Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 186: The mountain fell, I'm below!

A group of mountain ghosts in the forest are huddling each other while running and beating each other. I haven't noticed that someone is following me. The leader of the tracker suddenly pointed at the ground and a black figure suddenly appeared in the air. Then he plunged into the ground like a fish crashing into the water and disappeared quickly on the ground. Following the mountain ghost, the ground suddenly bulged up, and then this bulge suddenly chased after the ghost group.

This leader is naturally me, but the trailblazer was just below the ground. At this point, looking from the air, the bulge is now drawing closer to the mountain ghost group with lightning. The bulge on the ground disappears for a while every time it moves, then suddenly jumps out of the ground and glides into the ground again for a while and then disappears again. The Blazers now have holes that are comparable to the average creature's wild axe on the ground. Although the mountain ghost group is fast enough, due to the trees in front and the beatings between them, the Blazers chase even under the ground. on. However, in order to save energy, the trailblazer developed a forward strategy similar to flying fish. After running for a while like this, he will jump off the ground and slide for a while. When he leaves the ground, the resistance will drop sharply so he can take the opportunity to slide far away He could still take a little break during the Seal of Throne during this time.

The trail-blazing trailblazer quickly caught up with the mountain ghost group, and then he crossed the last mountain ghost and reached a distance in front of it, followed by Rongyu stopped suddenly under the ground. Countless black arabesques suddenly blasted out from beneath the ground as if exploding. Due to height issues. In the end, the mountain ghost did not notice that each of the vines under his feet had stepped on one of them and it seemed as if he had touched the cordon. The rattan grows wildly in all directions and suddenly rolls up over the rattan being stepped on. That mountain ghost's big foot was wrapped in a thick layer of rattan before it left the ground. Because the attention is all on the thing that the mountain ghost is holding up in front, this mountain ghost hasn't noticed until the half-worked leg is entangled, but it immediately follows the step forward and suddenly feels a huge pull. A few meters of soil was lifted up by the belt, but the large soil and the crisscross root network made of rose vines below are too huge to pull the bow, even if it is a ghost Brute force creatures haven't been able to bring this land up completely. The slow momentum of the slow mountain ghost at his feet was immediately stopped by the huge inertia, and it just made it fall forward and then slammed the ground dust like a small earthquake.

The mountain ghosts that were struggling to run in front of them clearly didn't care about the encounter of this mountain ghost at all. From the situation of their previous fighting, it can be seen that the group of mountain ghosts finished their own battles and they should be hostile to each other. It ’s too late for a few competitors to be happy. As for the reason why the lips and teeth are cold and the birds are hiding, they can't understand the genius level based on the IQ of the mountain ghost.

The mountain ghost dropped by Meishunvine did not cause much damage even though it fell down on Venus. But I won't make it so easy. A snapping sound means that a metal gorilla fell from a high level and crashed into the mountain ghost who turned over. My soul-controlling Golden State crushed Shangui's limbs with his limbs, while Rose Vine took the opportunity to entangle more vines. Although the Shangui has been desperately struggling, the scope has become weaker and weaker. In the end, he could only bow down like that.

"Hey big man, please be quiet?" The princess sat on her magic pet Xiaobai and flew to the mountain ghost. The signature smile of Lizhou stopped as soon as the mountain ghost's struggle began. Of course, this is not entirely because the princess's charm skills are more powerful. There are two other factors. One is that I released a rainbow tree demon specifically used to create illusions. The other is that the mountain ghost itself is a species with relatively weak resistance to spiritual skills. It has such a strong effect.

Seeing Shan Gui finally quiet down, the princess immediately began interrogation. "Can you tell me what you guys are after."

"Ghost Spirit Pearl, I want Ghost Spirit Pearl," Shan Gui said with a dull look at the princess.

"Ask it what the ghost beads are."

When the princess heard me, she turned to ask what the mountain ghost is. "

"do not know."

"Then why are you chasing?"

It's good to eat flat. "

How do you know it ’s good to eat? "

"do not know"

The princess planned to ask but was stopped by me. Looks like I can't ask any more. The IQ of this thing is higher than that of monsters.

"Then what do we do?" Matsumoto asked, anxiously.

"Stop that thing first and then you should find a hint for the next task."


After Matsumoto finished congratulating this mountain ghost, we started to chase the mountain ghosts in front of me for so long. The group of guys on the throne of the Seal of God should have run far away, but it may be the mountain ghost holding the ghost spirit beads. After being chased by other mountain ghosts, many mountain ghosts scuffled into a ball in order to compete for the ghost spirit beads. So they didn't run far enough for such a long time and were caught up by us soon.

Seeing that the group of mountain ghosts that have disrupted there, Matsumoto asks me whether we will wait for them to win the game before participating or will we kill them now?

