At the same time, the domestic media also paid attention to this matter and reported it one after another.

Penguin News: Today, Lu Li's compilation of "In-depth Understanding of Cells", "In-depth Understanding of Genes", and "In-depth Understanding of Biological Computers" have caused a sensation around the world, and the world's top universities such as Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are organizing professionals to translate these three textbooks, and then use these three textbooks to replace the original textbooks!

Daily Headlines: Recently, there has been a boom in learning Chinese in countries such as Star Country and Sunrise Country, and according to the survey report, the foreigners who have recently signed up for Chinese training courses are basically biological scientists and biology students, and there are even many old scientists in their sixties.

Under the news, netizens were boiling.

Even the world's top universities, such as Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have to study the textbooks he compiled!"

"In the past, we used to learn Western textbooks, but now it is finally the turn of the West to learn our textbooks. "

"In the future, people who want to study biological sciences must take the initiative to learn Chinese, at least those top scholars need to learn Chinese well, otherwise, how can they translate Lu Li's academic works?"

Although there is no notice yet, I think that our biology college students, in the future, do not have to learn English hard, used to learn English, because the West is the strongest biotechnology, and their language is English, if you want to learn advanced knowledge, you can only learn English, but you don't need it later, in the future it will be their turn to learn Chinese, and this top-down language radiation can make Chinese spread and develop faster. "

"I hope that one day in the future, students of all majors will not have to learn English, but foreign students will take the initiative to learn Chinese!"


Just when the outside world was discussing the textbooks compiled by Lu Li, Lu Li himself didn't care much, this little achievement was nothing to him at all, at this time, he was in the laboratory of the R&D center, researching "Sea King".

That's right, he has already named the intelligent marine creature he is studying "Aquaman".

He hopes that this intelligent creature can become the king of the sea.

"I've studied the cells of octopus cells, electric eel cells, and damselftail mantis shrimp, and as for tardigrade cells, lizard cells, and parasitic chloroplasts, I've already known everything about them, and it's time to start the next phase of experiments. "

Lu Li muttered, and then focused on an octopus cell integrated into his body.

Then, he began to try to incorporate the genes of the survivability of the tardigrades into the genes of the octopus.

This step is more difficult.

Because the genes of the tardigrade are particularly domineering, when its genes are fused with the genes of the octopus, it is easy to cause the genes of the octopus to collapse and fail to function normally.

However, Lu Li has plenty of patience, and if he fails, he will continue to try, and there will always be a time to succeed.


A week has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time, the three textbooks compiled by Lu Li have been recognized as the most authoritative textbooks on cells, genes and biological computers in the world, and major countries have organized biological scientists proficient in Chinese to translate them, and are preparing to set them as textbooks for related majors.

These countries also sent special personnel to contact Lu Li to negotiate copyright fees. Of course, Lu Li didn't have the energy to deal with such a trivial matter, but the copyright fee still had to be collected, especially the foreign copyright fee, so he made a phone call to Zhou Chengzhi and asked Zhou Chengzhi to arrange someone to deal with this matter.

At the same time, instead of decreasing in popularity with the passage of time, meows are getting higher and higher.

Nowadays, there is a chance to see Meow at a celebrity's concert, when an online anchor is broadcasting live, or even when the news is broadcast live on a TV station.

In the office building, in the streets and alleys, the figure of meow can be seen everywhere.

Those who bought meows also developed various uses for meows.

Selling cuteness, playing chess, chatting...... These are just the basics.

Accompany the owner to play the king pesticide and go to the supermarket to help the owner buy things...... These are eye-openings, and then they are imitated.


Today's supermarket cashiers aren't surprised to see a meow holding something to pay their bills.

At the same time, as the Zhucheng Air Show is approaching, the heat of related news has also risen.

In previous years, although the popularity of the Zhucheng Air Show is not small, but the people who pay attention to the air show are mainly military fans, but this year is different, when the media reported the news that King Kong will appear at this air show, ordinary people are also interested in this air show, they want to see King Kong in the air show in the limelight, because, King Kong is the pride of their hearts.

this day.

It was the opening day of the Zhucheng Air Show.

Many military fans and ordinary people have come to Zhucheng from thousands of miles away.

Lu Li and Qin Wei also came.

They didn't come specifically for the air show, mainly to spice up their lives, and also to take a look at the sea by the way, they were all born in inland provinces, they have grown so big, and they have never seen the sea with their own eyes.

As soon as they got off the plane, Lu Li and Qin Wei boarded the car prepared by the Zhucheng security department and came directly to the exhibition area, at this time the air show had not yet opened, and the reporters and spectators who came to the scene could not enter, but Lu Li was different, his Galaxy Life Company, ranked among the 735 arms dealers at the Zhucheng Air Show, could naturally enter in advance.

"Mr. Lu, the scale of the Zhucheng Air Show has created a record high, a total of 735 arms dealers from 45 countries came to the exhibition, tanks, fighter jets, missiles, guns and other weapons are everything, even Boston Dynamics, also brought their three military robots to come, to be honest, they know that King Kong has already exhibited, but also dare to bring military robots over, I really admire their courage......"

Zhou Chengzhi led Lu Li and Qin Wei into the exhibition area, and at the same time introduced some of the situation of the Zhucheng Air Show.

And behind them, reporters and spectators are already boiling.

"I didn't expect Lu Li to also come to participate in this Zhucheng Air Show, and I don't know if I have the opportunity to take a photo with him. "

"You see, Lu Li is still accompanied by two King Kongs! It's really awesome, so far, he is the only one in the world who has King Kong as a bodyguard. "

"Speaking of King Kong, I recently heard from some friends in the army that Galaxy Life Company has begun to deliver King Kong to the military department, and now, the military department has set up a lot of King Kong special combat teams, a horse with strong combat effectiveness, and has made several great contributions in the border area, especially in an operation in the southern Xinjiang region, which directly destroyed a large foreign armed force. "

"I've heard too, King Kong did a great job!"

At the same time, some people also noticed Qin Wei, who was walking side by side with Lu Li, and hurriedly picked up the camera to take pictures, and then prepared to upload it to the meager one, but he was soon confused, because this meager could not be sent out at all, and the system judged that this meager one violated laws and regulations or the Weibo community convention.

He didn't believe in evil, so he took another video and wanted to upload it to Douyin, but he couldn't post it either.

"Damn, what's going on?"

He looked depressed.

At this time, a person next to him said: "Brother, don't try again, you don't want to think about Lu Li's current status, his personal privacy, especially the privacy of his family, how can it be casually exposed on the Internet, you don't want to think about it, the family information of those Internet tycoons is basically not searchable on the Internet, let alone Lu Li's family information." If you try again, your account may be blocked, and you may even have your water meter checked. "


Hearing this, the person who wanted to upload photos and videos hurriedly put away his phone.

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