Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 154: Pests are also valuable?

Block that guy. "I shouted in one direction, several seniors went up, followed by a sword flying, several insects were completely blocked by the formation of the masters present, their thrashing did not play any role, But the problem is these little bugs. The real trouble is the big guys.

"Hart, watch out!" A handsome gold guy was blocking an assault from a big bug, but I don't know if it was unlucky or what happened, the biggest bug rushed at him. Although the people around him reminded him, there was no time to help him stop the big bug. This handsome guy named Hart was directly hit by a big bug almost instantaneously, and because of his fall, a large gap appeared in the defense line, and a large number of bugs broke through the barrier and rushed towards the nearby masters. The recent masters were immediately recruited. Although the people around them promptly flew the worms on them, they created a larger loophole.

"No, this won't work," Venus shouted, "the melee class is withdrawn and ready to clear the field with a large spell."

The people present were all dragons, and they acted immediately upon hearing the order. Zhenhong suddenly rushed to the front of the crowd and jumped up in the air, hitting a punch directly into the ground. "The 80th style of Dawei Tianlongquan-Ground Blast." A loud bang, a huge crack appeared between us and those bugs, followed by all players with the help of this ditch to instantly leave the battlefield. Zhen Hong, who ran in the end, yelled as soon as she ran out of the spell range: "Spell cover."

"That endless void! In the name of light and darkness unite here to summon your advent-Netherstorm." Xiao Chun and Ling Xuli chanted spells in mid-air, with dozens behind them The mage is providing them with energy. This magic dominated by my magic pet is not a single-player magic, but an authentic strategic magic. At the moment when the spell was completed, a huge gray light ball suddenly appeared in front of us. With the light ball constantly increasing, eventually all the bugs in front of us were wrapped in. The light ball flickered, and a white shock wave was visible to the naked eye. Lightning through our bodies. Everyone, including me, was instantly hit by this shock wave, and the forest behind us was hit by the atomic bomb, and was usually uprooted by the shock wave and blown to somewhere. When the shock wave disappeared more than ten seconds later, those of us fell down within 66 kilometers of the surrounding area in succession. Although there were no deaths, we were almost all wounded. If there is n’t one of them here, ordinary people are definitely not Know how much to hang up. However, although the injury was terrible, our goal was achieved. In fact, the target of the attack just now was not a bug at all, but a nearby forest. We know that the defense of insects is imaginary. It is definitely okay to kill gods like Di Tans just now, but we cannot help facing pests that are stronger than all the power of God focused on a little defense. Just now, I just wanted to clean up the forest and the food that can be eaten by pests. As a result, we have a bigger strategy to move. The reason why we couldn't cope with Zonghai just now was that the sniper surface was too small, and the defense of 500 meters was not enough for us to perform.

As soon as the site was cleared, our people rushed up again. No one is a fool here, so we have no illusions at all. That attack must not kill the pests and the only way to destroy them is hunger.

"Listen." The Gun God suddenly shouted, "We try to hold those little bugs as far as possible. We can catch a few and catch a few rows and then try to fight them back, just don't let them run away. Just take that one. The biggest one will come first. I will work with Ziri and Black Widow to see if I can kill it. "

"Doesn't such a spell cover work with your attack?" The Black Widow asked uncertainly.

"So do you have any other way?" God asked back.

"Farewell. Gun God, your method is not good, it is not the time yet. Everyone concentrates their efforts to catch the small bugs first, and I will stop the big bugs alone."

"Are you alone?" The Nobunaga looked at me suspiciously.

"Since everyone agreed to let me be the commander-in-chief temporarily. Then give me orders now." Although my tone was a little bit harder, I had taken the biggest trouble myself. Therefore, other people only admire my tone and have no anger, and the tone itself is easier to suppress others. really. After I finished speaking, everyone seemed to agree with me.

"Be careful yourself!" After the gun **** said and the others rushed forward, I opened my wings and flew straight. The land I need to deal with is not those little bugs.

Those little bugs are really horrible biting ability rather than combat effectiveness. Therefore, as long as people with rich combat experience are enough to cope with the need for high-end force to block the ground, there are only the two largest bugs. That is my goal.

