Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 176: The resurgence of Matsumoto's congratulations

On my side, I was worried, and suddenly I saw a white one (not seeing the word) among the enemy forces that had been released, and suddenly it flew up and floated in midair, and the figure was particularly visible on a messy battlefield. Yingwu, it feels like the **** of war came to the world. However, when I saw this man, I couldn't help but relax, because the white armored warrior was the disappearing Masamoto Matsumoto. I have to say that this guy is also a leader, at least the talent for performing is enough.

I saw Matsumoto Masako's whole body flashing a dazzling dazzling brilliance. In response to the starburst, it ’s better to blow back less than the wind and the majestic call: "I ’m here to speak to you as a Japanese player. . Let's temporarily abandon our previous identity. It is reasonable that at this moment, we only have one identity, one common identity-Yamato Samurai. No matter who you were and what power you belonged to, but now, on this battlefield, We are all Yamato national warriors. Even if history changes, we must let the world know that our Yamato national warrior path has not fallen. "Speaking of this, Masamoto Matsumoto paused, glancing at the audience with a very deep look. Then he suddenly shouted, "The Wuhun is immortal, Yamato will win, and each will win! ..."

With the slogan of Matsumoto Masa, those who I sent to Masamoto Matsumoto first responded. So they immediately shouted after Masamoto Matsumoto, and then those real Japanese players who joined Masamoto Matsumoto's forces also shouted. With these people taking the lead, the remaining Japanese players that originally belonged to Nobunaga's forces began to shout gradually. Emotions are contagious. If the people around you are very enthusiastic, even if you want to calm down, it is probably impossible, so in this enthusiastic atmosphere, a near-mad enthusiasm is swept up all over. Remaining Japanese players and. Although the previous meteor fall has killed many people, there are quite a few troops brought by Nobunaga, the remaining people shouting a slogan together is quite impressive, and we are not aware of the situation for a while. Our guild Seems to be a bit shocked. It is said that when the brave meets on the narrow side, it is the momentum that works. With the encouragement of Masamoto Matsumoto now, all the Japanese below have become red with eyes, and I can't wait to rush up and be desperate for us.

After seeing that his agitation received unexpectedly good results, Matsumoto Masahiro immediately started convening players with command power of the army. The country's ghost hand Nobunaga is not here now, plus the agitation just now. Any dissent gathered directly next to Matsumoto Masa, listening to his order.

Before being defeated by us and replaced by Nobunaga Ghost, after all, Masamoto Matsumoto really became the general leader of the Japanese player of the throne of the Seal of God for a long time, even if the class is now over, there is still a little bit of Jaegerville. Moreover, in the beginning, it was possible to twist a loose Japanese player into a drum and fight us against Matsumoto Masako. Compared to the ghost-handed Nobunaga who is closer to the hero of the reckless man, Matsumoto Masako is definitely better than Commander Nobunaga by several levels. Those remaining troops were quickly sorted out by him, and while On our side, we are also gathering troops for re-arrangement. He actually made an approximate formation of the Japanese's remaining military strength. Although it is due to the lack of arms, it looks a little bit like that.

