Start with Batman

Chapter 214: Iron Legion

The battle restarts, a new round. But this time it was completely different.

If it could be called a fight until just now, then this time... perhaps more accurately this time, it can only be regarded as a one-sided beating.

More than forty sets of Iron Man suits, reloaded with full energy and full mounts, may be a nightmare for anyone who faces them, and it may even be the same for non-humans.

For example, Leila is now on the verge of being played badly.

The current situation is that there are Iron Man suits in almost all directions around her, and fierce firepower from every angle. The recoil beam circled the strike from almost all angles, and the outer shell of the Teth shield was continuously blasted, and then blasted again before it had time to recover.

Dense missiles exploded along the body of the flying creature, and the red-hot laser beam with strong penetrating power cut vertically and horizontally. She was covered in cuts and bruises, and was almost covered by continuous firepower without dead ends. It felt like being in a furnace, being crushed to pieces bit by bit.

And it wasn't just Leila who was being beaten that was shocked.

Ophelia and her two other teammates, the ancients who parted ways with her, almost exploded when they spied on this scene secretly.

In fact, Ophelia, who insisted on the principle of developing first, always felt that she was already cautious enough, that is, with the idea of ​​letting her teammates go up to test the water, she asked Leila to go out and try to make trouble. Let's see how strong humans are now.

Originally, after Letos fell, she felt that she already had a general idea, but it was only after seeing this that she realized that her previous speculation about modern humans was still too conservative.

Witnessing the gang fight scene of the Iron Man army with her own eyes, she immediately felt that not being able to go out was the wisest decision she had ever made in all her lifetimes. Under such a siege of firepower, even if there were three other people on her side who went up side by side, they would most likely join Leila and be blown to the ripe end.

Some of the ancient humans regarded their ancients as monsters.

But now who the **** is the monster?

It is not only these ancient creatures who have such doubts, even the bigwigs representing modern cutting-edge technology were instantly petrified when they saw this scene through satellite images.

The asylum side was the first to witness it. When seeing this Iron Man army full of firepower, the sky is full of explosions or dazzling laser special effects, many people's first reaction is-

—If what they focus on is not the ancient creature, but their Aircraft Carrier of Secret Service Nine, how long can they hold on?

If they were bombed like this... I'm afraid they would have been burned to nothing in the sky by now, right?

Of course, like this big air battle scene, the super black technology organized by unknown superheroes is fighting some kind of ancient extraordinary creatures with great fanfare. Naturally, the rare scene of immortal fights in a century cannot only be watched by the madhouse.

The military, the political circles, and the top leaders of the whole world are all paying attention, and the eyes of the Jixing Star are all focused on this battle.

Then they all go crazy.

A few days ago, they learned of the existence of such a thing as "Iron Man". Some say it's a robot, some say it's some kind of advanced armor. But apparently the idea that it's a robot is more common than the idea that it's a Warframe.

The reason is also very simple. Because from the perspective of experts, if this thing is a suit of armor, then let alone what will happen to the people inside when it is subjected to impact and explosion, it is said that this thing is flying at supersonic speed in the sky and playing various games. That person's brains should be shaken even when he is flying stunts at 720 degrees of sonic speed.

But in any case, the consensus of everyone is that this is a technology that is enough to reshuffle the world.

Some experts integrated the various events that Iron Man had appeared in, calculated his flight capability, combat capability, defensive performance and destructive power, etc., and then came to a conclusion——

— This thing single-handedly can take down an entire aircraft carrier formation.

When the first expert put forward this view, he was quickly questioned by senior military officials.

A certain big shot summoned him directly and said unceremoniously: "You should know that you need to be responsible for every conclusion you have made."

The expert also responded respectfully: "I know, so this is the most conservative estimate I can give. But you want to ask me what I really think about the so-called Iron Man technology? Well, IMHO...

...I don't know how many troops it would take to hold it back. "

That expert was originally a bigwig in the field, and within a few days after his statement was published, it caused an earthquake in the circle. The technology called "Iron Man" has also become the focus of attention of the upper echelons these days, and the mysterious organization with unknown power behind it has increasingly begun to make them restless.

