Start with Batman

Chapter 239: phantom

Latest URL: It has been a while since the last hero pool upgrade, and the new hero pool is undoubtedly what he needs most.

A-level hero pool!

When he opened the interface of the hero pool and saw the words under the new pool, Chu Cheng had already begun to feel that the unicorn arm was about to move.

The B-level pool has already produced heavy firepower like Iron Man, and he can't think about what is in the A-level pool. But if you're lucky, there might be a superhero who can single-handedly push the world.

That would be a real leap in strength!

But it is foreseeable that the more advanced the pool, the more restrictions, and it is foreseeable that it may not be so easy to come up with heroes in the advanced pool.

Sure enough, the introduction column this time simply explained the difference between the new pool and the previous one.

It is not accurate for the new pool to say that it is an A-level hero pool. It should be more accurate to say that it should be a mixed pool.

On the one hand, the introduction said that the probability of shipping heroes in the new pool has been greatly increased, and deleted things in the previous pool such as "Thank you for participating" and "Hulk's underpants" that were unclear and disturbed people's minds. What comes out is basically something that is practical.

The not-so-good aspect is that there are C-level, B-level, and A-level heroes mixed in this pool at the same time. And of course, the probability of getting a grade C is the highest, followed by grade B, and grade A is the lowest.

In short, it tells you that there are indeed A-level heroes here, but you can't expect too much.

In addition, it is not like C-level and B-level pools filled with objects of unknown meaning and thank you for participating in filling the card pool. It seems to be conscientious, but obviously conscience also has a price.

The points for drawing A-level mixed pools have also become more expensive. One round of 500 hero points is equivalent to ten consecutive rounds of the old pool.

Looking at Chu Cheng at this price, I feel a bit painful, especially if the points equivalent to a round of ten rounds are thrown in, it will be a blood loss if only a C-level hero or something is produced.

But even so, you can't stop smoking. After all, if you want to improve your overall strength, new heroes are absolutely inseparable. Now that you have the opportunity to produce an A-level hero, unless you have a brain hole, you will definitely not be able to feel sorry for the little points and continue to draw the old pool.

What if there is a new daddy?

"However...the new pool has just opened, so you have to pay a guarantee, right?"

Chu Cheng frowned, looking at the alluring "Summon" button under the new pool on the screen, he felt that all the gambling cells in his body were agitated.

"Not specified, but maybe, sir." Friday kept his usual smile.

"How many emails do we have now, Friday?"

"One shot."

It sounds a bit sad but it's expected. After all, Chu Cheng himself had just drained all the points in his inventory not long ago. Although he saved for a few more days, he obviously did not break through 1,000 points.

Doing scientific research and practicing life skills in the laboratory, although the experience feels very fast, but the hero points are not given. To draw cards with liver points, you still have to go out to farm monsters.

Let's just shoot it once, smoke it!

Chu Cheng held his breath, restrained his beating heart, and directly tapped his first card draw in the A-level pool.

A burst of gorgeous and dazzling lightning special effects that had never been seen before, made Chu Cheng shrink back childishly, and his breathing seemed to be stagnant.



Secret Service Nine.

Within ten minutes, jet fighters had taken off from nine motherships.

This is the highest efficiency they can mobilize the dispatch team. However, what was assembled in such a short period of time was not a regular action team, but a special action team established according to Professor Miyazaki's idea.

The team code-named "Ultimate Power".

The team leader is Agent Luo Yajun. Although he is not outstanding in the team, he has proved that he has the decisiveness and command ability to lead the team during more than one mission.

The main players are also basically consistent with the preliminary list. Liang Ye as the main output player, Fana who manipulates the Phantom in Red, and Duan Lan, the functional support player Sonar. The only thing that differs from the earlier list is Felix, who was only added temporarily recently.

Although in principle he was originally a spy of the CIA—even though he himself did not know it, he was a foreign spy after all. If this matter had been revealed beforehand, considering his special status and being covered by someone above him, it might not be possible to give him a VIP suite in a lunatic asylum, but telling him to pack up and leave is probably still indispensable.

However, the current situation is that the components of the Nine Divisions are still a bit complicated. The boss at the top has run away, and the entire department is being remodeled from top to bottom. As the main force in exposing the ghost and supervising the madhouse in the future, the trend of merging the ICU with the psychiatric department is accelerating.

And this Felix's status in the ICU is not low, so not only has the insider not been kicked out since his identity was exposed, but his status in the madhouse is gradually rising. Coupled with the fact that he himself has shown a strong willingness to go to the field, it is almost logical that he has been included in the list of ultimate strength.

"The First Clan"

Then you can't easily say that he is a related household through the back door. Because since the discovery of Phantom's ability, his combat effectiveness can be ranked among the best among the chefs in this five-star madman hotel who are addicted to bad things. Most people are not convinced and really can't beat him, so it is said that he won by strength. There's nothing wrong with that.

