"Buddha's sound?" Qiqi listened carefully and looked at Lin Ge uncertainly.

I don’t know if it’s because of the increased favorability, or because Lin Ge’s looks are just too good to be true, but Qiqi seems to have made a habit of asking him this question when making decisions.

Lin Ge listened carefully to the direction from which the sound came, and looked at the left corridor on the second floor: "It seems to be coming from here."

"Look?" Qiqi felt a little frightened when she heard the Buddha's voice echoing in the corridor. After all, hearing the Buddha's voice in this environment was so permeable.

Lin Ge nodded, and Qiqi walked towards the corridor on the left.

When he walked into the second floor, Lin Ge subconsciously looked back in the direction of the third floor. Hong Ying was heading towards the third floor just now. He wanted to find a reason to stop Qiqi from going to the third floor. He could only say that this is the sound of Buddha. The timing was perfect.

As soon as the three of them stepped into the corridor, the volume of the Buddha's voice suddenly increased tenfold, like a heavy hammer hitting their eardrums, which made their heads hurt.

"There is no need for a wonderful method, the southern needle must be sharpened. Don't ask about the Sanqi teaching, and conquer all the demons in the world. Be as urgent as the law!" Lin Ge bit his finger and used the blood seal, pointing a little at the lobes of his left and right ears respectively. Suddenly, the deafening Buddha's The sound returned to its original state instantly.

At this time, Lin Ge noticed the position of the stairs on the third floor. A red figure that had already descended to the second floor let out a miserable howl and fled back to the third floor with a "whoosh".

"Ahhh!" Deng Zixuan was so frightened that he threw away the camera and ran towards the stairwell, but he was so frightened that he couldn't choose his way and even wanted to run towards the third floor.

There was a red shadow on the third floor. How could Lin Ge let him run up to him, grab him by the collar and drag him to the ground.

Lin Singer raised his hand and pulled out the backpack on the side of his travel bag, took out an exorcism charm, tore it in half, silently recited a spell, kneaded the two halves of the exorcism charm into a ball, and blocked Deng Zixuan's ears.

Deng Zixuan calmed down, but Qiqi on the other side was still holding her ears and screaming. Lin Ge followed suit and blocked Qiqi's ears with an exorcism charm.

Qiqi seemed to have found a savior, hugging Lin Ge's arm tightly and screaming loudly. Lin Ge tried to pull out his hand, but felt a strange softness.

"Shh." Lin Ge made a silent gesture, and Qiqi slowly calmed down, and suddenly found that she couldn't seem to hear the troublesome Buddhist sound.

Deng Zixuan pressed his chest and gasped, cursing and saying: "Is the program team sick? Are they making so many messy things to scare us to death?"

Qiqi was also startled just now, and said with lingering fear: "What happened just now, my ears were almost deafened."

"Maybe the staff accidentally touched the sound switch." Lin Ge made up a nonsense reason.

However, he believed that this Buddhist message did not seem to be directed at the three of them, but was instead "protecting" them. After all, judging from the situation just now, it was the red ghost on the third floor who wanted to come down and attack them, so Foyin suddenly amplified his voice.

Da da da.

Suddenly, a slight noise came from the direction of the stairwell.

Lin Ge felt something was wrong. He felt that it was not a good idea to linger at the stairs.

"Did you hear anything?" Lin Ge asked Deng Zixuan.

Deng Zixuan was so frightened by the Buddha's voice. Looking back now, he felt that it was too embarrassing in front of the newcomers. In addition, he didn't hear any noise because he was nervous. He pretended to be calm and said: "Maybe it's a rat. This tube building has been around for at least twenty years. The working group When I came here to clean before, I found quite a few rat nests.”


Does your mouse wear high heels?

Lin Ge really wanted to give up on this scam, but for the sake of the mission, he felt that he could still save it, so he said: "It sounds like the sound of high heels. Do you think the program team saw us staying here for too long and deliberately thought about it?" How can you scare us?"

Qiqi nodded and agreed: "It makes sense, we should leave here quickly. Zixuan, please check the camera quickly. If it is broken, how can we take pictures?"

"It's not much better if I don't fall..." Deng Zixuan muttered, picked up the camera and adjusted it.

"Hey, this is it?" Qiqi felt a little uncomfortable in her ears, and when she touched them, she discovered that there were two half-length yellow talismans stuck in her ears.

Recalling Lin Ge's previous actions, he immediately looked at him in confusion.

Lin Ge explained: "This is a prop given to me by the program team, but the sound was too loud just now. I didn't bring any tissues with me, so I had to use this thing to help you."

"Oh, thank you." Qiqi said her thanks without thinking too much.