Even tonight, up until that moment, most of the gang was still trying to digest the existence of such an outrageous creature as Iron Man.

Then all of a sudden, with a swipe of the ground, they were told that more than forty iron men appeared in the sky above Pingcheng in one go.

So they all fell apart.

Of course, Chu Cheng knew exactly what it meant to publicly implement the "family banquet" order like this. He also knew how much attention these forty sets of Iron Man suits would attract, how many people's worldviews would be shattered, and how many people would be shocked. How many people can't sleep at night.

really good.

That's part of the meaning of the "Family Banquet" program, a show of strength.

People think that superheroes belong to the same organization, some mysterious and powerful alliance. At this stage, this organization is still developing secretly, but it will not stay here forever.

While Chu Cheng is fighting now, he is still paving the way for the next stage and laying a solid foundation. Although it has not yet been decided how to develop the plan for the subsequent stage, it is necessary to show absolute strength no matter what.

There is a saying that reading is to talk to idiots calmly, and fitness is to make idiots talk to you calmly. The words are rough and the rationale is not rough, although it may be a little too radical, but there is also his reason.

The truth is based on fists. Only when you show absolute strength first, will people be willing to listen to you.

Although it couldn't be seen from the third perspective, Chu Cheng's side was not just bombarding and pouring firepower.

At the beginning of the battle, Friday had already scanned the enemy in all directions through Iron Man's built-in scanning device, combined with the analysis of opponents holding the "Tis Shield" material in previous battles, and fed back the results.

"As a result of the analysis of the material structure, there are relatively weak points in the structure of the Tis shield on the enemy's body," said Friday.

"Can this be analyzed?" Chu Cheng was a little surprised at that time.

Sure enough, Fifth Sister is still the best match with Iron Man.

In fact, compared with the firepower and equipment equipped with Iron Man's suit, the scanning analysis of his suit, the ability to formulate tactics according to the capabilities of different opponents, and the ability to apply scientifically are the biggest killers when confronting real powerful opponents.

Friday was originally an artificial intelligence designed for Iron Man's suit, and the scanning equipment paired with the suit can naturally exert its maximum effect at this time. Sure enough, after some analysis, even the seemingly indestructible Tis shield has relatively weak points in its composition.

"But the material of the Tis shield is in a state of constant motion, so the position of the weak points will also change constantly." Friday said, "I marked the positions of all the weak points on the opponent in real time, but each weak point should not stay too long.

So sir you may need to aim a bit faster. "

"Aim's not a big problem, let me show you what a fast gun boy is." Chu Cheng was full of confidence.

While speaking, Friday was already marked on the screen. The huge flying creature's body was constantly marked with circular red areas, each of which stayed for a moment before disappearing, and then the next one appeared.

It felt like whack-a-mole.

Chu Cheng was a master at whack-a-mole when he was in elementary school, and the old master played it. At this time, the ancients were already unable to move under the firepower of the Iron Legion, and their agility had already been greatly So strictly speaking, the difficulty of aiming was even easier than the whack-a-mole game back then.

I don't know if it's because of the accelerated thinking of the game, but Chu Cheng feels that his operation and reaction are infinitely stronger than before. The Iron Man in the screen is flying up and down under his control, shuttling back and forth between the gorgeous special effect curtain walls, every recoil beam and every missile flying accurately hit a marked weak point. His hand speed is extremely fast, and the intensive keyboard tapping sounds like a rhythmic percussion music. At this time, if a normal person takes a look at his dazzling screen that changes at a high speed, he will probably faint on the spot.

It didn't take long for the continuous bombing to blow up the huge creature to the end of its strength. Her wings were almost broken, her body almost fell, and she had nowhere to go under the siege of Iron Man's army.

In the end, the operating perspective switched back to the batwing.

The hidden gun barrel protruded from the bottom of the bat wing, and the fiery red light condensed, preparing for a fatal blow.

Layla was exhausted, she no longer had the strength to dodge, and it was absolutely impossible to dodge.

The red-hot stream of light surged out from the heat sight cannon, threatening to annihilate everything.

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