Looking at the formation he had formed, Masamoto Matsumoto said, pinching his chin to himself, "This can only be the case now." He suddenly said aloud to a Japanese player who originally belonged to Nobunaga. The striker was ordered to start a defensive formation. "" Ah? Aren't we going to hedge with the Chinese? "The player probably followed the ghost hand Nobunaga for a long time, apparently not adapted to Matsumoto's command concept. I said earlier that Nobunaga is a reckless husband. It looks like he has more heroes than Matsuhei. In fact, in the eyes of a smart man like me, what kind of hero is he? The whole bear, no, he even bears. Better, he is a wild boar. The bear also knew how to avoid danger, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga didn't know how to move forward and backward, he only knew that he had just forgotten to pass. If today ’s situation, if he commands 100% of the command here, he ca n’t command the troops to rush up to face us, and then there is a fierce melee kill. It looks really strong, but it is basically not lethal. Matsumoto's layout is different. He didn't know how to comprehensively consider the formation of troops based on factors such as the status of the enemy and the surrounding terrain, such as the current defensive formation. In terms of normal battle command, Masamoto Matsumoto doesn't need to explain anything to his subordinates, but now Matsumoto Masako is actually commanding the troops of Nogizuki Nobunaga, so he has to patiently explain to that player: "The Chinese The damage is not with us. Without considering reinforcements, our current strength is weaker than them. Their forwards are heavy cavalry who have a strong impact on the country, but we have only a few cavalry, and the infantry and cavalry hedge must be The casualties are heavy. Instead of wasting physical strength and the impact of the opponent ’s mount, it ’s better to form an on-site battle. As long as our formation is good, the Chinese cavalry who blocks the Chinese need not lose much. Once the cavalry ’s impact is consumed, they also It's not much different from the infantry. "

The Chinese player who pretended to be a Japanese by talking to me before and immediately touted the opportunity: "Still Matsumoto's superior skills, a simple decision will eliminate the Chinese cavalry advantage invisible, which is comparable to silly It's much better to rush straight up. "Although he is used to the commanding habits of the ghost-hand Nobunaga, this ghost-hand Nobunaga is not a fool. Previously there were think tanks and ghost-hand Nobunaga. He was only responsible for fighting according to orders. So I rarely think about these tactical things. Rui Yi listened to the explanation of Masamoto Matsumoto. He also had a taste of it. Before co-authoring, he followed the ghost letter to find exactly the right thing. Everyone has to double the number of opponents in order to have the hope of victory. It turned out to be a tactical problem! The ghost-handed Nobunaga no matter what the environment or the enemy's strength, the troops immediately began to charge as soon as they met, what else?

"The whole team, forming an impact formation." I ordered the crystal communicator over the battlefield. The soldiers commanded by the army **** immediately formed a formation. If we don't stay, we see that Matsumoto Masako is also in the formation, so he deliberately slowed down a bit. Don't let Matsumoto Masaga let the troops take the initiative. So they had more time for the whole team than the us. The seal of the throne was completed earlier on our side, but the overcharged doubles consumed a little bit of darkness. Put the troops in order. A few minutes before the two sides entered the attack range, Masamoto Matsumoto finally completed the final formation, watching as our cavalry was about to smash their vanguard before the Japanese suddenly came out a large group of engineers began to dig on the ground. Got a pit. Although I saw this situation, I did not stop the troops from advancing. The main purpose of this battle was to establish the image of Masamoto Matsumoto. Even if the soldier I brought in was fully compensated, it would suffice as long as he could erect Masamoto Matsumoto. Ben. The cavalry charge (can't see the two words) is quite scary, especially "Zero" is not a magic game. What we call cavalry is not a war horse in armor, but a kind of animal called a dragon armor. . The entire body of our herbivore is covered with nearly two inches of bone plate armor, and there is old skin thicker than elephant skin under the nails. Normal weapons cannot be cut in, and the head of this creature Fang also has a collision angle like a shovel. Although it is not sharp, the contact area is large and not as easy to break. In addition, although this ankylosaurus is a herbivore, it is extremely aggressive. The identity of the battlefield tank is rightly deserved, and the average cavalry encounters this kind of thing without even fighting back. If the troops commanded by the ghost-handed Nobunaga are not dozens of times more powerful, it is impossible to block the impact of these armored dragons and beasts, but this time with Matsumoto Masagi ’s criticism, it will be different.

