Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 13: So fierce tree

Immediately after I decided the plan, I ran to the magma lake and learned the appearance of the two guys who had just left. I shouted to the big tree in the lake, "The Lord of the Treasure Tree Lord Buddha asked me to come to the magic weapon for help. "

After I shouted, the lava lake really started to swell again. After a while, I saw the huge tree root rising from the lake again. I walked up the root of the tree with excitement and ran to the island. A closer look at the big tree revealed that it looked much bigger than the lake and the gem-like things hanging from its tree. I also saw that it was not a gem at all but a piece Crystal clear fruit. Although I really want to pick one of the fruits to see what effect, but I have to rely on it to leave here for a while so I still put up with it.

I walked to the opening under the trunk, opened the surface cover, and I jumped in. It's very ordinary here, it's a classroom-sized room. Around the room was a black shelf, and each shelf was filled with assorted treasures. I picked this up and looked at the one, and felt that it was all good. But I suddenly encountered a problem when I was going to put all these things in the space-time Fenglong space. These things are actually sealed. Unless the seal is washed off, they cannot be put into space props or used. That is to say, Fenglong sheets cannot hold these things and can only be carried in their hands. The tree above the problem will definitely not let me leave with a pile of things and can only take at most a few

In the face of so many babies, I can't take them all away. My heart is really the same as that of a cat. The most depressing thing is that the time seal of the throne is not waiting for others. I ca n’t analyze the attributes of these things slowly and pick out the best. of

Take it away, or the tree above will be doubtful. I ca n’t help but I just took three things that looked pretty good and got out of the hole, but when I walked to the island,

The root of the tree linking the island and the lake was gone. I was startled and saw only a thick piece of paper burning with flames that had just been lifted from (ground), and I had stood a half-foot longer just before I stood.

Deep ditch.

"King of treasure trees! What are you doing?"

"Hmm, the little hair thief thought I had cheated my treasure tree king? I saw you before you went to the island. It was only because I couldn't motivate that I pretended that you weren't on the island. You even thought you were a god.

It's ridiculous to know a ghost! "

"Hmm, it's impossible for you to show up." I said that I was planning to open up training space to summon magic pets to help. As a result, the training space cannot be opened at all. I saw it before

Those things have (and) can't be put into other spaces so I didn't test whether the Fenglong space can be opened. As a result, both training space and Fenglong space are now closed.

The King of Baoshu smiled proudly, "Hahahaha, can't you open the calling space? Tell you that on this island, I am the master, and I ca n’t run you without any rules.

Don't even think about that space prop. "

"you are vicious."

"It's not that I'm cruel, but I'm really strong." King Baoshu said proudly. "Within my control, even the Lord Buddha himself has no room to resist. Besides, you little ants obediently die for me. Come on. "Speaking of which, the treasure tree king suddenly moved a branch with fire and suddenly smashed at me. I slightly flashed on one side and rushed towards the treasure tree king. According to my plan, it is safe to hide in the treasure room below him, because the place does not seem to belong to the island. It should be a separate space. It's just that although my idea is good, the King of Trees obviously knows more about his weakness than I do. Therefore, he responded faster than me. Dozens of branches blocked the entrance of the room. The other ten branches rolled towards me. The area of ​​the island itself is not very large. The size of the treasure tree king is very huge. In fact, the island is within his attack range. No matter where I hide, as long as I do not leave the island, he can't escape his attack at all.

Continuously dodging the treasure tree king's attack is a very complicated thing. Even with my reactivity and concentration, I can't avoid the possibility of mistakes. After 10 minutes of persistence, I was finally hit by a branch. Although the impact force was not great, I was sent out of the island by the impact force, and then I showed the lava lake underneath the bubble.

