If you can’t absolutely overwhelm people, then even if you have more thoughts, you may be overturned, but there is little hope.

In a battle between masters whose total ability and total qi value, that is, the potential qi strength is within a certain range, the victory or defeat depends on the characteristics of each person, combat experience, willpower and many other factors.

In addition, when the difference in potential gas volume exceeds a certain range, the potential gas volume has an overwhelming advantage; On the contrary, those with weak potential gas volume, no matter how powerful their characteristics are, have little chance of winning in the face of a strong potential gas volume exceeding a certain range.

Just like in the chimeric ant chapter, the attack of Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association, cannot cause much damage to the ant king, because Nitro’s combat power is not as good as half of his peak because of his old age and physical decline.

The potential qi is also much weaker than that of the Ant King, causing his attacks to only pose a very small threat to the Ant King.

Just like three years ago, the Dark Continent creature guardian god that Qilu and the others faced was a special situation.

It did not exceed a certain range, moreover, because the body was too large, 543 so its huge qi was too scattered, did not play an absolute role, even if the use of the flow could not save this advantage, the attack of Qilu and others could play a role in him.

And to say that it is simpler to say that the mental qi attacks of Qiqi Breaking Defense, Qilu and others can break the defense when the gap is not large.

That’s why he was able to destroy the body of the Guardian God.

Killua also did not know the strength of his grandfather Jeno and his great-grandfather Maha, so he was not sure that he had this advantage.

Without this advantage, then it is impossible to be sure that their strength is above them, after all, without this advantage, then the strength of those who think about ability depends on all aspects.

In the past three years, because Qilu has been cultivating and improving his strength, he did not think of the idea of asking his grandfather Jeno and his grandfather Maha for advice.

Now Killua came up with this idea, wanting to see the gap between his current strength and his grandfather Geno and his great-grandfather Maha.

However, just when Killua had this idea, the mobile phone in Killu’s pocket rang.

Killua was stunned, who called me?

Killu’s mobile phone is not used several times a year.

Only Flax Yin plays every month when he reports to him. However, Flax Yin had already reported the other day, according to her somewhat staid personality. It should be impossible to continue fighting.

With this thought, Killua opened the flip phone. さ爿.” Nitro? Looking at the name displayed on the phone, Killua raised an eyebrow and then pressed the call button.

“Moxi Moxie, old man, why are you looking for me?” After connecting, Killua said lazily.

“Yo, Killu, are you interested in coming to the hunter headquarters, the old man has something to entrust you here.” Nitro’s old but breathless voice came out of the phone.

“Huh? It seems that you haven’t issued a delegate to me for three years, why did you suddenly remember to issue a delegate task to me. When Qilu heard this, he was immediately surprised.

“Haha, it’s not a big deal, naturally it won’t be like you to issue a task, your worth, the old man can’t afford to invite a few times.” Nitro laughed.

“So what’s the big thing happening this time, actually asked you to issue a commission to me?” Qilu was slightly strange, but also asked with some expectation.

It would be nice if it was really a big deal, and even better if it was related to the ruins incident three years ago.

You can get a lot of reinforcement points again.

In the past three years, when he carried out assassination missions, he also killed some people with mental abilities and obtained some strengthening points.

However, in three years, it was only more than two thousand.

Up to now, his own strengthening points have not been five thousand points.

Compared with the relic incident three years ago, this strengthening point is very poor.

It is impossible to even strengthen the breath of the archangel with the manifestation system.

“Haha, the annual test of the Hunter Association is about to start again, how about it, you are also a professional hunter, do you want to be a chief examiner.”

“Huh? That’s the big thing you’re talking about? Qilu, who was expecting it, heard Nitro’s words, and immediately had the idea of going to the Hunter Association to blast him.

The hunter test is the hunter test, why the minution is around, and what a big deal.

“How about it, do you want to come, by the way, Menqi is also there, she will be the chief examiner for the second test.” Nitro’s words were full of seduction.

“Che, I already know this, I’ll leave tomorrow.” Killua cut in disdain.

For Menqi to become the chief examiner of this hunter trial, Qilu has long known.

“Hehe, then the old man is waiting for your big driver.” Nitro smiled lightly, said, and then hung up the phone directly.

Killua also closed the flip phone directly.

“Issue 287 Hunter Test Cloud. When fate began. ”

“Jeffelix, the son of that guy Jin, this wayward troublemaker came to participate in the hunter test this year.”

For Xiaojie, Killua doesn’t like it very much.

When I watched full-time hunters in my last life, when I saw the chimeric ant chapter, the scene in the original book of Killua was secretly saddened by Xiaojie’s attitude towards him after his temperament changed greatly because of Kate’s death, but it deeply stung Killu’s heart.

The Killua in the original book can be said to be sincere to Jefferix’s friendship, and he has done everything a friend should do.

Even in order to save Xiaojie, who fell into a life crisis after forcibly growing up, he almost broke with the family.

Jefferis has always enjoyed all the convenience that Killua has brought to him without any response.

In the face of this wayward bear child, Killua did not think about intersecting with it at all.

The purpose of Killu’s visit this time is to see Menqi, and by the way, to see how willful and bearish the protagonist of this world is. _

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