Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 69 The test was successful

In the laboratory, Noah stood beside Dr. Tsukimi to protect him. If there was danger, he would open the door immediately and let the doctor in. The experiment could fail, but nothing could happen to the doctor.

Watching the robot arm slowly bring the Thunder Fruit closer to the historical monument, Dr. Tsukimi's hands were like convulsions on the operating table, constantly inputting various signals, and the stimulation of the Thunder Fruit was constantly escalating.

‘噼’ ‘噼’ ‘噼’

A slight blue electric arc can already be seen flashing around the fruit with the naked eye.

A feeling of extreme danger emanated from the fruit itself. At this time, Noah felt the threat from the fruit itself for the first time. The color immediately enveloped the laboratory, and the power of analysis slowly observed the changes.

Doctor, is the stimulation this time too great? The fluctuations of the Thunder Fruit are too strong.

It's okay. It hasn't reached the estimated peak yet. Keep going, it's almost there.

In many works, it is always scientists who destroy the world, because they really make some decisions that ordinary people cannot understand.

Holding back the sting in his soul, Noah continued to observe. He chose to believe the doctor because he was confident that he could run away. Robin had been arranged by him to go to the Voyager by the sea, as well as Dr. Tsukimi's machine. Little people. If the test is successful, notify her to come back. If unsuccessful, be prepared to handle Noah's evacuation.

Finally, the Devil Fruit and the text of history collided, and a terrifying aura that made people palpitate appeared at the junction, and the alarm in the heart was raised to the maximum. From Noah's perspective, it was a blue sun, flowing into the stone tablet little by little. It's getting faster and faster, from a drop, to a small stream, to the whole group of light, all in the blink of an eye. The originally calm core of the stele was infected by blue light spots, and a strong light appeared. The entire stele began to emit strong light, and blue arcs as thick as arms appeared in the air, jumping around the historical text.

According to the instrument, the current leakage voltage is at least 1 billion volts, and the maximum voltage has exceeded the critical value of measurement. This is really a great invention!

Hmm~ Enelu’s trick is 200 million volts. Thor. So the minimum is 5 Enero.

Doctor~, your instrument is so powerful~, it can still work in this situation~, bah, what am I talking about! Now is not the time to talk about this, doctor, we should withdraw.

An air door has been blocked in front of Dr. Tsukimi, eliminating all incoming thunder and lightning. There is already a bit of a stink in the air. This is ozone produced by electric sparks.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll take a look again. This is valuable research information.

The hair all over Noah's body had stood up, and finally a fatal sense of crisis appeared. Regardless of the doctor's obstruction, Noah immediately carried the doctor into the air, sprinted outside, opened the door, and entered another dimension when the sense of crisis was greatest. space.

It took half an hour before Noah considered opening a small door to take a look at the outside world. The research room must be gone, not a single tile remains, it’s clean. The smell of ozone in the air was very strong, and a big crater was created in the ground. Fortunately, most of the electricity was dispersed in the soil, otherwise Balkimoa would have been killed by the doctor.

I didn't feel any danger after releasing my knowledge, so I walked out alone, then opened the door and went back to the original place to look for the historical text.

Huh? Where is my huge historical text? Where did it go? Isn’t it said to never be damaged? Noah was a little confused, and the doctor was also confused. They looked at each other. It was clear that there was not even a pebble in the surrounding area.

‘噼’ ‘噼’ ‘噼’

A large number of arcs appeared in the air again. Noah quickly threw the doctor into a different dimension, but he didn't because he didn't sense the danger.

Countless blue arcs gathered in place, and finally, the text of history returned. This is. elementalization! ! !

Quickly pull out Dr. Yue Jian from another dimension and let the doctor take a look.

Ouch~~~ The doctor rubbed his waist and was pulled out. These few strokes were too unfriendly to the elderly. Only then did Noah realize that he had just subconsciously thrown the doctor in. Throwing it was wrong.

I'm sorry, doctor. I was a little anxious just now, but I found the historical text.

Where? Where?

Behind you.

Dr. Tsukimi turned his head and didn't see it.

Look below.

! ! !

Why has the historical text shrunk? It has changed from a large stone tablet several people tall to a small square that can be dragged with one hand. The text on it has shrunk to the point where it is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

You mean, it just became elementalized!?


What a miracle. It turns out that natural fruits will turn into elements after being eaten by objects. It's so amazing. Then does it show vitality like other objects that eat Devil Fruits? Forget it, this is not a study here. Let’s take a walk and go to the laboratory that Bega Punk left here. He also has a complete set of testing tools.”

The next question is how to pick up this historical text. Noah used his armor to protect his body, slowly approached it, and then picked it up with a single lift. The weight also disappeared. Is it so unscientific? Oh, Devil Fruit, the law of conservation of energy has long been thrown into the sea, so people with Devil Fruit abilities are afraid of sea water.

There is no danger, holding the stone tablet, no, it is a stone now. Follow Dr. Tsukimi to Vegapunk's laboratory. It can be seen that the doctor and Vegapunk have a good relationship, and they can easily go to the deepest laboratory.

After putting down the stone, Noah breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had walked all the way holding a nuclear bomb, a little panicked.

Dr. Tsukimi, who once again fell into a state of madness, could not tolerate anything else at all, so he turned on various testing instruments to work. Noah used a phone bug to inform Robin and the little robots not to come back for the time being and to stay on the Voyager first. There may be dangers here later.

Robin was very obedient and took care of Lieutenant Spacey and the others on the ship. She knew exactly what to do and when.

Noah and Dr. Tsukimi began to conduct various tests on the block, but there was no response. It's as if it has returned to an ordinary historical text, only the size and weight have changed.

As a last resort, Noah had to take a risk and use his soul to analyze and penetrate the block. Entering the inside of the cube, I first felt the familiar tingling sensation from before, well, this is the smell. It seems that the integration was successful.

As for the activity, it's very slight. If Noah's soul wasn't special, he wouldn't be able to sense it. But it was too slight, and the stinging sensation from a lightning strike interfered. It took me a full hour to understand the meaning of this active operation.


Noah, who was sweating all over, exhaled. He had been too focused just now and was mentally exhausted.

How is it? Dr. Tsukimi felt that the time just now was so long.

Doctor, please turn off the power in the institute and let me show you how to use it.

‘Pa’ the power went out.

The cube in Noah's hand began to glow blue. Then Noah threw the blue-lighting block to the ground. The cube disappeared the moment it touched the ground. The institute's power supply system was forced to connect to an external power supply, and for a while the light was so bright that people could not open their eyes.

This is the method of external energy connection. After communicating with the consciousness of the stone and setting the range, it can be directly integrated into the power supply. There is no upper limit for the voltage for the time being. It depends on the upper limit of these devices. It can be satisfied.

Have we succeeded in this unlimited energy?


Dr. Tsukimi's joy was beyond words, and even the wrinkles on his face disappeared.

In fact, this block also has an attack mode, which is similar to a thunder gun or thunder hammer. Give it time to compress the current and then throw it directly. The upper limit of its power is currently unknown. Of course Noah wouldn't use it like this, this is Bika's energy core.

Call Robin and Lieutenant Spacey back, let's have a small banquet together to celebrate, and give it a name by the way. Now it is a combination of the Thunder Fruit and the historical text, so it needs to be renamed.

The Horadric Cube and the Cosmic Cube proposed by Noah were all rejected, and great writers were defeated many times.

Regarding naming, it is really useless. You can tell from the title of my book that it is lost to the public.

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