Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 222: Successfully detached

Immediately following the first missile came a dense barrage, but just like that fireball, all the bullets stopped in the air one meter away from me and could no longer move forward.

Seeing that the ordinary weapon was invalid, suddenly two soldiers with shields moved out of the door, followed by the opening of a small hole in the shield, and a thick gun barrel protruded from the inside. "Come on." There was a loud bang, and the special gun blasted out a fire snake. A bullet that was much larger than a normal bullet burst into front of me in horror, and only heard when The god's voice rang, and the bullet hit my forehead. My head slammed back and my body took a few steps back to stand still.

"Electronic weapon?" I looked at the gun with a little surprise, then stretched out my palm against the shield.

"Ah!" Accompanied by the soldier's exclamation. The shield flew backward as if it had been hit by a locomotive, and the soldier behind him was taken away by the shield because it was caught too tightly. The shield disappeared and the sniper came out at the same time. It was relatively timely when he just dodged, so he was just taken over. After seeing him, my pupils shrank instantly, and the palms of the hands quickly closed with the open state. The strange weapon in that guy's hand flew towards me immediately.

The guy's weapon was sucked in, and he was still struggling to get up and grab his gun, but I just frowned, and that guy's head burst into a ball of plasma like a bomb. The weapon also flew into my hands after its owner was hung up, and I saw that it was thrown to the back of Skott smoothly. After Skott picked it up, he scanned it with his eyes. Then I took it apart and took out a ring-like metal ring from it. "The principle is very simple, except that the structure of this little thing is special, everything else is useless."

I nodded, and then said to them, "We are too many people, so it is difficult to run away together. Although we are not afraid of them, I don't want to delay tasks later."

"Then are we going alone or in groups?" Ling asked.

"Group. In the event of an accident, you can take care of each other, although I don't think it is possible."

"Then how do we divide?"

After I swept all the staff, I assigned: "The Bell Knights are divided into seven three-person teams, and you can match them yourself. Wei Nadao peppers, Ariana a group. Xiaochun, you and Jingjing, Lingling a group .Little Dragon Girl, Frost Snow, Amenis, your three gods group. Xiao Feng, Yeyue you two, darts are with you. Ling, you are with me. "


"Then let's run separately after going out from here. The last meeting place is here." I passed the map in my brain.

Immediately after finishing the group, I ran with everyone, but we did not rush to the gate. Instead, he turned towards the rear wall. This is the warehouse of the level market. The door is for goods delivery, but it is facing the back street. It is not convenient to disperse when we rush out there. Moreover, all the enemies are now over there. It will take a lot of effort Only so, we simply run straight back.

The warehouse area of ​​the city and the business area in the front were originally connected. The middle wall was added behind, because it itself acts as a partition, so no solid problem was considered at all. A single-layer brick wall like this without steel is not much different from window paper for us, and we just hit a hole and drilled into the front business area. It's more than three o'clock in the morning, there should be no one in the city, but when we rushed in, the lights were all on, and there were soldiers everywhere.

"Fuck, don't we just demolish a base? Do we have to do such a big scene?"

"The people in front listen, right away ...!" The other party was still planning to shout, but we didn't finish the shout and we moved again.

Pepper first shot, she held her hands together in front of her, then slowly pulled a dazzling sphere toward both sides gradually formed, and finally turned into a basketball-sized electric ball.

After completing the electric ball, Chili dumped it directly, and the electric ball immediately went straight to the armored car standing in front of the person who was yelling. When the light ball just touched the armored vehicle, it penetrated as if nothing had happened. After a pause of one or two seconds, a loud noise was heard. The light armored vehicle disintegrated instantly, and the body parts were like shotguns. They flew randomly, and instantly knocked down a person, but the opposite gun body suddenly rang because of this, but at this time all of us had an extra layer of protection, and all the bullets hit the layer of the mask. Can only be helplessly popped.

After the electromagnetic barrier was activated, we also compressed each electric ball and threw it out. The targets were all big guys such as vehicles. The result was a burst of explosions in the crowd. God gave people down, and then we went out in separate groups. I just ran into the crowd and suddenly a soldier blocked my way. This guy is at least one meter and ninety-five in height and looks just like a polar bear. It is estimated that he is watching us thin and small and wants to block me with brute force, but he is too underestimating my strength. Soldiers like him are only the lowest-level cannon fodder, and they will not tell us our details at all, so even if the US knows our situation, it is impossible for them to know these soldiers. At most, their chief will notify them before they come out. We are better at hitting them, others won't be much with them at all.

As soon as this stupid flashed out, I noticed him. According to my reactivity, there was no sudden attack. I would protect my left hand in front of him before hitting him, and then hit him with a ping. Together, the guy's body instantly turned in half with the hit position as the center line, and then the whole person flew out.

"Follow me." I reminded Ling. Then he squatted slightly and jumped forward, skipping the six-lane road, and stood on the lamppost across the street, his body again raised to the street and hit the building. I was in a group and banged into the opposite business building in the sound of glass shattering. Ling also followed me and flew in.

We rushed into the office of the gods. Fly directly to the office Dayue, we crossed the office area and reached the other side of the building. With a little finger, the glass in front of me burst suddenly, but before I reached out to see it, I heard a deafening roar, and a gunship descended from above, just blocking us in front.