"Ah ---" 噗嗤 -----

Just like the little monster that was under the lava lake of my road, the flesh I borrowed disappeared into the lava in an instant. Following my soul was also melted by the high temperature. I had long guessed that even this soul could not exist under this temperature, so I hung up unfortunately. [Khan ... Finally hung up]

In the hole dug out by the rose vine under the battlefield outside Daleiyin Temple, my flesh, which was standing still, suddenly shook, and then returned to normal. After the borrowed body was destroyed, I was prompted to downgrade and the soul had returned to the body on this side.

"Master, have you been killed?" The surrounding pets and my level are linked. I naturally know that they are out of class.

"Well, I didn't expect to plant it in the hands of a tree!"

"That's not an ordinary tree," Ling said.

"You know that thing?"

"Master, when you just left, I analyzed the memory of the captive's soul. There is a memory about that tree. The big tree called King of the King of Trees should actually be a tree demon, but he has become a Buddha. A mature monster. Because the tree itself cannot move, after the Buddha became a Buddha, he had many abilities corresponding to the characteristics of his tree and these abilities were abnormal. One of the strongest abilities is the field of absolute law in this field. He can change the rules at will, that is to say, as long as he is within this range, he said that the light travels along the curve and the light will not go straight again. He said that the fire is cold. The fire will burn and become colder. It's all under his control.

Even with such a strong ability, as long as he entered the area, he could barely support it for a few minutes and it would be killed by that tree. "

"Isn't it better than that?"

"It can't be said that at least the tree wants to move somewhere and it's difficult to cultivate a place, and his own cultivation is simple."

"He will set up a snare, and you say he's simple?"

"It's not directly related to setting traps, right? You can't say that they are all strategic masters because the wolves will hunt their prey?"

"Did you find the weakness of that tree in the memory of that guy? All the babies like Rulai are hiding under the root of that guy. If you want to get something, you have to pass that dead tree. Is it good for you? No way? "

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Just don't know."

The guy we arrested is not low but not very high among Buddhist monks. Besides, who would publicize such things as weaknesses? Anyway, the treasure tree king himself will definitely not tell others. Except for Rulai, there are few Buddhists who have the opportunity to try out the weakness of the treasure tree king.

"But I can't always catch Rulai and ask?"

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of how to deal with that treasure tree king, but if I do n’t get it, he wo n’t get anything. I wo n’t be willing to take these babies. This is really a death!

"By the king of the treasure tree, can't it be moved or inconvenient?" I asked suddenly.

Ling thought for a while and said, "Since he has become a Buddha, saying that he cannot move, it is unlikely that he should be able to move, but the speed will not be too fast, and it is estimated that he will not move easily. After all, the tree has no habit of running around."

"What if I take him away?"

"I never thought about it!" Ling thought for a while. "It should be worth a try."

After discussing the general plan, I let the rose vines start digging ~ ~ Now I'm fighting. I just used the buddha ’s skin to get past. It would be nothing if I climbed over with my own body and I will be surrounded immediately. So I had to advance from underground. Anyway, on the last trip, I have already mastered the road. This time, I don't have to run around and use my own body.

After successfully drilling the hole to the outside of the wall of Leiyin Temple, the rose vine encountered a layer of energy protection. There was no way to dig. I had to go up to the ground, but for security reasons, I asked Emerson to disguise my appearance. At least this will not immediately attract the attention of Buddhist monks. I believe that in the melee, no one should be bored with spells like throwing real eyes on me?

After climbing to the ground, we can see that everyone is fighting. No one notices me. Pretending to be injured, he moved quickly to the door and then hid inside the door. There was no Buddha in the door. I flashed to the ladder and broke the illusion by the old method to enter the old nest of the door. Then I quickly felt the lava. Beside the lake. King Treasure Tree is on the island of Huxin, not far from me. Only now I started to think about what to do to get him out?

"Tank." As I summoned the tank to appear on the outskirts of Lava Lake, the treasure tree king immediately noticed that the tank existed. After all, the tank was about the same size as him. My current plan is very simple. That is to let the tank bombard him with magic crystal cannons. Although the guy didn't like to move the place, if I was constantly harassed by long-range attacks, I would not believe that he could still stand in place.

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