However, this camera, which would flicker even if it was dropped, was knocked over and dropped several times, but it was still intact, making Lin Ge even more certain that there was something wrong with the camera. But when he used his heavenly eye to observe it before, there was no evil spirit attached to it, which made him a little strange.

After restarting filming, Qiqi took the lead and walked to the door where the Buddhist sound came from, knocked gently, and asked: "Excuse me...is there anyone there?"

No one responded at the door, so Qiqi twisted the door handle, and with a creak, the door opened. She saw what was inside the door clearly and immediately exclaimed: "Ah——"

There seemed to be some kind of "sacred ritual" being performed in the room. There were two mahogany tables placed on the left and right walls, with Buddha statues and tributes on them. But strangely, the whole room was sprinkled with "blood" and it looked extremely scary!

Deng Zixuan cautiously raised his head and swallowed: "The program team must have spent too much money this time!"

Qiqi said: "Don't be poor, are you taking pictures?"

"Taking it."

"Go in and take a look." Qiqi walked towards the house.

Lin Ge and Deng Zixuan followed closely behind.

After entering the house, Qiqi looked around the room and saw an old-fashioned radio placed on the front drawer, from which the Buddhist sounds came out.

"Are we worshiping our ancestors here?" Qiqi picked up the radio and pressed the pause button.

Suddenly, the room became quiet.

Lin Ge pulled off a yellow talisman and looked at it. Although it was also an exorcism talisman with the word "Edict" written on it, the rune pattern was slightly different from the one he used.

However, this also confirmed Lin Ge's conjecture. There were so many evil spirits in the walled city that it would be unjustifiable if there were not one or two "hermit masters".

While checking the house, Lin Ge saw a "broken piece of paper" next to the cabinet where Qiqi found the radio. He picked it up and took a look, only to see that it read——

"The world is divided into the underworld and the yang world."

"Everything has a soul, including stones."

"It's about Yin and Yang separated by a piece of paper, and there are differences between the Yin and Yang worlds of humans and ghosts."

"Trespassing on other people's space implies looking at, snooping on and violating other people's bodies and self-esteem."

"If the out-of-control and ethical order of the hermaphrodite world are broken, it will lead to serious consequences."

There is not much content, but many of the records above are similar to "The Secret of Maoshan". Lin Ge is more certain that there are Taoist priests in this walled city.

"What is this?" Qiqi suddenly raised her head and asked.

Lin Ge handed the torn piece of paper to Qiqi.

"Is it a new clue?" Qiqi frowned after reading the note, as if she didn't understand what it meant.

As a Taoist priest, Lin Ge naturally understood that in a simple sentence, it is as the saying goes, "Yin and Yang are separated, and humans and ghosts have different paths."

Of course, there is also a saying that it is the territory of "earth-bound spirits", and living people will be in trouble once they step into it.

At this time, Deng Zixuan touched the blood on the mahogany table, put it in front of his nose and smelled: "Are these... mixed paints, or animal blood?"

Qiqi glared at him: "It's not human blood anyway, so you don't mind it being dirty!"


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the mahogany table collapsed, and the Buddha statues and tributes fell to the ground.

"I, I, I didn't do anything!" Deng Zixuan said anxiously.

Lin Ge dipped his finger into some blood on the mahogany table, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, and said with certainty: "This is black dog blood."

Qiqi was a little surprised: "You can smell this? But...you dare to touch blood stains in this environment, you are so brave."

Deng Zixuan:? ? ?

That's not what you just said!

Lin Ge looked at Qiqi and said, "Can you show me the radio and tape you just got?"


Lin Ge checked the radio, then looked at the tape. Sure enough, he found the engraved runes in the blank space on the surface of the tape. He could now confirm that the Buddha's voice that suddenly increased in volume did not seem to be aimed at them, but at the red shadow ghost.

The Buddha's voice is effective against red shadow ghosts, which shows its power. Although Lin Ge has many treasures, in a place like this, there are naturally not too many things to exorcise ghosts.

Lin Ge was about to turn off the radio, but the Buddhist sound stopped abruptly. Qiqi was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Is the battery out?"

Lin Ge opened the battery cover, poured out the three batteries, squeezed them hard, dropped them, stepped on them, and then installed them back. After installing them again, the radio was usable again.

Although Qiqi and Deng Zixuan could not understand what Lin Ge was doing, they were greatly shocked. Didn't expect that this method could be used to restore some power to the radio?

"Let's continue filming." Lin Ge put the radio into the side bag of his travel bag and suggested to Qiqi and Deng Zixuan.

Qiqi said: "Why do I feel that the style of this filming is different from the previous ones? The program team did not tell us that they have prepared so many more 'props'. Moreover, how can a small radio produce the sound effects of a speaker?"

