Forest of Death.

The selection room for the second Chunin Exam.

Konoha has never changed the location of the second exam, and there is no place more suitable to be an outdoor exam venue to test the comprehensive ability of the genin team.

Just like the name of this examination room, the Death Forest also contains dangers that may cause death, including dangerous forest environments and wild beasts everywhere…


Competitors may appear at any time.

The eyes of everyone present will fall on the two people.

One is Akihara Kagura and the other is Uchiha Itachi. These two ten-year-old boys took the exam alone and were the only candidates who passed the first test without taking the exam.

The other genin worked so hard to pass the first round of written exams, but as a result, the two brats were waiting for them at the second exam place without taking any exams. It always felt a bit unfair< /span>

“That kid…”

“Is there anything special?”

“Never seen or heard of it”

“Why do I feel like Uchiha Itachi is in tit-for-tat with that brat… Isn’t he also a genius like Uchiha Itachi?”

“It’s hard to say…”

“After all, a person taking the Chuunin Exams and getting the approval of the village’s senior officials must not be a simple brat.…”

“That kid is the guy who tricked us into changing exam rooms!”

The genin candidates present did not know who suddenly said such a sentence, which instantly aroused the excitement of the crowd and looked in the direction of Akihara Kagura with unhappy faces

“Hey, that kid…”

“I did it.”

Akihara Kagura smiled and admitted what she had done, and extended her hand to invite:”Welcome…everyone who comes to trouble me ”

“Don’t be too arrogant, kid…”

A few guys who were obviously not easy to mess with came over.


The examiner of the second exam stopped the conflict.

The examiner of the second exam was named Yamashiro Aoba, and he was wearing the green uniform of Konoha’s special jounin. , wearing a pair of sunglasses on his face.

Yamashiro Aoba looked at a group of genin who wanted to cause trouble, and said softly:”If you want to fight, you will have plenty of time after entering the examination room”


Yamashiro Aoba raised a thick stack of paper in his hand and continued:”After signing this”Consent Form”, even if you are in the examination room If you accidentally kill your opponent, no one will hold you accountable afterwards”


“Anyone who signs this”Consent Form” may have an accident during this exam, and their life safety will be entirely their own responsibility.”


Akihara Kagura raised her hand with a smile and asked aloud:”You mean, can you kill someone in the second exam?”


Yamashiro Aoye frowned and thought.

Every year in the Chuunin Exams, there are always some arrogant people who think they can excel in one exam, but in the end they often die due to their arrogance.

Even a genius…

may die in the forest of death.

However, Yamashiro Aoba is not a crazy ninja. His temperament is even a little cowardly. He thought for a while and nodded

” According to the rules, it is possible.”

Yamashiro Aoba glanced at the boy and persuaded softly:”The most important thing about this exam is competition. In addition, it also tests your wild survival ability ”

“Even if you can get the props to pass the level from your competitors, you may not be able to avoid the dangers in the forest and reach the end of the exam.…”

“The rules for the second Chunin Exam are quite simple.…”

“In the competition for the Heaven and Earth Scrolls, all genin teams participating in the exam will receive two different scrolls, the Sky Scroll and the Earth Scroll;”

“Within five days, any team needs to find a way to survive in the Death Forest, snatch the scrolls from other teams, and collect two kinds of scrolls from heaven and earth. Within the Death Forest examination room, you are not restricted from using any means against competitors.”

“There is only one condition for victory”

“The team that holds both the Heaven and Earth Scrolls must pass through the long forest of death and reach the final tower where the examiner is located within the specified five days.”

“There are many conditions for elimination”

“First, within the stipulated five days, if the team does not reach the finish line with the scroll of heaven and earth, all members will be eliminated.”

“Second, there is a lack of players in the team or the team members are unable to act, which means that all members of the team must arrive if they want to be the winner.”

“Third, the team that illegally opened the scroll of heaven and earth before arriving at the final tower, because once you become a chuunin, you may have access to super-secret documents. This is to test your confidentiality ability.”

“Friendly reminder”

“If you open the scroll illegally during the exam, strange things will happen.”


“To give you time to adapt”

“All candidates present will enter the examination room through several different entrances”

“This exam will definitely eliminate more than half of the teams. I hope everyone will be careful. I am waiting for the winner in the finish tower.”


The candidates present soon became noisy.

Uchiha Itachi’s eyes remained unchanged, but he packed his ninja bag with extra seriousness, because he promised his father that he could pass the chunin exam.

There was no change in Akihara Kagura’s eyes. She just lowered her head and signed the”Consent Form”, seemingly not caring about the danger she encountered in the Death Forest.

There are many people who have set their sights on the two teenagers Uchiha Itachi and Akihara Kagura, because they are two teams, and one of them holds a kind of scroll.

Compared with competing with other teams, three people beating one person seems to have a higher chance of winning, but there are a lot of people staring at those two brats…

There are really more wolves than meat…

Of course.

Someone’s focus is very strange

“Where can I get supplies?”

A fat man asked Yamashiro Aoba loudly.

Yamashiro Aoba answered the examinee’s question very seriously:”Survival in the wild, what is life in the death forest? The resources are abundant and should be enough for you to be self-sufficient”


The genin present felt that this was all a minor problem.

After all, they have all gone out to perform some tasks and have learned survival skills in the wild. This little thing is not a problem at all.


Only one person thought this might be a problem.

Akihara Kagura frowned and began to think about life. He wanted to ask if there was a genin team that wanted to serve as chefs. He could lead this team to win.

Akihara Kagura can fish, but is not good at making fish.

All this time, Akihara Kagura did not need to think about cooking. Orochimaru had always kept him healthy when he was at the experimental base.

Later on, we were in the root organization, and the root base also had its own canteen. Although the food standard may not be very delicious, it was possible to make do without starving to death.

Akihara Kagura raised his eyes and looked at the genin present.

If you don’t know how to cook, why can’t you find a way to get some food? The resources in the Death Forest are enough for people to be self-sufficient, and they can definitely find something to eat.

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