Start with Batman

Chapter 217: Tengaijin?

Secret Service Nine, Aircraft Carrier.

This is the heavy prisoner detention area where Leng Ji once stayed, the designated VIP suite on the entire cell. However, in order to welcome new guests, the prison has also temporarily undergone new renovations. The old thief Miyazaki is in charge of doing it himself. From the access control to the internal facilities, everything has been tailored for new guests, trying to make residents feel at home.

If you want Chu Cheng to say it, Miyazaki's old thief should be regarded as one of the few people in this lunatic asylum with relatively reliable performance. In this place, the field staff pulls the hips and pulls the hips, and the leadership pays tribute to Arkham at the security office of the winery. From top to bottom, almost only the old thief has been in C.

After all, the old thief is just a scientist who doesn't have the strength to go to the front line with a lightsaber to stab people. There's only so much he can do. However, the research progress he has made in such a short time since the infection incident occurred is still considerable, and sometimes some of the technological equipment developed specifically still have some effects.

It's the same this time. The old thief discovered through practice that the principle of the operation mechanism of the special abilities of the ancients and the infected people he had studied in the past is similar, and the ability suppression equipment he developed before is also applicable to the ancients.

It is precisely based on this principle that the old thief Miyazaki temporarily refitted and strengthened the suppression equipment in this VIP suite, so that even the ancient Layla could not easily escape from here.

But as she said before, she took the initiative to show up with the idea of ​​cooperation from the beginning. Now that she came, she never thought of leaving from the beginning.

And by this time she had thrown an important message to the humans who were interrogating her that she had told Batman hours earlier.

"You mean,"

Professor Miyazaki sat with his legs crossed behind the isolation glass, tapped his knuckles on the table, and looked at her with an expression of interest.

"We thought you 'The Old Ones' had been the source of the infection all along... but in fact we were wrong?"

"Not entirely."

Leila was sitting in the room in an obedient posture, talking to Professor Miyazaki through a transparent one-way glass.

The entire room was almost armed to the teeth, and suppression facilities were hidden inside the wall panels and outside the room, respectively suppressing her ability and the transformation effect of the Tis Shield. A huge machine was placed at the back of the room, densely packed wires were connected around the machine, and it made a low humming sound when it was running. .

"The infection incidents you have experienced so far are indeed the source of us. The infection incidents on this planet are basically caused by us—the race you call 'the ancients'.

So I'm not saying this in an attempt to absolve responsibility and try to win your sympathy or goodwill. It is true that we are responsible for some things, but we are not the source of what you are looking for.

Most of the influences and special abilities of the infected among you humans are indeed from us, but the abilities of our ancients are not innate. Our abilities also come from elsewhere, but that was a long, long time ago. "

This statement undoubtedly deserves the highest attention. Especially Professor Miyazaki, who has the deepest and most interested research on infection issues, sat up straight when he heard this, showing a very interested expression.

Leila guessed right, the lunatic asylum is indeed very interested in these things, especially the old thief Miyazaki. In fact, he has not been too interested in saving human beings from disasters from the beginning to the end. The old thief has always been most concerned about his own research, discovering where the source of infection comes from, how it works, and where it will lead mankind.

And now may be the moment he is closest to the answer he is looking for.

"Then can you tell me, where is the source of this kind of thing?" Professor Miyazaki asked.

"Of course, but I'm afraid that what I can offer is limited." Leila said calmly, revealing the color of memory, "That was... a long, long time ago, about how we ancients A wish to become what it is today.

That's also the starting point that happened before my countless reincarnations and rebirths, when I was... really alive. It has been too long now, too many awakenings, and the memory of the first life is too vague. But all I can remember is...they came from beyond. "

Everyone who heard this was in a commotion.

beyond the sky?

Does it mean that the source of the infection came from outside the Earth’s pole star? Aliens?

"Who are they?" Professor Miyazaki asked impatiently.

"I don't know. I can't remember clearly...I don't think any ancients can remember." Leila said solemnly, "I only vaguely remember that it is an existence that cannot even reach the boundaries of our ancients' imagination .

They come from among the stars, something really old and great. They had endless knowledge and unlimited resources in ancient times, and each of them possessed unimaginable power. Even the idea of ​​rebellion by ordinary and humble races like us seems absurd. "

People outside the interrogation room read surprise from each other's faces.

The ancients are already a race beyond their imagination of biological cognition, and they have all seen how powerful an ancient is. But is even such a race just ordinary and humble in front of the so-called "gods"?

"Yes, we ancients used to be just ordinary races on the Earth's Pole Star, but because of a coincidence, we touched a little trace of them on the Earth's Pole Star, some extraordinary seeds, which endowed us with powerful Immortality in power and in disguise—of course, that has also become our eternal curse." Leila continued calmly.

Everyone's expressions gradually became serious.

Letos and Layla, the two ancient beings who surfaced one after another, were defeated successively, which made their attitude towards the infection incident somewhat relaxed.

Well, in fact, they didn't win these two times, but seeing these two ancient people being beaten up by the big boss, they couldn't help thinking "it's just that", and even felt that If you are prepared to go to war in advance, then I can do it.

But now they realize that things don't seem to be that simple.

Professor Miyazaki continued to ask eagerly: "So those... aliens you mentioned? I can understand them as aliens, right? You mean, they have come to the pole... ...many, many years ago. But they're gone, right?"

"Yes," Leila said, "gone in the long past. But if you want to ask, will they come back? I'm afraid the answer is yes.

They always return to where they have been, sooner or later. What you are finding on this planet now, the large-scale resurgence of infection sources, and the increasing frequency of infection events, these may be omens. "

There was silence in the interrogation room, and several people in the room exchanged glances.

"So how do we stop them?" Professor Miyazaki asked.

But this time Leila didn't answer, but smiled slightly.

"No, you still don't understand." She said, "Yes, human beings are different now than I remember, and I have seen that.

But IMHO, even then you can't beat them, because no one else can.

What they have is a mighty force that you have never seen in Absolutely no one can resist. We ancients can't do it, and neither can you humans. Not even your...fancy weapons. "

"Okay... ok," said Professor Miyazaki, "so the 'important information' you gave us is that we are almost finished and no one can save us. You should realize that this has nothing to do with your situation help, right?"

"I'm just saying that you can't stop them." Leila said blankly, "There's nothing to be ashamed of. They are the existence of the law, and they are invincible.

But what I can help you with is to fight for the chance of human beings to survive. "

Professor Miyazaki raised his eyebrows.

"How to do it? Waving the white flag to beg for mercy?"

"By showing friendliness, proving that humans are not a threat. This way in the end..."

Layla paused, then changed the subject.

"...Yes. You better pray for forgiveness."

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