly exploded and was blown out. A large group of purple flames spewed down the furnace mouth and almost reached the roof, followed by a whole body. The colored human figure wrapped in a purple flame suddenly flew out of the stove. Tai Shang Laojun shouted to me immediately: "Hurry up and call him into the crystal."

I quickly shouted to Xingying: "King." When Xingying was originally out, he seemed to be confused and kept floating around. Hearing my name as if he was electrocuted, his head turned instantly, a pair of green His eyes suddenly became extremely bright in the purple-black flame, and it seemed to be restored to consciousness. "King, come here and go into the crystal. Hurry."

When Heiying heard me, he first glanced at him, then focused his eyes on the crystal, and immediately flew towards the crystal. The moment when the black shadow hit the crystal, something unexpected happened. The black shadow penetrated as smoothly as a drop of water in the sponge, but the flame of bread outside his body seemed to hit it. The charcoal on the wall is usually smashed suddenly, and a large number of flames are flying around, and a large area of ​​ground nearby is instantly lit, and many of them are still on my body. As soon as I wanted to put out the fire, I heard Tai Shang Laojun shouting, "Don't worry about those fires, drop blood immediately, take it away, and let the flames handle it for me."

I nodded and immediately cut my palm and picked up the crystal. Then I ran out. The flame on my body didn't treat me well. After all, I was also evil, and Ming Flame was not lethal to me at all. After rushing out of heaven, he rushed to **** all the way and threw the black crystal into the water, as if a red soldering iron was put into the ice water. Just listening to the sound of the entire crystal surface immediately began to frantically emit white smoke. The water around Wakasa rolled like crazy. I did n’t know what to do when I was standing by the seaside, I just watched blankly, but fortunately the smoke disappeared quickly. On the contrary, the nearby Ruoshui seemed to find a loophole, and all came here, the crystal fell into the water. A huge whirlpool was actually formed at the position of "Xuan". It seemed that the crystal seemed to lead to another space.

"Master." A reminder reminded me to come back to God, because Taishang Laojun said that this process may **** the evil creatures in Ruoshui, so I released Ling as early as when I entered Hell. In such a place, Ling ’s power will be strengthened. Compared with outside, Ling ’s fighting power is now more than ten times the normal value, and she should be guaranteed in our safety.

Ling's reminder made me notice the sudden waves on the distant sea. Because the silent sea usually has no waves, the sudden large waves are obviously not a natural phenomenon. The contact with Tai Shang Laojun is probably caused by monsters. Already. Sure enough, when approaching the coast, the water surface suddenly swelled up, apparently something was coming out.

"Fire cover." When I looked back, I jumped towards the object that rose above the water, but I did not expect that the volume of that thing was obviously beyond my expectation. At first I thought it was at least as big as a dragon. Who knows that when I jump up, the thing that rises out of the water seems to be unexpectedly large. When I fly above it, the gadget has almost become an island, and I compare it with it. It's just an ant, but because the water on the thing is still flowing down, I can't see the image for the time being, I only know that the thing is big.

Although the degree of the water flowing down has been affected due to the volume of the thing, the water will still flow. When the water completely flows down, the appearance of the thing will also show up, but I still ca n’t see it clearly. The whole picture, because when all the water flows out, I only see a huge black hole covering me.

"Blasting-Arrow of Dark Light." With Ling's crisp spell sound, a black ray suddenly flashed below me, in the middle of the monster's huge jaw, and then I only saw the monster's open mouth burst suddenly. The large group of green flames apparently struck the monster's jaw with a blow.

"嗷 ——" A thunderous roar suddenly exploded in front of me. The huge sound explosion was almost like a shock wave, and it forced me to fly forward, dozens of heads in the air, and fell back. Jumping off the ground.

"Fuck, what the **** is this **** thing?" I really saw the whole picture of the monster after landing. The appearance of this thing is special. At first glance, it looks like a big lizard standing on two hind legs. However, his forelimbs are not the claws of a lizard, but are somewhat close to the shape of a human hand, but the sharp claws on the fingers are definitely not comparable to human nails. The head of that thing is also very strange. At first glance, it looks like a bull's head, but if you look closely, it is closer to the dragon's head, but because his horns are facing forward, it looks more like a cow. In addition to the lizard-like body and weird head, there are wings behind this thing ~ ~ It just looks really small and disproportionate. It is estimated that the wings ca n’t fly, but his tail It was surprisingly long, with the body all leaving the water and the tail, and most of it was dragged in the water behind.

"What is the defense of this thing?" Ling asked when he saw me falling beside her.

"You have just penetrated its jaw, but there are no scales in that place, and it is probably not so good in other positions."


We are talking, the monster has eased from the pain of jaw penetration. He suddenly growled again after seeing the two of us who hurt him. I thought he would rush ashore to attack us. Who knew he opened his mouth and started to gather energy, obviously he wanted to use a big move to get us in one shot, but we just saw the silence behind the monster before we had any response. Suddenly there was a bigger wave on the sea than before, and then we just felt that the surrounding area suddenly darkened, followed by a huge monster's skull suddenly flying out of the sea, biting a monster that was gathering energy, and then raising its head. Open your mouth and shake it twice before swallowing that monster. Ling and I stood on the shore and watched that the monster that had attacked us had almost beaten an island. The monster behind was able to swallow it all at once. How big should this guy be?

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