Question: Is there any high-end appearance mode for Menmen Fruit? Urgent.

Seeing the way the dragon appeared, Noah felt both contempt and slight envy. Forget it, don't make those fancy things, simplicity is your own style.

Why did it come so slowly, Long? You couldn't have missed the timing of your appearance, right?

Huh, what are you talking about? Long replied with a serious expression.

It's coming slowly because it's too slow. Long pointed upward.

A small black dot appeared in the sky, slowly getting bigger, and surrounded by clouds, it was Bika landing. When it dropped to a certain height, a river of clouds stretched out, extending all the way to the front of the Voyager. This was the new air fortress Bika.

This welcome ceremony was too unpretentious, but Noah liked it very much. The Traveler moved forward at full speed, sailed upstream on the Cloud River, and docked at Bika's newly built dock.

After getting off the boat, Long took Noah and the two of them to visit New Bika again. Along the way, they found that Bika had changed a lot. Many buildings whose purpose was unknown have been demolished before, making the island look much empty. There is a new warehouse in which gold is stored. A year has passed, and there is still a lot of gold left here that has not been taken down. It has maintained a steady pace to enter the market.

Currently, many buildings on the island have undergone new planning, and some previously useless buildings have been demolished. Only the power system and cloud-making machine are maintained. There are also some weapon systems that feel useless, so they are planned to be demolished.

The group of people walked and arrived at the main control room. The former four priests working inside were now in the stage of labor reform. And the effect of the transformation is very good. After reading through some of Noah's works, I have a deeper understanding of my previous behavior. The mistakes are already problems left over from history. Fortunately, I did not make any bigger mistakes with Enel. There are still mistakes to make, so now we must devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the great cause and contribute to building a new world.

The main job in daily life is to help control the operation of the air island and train some young people in basic scientific knowledge. The lunar technology left on the empty island is indeed relatively high-end, but there is also a lot of basic knowledge. Such systematic learning can ensure the technological inheritance on Sky Island.

“Science applied to the organization and management of production can greatly improve management efficiency; science and technology mastered by workers can greatly improve labor productivity.

At first, the above content was a bit obscure, and even with the notes at the bottom, it was still not very clear. Later, when I came to Nanhai and immersed myself deeply in it, I found that the knowledge in your book really explained the surface of many things.

After saying this, deep admiration appeared in Long's eyes. For 800 years, people have lived their lives day after day. Even if they don't have enough food to eat or clothes to wear, there are still only a few people who want to make changes.

The result of Roger spreading his free will into the sea was to spawn a large number of careerists and people eager for change. At this point, Noah still admires him after thinking about it. Only with the identity of One Piece can this be done.

Long felt the baptism of free will in the square of Rogge Town back then. But he did not choose the path that most people would take, but took a more difficult path, which is to overthrow the world government.

We have the starting point, but what about the direction? He also fell into deep confusion. Until the time before and after Luffy went to sea, the revolutionary army still failed to achieve a greater cause because it took too many detours.

He thought that confrontation and overthrowing the World Government was the ultimate goal, but suddenly someone stood up and told him that he was wrong. Building a new world was the ultimate goal, and overthrowing the World Government was just the biggest stone on the road.

The shock of that moment made his scalp tingle. , after returning to Baldigo, he would take it out and study it carefully when he had time, and the more he felt when he read it. After so many years of experience on the sea, he has new answers to the things he has seen.

This is the light

Later, Long asked the four priests to take the students to organize a basic knowledge assessment in the training room, because Noah had said before that a group of students could be arranged to go to Balkimoa and Dr. Tsukimi to learn knowledge.

Long thought about it and decided to send the 10 students with the best grades, two priests, and Ivankov to Winter Island. Long also knew that the students in his crash course were lacking in quality, so in order to prevent Dr. Yuemi’s cerebral blood pressure from exploding, he just sent fewer people there.

The main learning directions of the students are energy and radio technology, which was specially entrusted by Noah. The priests went there to learn some advanced knowledge. Before they followed Enelu, they still had some basic knowledge. But in the later stage, they had to fight and kill too much, and none of them looked very smart.

Ivankov is engaged in security work and supervision. Well, after all, people's hearts are unpredictable. You never know when you will betray the cause. There should be no shortage of such people in every world. In the early stages, confidentiality work To do it well, you cannot underestimate the enemy's intelligence and methods.

Although being watched is uncomfortable, it is necessary. As the ancients said, if the king is not secretive, his ministers will lose; if the ministers are not secretive, they will lose their virginity; if matters are not secretive, it will cause harm. This is why a gentleman is cautious and avoids going out. Although there is no such word in One Piece, the general meaning is there.

Security work is equally important. These future technicians are very valuable assets. They not only have a serious attitude towards learning, but also ideologically recognize the action plan to create a new world and reduce unnecessary casualties. These will also be the sparks of the scientific research community in the future.

The reason for choosing Ivankov is that he is very versatile and trustworthy. Bear was originally more suitable, but his fruit ability entered a period of rapid development after a chat with Noah. Don't be distracted if you can. There is also the importance of his status as the former king of Sobel Kingdom to the South China Sea strategy, which should not be underestimated.

After the exam was completed, Noah and Long asked the students to leave the training room and return to their respective positions to perform well. Noah and his team returned to the main control room.

He reached out to open the space door and took out a palm-sized square, which was inconspicuous. There were some vague words engraved on one side, which was not very clear.

Is this the Infinity Stone you're talking about?

Not only the dragon was confused, but the four priests were also confused. In their perception, and in Noah's narration in the phone bug, this stone should have a huge energy response, but in their perception, this is just an ordinary stone, a somewhat ancient stone.

Close your eyes, communicate with the core consciousness of the infinite gems, and open——

Crack Crack Crack Crack

The stone turned into a blue energy source, suspended above Noah's palm. Small electric arcs appeared all around and jumped in the air, and everyone's hair almost stood on end.

The high-intensity energy reaction caused the dragon's pupils to shrink. Such a close distance, such a strong sense of crisis, such a violent energy reaction, such a peak was unheard of.

Noah removed his hand from under the Infinity Stone, and the stone slowly integrated into the main control room. Then, with the main control room as the center, a blue halo enveloped the entire Bika, and then it returned to calm, that kind of The heart-stopping sense of energy disappeared in an instant. ,

Is this done? Priest Dawu was a little confused. The energy source that seemed to be able to destroy the world just disappeared.

Otherwise? Do you want to use Bika to try the energy effect of the infinite gems? Noah said casually.

After thinking for a while, Dawu came to the console.

Well, let's do a test by ascending to a height of 500 meters. The speed is set to full speed. Let's start.

Full speed? Full speed!

don't want.

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