In a short period of time, the Japanese engineers dug a shallow trench in front of the throne of the Seal of God, and the heavy shield hand immediately stepped forward and put the lower edge of the shield in his hand into the trench on the ground. Such a shield is equivalent to Fixed on the ground. After completing the placement of the shield, the Japanese began to fill the soil behind the shield. Although the time of the throne of the Seal of God was relatively short, before the two armies contacted, they barely filled the soil behind the shield with a height of one foot. Such a shield is even more difficult to break through. After these arrangements, the two armies officially entered the attack distance. The heavy armored dragon unit on our side seemed to cross a shield and a line, as long as it passed that distance. The ankylosaurus immediately sprinted into a full sprint state. Although the legs of these big guys are not long, they are not slow to run, and they are even more amazing when they are fully fulfilled, just like the assault of a large group of heavy tanks. Japanese players originally saw this situation and began to have some military intelligence. People's emotions change according to their state. In the past, Nobunaga's hand took them to fight with our heavy cavalry. Although the actual casualties will be greater, but because they are also charging, the enemy on the opposite side will not look so impressive, but now the infantry are standing Unmoved, those players who watched the heavy armored dragon coming from the flood in front of them started to get a little nervous, but when they turned back to see the calm expression of Matsumoto Masa, they calmed down a bit, at least no one left themselves Location

"Mage team prepares. Quicksand is released without rules." Matsumoto gave his instructions calmly, and the flag bearer immediately waved the flag to inform the flag bearer of the previous opportunity.

When Jia Long's eyes saw that he was about to enter the largest occupation, there were suddenly a lot of sand pits in front of him. The dragon who ran at the front saw the sand pits jumped over easily, but the problem was that the back was invisible when charging. I can only follow the tail with a frozen face, and see that the armored dragon in front also jumps after the jump, but this response will gradually slow down due to the problem of passing, after skipping seven or eight armored dragons in a row. Ankylosaurus finally failed to respond to stepping into the bunker. The hard ground and quicksand are naturally different, and one foot fell into it immediately. Such a huge pause on the leg immediately turned the armored dragon into the quicksand, and even the armored dragon behind him smashed into a pile. As for the cavalry above, it was thrown out by the armored dragon behind and stepped into the mud. . The most feared of the heavy cavalry charge is the chaos in the team, because there is no extra space in the dense charge formation to allow the following teams to avoid the front people. There is no other way than to step on it, even if you want to stop.

Although the heavy cavalry was blocked in the middle, the striker passed by. The armor dragon in front approached the shield quickly with a violent breath, but before they rushed to the front of the shield, a dense arrow rain came across. , But this thing is just tickling for Jialong, even the riders on them will not love any influence. Because the armor dragon body is very strong, there is no need to consider the problem of weight bearing. They all wear special steel armor for the riders, not to mention arrows, even if the siege crossbow is not the right angle, it is difficult to shoot through this iron can. armor. The heavy armored dragons rushing to the front of the shield array with a rain of arrows suddenly roared collectively, followed by a neat bow, facing the front with the hardest angle of attack, and the already very fast degree suddenly increased sharply. The last 50-meter armor dragon rushed over in almost two seconds, followed by a loud noise. Although the shields in the first row were broken in two moments like grass that was cut across by a trowel. Even if there is no sharp blade, the striking angle of the pendulum from the horrifying Dujialong can produce the blade-like cutting power. Of course, with the shield breaking, there is a muddy sky, but the degree of the armor dragon is blocked. The armored dragon who rushed across the first shield instantly knocked out the shield hand behind the shield, and then directly hit the second shield against the corpse of these shield hands. Most of the second heavy shields in the middle were hit with a ">" shape. Following these unstoppable dragons, they continued to advance forward, bumping seven or eight shields all the way and squeezing the shield hands in them. Sauce, but this way rushed down and pushed out too much dirt. Because the shield was * into the ground, this way basically pushed over. The dragon is pushing a lot of dirt like a bulldozer. And As more shields continued to penetrate the back of the position, the dragon's degree also slowed down.