On the way out, a group of people knew that this mission might be extraordinary. According to the ancient Layla, there is only one possibility for such a violent reaction, that is, Ophelia gave up her plan to continue, and finally decided to take a move that she might have been planning in her heart for a long time—

— Swallow teammates.

The ancient Layla told them that the ancient has a method of enlightenment to speed up the resurrection. Not everyone can do it, but a small number of ancients do have the ability to devour teammates and absorb their essence, which can speed up the process of recovering to a full body.

And Ophelia is an ancient with such ability.

The reason why she didn't do this before may be because she hesitated in her heart, or maybe she felt that the time was not yet ripe. She needs to wait for herself and her teammates to develop stronger, otherwise she will not be able to achieve perfect resurrection even through devouring.

Once she does this, she will inevitably release a fierce reaction, and will definitely be discovered by humans.

And since she chooses to do this now, maybe she feels that the time is ripe, and she has the assurance of a complete resurrection.

The ancients they have fought so far are all half-dead, and they are far from the peak in terms of physical strength and skills.

So how strong is a fully revived Elder.

No one knows, but they may soon find out.

"Close to the target."

Felix piloted the flight. He has achieved quite good results in the flight simulation training. Although he only has one or two chances to fly the plane by hand, he is already considered excellent in this team dominated by Mang.

"Estimated to arrive in the combat area in three minutes..."

"Hey, watch out!"

The voice sounded in Felix's mind, it was the shadow warning him. In the next second, Felix realized what his phantom was reminding him of - a thick black tentacle smashed down, and at such a flying speed, it was about to split their fighter jet in two.

If it was an ordinary pilot, the plane would have given up at this time, but the reflexes of the extraordinary are also different from ordinary people. Since accepting his phantom, Felix's entire physical fitness has been reborn, and his reaction speed is no exception.

He slammed the joystick almost instinctively, and the fighter evaded the huge tentacle that appeared out of nowhere. Everyone in the plane lost weight in an instant, and their sense of balance was in disarray. If they were not wearing seat belts, they might have been thrown away at this moment.

The fate of the collision was narrowly avoided, but the plane also lost its balance. Felix just wanted to quickly pull the operating lever to bring it back, but he didn’t expect that one side of the fuselage suddenly sank, and half of the wing was smashed by something invisible, and the half of the burning wing flew away. go out.

Felix's face changed slightly: "Wait, I should have avoided it..."

"It's a phantom," Agent Duan Lan shouted as he tried to hold himself in the seat, "There is evidence that one of the enemies has a similar ability to create illusions... like a holographic projection!

The tentacles just now may just be a phantom to cover up the real attack, and the real attack..."

"It's invisible." Felix had already figured it out, "Everyone hurry up!"

He switched personalities in a short moment, his eyes turned white, and the shadow had taken over his body within a few tenths of a second. The appearance of the phantom personality instantly greatly improved his arm strength. Shadow jerked the joystick, and the plane with a broken wing barely regained its balance. It dragged a trail of black smoke and landed on the cultivated land with difficulty, using a POSE with full blood pressure of a road officer.

The people on the plane were thrown to the ground, but if they were replaced by ordinary special agents, some of them might be paralyzed by now. But fortunately, there was no ordinary person in this team, and they recovered quickly.

"Open the door." Luo Yajun ordered.

Felix pressed twice the button that lowered the hatch. A few sparks burst out from the movable door of the cabin, and there was a sound of the aircraft colliding, but the door did not open.

"The door is stuck." Felix frowned. "It must have been broken when the plane crashed. I'll see if the emergency mechanism works..."

Before the words finished, an afterimage appeared on Liang Ye's body. The shadow raised a palm, and a bolt of lightning blasted on the plane door. The stuck mechanical bracket suddenly cracked with a bang, and the entire door panel was smashed outward.


Felix swallowed half of his words: "Or... that's fine, whatever."

A group of people jumped off the plane. Before he could gain a firm foothold, another invisible attack struck.

This time it was Fana who attacked. But the little girl's phantom was extremely vigilant, and the phantom in red seemed to instinctively flash out of her body to protect her. The invisible attack hit the phantom in red, and even the phantom and Fana flew out together. But fortunately, there is a phantom defense buffer Her problem is not big.

Luo Yajun reacted immediately, his arm turned into a machine gun, and a string of bullets swept along the attack trajectory.

Usak the Elder was standing there. The bullet hit him, but didn't quite hit him. Luo Yajun's shuttle bullet passed through Usak's body strangely as if it had shot into the water, without causing any damage.

Obviously, it's still a phantom.

Immediately afterwards, the second Usak appeared, standing beside the first shadow.

Then the third, the fourth, the fifth...

Until countless ancient Usaks appeared one after another and surrounded them.


Usak's voice came from nowhere.

"You better prepare your last words."

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