Walking out of the practice room, Qilu also followed down from the airship.

By the time Killua came down, the trial was over.

The candidates who passed the test were eating the eggs of the boiled grape spider at this time, looking happy.

“Ah, Killu, you’re down, give, your share.” Menqi noticed the appearance of Qilu for the first time, and immediately walked over, holding an egg in his hand, and smiled at Qilu.

“Ah, thanks.” Killua reached out and took it, peeled it directly and ate it.

“Dream grape spider egg, I have heard of it before, but I have not eaten it, and it is worthy of being called the ingredient of dream egg.” After taking a bite, Killua completely tasted the delicacy of the grape spider for the first time, and couldn’t help but praise.

“Of course, it’s one of the hardest ingredients in the world to come by.” Menqi said smugly, as if the grape spider’s eggs were so delicious and had a lot to do with her.

To this, Killua raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes.

The delicious eggs of the grape spider have nothing to do with you, you are so proud.

“But since you’re here, let’s catch them all.” Qilu swallowed the grape spider egg in his hand three or two times, and then said.

“Huh? What do you mean? Menqi was stunned and puzzled.

Others also heard Qilu’s words, and they all stopped their movements and looked over.

“Boom, Killu, split me in half.” Nitro came over and said with a grin.

“If you want to be beautiful, the money will be repaid, otherwise you will go down and take it yourself.” When Qilu heard this, he rolled his eyes again and said unceremoniously.

“Well, don’t be so petty, with your means and ease, just send the old man to me.” Nitro touched the back of his head and said with a smile.

“No way.”

The conversation between the two confused everyone present.

“Wait, Killu, President, what are you talking about?” Menqi asked puzzled.

She didn’t understand the conversation between the two at all.

“Literally, I’m going to take these spider eggs all out.” Killua raised his eyebrows.

“???” Menqi had a black question mark on his face.

All in one, these eggs?

How many times does this have to go down?

Hearing Qilu’s determination, everyone immediately discussed it in private.

“It won’t be.” Siso thought of something, and couldn’t help frowning, and muttered something a little unsure.

“It’s just that won’t be, Killua this guy always does things unexpectedly, watch.” Standing beside him, Ilfan spoke, and between speaking, the expression that never changed changed subtly.

This startled Siso, and then showed an interested smile.

“Pinch, it’s the first time I’ve seen your expression change since I met you.”

“What the hell did Ilmini’s brother do to make you look like this? It’s really curious to me. Siso said excitedly.

Ilfan: “……”.” Shouldn’t ask. Ilfan was silent for a moment, and then said.

Malice pervaded Ilfan, which let Siso know that he seemed to have exposed this guy’s scars.

Siso directly stopped at this and did not continue to ask the bottom of the matter.

He knew that if he continued to ask, this guy would have to fight with himself.

“Just watch.” Ilfan spoke again.

“I see.” Siso shrugged, then set his gaze on Killu.

The eyes of others also fell on Killu’s body one after another.

“Well, in this way, how about I give 500 million rings and give me half.” Looking at the oil and salt that did not enter, Nitro circled the door of his head and said a little nerve-wrackingly.

“OK, the deal is established, and the benefits are 500 million rings.” Hearing Nitro’s words, Killua suddenly smiled and directly extended the prepared mobile phone to Nitro.

Looking at Killu’s smug smile, Nitro raised his eyebrows, and his teeth hurt a little.

However, he still transferred 500 million rings to Killu’s account.

Although this little guy has a good personality, he just cares too much about money.

I like to be calculating.

“Okay, the deal is complete, wait.” Receiving the transfer, Killua flipped his phone and smiled.

This made Nitro even more entangled.


However, in the next moment, the dark blue thunder and lightning appeared on Qilu’s body again, soaring into the sky, turning into dozens of thunder giant hands.

Dozens of thunder giant hands swooped down directly, instantly disappeared into the canyon, the blue light was dazzling, the entire canyon was illuminated by thunder and lightning at this moment, and the sound of thunder thundered.

All the examinees present widened their eyes and gradually became trance-like.

Driving lightning, is this really something that humans can do!!!

For many candidates with limited vision, they really can’t think of how to let a person have the power of thunder and lightning.

And the Killu, which can drive thunder and lightning for its own use, is simply a monster in the eyes of this group of people.

However, just when they were in a trance, the thunder and lightning giant hand that had disappeared into the canyon had disappeared.

In its place, there are grape spider eggs in front of Killu.

“According to the deal just now, old man, you can take half of these.” Killua said to Nitro.

“Then the old man took it.” Nitro said lightly, and then directly ordered the bean-faced man to ask someone to come down and move.

“Killu, I want half too.” Menqi on the side looked tangled, she didn’t expect that Killua really swept up these grape spider eggs, not even one of them fell, but although she was entangled, she still spoke.

So many fantasy eggs, can’t let go.

“Mine is not yours, why divide this.” When Qilu heard this, he gave her a blank look.

And many candidates, after seeing the grape spider eggs all over the ground, swallowed their saliva, and then someone ran to the edge of the canyon and looked down.

This look, this candidate’s pupils suddenly contracted.

“It’s gone, it’s all gone, the grape spider’s eggs are gone.”

At this time, many candidates ran over, looked down one after another, and then looked at Qilu incredulously.

“It’s so good, I picked all the grape spider eggs without even going down.” Kurapika muttered in shock.

“Well, this is the ability to read, to be able to do many things, this kind of thing is very simple for Young Master Qilu. But we can’t do it. Tal walked to his side, said with a light smile, and looked at the figure of Qiluo (Zhao Nuo) with respect in his eyes.

“Thar, you young master Qilu, he, take apprentices?” Kurapika muttered.

“Huh? Don’t think about this, Young Master Qilu won’t teach you, you can just follow us when the time comes.” Tarleton was stunned for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he covered his forehead speechlessly and said.

Kurapika this guy is really whimsical.

We are all taught by Young Master Qilu and let the big sister of Flax Yin, you actually want Young Master Qilu to teach, you don’t want to fart.

“Okay, I’ll follow you after the hunter’s test, Thar, you must teach me.” Kurapika came back to his senses, grabbed Tal by the collar, and said excitedly.

“Yes, yes, don’t worry, I’ll teach you.” Tal shook his head amuseously and said.

“Pinch, Tarsan, can you teach me this ability to read too.” Xiaojie’s voice came from the side, and I saw that Xiaojie was also very excited at this time/his eyes were shining.

The Leoli beside him is the same donkey.

“Hmm…, let me think.” _

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