"Ninja soldiers." Matsumoto ordered decisively, and then saw a lot of cloth-covered heads suddenly drilled in the land below the front dragon group. As soon as these people came out, they used the sword in their hands to shoot the abdomen of the ankylosaurus above their heads. Compared to the heavy armor on the back, the dragon's abdomen can be said to be almost unguarded. Although there is also a layer of calcified nails in the back, the coverage area and thickness are very small, and the skin below is even larger than the top. A lot of tenderness, the bottom-up attack of the ninjas immediately caused a heavy loss to the armor dragon, the huge armor of the injured dragon fell on the way forward, causing trouble for the people behind, and the impact soon Slow down. Although there are still many armored dragons successfully breaking through the shield formation and entering the infantry position behind, but most of the armored dragons have failed to support their destination, so the pressure on the Japanese is much less than before. "Matsumoto, I have to admit that your command is much stronger than that of Onigiri." The subordinate Nobunaga's subordinate exclaimed loudly when he saw the situation now.

The recorder was very polite and said, "In fact, this is just the basic arms. The arms of the game" Zero "are very strong, and some arms have almost no resistance when they encounter their own arms. Confronting their own arms is like a state of no one, as long as they can flexibly use the relative relationship between these arms, they can win more with less.

"High, it's really high." The player also politely gave a thumbs up and praised. In fact, Gu Xi had just entered the time when the command was needed. The previous ones were only clever and really needed technology.

After the two sides of the army rushed together, they immediately started to mix stations. Even if there was no impact, the armored dragon was an infantry. The shovel-like collision angle is almost like two large brooms. On the contrary, the soldiers who try to resist it will be attacked and flew out. No one except the heavy arms can resist these guys.

Several Japanese players directed a force-type soldier to suddenly throw a dozen rope loops from multiple directions to cover the angle of attack on the dragon's head. Without the angle of attack, the rope could not have been cut. But the dragon is not bully. The ankylosaurus roared and shook his head to the right. The people on the left of it were immediately taken off, but these people flew to the ground and grabbed the rope. More soldiers took advantage of it. Ankylosaurus was trapped on the dragon's back and killed the knights on the dragon's back. Many people behind him attacked the dragon's abdomen in 6th, but the dragon's body was relatively large. Even if injured, it can support for a while before falling down. The ankylosaurus, who loves to be wounded, became extremely violent, desperately shaking his head in the crowd and knocking down countless people. In this way, the melee armored troops were quickly completely eaten, but the subsequent light cavalry units had killed the surrounding turbulent areas while they were chaotic, but they did not storm into the position, but they desperately attacked with arrows. Some Japanese also had someone. The arrow was released for counter-press, but because the formation has been chaotic, the arrow rain cannot be achieved, and the scattered arrow base has no life in the evening. Immediately after releasing a round of arrows, our cavalry unit drove the horse backwards along the periphery of the enemy's formation. Matsumoto could not help but muttered, "This purple sun, let me fight You do n’t have to make such an exaggeration! I still have these remnants on your side, and you still play the hot wheel with me. Is n’t that killing me? ”

Feng Milun refers to the rangers who use arrows as their main means of attack. These cavalry soldiers are constantly running and shooting around the battle array. Because the cavalry has been around the infantry array in circles, it is even a sports war. From China, I learned the outline of a four-character sideline array of Feng Lin Mishan, where wind refers to the force's action like a wind, and fire refers to the force's way of fighting. These rangers are running and fighting, which corresponds to the two outlines of the fire and fire, so Japanese and Chinese players call this bow cavalry attack method called the fire and fire wheel. For the infantry formation that lacks cavalry, it is a very rogue play, because without it, it is impossible to chase the archers on the periphery. If the infantry ’s own archer unit is gathered together, the other side will go around elsewhere. The infantry is definitely following They are not as good as the archers, so they must not be able to follow the archers who have been in a circle and shoot at them, and if the scattered archers configuration can not form a fire advantage, they will lose more. It can be said that regardless of the question of the Seal of Time and the Throne of Time, a ranger unit can use this rogue tactic to play several times its own infantry group.