"I look at the mountains of ghosts over there and join the battle now." The mountain ghost is thick and thick. The attack power is not very strong. If they are fighting together, it is estimated that if there is no one, the mountain ghost will be killed. I have no time to wait for them to decide the winner.

Before I finished speaking, the state had n’t had time to move. I heard a big bang in front and turned around to see that a mountain ghost that almost ran out of the mountain ghost group was pulled down by other mountain ghosts, but the problem is that this is a mountain ghost At that time, he was holding the ghost spirit bead in his hand, and he flew directly after such a fall. I looked up and saw a red crystal ball drawing a curve towards me. The conditioned reflex reached out to pick up the crystal ball and immediately fell into my hand steadily. Holding this thing, I haven't responded for a while, but the shadow under my feet and the sound of Matsumoto's congratulations made me understand what is about to happen.

"Rely on" I was buried by so many mountain ghosts that fell from the sky with just one voice. The status of these mountain ghosts is almost like playing a giant version of rugby and I am the unfortunate audience who received the ball and then saw a group of players rushing up like wolves.

"Zi Ri" the son of the night screamed but was too late to save me. Matsumoto Masa also intended to make a shot just too slowly, and Miya Athena beside him seemed to have no intention of moving except Matsumoto Masa.

"Norin, go and save President Ziri"

Bingbing reminded Noreen aloud, but Noreen answered her in a hurry.

The kinetic energy calculated based on the weight of the big guys in the state before subtracting the ground deformation energy absorption index to the remaining points is lower than Ziri's defense point. "

"Ah, Diao Ziri is buried, what are you still doing?" Bingbing anxiously urged.

The son of the night helped Noreen explain that Noreen meant that even if the mountain ghost really hit the boss, it would not be broken at most, which is a little bit more embarrassing. The mountain ghost who grabbed the ghost spirit beads moved and waited for them to climb up, leaving a large pit on the ground. Bingbing they quickly concentrated on the edge of the pit. I saw a human-shaped pit lying at the bottom of the pit In the hole.

"I can run into it by going out without seeing the yellow calendar," I groaned in the bottom of the pit and complained.

Bingbing anxiously shouted to me, brother Ziri, are you okay? "

I wanted to be trampled by a group of dragons in Long Island. I'm fine. These mountain ghosts are farts. "

"Ah? You have been stepped on by a dragon." Matsumoto Masa heard his ears immediately.

Don't inquire about such things that are detrimental to the image. It's you. Anyway, pull me down first

"Aren't you all right?" Ye Zi asked in wonder.

"I smashed you into the soil and you can't afford it yourself?"

The night child shook his head embarrassed. By then Noreen jumped down first. Then she picked me up from the ground just like picking up a small stone from the ground and had to say crying pk. The appearance of the latest reading text and the actual ability really differ greatly. Look at the **** of the thin arms and legs Power is comparable to a crane

After getting up from the ground, I jumped twice in place and shook off the dirt on my body, then I jumped up and opened my wings while flying. From this point of view, the mountains of ghosts have ran down to the top of the mountain, but the places where these guys walked were the same as if they were swept by a typhoon, so they were not worried about losing them. Seeing me flying up, everyone else followed up in their own way. Soon we caught up with the mountain ghost again, this time because of a fairly tall cliff in front of it. The mountain ghost running in front of me saw the cliff and jumped up to the cliff to grab a protruding rock and planned to climb upwards, but unfortunately it overestimated the bearing capacity of the mountain and hadn't waited for it to start climbing up the stone. It was dragged down and fell back to the ground. After waiting for it to climb up again, the mountain ghost behind it rushed up and pressed it to the bottom and then the melee inevitably exploded again.

I will no longer wait for them to produce results this time and directly direct the magic pet to begin to solve the problem. First, Meishun vine grew wildly on the ground, and then dozens of thick vines were drawn and twisted together to form extremely thick vines. This Fujimoto, which took two people to hold together, had just twisted, and immediately stretched out to the front of the melee mountain ghost group, and then silently entangled a mountain ghost with his back from us. neck.

My soul-controlling King Kong was already waiting by the side, and now when I saw the mountain ghost being entangled, he grabbed the rose vine and pulled the vine to pull back. Although the mountain ghost is also a power monster, it is still a few stages worse than King Kong. Instantly we were pulled out of the mountain ghost group and dragged in front of us.

Immediately after being pulled to our side, the ghost was **** by the many vines protruding from the ground. Jinzhou clasped the mountain ghost's head with both hands and twisted it hard. He only heard a crackling sound of scalp bones. The mountain ghost that Gangzhou was still struggling hardly stopped moving.

Although King Kong has become far less powerful than the body it was before, it has been a regional guard in Germany before. Even if the strength declines now, it's still the same as playing Shan Gui.

