Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 15: Super metamorphosis

King Baoshu stared at me for a long time. I thought he was thinking but it turned out to be angry. "You ... don't think about it." The angry King of the Tree suddenly burst completely like hundreds of nearby volcanoes and rattan from the volcano nearby, then rose from the magma and waved wildly in the air.

"Oh seeing the opinions you don't agree with." I can't help seeing the King of the Tree in this state. I have no choice but to defeat him.

In fact, defeating him was my best choice. The reason why I would persuade him to give up resistance was because I was not confident.

"Godland" is not a general skill. Her start-up consumption is very large. My current magic value is dropping as fast as a leaking car oil meter. I am very doubtful that I can handle this guy within the limit of the Seal of Time. Therefore, the best way is to persuade him. Taking the initiative to give up just now it seems that my efforts are in vain.

"Today you do n’t want to take the zero from me and fight with anything and you do n’t even want to leave here." The treasured body of Baoshuwang actually rose up in the flames. What surprised me even more was It's not just the tree but the island below him.

"Hey master." A phantom voice suddenly sounded in my head. "If you don't object, I suggest we retreat as soon as possible."

The reminder of the phantom brought me back. The four jet thrusters behind the wings of a wing fully opened their bodies and slammed backwards immediately, creating a scene in front of me that made my jaw almost fall. Originally I always thought that the tree on the island would be zero. The thug group was the King of Treasure Tree, and the behavior he had performed before seemed to be similar to what I thought. Now I know that the facts are not what I think. The lava in the lava lake was lifted after the island where the tree was raised, and the area of ​​the lava lake became larger and larger as the island rose, and the lava in the lake was squeezed to the surrounding area and down the island's landmarks quickly Flowing. With the rise of the ground near the island, the entire ground began to shake, and the high-temperature steam violently ejected from the ground surface crack. Some squares even came out of lava.

After the island in front of me rose more than 50 meters, I realized that the so-called island is actually a sphere-like thing and its diameter is almost 50 meters. At the top of the ball are countless huge root-like things that recover (waving) in mid-air just because of the rise of the island and they are not as thick as they appear at close range. But what shocked me most was not the roots of the trees, but the side of the island facing me actually had a standard human face with as many eyes, ears, mouths and noses. Cooperating with these five senses to see the rising island is clearly a huge human head, and the things on it that I thought were the roots of the tree are more like his head. As for that tree, it seems that it is just a small sky braid on the giant That's it.

It was enough to shock me to see these things, but the island with the suspected head still continued to rise. A relatively thin part appeared under the magma dripping below him, but with the above The "brain" zero bar thug group can be regarded as a neck with the following part. After the "neck" rose from the lava lake, the bottom suddenly widened, and a huge horizontal "6th floor" rose later, and then the shoulder contour appeared clearly. I don't have to look at the back of things now. I have basically concluded that the so-called island is simply a giant's head and there should be a complete body below.

Seeing that I was scared and silly in front of him, King Baoshu laughed suddenly and proudly. Compared with the previous sound, the current volume is almost like a cannonball that exploded in the ear. Don't say that you attacked it. The volume of this guy's speech is already a sonic weapon.

"Hahahaha you are the first person to hurt me in tens of thousands of years. In return, I also revealed this real body to play with you. Boy, you should be honored, because that little guy did not force me. You should be proud to be here. "

I have no doubt that the King of the Tree is lying. I know that there is nothing worth discussing about the fact that I still don't have the power of the Buddha like Buddha. But I have Feng Lingzhu on my hand-to-hand regiment, which means that the current King of the King of Trees actually has no divine power. All that remains is the basic combat power of the body. That is to say, although Rulai was stronger than me, it was the conclusion after calculating his divine power. After removing the divine power, his basic combat power may indeed force me to be higher. The basic combat power should be like the Buddha who has no divine power, that is to say, in the current state, I do, for example, be stronger. Well, since I can only hurt this guy now, I can imagine what the original Rulai looks like. In this way, the treasure tree king does not need to use his real body. I thought that the strongest existence among the Buddhist monks should be Rulai Buddha and the introduction of saints, but I did not expect that such a pervert was hidden in its nest. It is said that the rotten ship still has three thousand nails. It seems that the Buddha's door is far from reaching the level of the rotten ship and it really caused me to hit something even stronger than three thousand nails.

Seeing my uncle there didn't answer. The treasure tree king finally stopped laughing and his expression turned up and then he slammed his huge palm and hit me. Only then did I react from the shock and quickly jumped around to avoid the general palm of the building, but the King of the Baoshu immediately changed the direction of his hand and waved again. I could only try to step back to avoid his attack. Even though I have become a giant with the lucky appearance, I still feel like a kindergarten child standing next to a basketball player in front of this guy. The guy is almost half of my body with one hand. He took a slap to pat the meat.

Seeing how many attacks failed, the treasure tree king suddenly slammed at me. A strong suction immediately made me lose my balance. I was almost sucked in, but anyway, it came from the propeller effect of Everett, but it finally gave me a hold, but the king of the treasure tree blew at me after inhaling. A huge fire dragon opened his mouth and a powerful flame jet spewed out of his mouth immediately, covering me instantly. When it was sprayed by that thing, I thought that I was going to die today. Who knows that after being swept up by the flames, I was surprised that I was okay. The magic value that had been violently reduced has actually risen a lot. I immediately thought that this is the characteristics of Everett and Xiaofeng. In the flames, they are all magical. I now borrow the affinity of the flame between him and Xiaofeng and naturally have their ability to use flames to supplement themselves. . However, although the magic was full, I cleared one thing: the guy in front of me was not able to deal with it at all. This guy is definitely an oss metamorphosis in the oss metamorphosis is worse than the top of the head is about to give birth to a close sign! After understanding the situation in front of me, I quickly flew backwards and started the ejector of Everett. After that, I even changed the fuel booster of Asuka to eight zeros. The jetting mouth of the group was lined up under the wings. and

Rising to the maximum power at the same time activates Asuka's sound assault skills.

King Baoshu only saw a cloud of white mist bursting around me and then instantly turned into a white light beam. He didn't know that the white mist was caused by the water vapor that was triggered by my breakthrough of the sound barrier. That god

The strange degree also surprised him. However, today's King Baoshu was probably really upset by me. When he saw me running away, he immediately took a big step and chased after him.

Although the treasure tree king is huge, his power offsets the gravity and wind resistance brought by the huge body. Therefore, this guy is not slow to run ~ ~ After I rushed out of the ladder illusion Also chased out

It ’s just him, but now I ’ve flown out of the courtyard of Daleiyin Temple. He immediately realized that my degree was faster than him. So this guy did n’t hesitate to raise his hand and fired a giant magma group burning with fire. . this

The flames didn't hurt me now, but the magma was physically damaged after it hit me, but the impact force was not great because the flying direction of our hand-made ball was the same.

But this did not prevent the magma from knocking me down from the sky.

The heat of the two sides outside the Daleiyin Temple suddenly turned out to be zero. Hand-blowing a flame-burning object flew out of the Daleiyin Temple and smashed it to the ground. It was only after a dozen people in the continuous belt turned over The ground stopped until it reached the center of the battlefield.

Just when both the Buddhist gate and the Hindus wanted to see what fell from the regiment, a giant was suddenly standing inside the Daleiyin Temple, and the giant stepped out of the temple gate in three steps and walked to the outside of the battlefield. Both sides froze for a moment. Hindus do n’t even know that there is such a killer in Buddhism. People in Buddhism have never seen the body of King Baoshu at all, so people on both sides were stunned.

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