Chapter 290 Exploring Mars (for subscription)

Afterwards, these netizens chatted lively.

“A company’s annual revenue has 13.2 trillion soft sister coins, which is terrifying!”

“This is last year’s revenue, and this year will be even more terrifying, because the virtual world is about to go online. By that time, the sales of virtual helmets alone will be tens of trillions. In addition, the transactions that occur in the virtual world, Galaxy Life 5% will be taken as a technical service fee, and the income in this area will definitely exceed one trillion. Kunpeng should also be sold to the outside world. The price of each Kunpeng is estimated to be in the tens of billions. Even if only five hundred are sold, the sales will be fifty thousand. Billion. Therefore, Galaxy Life’s revenue this year will definitely exceed 20 trillion.”

“Ma Yeah, is Lu Li’s net worth ten trillion?”

“It’s not so exaggerated. The 13.2 trillion yuan is Galaxy Life’s sales, not profit, and it has to pay taxes. However, Lu Li’s net worth is at least two trillion.”

“How can I spend so much money? I feel a little headache for Lu Li.

At the same time, Song Yao and others also brushed up on this meager, and they were very curious about how Lu Li would spend the money, and they started asking questions.

Lu Li put away his phone and said with a smile: “To be honest, I have always been annoyed by this problem before. If so much 493 money has been left in the company account, it is not the case, but since going to the moon, I know where the money should be spent, the universe is so vast, the earth can never be unique, there will definitely be alien civilizations

And some are advanced civilizations.

If one day, they came to the solar system, how would they treat humans? To be honest, I don’t know, it may be the elimination of humans, it may be peaceful communication, or it may be that we exist as worms, and we completely ignore it. But one thing is certain, if the difference in strength is too great, we will not have the right to choose.

This is a scene I don’t want to see, so I plan to use this money to develop science and technology and develop space power. These are very expensive. For example, Kunpeng, the cost of each Kunpeng exceeds 5 billion. 1,000 kunpeng is five trillion, and each kunpeng can only accommodate about 10,000 passengers, that is to say, if there are aliens that we cannot defeat come to the solar system, 1,000 kunpeng can only carry 10 million people wandering . Of course, this is just an assumption. In fact, if an advanced civilization comes to the solar system, we will definitely not be able to run, because their warships will be faster.

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Song Yao curiously asked, “You seem to be sure that there are aliens?”

“Of course.” Lu Li said: “The solar system is only an insignificant part of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is only an insignificant part of the universe. No matter how small the probability of life being born, there will be other planets giving birth to life.”

Song Yao shook his head and said: “I don’t think so. It is a miracle that life can be born on the earth. There are too many coincidences. It should be impossible for other planets in the universe to give birth to life. What’s more, the history of the earth has For billions of years, the history of human civilization has been 5,000 years. No aliens or creations have been found. Therefore, alien civilization should not exist. We human beings are the only civilization in the universe.

Others also participated in the discussion, and there were support for both views. However, those who believed that aliens existed, like Lu Li, were a little worried about the threat from aliens.

Another day passed in a blink of an eye.

Lu Li has uploaded Yinpeng’s video to Weibo, which immediately caused global shock.

The living environment in Kunpeng’s body makes everyone’s eyes shine, especially those who have been to the moon. They have all experienced the taste of the deep space series of spacecraft. Although they can go to the moon, the ride experience is really not good. Water, food, rest, and toileting are all troublesome. The gravitational shield also shocked everyone. Everyone did not expect that Lu Li would have developed such a technology against the sky. With this technology, let alone fight with countries on the earth (cedg) Now, even in the face of aliens in science fiction movies, there is a battle.

At the same time, after a day’s flight, Kunpeng has crossed a distance of 60 million kilometers, getting closer and closer to Mars, and then began to decelerate sharply.

At the same time, Kunpeng opened his mouth, Lu Li and others stood in its mouth, holding a telescope to observe Mars, and at a glance, Mars was like a burning fireball, blooming with brilliant light. This is because the surface of Mars is covered with a layer of soil with a high iron oxide content, and iron oxide is reddish brown.

“This is Mars. It’s as desolate as the moon, and there is no sign of life at all, but there are a lot less craters than the moon.”

“Look there, there is a super strong tornado! The width is at least a hundred meters, and the height should be 20 kilometers. This is stronger than on the moon. There is no wind on the moon at all.”

“This is because there is an atmosphere and air on Mars. Although the density of the atmosphere is only 1% of that of the earth, and 96% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, it has air after all and can form a tornado.”

Song Yao and others were talking excitedly while looking at Mars.

As time passed slowly, Kunpeng was getting closer and closer to Mars, and the speed continued to decrease.

When it was only 10,000 kilometers away from Mars, the speed had dropped to ten kilometers per second. Lu Li retracted the telescope and went to the command room. Through the communication equipment in the command room, he gave an order to Kunpeng: “Start satellite delivery.”

“Yes, Doctor!”

Accompanied by this sound, a place on Kunpeng’s left body slowly dented in the middle, exposing a hole, and a huge space was exposed to the universe. This space was a place for storing materials, and there were many satellite diamonds here.

Then, under the operation of King Kong, satellites flew into space from the hole in an orderly manner.

There are 108 satellites in total, which are used to deploy the Mars satellite navigation system and Mars network.

Each satellite has a nuclear fusion organ and a gravitational device, and is also equipped with biological intelligence, which can adjust the speed and orbit of the satellite at any time according to instructions, or perform other operations. In addition, these satellites can also create gravitational shields to avoid being destroyed by meteorites or space junk.

It can be said that the high technological content of these satellites will make all countries envy. If given the opportunity, they will definitely take the opportunity to steal a satellite and go back to study and crack it.

About two hours later, the data sent back from the satellite learned that the satellite network was successful, and Lu Li again issued the order: “You can land, choose a place to land.”

“Yes, Doctor!”

After receiving the instructions, the three Kunpengs began to land on Mars. It only took about half an hour to arrive on a plain in the northern hemisphere of Mars.

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