In fact, we could have rushed out and killed all the mountain ghosts, but I'm afraid that their existing foreign enemies will join

Jiu Shishi stopped fighting internally first and paid us together, so I had to use this kind of quarrel. Although there are still mountain ghosts who can notice that their companions have been taken away, as long as they don't immediately threaten their own IQ, mountain ghosts will probably not pay attention.

In this way, we pulled seven mountain ghosts out of King Kong in one breath. King Kong twisted all of their necks into twists, and the scuffles under the cliffs there have not stopped. From time to time, we can hear mountain ghosts being thrown by companions Go out and crash into the cliff and hit the ground with a loud noise.

Seeing Jinzhou twist his neck again. Matsumoto Shimoyo said: "Is Ziri already the eighth? Do you want to continue? You can almost go straight?

Noreen also agreed: "Compare our fighting power with those of the mountain ghosts. The remaining mountain ghosts may be less than one percent even if they are united to deal with our escape. I do n’t see the need to pull them out one by one. Now. "

I looked at the last dozen mountain ghosts who were tired and panting outside and then nodded and said that the remaining mountain ghosts were no longer a threat. Let's find our own goals. "

Although it was collectively rushed up, the rose vine began to bundle a mountain ghost. Jinzhou immediately dragged it back and forth. We jumped over the mountain ghost that was pulled down and rushed to the other mountain ghosts. When Miya Athena cut the first mountain ghost, the other mountain ghosts had not noticed yet. We ca n’t say that the mountain ghosts are too stupid, mainly because they are too large. Compared to their size, we are almost as natural as rabbits. It's not easy to arch your attention. However, when the first mountain ghost was blinded by Asamiya Ama, the other mountain ghosts finally noticed our guests.

"Woohoo." A mountain ghost saw us yelling and the tank that I called out slammed into the back of the mountain. It also turned into a wailing sound when the wild dog was injured.

The mountain ghost blinded by one eye by Mamiya Athena immediately chased her in anger immediately, only one of the best in the type and one in the slow-motion type that could catch up with the ghost. The mountain ghost who was caught in the bow's attention was then passed by a white beam of light from the following Matsumoto Masaru. The mountain ghost immediately turned around and wanted to see who hurt himself, but it turned around and the wound in front of it suddenly was stuffed with a reel, followed by a bang, and the flesh of the wound was blown up. The meat around the wound was blown up. come.

Matsumoto Masa and Anomiya Miya seemed to cooperate well. The mountain ghost was played by the two of them in a group battle. Although it was thick and bloody, it was gradually unable to resist the enemy. But in contrast, Noreen was a little more stubborn and saw her little body punch and kick on the mountain ghost. It doesn't look good, but every move can make Shan Gui jump straight. Suddenly Norin jumped up and hit the mountain ghost's knee bone with a punch and a crackling sound of bones. The mountain ghost immediately wailed with its legs and fell down. Noreen didn't even go after him, but turned around and jumped aside. I saw that she suddenly lifted the boulder that was the first mountain ghost from the cliff. Her small body was holding such a big stone and it looked like a hamster holding a watermelon proportion. But Noreen just held the stone and rushed to the mountain ghost. Then he threw the stone up. Because the stone was too heavy, she threw a huge reaction force so she directly gave her into the ground. But she quickly climbed out of the ground and jumped on the cliff faster than the monkey was on the tree. She jumped over the boulder that was thrown into the sky by her, and then she turned sharply on the cliff and pointed upward. The entire cliff of the cliff was swooped down by her, and the sound of a click from the cliff she stepped on suddenly broke two huge cracks. However, Noreen herself had hit the stone that had begun to fall. The fall of the stone suddenly increased ~ ~ but she did not end there but stood up on the stone and kicked it down sharply. With her strength, she suddenly lifted up and the rock was more Falling fast. The mountain ghost below screamed in horror when he saw the stone falling towards himself, but his knee joint had shattered and he couldn't stand up. All I could do was watch the boulder bang on his chest.

With a gurgling sound, the mountain ghost spewed a half-day high blood column and its entire chest was crushed. Noreen's combat effectiveness is really scary, but before I can say a word about her, I heard a loud noise behind her. Both Liyu's mountain ghost and our people turned their heads and looked at the mountain wall behind me. I saw two huge cracks spreading up and down the cliff.

It turned out that the rock pulled down by the first mountain ghost was actually a weakness on the cliff. Later, during the process of fighting for ghost spirit beads, mountain ghosts constantly hit the cliff and ruptured the remaining support system inside the cliff. Later, the tank slammed into the mountain with a mountain ghost and Norin a few times. The trembling mountain caused by kicking and the subsequent fall of the giant rocks finally failed to support the complete disintegration.

I watched the crack that quickly spread to the top of the cliff and then the mountain body that suddenly fell down from the top of Mount Tai. The last consciousness left me. Why is it me who is unlucky?

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