Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 432 The world of full-time hunters? !

For Moria and Brooke's 'Shadow' operation, Im, Wulaoxing, as well as other military and political leaders such as the Alien Strategy Committee, the Three Armed Forces, and CIPHER POL paid great attention to it.

Especially Im, he just wants to know one thing now, that is, what kind of world is on the other side?

to be honest.

You don't need to know much about it at all, you just need to find one or two key points that are enough to confirm. For example, if it is the ninja world, as long as you hear the terms ninja, chakra, and the land of fire, you can probably confirm it.

Once the 'identity' of the opponent's world is determined, everything will be easy to say. If you can beat it, fight it. If you can't beat it, just close the star gate!

It's just something strange happened

Because the star gate is really like a door, as long as it is opened, you can see the inside and outside pictures, so you can still see the past within a short distance.

So Crocodile, Dafu, Owen, Krick and others who were on the other side of the star gate were surprised to find that the 'Shadow Mage' had clearly passed by, but there was no artillery fire coming down, allowing it to fly past easily.

What's going on?

Not to mention them at the scene, Wulaoxing, Lei Meng, Seng Guo, Kong Ming and others who watched through the live broadcast were also stunned.

What does the other party mean by not blocking it at all?

If I had known this was the case, I could have asked the Shadow Mage to take two phone bugs over there, Vice Chairman Gabriel couldn't help complaining at the headquarters of the Alien Strategy Committee.

Lieutenant General Kong Ming was also dumbfounded and said: First let the 'Shadow Mage' circle around the opponent's military formation. If there is really no movement at all, then let it come back to get the phone bug.

But he was very confused, why did the other world do this? Do they think the 'Shadow Mage' doesn't matter?

The current situation makes him feel very strange

But in this case, we are not even sure whether they have the ability to discover and deal with Brooke's soul. After all, the other party may have discovered Brooke, but did nothing.

Chairman Fernandez said with a speechless expression.

He really feels that the reaction of the world on the other side is very similar to mental illness, why doesn't he act according to common sense at all?

About an hour later, Moria followed the order of the Alien Strategy Committee and asked the 'Shadow Mage' to fly back.

【call out! call out! 】

But as soon as it walked out of the star gate with a telephone bug connected to a long black cord, before it even took two steps, there was a sharp cracking sound in the air, and then two grenades exploded instantly in front of it.

The gushing hot fire and shock waves flooded the star gate and sent part of the flames and impact into the star gate.


Fortunately, Crocodile took action in time at this time and waved a large amount of yellow sand to block all the fire, light and gas. Otherwise, it would really be possible to burn the floor of the biochemical safety station black.

As for hurting people, it was impossible. The weakest people present were all Army Major Generals, and the aftermath of a mere grenade couldn't be so rampant!

But the long line connecting the phone bug must have been burned.

Damn it, the phone bug is dead!

At this time, Moonlight Moria looked unhappy and dissatisfied, but there was nothing wrong with his 'Shadow Mage'. After all, it was just a shadow.

The people on the other side are staring at the phone bugs and fighting them. This shows that they know what phone bugs are and that the other party's ability to predict the future is really powerful.

Seeing this scene, Shepard Ten Peter Saint in the Power Room sighed: So no matter what we do, the other party has already figured it out!

To be honest, he felt that the other party was a bit cheating, and he really failed to predict the future.

It's a pity that our own Ubuyashiki Yoshiya is a bit weak in this regard. Although he has helped the World Government avoid a wave of casualties, as a five-year-old star, he will not thank the other party for this.

It's difficult to deal with it now. It seems that we can only understand the intelligence behind us through the oral statements of Brooke and Moria. Markas Mas Saint, who was standing aside, spread his hands and said helplessly.

Topman Woqiu Lisheng said thoughtfully: But one thing is clear, the other party is preventing us from obtaining their information.

Isn't this normal? Since it is a war, we must be prepared to prevent intelligence from being exposed.

Zambalong V. Nasshou Langsheng didn't think there was anything strange about this. He just listened to Topman Woqiu Lisheng and continued: What I mean is that since the other party already knows everything about the future, he will definitely fight against both sides. Understand the strength and weakness of strength.

If the opponent feels that he is stronger than us, then why doesn't he take the initiative to fight and choose to stalemate instead? You must know that a tens of millions of troops consume astronomical amounts of supplies every day.

Hearing his thoughts, the four of them fell into a brief silence, and then Saint Jegalcia Satan said hesitantly.

Is it possible that the other party knows that the Star Gate can be closed, so in order not to be trapped in our world, the other party never thought of sending someone to break in from the beginning?

Topman Woqiu Lisheng frowned and nodded secretly. It was indeed a possibility. Knowing that the power to open and close the star gate was in his own hands, the other party would definitely not dare to get involved easily.

Now, the situation seems to have reached a deadlock again!

On the moon, Im was even more speechless. To be honest, he really didn't have the confidence to guess the 'identity' of the opposite world based on verbal descriptions, unless a very classic and exclusive vocabulary appeared.

Speaking of which, even if you see a certain character, can you really recognize him?

The appearance in reality is definitely different from the image in the anime. Unless the other person is wearing an extremely familiar outfit, it's not necessarily based on looks alone.

Five hours later, Brooke's soul returned and brought speechless information.

The opponent's camp is too big. I can't see much by myself, but I remember the approximate location of the artillery array. Brooke stood up and said awkwardly.

Have you found the other party's headquarters, the name of the other party's force, or something that looks very strange? Crocodile asked while biting his smoking cigar.

I didn't see anything strange. There were soldiers with guns everywhere, machine gun forts, armored trains running on the tracks and a lot of howitzers.

Brooke recalled while saying: But there is a very serious problem, and that is the other party's language and writing. I can't understand or understand it at all, so I can't find where the other party's headquarters is.

“There’s no Japanese or English there?”

Crocodile looked at Brooke in surprise. You must know that the two other worlds he has encountered so far, namely the Kabane world and the Demon Slayer world, both have these two languages, although there are slight differences in grammar.

So he really never thought about the language and writing barriers.


Brooke shook his head with certainty and said: Even if there is, it cannot be the other party's main language.

This information made the top leaders of the World Government even more speechless. The difficulty went up to another level, but Im's eyes lit up.

A world with completely different characters from reality!

This is not common in Japanese comics, which means it narrows the scope a lot. The key is that there is a work in his impression that the text is very strange, and he is quite impressed by it.

It won't be a world of full-time hunters, right?

Immediately gave the order to the Five Old Stars, asking them to instruct Brooke to write down the words he saw. After a while, the order was passed through layers of layers and reached Brooke's hands.

Brooke naturally had no objection. He asked for a piece of blank paper and wrote a dozen strange words, but Im's face darkened after reading it.

It's not.

Then he had no choice. After all, he was somewhat familiar with the 'Hunter's script', but he didn't know other otherworldly scripts.

What should we do now?

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