Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 173: Thorns Gloves

"I ...!" Venus was interrupted as soon as he wanted to explain. "I don't want to listen to explanations, I just want to know how you plan to get me back these equipment?" Venus knew it would be useless to explain at this time, so she first brought an all-metal 1 knight glove, Then with his metal gloved hand, he took out a scary looking glove. To say that this glove is scary is not to say how deterrent it is, but that the material of this thing is scary. In case this is actually made of devil's stab. Devil's thorn is a kind of magic plant that only grows in the high-level monster gathering area. Because there are many advanced recipes used in alchemy, it is very well known. This plant is a kind of vine, which likes to grow on the surface of other plants or buildings. Its vine branches are thin, but the surface is covered with long and sharp spikes. As long as you accidentally touch it, it will become a pain in the heart, but this thorn is basically harmless. If you are not afraid of pain, you can't die even if you take a bath with this thing. The problem is that now this glove is made of devil's stab. And without any treatment, the dense thorns on the surface look scary. "This is the Devil's Mastery Gloves. You can pick up those items with it. Just transfer these items to the area 100 meters away from the place where the seal was originally sealed. The seal will be lifted automatically. But you still ca n’t do it during this journey. It ca n’t be placed in a special space by other means. ”

I carefully squeezed the glove with **** to pick it up and asked, not convinced: "Are you playing me or deliberately? Isn't it painful to take the equipment to get the equipment?" " That's the only way! "

I used my eyesight to glance back and forth between Venus and the glove, and after confirming that she was not lying, I asked: "Apart from the player, can other creatures bring this thing? For example, bsp;" I can definitely bring it, but I do n’t know if I have the ability to remove the seal after taking it! "Venus' words almost didn't frustrate me, but now it seems that there is no other way than to find a creature that is not painful. Anyway, I won't take it directly by myself. Put it on your hands, it feels absolutely worse than death.

In order to prevent Venus from deceiving me, so when I got those reading, all in

She had to follow me before anything. Bring her and Chris Dina to the last place where the pests exploded, and then I immediately got the x-shaped doll from Fenglong Space. This is the best thing I can think of.

The x-type puppets are also female puppets. Most of the puppets produced by our guild are about three meters in height. They must not be worn with this glove. However, the size of the x-type is just right, and the puppet is not painful. If the door can use this glove to break the seal, it will be simple.

Put the puppet in front of me, and then I passed the gloves. "Bring it on. Be careful not to break it." The X-type intelligence is not bad, and he quickly put on his gloves.

I nodded with satisfaction, then ordered: "Now pick up the sword on the ground and give it to me."

The puppet in front looked down at the sword under his feet and then bent down and reached out to hold the hilt.

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