Wingedly helps me to stay away from others naturally. Directly into the battlefield, countless bugs flew up immediately. These bugs will fly. But the flying height and time of the Seal of the Seal of God are not very good. However, now that I am rushing to the ground, I naturally attract a lot of firepower.

I didn't do anything to rush towards the swarm. Suddenly the wings rolled up and rolled over in the air. The people behind me saw a large feather falling off my wings. The IQs of those bugs are not high. Immediately upon seeing the feathers, they rushed up as food and bite. But those feathers are not really feathers. They are my land gems that summon creature candle bees into ground. And the candle bee is best at-self-explosion.

Boom boom boom ... The explosion sounded instantly, and all the newly-flying insects were bombarded by the shock wave. The two largest insects did not stay with other insects due to my deliberate water release and strong resistance. When it fell, it rushed out at me instead.

"Staying aside." I dropped a translucent blue ball directly on one of the two big bugs. When the little ball contacted the bug, it immediately turned into a huge crystal bubble to completely complete it. Packed in. Because flapping the wings in the bubble could not interfere with the changes in the air flow outside, the insect that had been encased immediately fell like a stone. This bubble is my level equipment. When encountering multiple enemies, one of them will be temporarily trapped, and the other will be dealt with first. The people surrounded by this bubble cannot attack the outside people at all, of course, the outside people can't get in, and the people covered can't control their movement, because the inside and outside of the bubble can be seen and heard like two people. In this world, power cannot be transmitted to each other. Of course, this thing is not invincible. People in the bubble can break free and attack the bubble to regain their freedom, but this bubble is thicker and has special effects to reduce damage, so it is not easy to destroy it. . But today I can use this bubble unbridled here, because the characteristics of these bugs are to absorb experience, but the real damage is not high. It will take at least a few years to destroy the bubble with their poor damage. The Seal of the Throne, at that time, the battle of the Seal of the Throne of God was over.

Although one worm was sealed, the other rushed to me, but I was not afraid of this guy. The ring of commandments, consisting of two and a half months and the core of commandments, has been blocked between me and the worm. "Discipline-energy burst.

Surprisingly, the bug in front of me suddenly burst into front of me and turned into a starry sky, and all the players who were contaminated by the starlight were surprised to show that their experience was as sloppy as the horse watch. Turning up, many people were promoted to the next level.

"Fuck, how do I upgrade?" A younger player sighed stupidly there, but the person next to him patted him on the head.

"Stupidly standing up, bugs are coming up!"


The fact that the following people have no time for analysis does not mean that I have no time. In fact, I have probably analyzed the cause and effect of the incident after the bug exploded. The ring of commandments is not actually my personal equipment ~ ~ It is just a small terminal of the large commandment wheel of the city of commandments, which means that it can use the power of the law in part, but it is not completely affected. Control, so although each commandment drawn is useful to me, it is not necessarily to what extent. Under normal circumstances, I usually only draw the commandments that can have a weak help effect, but today I do n’t know what ’s going on. I suddenly got a powerful commandment of destruction level, even the defense is lower. The big bugs blasted into **** for an instant. However, I did not fully understand the light spots bursting out of the worm. Obviously, the thing should be the energy absorbed by the worm, because this worm only absorbs experience, so those are experience values, which also explains why it comes into contact with the light point. Everyone's experience has skyrocketed.

"Hey, everyone below is listening. The worms are full of experience value. When these guys die, the experience value will burst, and everyone standing next to them will get experience compensation." My words made all the people below be excited. I originally thought that this time I was doing voluntary labor for the common interest of everyone. I did not expect that there will be a benefit fee in the end. This is definitely an accidental fortune. Who listened unhappy? Seeing that the following people have even become much faster in fighting, I continued to add: "Everyone works hard, and when they get all these bugs back, we will separate them according to their own merits."

Everyone naturally has no opinion on my proposal, but I started to worry. Killing the worms directly may indeed explode the experience, but the question is whether the starved worms still have empirical value?

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