"The order was moved forward, the infantry formation moved to attack the front troops, and the heavy infantry advanced to the front, and shielders were added to protect the key areas of the position." Matsumoto ordered a series of orders to make the flag bearer busy, because the commander was Nobunaga. Therefore, the standard-bearer can only use the standard hand of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, but when the former followed the ghost-handed Nobunaga, the standard-bearer did not have so many orders to issue. Although Matsumoto's orders are more concise and easy to understand than those of Nobunaga's, the so many orders of tandem cloth also make this a little unbearable.

Matsumoto's method is actually correct. Because the hot wheel consumes a lot of energy to sell to its own enemies, but it does not take into account the question of the seal of time. In fact, it is almost impossible to win by this tactic. After all, the cavalry ’s killing The power is too weak. Please pay attention to the fact that blood is hard to cause fatal damage in the battlefield. It is estimated that the other party has gone to your own city when you have exhausted the potential of the other party's medicines and therapists. You can follow the city and continue to shoot. Right? Because the unit of unit of time of the Seal of the Seal of the Thousand Horses is very low, it seems that the damage is great, but in fact, it is completely unnecessary to care about them. Matsumoto's ordering the troops to charge forward was to increase the penetration of both sides and increase the contact area after full contact with the troops. The number of soldiers who can fight at the same time will increase, which is equivalent to accelerating the rhythm of the battlefield in disguise. The bow cavalry is a time-changing armour of the Seal of Thousand Seals. Adding combat means that the prime minister weakens the lethality of the bow cavalry. Moreover, once the troops really get mixed in a hot wheel, they can't play. The archer cavalry is not a sniper, so many people mingle with you. After a rain of arrows, the ghost knows whether there are more enemies or more people. So any idiot will throw arrows in this situation. At best, they can do a good job after clearing some enemies that can be targeted by the periphery, and the impact on the entire battlefield can be ignored.

As the two armies rushed together, our cavalrymen lost their combat power as Matsumoto's plan, and those commanders who had followed the Nobunaga ghost all saw this situation.

"Matsumoto-kun, you are a god-man!" A player couldn't help but praise.

"What **** is not god." Matsumoto shook his head and said: "This is only basic tactics."

Although Matsumoto said this, my uncle who was next to him immediately realized that this was an opportunity to degrade Nobunaga, and immediately pretended to be very confused and said, "No! As far as I know Seeing the Chinese tactics has always been very strong, haven't you thought about learning something? "

A player who had already seen this phenomenon and was dissatisfied with Nobunaga's hand complained immediately: "You go to learn to use a fart, every time Nobunaga let us coax, we are most afraid of It ’s just not listening. If we change our tactics and mess up the formation, it ’s not as good as rushing directly. Every time the Chinese tactics are endless, they wo n’t fight against us. We used tactics to cope with the loss. If we were not enough, the defendants would be surrounded and killed. If there were enough, we would suffer heavy losses and finally make a miserable. The ghost-handed Nobunaga can still be excited for a long time. Thrones, those idiots like him still praise him for his incomparable martial arts. I see a group of pigs without a brain. "" How can you say that? "A guy who helped the ghost Nobunaga immediately objected:" Although Guishoujun's fighting method is indeed a bit straightforward, but we are also fighting against the Chinese, how can you say that. Even if you do not like his fighting method, you cannot insult the comrades who resist the Chinese. ! "

Matsumoto knew that he couldn't approve the ghost hand letter too long, so he came out and said, "In fact, the way in which the ghost hand king fights is no matter what it is, it is also a tactical thing. It has nothing to do with his character. Although we are The enemy, but one has to say that his failure to intervene in the battle against the Chinese has had some positive effects. "

With the words of Masamoto Matsumoto, those pro-ghost hands Nobunaga look better, and the neutrals admire Masamoto Matsumoto's cultivation more. As for those who support Matsumoto Masagi, of course, they are more admired by the five bodies. Already.

"It's not the time that the battle is still going on at the time of discussion. The monarchs still need to work hard!" Masamoto Matsumoto's words brought everyone back to the battle.

