“Two bowls of ramen”

“The Sandaime Hokage is treating us to a treat.”

Akihara Kagura pointed at the old man behind her, looking a little rude

“I want two bowls of ramen too!”

“It’s also a treat from Grandpa Hokage!”

Uzumaki Naruto pretended to be handsome and imitated Akihara Kagura, pointing at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was following behind them, showing even more rudeness than Akihara Kagura.

The little guy Uzumaki Naruto doesn’t know what politeness means. A six-year-old child at this age will like to imitate the people he meets.

Even… < a i=4> Uzumaki Naruto can still excel

“Hand-slap uncle, Sister Calamus!”

Uzumaki Naruto smiled happily and said cheerfully:”If you have any wishes, you can ask Grandpa Hokage! Just say your wish and he will help you realize it!”


The boss was dazed and tried to open his eyes


Calamus looked at the old man with some surprise


Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed a few times and said helplessly:”Naruto, the existence of the Hokage is not for everyone to make wishes casually. of!”


Uzumaki Naruto’s expression immediately became depressed.

However, Uzumaki Naruto’s mood soon became happy again:”Forget it, tonight I’m so happy to be able to eat ramen!”

“Forget it.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long sigh and sat next to them:”Shou, please bring me a bowl of ramen as well. Maybe I have to do some accounting tonight< /span>”

“Oh, okay.”

The hand-beating boss nodded honestly, not caring about the Sandaime Hokage’s credit behavior.

During this period, Konoha’s Hokage reputation was actually maintained pretty well, and no one I don’t think that the most powerful Hokage in the village would default on his debt

“Hey, I suddenly remembered something.”

Taking advantage of the time to wait for familiarity, Uzumaki Naruto turned his head and looked at Akihara Kagura curiously:”I don’t think I have asked you what your name is?”


Akihara Kagura said his code name at the root, and then added:”But only Danzo-sama can call me this name. You can call me Kagura, Akihara Kagura a>”


Uzumaki Naruto asked directly

“Because it was Danzo-sama who gave me a new life.”

Akihara Kagura looked calm, as if he was just stating the facts:”I used to be a child in an orphanage in the village. Someone sent me to a dark place, where a man with long hair lived every day. They had to cut me all over my body with knives. Even if I wanted to die, it was Danzo-sama who saved me.”

“Oh? Did Danzo save you?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s slightly frowned brows suddenly relaxed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still thinking about the relationship between Akihara Kagura and Shimura Danzo , suddenly heard what Akihara Kagura said, and immediately had some clues in his heart

“Yes, Danzo-sama saved me.”

Akihara Kagura reached out and took out a pair of chopsticks, adjusting her emotions slowly:”When I thought I was abandoned by everyone, when I despaired of the world, Danzo-sama Saved me, made me a ninja, and taught me ninjutsu…”

“Sounds like a good person…”

Naruto Uzumaki’s favorable impression of Shimura Danzo immediately increased a lot


Hiruzen Sarutobi felt like he was choking on the smoke.

Is Shimura Danzo a good person?

This seems a bit insulting to his old man’s ears

“The Sandaime Hokage thinks so too, right?”

Akihara Kagura also had a smile on her face. She seemed to be happy for Uzumaki Naruto’s praise. She reached out and stroked Xiao Huangmao’s hair:”When you become a ninja, I will let you Danzo-sama transferred you to the root, and the two of us will go kill the other people in the root together”


Uzumaki Naruto’s smile suddenly became stiff

“Cough cough cough…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed violently.

The Hokage suddenly felt that he had cut Akihara Kagura from the roots. Transferring to ANBU is actually to save Danzo, an old friend, from becoming an empty shell in the future.

This class was a bit of a failure, but there was also a big gain, Hiruzen Sarutobi I feel that I am gradually figuring out the truth about why Akihara Kagura is so loyal to Shimura Danzo.

If I guessed correctly, the long-haired man who conducted human experiments on Akihara Kagura should have defected on his own Disciple Orochimaru…

As for Danzo rescuing people, only innocent children would believe such a thing. Maybe he was the one who threw Akihara Kagura into the laboratory. Danzo.

In fact, Hiruzen Sarutobi was more or less aware of the truth. Danzo Shimura had always supported Orochimaru’s illegal human experiments in the past.

Find a suitable opportunity to let this child know the truth…

At that time…

Will this child still be so loyal to Shimura Danzo?

Hiruzen Sarutobi slowly picked up his pipe again. The only trouble he had to think about was to prevent the child from hating Konoha’s mistakes after he knew the truth. a> As long as Akihara Kagura establishes a bond with others , let him slowly learn to protect the friends with whom he is bound in his future life is not a problem for Hiruzen Sarutobi.

This kind of thing…


“Don’t always think about hurting others”

“The purpose of ninja existence is not to harm others.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen held his pipe in his mouth and looked at Akihara Kagura seriously, planning to start his class again:”Kagura, the meaning of a ninja’s existence is to protect. To protect yourself, you want to protect yourself. Have you ever had someone you wanted to protect?”


Akihara Kagura nodded and continued nonchalantly:”I used to want to protect the dean, Yakushi Nonou, but she abandoned me, so now I want to kill her a>…”


Sarutobi Hiruzen’s expression changed slightly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has heard of the name Yakushi Nonou. He seems to be a member of the village’s intelligence department and has always been able to provide a lot of information to the village…


Isn’t this child a bit extreme!

“Now, I just want to protect Danzo-sama.”

Akihara Kagura stretched out her elbow to support her chin, thinking about what she wanted to say:”But what Danzo-sama asked me to do for him should only be to help him kill the enemy. Something like that”

“This Danzo…”

Uzumaki Naruto sat on the table and shivered

“Don’t talk about killing lightly.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked his pipe and his expression became extremely serious:”It takes more than sixty years for a life to live to my age; When life dies, it often only takes a few seconds…”


Akihara Kagura is almost self-taught, and her eyes light up:”If you want to protect someone, you need to work hard to protect him for decades. ; But if you want to help him kill the enemy, it only takes a few seconds. This seems to be simpler…”


Uzumaki Naruto felt something was not right

“Cough cough cough cough…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hands repeatedly and said:”Although I say so, an excellent ninja often has to do what ordinary people do. Things that cannot be done…”


Akihara Kagura fell silent.

However, just after a moment, Akihara Kagura suddenly said:”Danzo-sama said that I can use wood escape ninjutsu, which no one else can do, and I am already good enough< /span>”

“That’s not what I’m talking about…”

Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn’t help but grit his teeth.

Danzo Shimura, this bastard, clearly took this child Taken astray!

“Hello, what about you?”

Akihara Kagura looked at Uzumaki Naruto:”Are you an excellent ninja? Is there anything you can do that others can’t do?”


Uzumaki Naruto raised his face, sniffed, and replied proudly with a red face:”Other brats can cry in the arms of their parents, but I don’t have a parent. There is no one around, no one will cry!”

“You are also an excellent ninja.”

Akihara Kagura praised sincerely


Sarutobi Hiruzen’s expression slowly became a little heavy.

The old man knocked out the tobacco leaves vigorously, put away his pipe, looked at the hand-beating boss and the ramen served by calamus, and finally planned to give up the class

“Let’s eat noodles…”

“After eating the noodles, go back and rest”

“Children must go to bed early and not stay up late.”

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