Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 6: Fun and difficult to use

I used to laugh at the two sentences of 蜈蚣 精 is nothing bad, it is bad. In front of me is a huge snow slope. I just entered the game. Then I was lucky. A dragon yin on the hill shook the snow peak and caused me to become a dog. I did this stupid thing again. The snow line on the top of the mountain was loose for a while, and then there were a lot of cracks. Then the dog block began to appear. The snow block slid down the slope. Soon, the snow block gathered more and more quickly. It turned into a multi-meter-high snow wall rushing down with the thunderous bangs wrapped around the mountain's boulders and broken wood. Before I even reacted, I was completely washed away by the shock wave-like snow line. The cliffs behind were already on the edge. There was no place to borrow. We slammed the cliffs with millions of tons of snow. Headed down to the forest but the accident did not end there.

"Oh, I thumped on the groundwork, but now I'm not in the forest, but lying on a flat groundworker. The smoke surrounds the alchemy room of Taigong Laojun." How did I come out? "

"If you win, you will come out naturally." I heard the voice and I was too Taigong Laojun standing behind me with a smile and groaning.

"I won?"

"Yes, when the cliff fell off the runway, you won.

"Does that count?"

"Why not count if you win?"

I was blocked by a word of Taigong Laojun and I could say nothing but look back at the incense burner. It was just a whole toy. Originally thought that after entering, you need to fight the enemy. Who knows that it is completely a level cup, but this thing is really useful! Just now I have realized that my degree attribute has increased by a few hundred points. Obviously, it is due to the contribution of Xun Jing. How can such a marked improvement be useless?

"Is the way Laojun get reward attributes related to the content of the game?"

Taishang Laojun's teachable look explained, "Yes. You just compared to that cricket, so the degree you get after victory is the degree. If you meet another test next time, you will naturally get other benefits."

"Will I be able to control the content of the game?" Although it is a good thing to add any attributes, if you can control it, you can improve the efficiency. Although it is not righteous, it is not human without such a mind.

"Haha, this thing is a cultivation thing with the function of surname and music. If it can be controlled at will, it is not a plaything but a holy thing!"

"It's reasonable enough. By the way, how long has I been in the Seal of the Seal of God?" Tai Gongjun stretched out three fingers. I was slightly surprised. "It's all thirty minutes? How do I feel that the Seal of the Throne hasn't been that long?" The fact worker is not that I feel that it's not that long. It ’s different from the human feeling that it will be affected by the environment. But I have a precise timer in the dragon family, but it ’s because of that thing that makes me even more confused because my timepiece clearly shows that I only entered the incense burner for only three seconds.

Sure enough, too old Laojun was right. "You only went in for three seconds. This cup clock has a characteristic of frying that will add time to the seal of the throne. As long as you can adapt, it will continue to add, so your cultivation in it. The Seal of Time and the Throne of Throne may be out of proportion to the outside. "

Tai Gong Laojun's so-called time-throne seal is actually a special feature of a game helmet. According to Long Yuan's biological research, the human brain's thinking reaction is actually faster than the human activity limit. That is to say, our physical consciousness limits the degree of thinking, but this limitation does not obliterate the high running ability of the dog's brain. The dog's brain gradually got used to the degree of the body and slowed down. The game helmet of "Zero" will cut off the connection between the body and the canine brain when it is connected to the human consciousness. At this time, the brain is no longer restricted by the body, but the problem is that once the cultivating achievements cannot be changed, so when I first entered the game Everyone is still doing things according to the actual degree. This is the so-called habit ... the old is natural. With the increase of the time of the seal of the throne in the game, everyone's consciousness will gradually increase, but the problem is that the players of "zero" are not the same. The time of the seal of the throne is not the same. Personal acceptance and physiological differences also determine that everyone adapts to high The difference in the mode, and the real people will not become the Sijin Throne at the same time after the game starts. You must also consider that after the Siam Throne has been in operation for some time, there will be people who continue to join the game. If the game is too fast, these newcomers Definitely cannot adapt. Therefore, in order to ensure the normal game state of everyone, the text version can only use the actual degree to run the game so that everyone can accept that no one will feel any discomfort. However, this instrument called the cup bell is different now. This thing is that a single person training equipment only targets one person at a time and there is no need to lower the standard. It can be mentioned according to the adaptability of the eight. I am a dragon dog with a brain that is far more human. As a result, the thing has been simulated in an extremely scary degree within three seconds.