Lin Ge suspected that what happened after entering the walled city had nothing to do with the program crew. It was very likely that the staff on the street corner were either scared away or all had been wiped out.

However, Lin Ge didn't have any clue about his current main mission "Searching for Ancient Book Pages", so naturally he wouldn't shoot himself in the foot and tell Qiqi the truth.

Qiqi complained as she walked out of the room. She suddenly stopped and pointed into the distance. She saw a woman in a blue dress running towards the stairwell in the corridor opposite.

"Jiahui? Is it Jiahui?" As a colleague and best friend, Qiqi recognized at a glance that the woman in the corridor opposite was another female host, Jiahui.

Qiqi waved her hands and shouted: "Jiahui!"

The figure didn't seem to hear him and walked straight into the stairwell.

"She didn't seem to hear. Why didn't she see Ale? Zixuan, go and call Jiahui. I'm afraid she will be scared alone." Qiqi said.

Deng Zixuan pointed to himself: "Ah, shall I go?"

"It's just a few steps away. What, are you scared?" Qiqi raised her eyebrows.

Deng Zixuan puffed up his chest: "Afraid? Am I afraid? Are you kidding... Just go, you guys wait for me here."

After saying that, Deng Zixuan put down the camera and walked towards the stairs. He ran with all his strength, in a manner that as long as I ran fast enough, no ghost would be able to catch me.

Da da da.

Suddenly, Lin Ge heard the sound of high heels coming from the stairs behind him again. He didn't want to face the red shadow ghost, at least not until he found the "ancient book page" clue.

"I'll go over and take a look." Lin Ge said to Qiqi and walked forward.

Qiqi hurriedly caught up: "Ah? Are you just going to leave me here alone?"

"Let's go together?" Lin Ge asked.

Qiqi nodded quickly, fearing that Lin Ge would leave her behind. Although she was quite brave, she still felt scared to be alone in such a gloomy old building.


As soon as the two passed through the corridor, they heard Deng Zixuan's scream from the stairwell.

Lin Ge rushed over and stepped into the stairwell. He was so frightened that Deng Zixuan fell down on the stairs and was paralyzed.

"Zixuan!" Lin Ge was just thinking about it when he suddenly felt a chill on his back. He subconsciously took out an exorcism talisman stacked into a five-pointed star and flicked it back.


The exorcism talisman was instantly ignited, followed by a miserable howl, and a mournful scream came from behind. When Lin Ge turned around, he saw Jiahui standing where he had just stood, with a pale face, dark pupils, and ghost-like fangs covering the entire mouth. It looked terrifying and disgusting!

Lin Ge decisively took out the shotgun and aimed it at Jiahui. With a "bang", the spray of bullets and impact force directly knocked Jiahui away.


Jiahui screamed miserably, flew out and hit the wall. After landing, she got up, screamed, and ran upstairs.

Lin Ge was about to chase after him, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

On the right side of the corridor, from the direction he and Qiqi came from just now, there was a sound of high heels stepping on the ground, and on the left side of the corridor, there was a burst of children's laughter. Above the stairwell, there seems to be an old man crying...

For a moment, the gun was like hitting a ghost nest, and ghosts from all directions reacted. If they were not earth-bound spirits and their range of movement was limited, Lin Ge might have faced more than a dozen evil ghosts at this time, and even some fierce ghosts!

Lin Ge realized that the ghosts here might have a strong reaction to the "sound". If the shotgun was used unscrupulously like in "Zombie", he might not kill one ghost but attract more ghosts.

Da da da.

The sound of high heels was getting closer and closer, and it sounded like they had reached the middle of the corridor.

When Qiqi arrived at the stairwell, she immediately prepared to go to Fu Zixuan, so she turned her back and didn't see Jiahui's sneak attack.

He didn't look back until he heard the gunshot, and then saw Jiahui being knocked into the wall and running towards the third floor after landing.

Although Qiqi didn't see it, Deng Zixuan saw it clearly.

"Jia Jia Jia Hui, Jia Hui! I saw her mouth full of fangs and her face was pale, well, so scary!" Deng Zixuan was so frightened that he even stuttered.

Qiqi paid attention to another question: "Uh, Lin Ge, why do you have a gun?"

Lin Ge said: "Go downstairs. Now we have entered the second stage of the show's game. They will pretend to be evil spirits and attack us. If you don't want to be eliminated, run away."

Deng Zixuan was stunned. Are you telling me that it was just an illusion created by the program team? Is Jiahui's terrifying appearance due to makeup?

Can I believe it?

Happy Spring Festival to everyone! In the new year, may all your wishes come true and make a fortune!

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