In fact, at this stage of the battle, there are really not many commanders on the field. It is not that the battlefield does not require command, but that there is no way to command. Even in modern battlefields, the communicator has not yet spread to every soldier. Besides, in this magic game, except for our guild, which has a dedicated battlefield commanding computer warrior and special crystal communicator, other guilds have Only general command can be performed. Even if the flag bearer who received the signal in this scuffle scene can tell the news to the chief officer around him, there is no way for the commander to give the order, and even many flag bearers were killed directly after the scuffle started. No flag bearer, even the frontline commander, did not know what the next order was, except to continue to execute it in accordance with the previous order. Compared to the small confusion on the Japanese side, our command is proceeding methodically. Even in the battlefield of melee, even I and Kristina couldn't figure out who was in which position. However, the God of War was designed to do this. He could clearly find the first person and conduct targeted command. According to the real-time strategy games, this is a pretty small amount of money. Even if you have more troops than you, you are about to lose a lot of money in the industry. But ... Our goal is not to destroy Japanese troops, but to build a brilliant image of Masaru Matsumoto in the minds of the Japanese. What we want here is not victory. Of course, failure is impossible. If you want to make this battle have a shocking effect, you must make the battlefield a bit worse, so my plan is a draw.

In this industry, we only rushed to mobilize a small number of troops to save the place this time. After the battle was over, many people have already arrived in the rear, but for the result of this tie, I deliberately let these troops stay temporarily. I was stationed in the city and I did n’t pull them over. Otherwise, the flood-like army would surely wipe out all the Japanese remnants like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves. I would deliberately show weakness and want to let some people out. It looks like a big vacation. Besides, it is enough to raise the image of Matsumoto Masaka with these troops. It is a waste to throw more in.

The battle between the two sides on the battlefield is getting more and more fierce. Before that, they could cooperate a little bit or something. Later, the two sides basically lost their eyes. Everyone remembers to rush forward. Even the commander's patent application forgot to command his own troops. The emotional and environmental impact of my life is very serious. If many people usually see themselves in Switzerland, they will think that they are so fierce, but under the rendering of the atmosphere on the battlefield, many people will be extremely crazy, often in history. When the army fights, it can't stop it. This is all a reason.

A soldier of our guild slammed a Japanese to the ground, followed by a Japanese player who flew from time to time and flew that head, but the player was not too late and was happy to be immediately another of ours. The soldiers struck each other with a single shot. Unless there is such an overwhelming force on the battlefield that can make the surrounding people completely inaccessible, the average master on the battlefield of the melee defendant will kill the hunting soldiers and can't be used normally. At the time, when our business was not fully exhibited, the eagle had been wiped out by a player who was nearly two hundred levels lower than himself on the battlefield ~ ~ This is a busy mistake and the battlefield Up to the outside is the enemy, you can't prevent this side from blocking the other side, there are always times when you miss.

"Hey, sorry, I was too involved for a while!" Hongyue smiled awkwardly and then said: Would you like to end the game yourself?

You can't do everything you can. I won't be able to tell the difference immediately. I lost a level of magic just now. The Japanese would think that I did n’t fight because I had n’t replied. If I did n’t do my best, I would be exposed easily.

understood. After Hongyue said that she had cut off the communication and started to breed vaccinia, but from my obvious observation, her fighting was much slower than before, and the girl was also very clever. Although she put water on her hands, she could look. I saw her screaming and suddenly said to the people around her: "Stop me." Then she hid behind and took out a bottle of medicine and poured it there. At a glance, the Japanese person knew that her life or magic power was almost exhausted, so she rushed forward to attack, and Hongyue attacked with low magic spells dedicated to attack, so that the combat power naturally dropped, and the Japanese all One of her was not magic enough, no one would suspect that she was releasing water. However, just when she was playing with joy in the east, a white light suddenly passed over her head. If she didn't feel threatened, she would almost cut off immediately when she lowered her head. Although she flashed in the end, she would also red moon. Scared a cold sweat. "Who,?"

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