"I can't believe that you can adapt to such a time. The Seal of the Throne Seal is no wonder that you can have today's achievements." When talking about this, the old monk suddenly said as if he was thinking of something. "Oops, I forgot something important and wait here." I'll go back and go back .... I didn't see it until I answered.

Tai Shang Laojun disappeared and I ’m not good. Now I think about it and decide to re-enter the cup clock. “Exercise a little. The degree attribute just made me greedy. This thing plus attributes is so crazy and not too wasteful. It is a waste of time not to use the Seal of Throne.

But what exactly can be used for sparring here? It seems that there is no creature available here. After thinking about it, I decided to go out and find something to be my opponent.

According to the unexplained explanation of Tai Shang Laojun's language and the attributes of this thing, I can determine this thing. "The effect of training is basically irrelevant to the opponent you put in. That is, whether you put a dragon in or put an ant in you. The odds and possible rewards are the same, so there is no need to demand any special opponents. In view of this thing, I do n’t have to pick opponents at all, so I do n’t have to search for them directly. I will directly find the Four Dog Kings who are stationing at Nantianmen to help them. I only need some Ordinary animals immediately threw out their magic weapons and instantly gave me a pile of messy creatures back. This cup clock will only appear one enemy at a time. Multiple creatures put into it will only be stored in each challenge. The order of insertion appeared one by one. I didn't care what the enemy was and stuffed all the creatures' brains. After I solved the opponent's problem, I was afraid that Taigong Laojun would not find me, so I ran back to the alchemy room and started playing the cup clock. .

I jumped in this time, but I had more experience than I did last time. I stood still and waited to read the rules.

Unlike the last time I came in, this time I appeared in a huge ice surface, and there was a cold nose and a numb head, and a colorful beetle stood on the ground near me. The giant spider in a car is like a dog, but it doesn't look like Warcraft. I remember that Taigong Laojun once said that this place will automatically strengthen or weaken my opponents so that their overall strength is at the same level as me. So I judge this may be that ordinary spiders were later strengthened into this. After all, when the four dog kings collected the creatures that didn't use too much strength, they definitely couldn't accept them. Besides, if the dog spider is in the pile of creatures, I will definitely have an impression.

I was staring at the spider, and suddenly I heard a click. Two cracks appeared suddenly at our feet. The cracks quickly moved forward along the ice. I quickly saw the striker. After that, there was a loud noise. The ice surface was broken. Except for the part between the two cracks, the cracks turned into broken ice scum, but the remaining parts looked like a winding road. At this moment the alert sounded suddenly again. "The first person to reach the end of the ice track wins and the draughtsman decides that the flight was banned. The flight is prohibited. The assistive tools can be used to attack each other. The game is now started."

The prompt is very simple, but the spider's ambiguous reaction around me is not slow, but this house is not as strong as the previous one ~ ~ Just how many legs do others have? Although there are many spider legs, it is not a level after all. After the end of the ascension, the dog spider began to run wildly and looked like a siege tank of a giant dog, but I didn't have much worry about it. What ca n’t fly? My dragon armor, but with ice skates, can't run your eight legs? The toe blade slammed behind the calf and the back blade immediately ...

Flipped to the foot and connected with the supporting piece to form an ice skate to force a stack of ice skates to the ground and cut into the ice immediately. Immediately after throwing out the other ice skate, although I was a little late, the spider was faster than it. I do n’t know how much.

The best short track skater is that I can create a car-like degree. My physical strength is much stronger than that of the athlete, even if the technology is not as good as others. At least I have enough power. After a few steps, the speed is getting faster and faster. When the spider noticed it, I flashed away from it and flickered it in an instant.

I won this game without a doubt and finally got some bonus rewards. I reentered the cup bell with excitement, but this time I was dumbfounded. In front of me was a giant octopus in a six-story residential building with a light head and three single teeth ... I just learned that this competition turned out to be hand-to-hand. "Oh my god? I don't bring anyone like that!"

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