"Don't these idiots know that more advanced things are more useless to us?" In Ling's satire, the helicopter that should have hovered in front of us to sweep the steel had no pause to keep it down. One planted on the ground. Before it exploded, we jumped upstairs on the opposite side, followed by a huge fireball behind us. "Where are we going now?" Ling asked me.

"Just turn around and shake off the tails later." I flinched as soon as I finished, a rocket flew across my head and flew over to the water tower on the opposite side of the roof.

"It doesn't seem to be a place to chat. Let's just flash!" Ling said and ran first, and walked past the residential area behind the commercial street. The distance between the houses on this side is not very large. We can even jump over the six-lane road without running. This distance is similar to crossing a ditch for us. We jumped forward on the top of the building, but the followers refused to let us go. Dozens of armed patrol cars followed us all the way, and there were several gunships and a reconnaissance helicopter hanging overhead. there. But with previous experience. These guys have also learned to be good, and haven't flew near us like before, and because we have been bouncing around in residential areas, they can't just open fire. There was no evacuation here. People were living in the house. If they fired indiscriminately, they would definitely be sent directly to the military court after returning.

This group of Americans has a good psychological quality. They chased us for more than half of the city coins and did not relax. In the distance, I can see that there are still many helicopters hovering in other places. Obviously they have not escaped the pursuit.

"It won't work this way! It looks like we have to do something else." Ling reminded me.

I nodded, and deliberately controlled my landing point when I jumped out of the building under my feet, so in the end, instead of falling to the top of the building opposite, we crashed into a house. There were two people sleeping in the room. We suddenly rushed in and screamed the woman on the bed. The man next to me responded quickly and copied the lamp on the bedside to use it as a weapon, but I have n’t waited for him We have already broken the door. After entering the hallway, we entered the corridor, but instead of penetrating the opposite room, we went down the stairs to the first floor. Quickly flashed out of the building and entered the next to the wonderful residential building, and then we ran forward along this row of buildings, and the followers now know that we crashed into the building and did not come out from the other side to know us It must have been a change of direction, but by the time they confirmed the direction we were leaving we had turned a long way.

After running out of a building by the side of the road, we went straight across the road into a small alley opposite. There is a dark red wooden door of Shinto at the end of the alley. There are also two black men standing at the door. Many people are lining up to see the signboard. This should be the home dance hall. When I saw Ling and I came over, the two big guys wanted to stop us, but they were controlled by Ling over a long distance. When we rushed to the front, they stood there like two fools. . The two of us bypassed them directly into the ballroom. As soon as I opened the door, I heard a deafening sound of music, but this is the environment we want. After entering the dim ballroom, the two of us immediately started scanning inside, and soon we saw two people of similar size. They were stunned and dragged into the toilet, then stripped of their clothes and changed to themselves. As for the two sets of military uniforms seized at the experimental base, we turned them into a pile of fly ash.

After changing clothes, Ling and I were just like two ordinary people who came out to experience nightlife. Ling even used the cosmetics in that woman's bag to simply dress up. When the two of us walked out of the toilet, they saw each other for a moment. I just patronized Xun to find the right clothes. I didn't consider the style of the clothes. The clothes we grab are not good until we change to the body. The suit I am wearing now is a leather jacket, which looks like the one Arnold wore in the movie "Terminator", and this set is more exaggerated than that, with silver highlights on the shoulders and wrists. The nail-like ornaments look authentic on the streets. The robbing suit is worse than mine. Although the style looks like a short-sleeved shirt and a mid-skirt with a structure that is not opposed, the problem is that Although the back of the shirt looks normal, the front is actually a piece of tulle fabric, which can't stop anything. Fortunately, Ling grabbed the woman's underwear, so it now looks like a three-point type. As for the skirt below, this is okay, except that there are more small decorations above that look like rags. There is no obvious problem.

"How did you dress like this?" Ling and I shouted in the head at the same time, because the ballroom was too noisy, we switched to the wireless network to talk after we came in.

"When I stunned her just from the back, I didn't look at the front!" Ling explained.

I nodded, and explained my situation: "I didn't pay attention to his clothes at that time, I just wanted to find the right figure!"

"Forget it, let's leave here first!"

Such a ballroom usually has a back door. With Ling's ability to read, we quickly learned from a waiter where the back door is, and then easily walked from the back to another street. After going out from here, the two of us secretly crossed several streets again ~ ~ After confirming that no one was watching, we turned straight into a lane with only one lane. The road is short and has only one facade, a garage. According to the mission map recorded in our heads, this place should be our contact point. When I got to the door of the contact station, I didn't have a clever door. Instead, I pressed my hand directly on the door, and with a click, the closed rolling shutter automatically lifted up. I held the roller shutter with my hands and lifted it up a bit, and then got in with Ling.

Click, the sound of bullet loading. "Don't move." I didn't stop listening. Instead, he reached out with one hand, and a small plasma light ball appeared on the palm of my hand. As soon as the other party saw the ball of light, he immediately lowered the gun. Then he hurried over to close the door and said, "Why the two of you? The others? No one following you, right?"

Ling casually found a place to sit down. I said to the gatekeeper:

"We walked separately. In addition to us, three people will come here. The other people's equipment should be taken to their respective contact stations to get their equipment. As for tracking, I think there should be no. We are better than cars How fast are the helicopters afraid to approach us? They can't follow. "

"It's okay to reject," said the old man, Guang Guang, and suddenly heard the siren sound from outside, he turned suddenly in shock.

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