Start with Batman

Chapter 189: The strongest sniper

The train travels through the city under the night with the roar of heavy metal. At this time, it was passing along the railroad tracks erected on the river, and the starry sky was like a black net quietly falling down, covering the river. The dim moonlight echoes the neon light, and reflects on the water surface together with the stars. You can just see the river water reflecting the colorful brilliance through the car window.

The man sat alone by the window, eating his lunch slowly. He put the knife and fork down on the dinner plate, picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, then changed his comfortable posture and leaned back in the chair, slowly picking up the wine glass filled with the orange liquid.

The phone vibrates in the pocket. He took out his cell phone, glanced at it, and connected the call.

"Where are you?" A deep male voice came from the other end.

The black sun on the other end of the phone, the founder of the organization, is also the only person in this world that men admire and are willing to obey orders.

"Don't worry, it's going according to plan and it's going well." The man smiled and glanced at his watch, "There are... ten minutes and forty-nine seconds."

"That's good." Black Sun said from the other end, "Remember, you only have one shot..."

"That's all I need." The man chuckled confidently. "When did you ever see me need a second shot, boss?"

"Don't be careless." Hei Ri said, "Anyway, that man has already won six of us—the best six. He is definitely not ordinary, and he deserves to go all out to deal with it."

"Don't worry, boss, you know me. Whoever he is, I only need one shot." The man interrupted, "Your backup plan is not even necessary. Another ten Minutes...boom, it's all over."

He hung up the phone, drank the glass of wine slowly, and took a newspaper in the car to read it. The headline of the newspaper was the news of "Heroic Director", and the accompanying photo was Li Shou, the young new director of the Public Security Department of Huicheng.

The man smiled silently.

Only dead heroes are the best heroes.

The man finished his drink, put down his glass, stood up and left his seat, carrying a bag that looked like golf clubs on his back.

He is a member of the Black Sun, codenamed Scarlet Reaper.

This is also a well-known character in the entire killer world, and his name is like a thunderbolt. No matter the underworld or the white, many people will not sleep at night even if they hear this name. When a certain city hears of his whereabouts, half of the city's high-level executives will be panicked.

The reason why he, who is not good at fighting, can become one of the top killers of the organization is because of nothing else but his superb marksmanship.

He is one of the three strongest snipers in the killer world, even for Hei Ri, he is also a trump card role. After all, for the shady profession of a killer, a sniper who can walk through Yang with a single finger and take someone's life is obviously much more terrifying than wielding a knife and a gun head-on.

The use of the scarlet **** of death also signifies that Hei Sun is completely irritated and ready to play for real.

Of course, Scarlet Death has been famous as the main trump card of the Black Sun Organization for a long time, and anyone who has a little relationship with the industry will know his existence. Naturally, it is impossible for Huicheng Public Security Bureau not to consider the situation of the sniper. Because of this, the security around the building of the Public Security Department has also been strengthened. Experts have marked all the possible sniper spots nearby, and arranged round-the-clock rotating guard posts at each location.

There is a saying that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, no matter how good the sniper marksmanship is, he still needs to be able to shoot. The director shrank in the Public Security Department like a bastard, and then all the points were stepped on in advance. No matter how good the marksmanship was, there was no room for him to use it.

In theory it should be so.

But experts overlooked one point.

It is the train under the feet of the Scarlet Reaper.

The ring train, a very old special line, has almost become a landmark scenic spot in Huicheng. In the early years, a rich man invested in the establishment in order to benefit the people. It was once a symbol of hope in the most difficult era of Huicheng's economy and life, letting people struggling in a difficult life know that there is a chance to get better in the future.

Although it seems less important today, it still means a lot to the city. It is precisely because of such a meaning that it is specially designed to pass in front of the Public Security Department building. For a moment, the passengers behind the window were only 800 meters away from the Sheriff's Office building, as if they could experience the feeling of being protected up close.

Scarlet Reaper has come to the roof. He is assembling his most handy sniper rifle.

In fact, it cannot be said that it is an expert's miscalculation, because this is a point that is almost impossible for ordinary people to think of.

Eight hundred meters away, from a speeding train, the moment is so short that there is almost no time to aim, just enough to fire once.

To complete a sniper attack under such conditions is not even an idea that normal people can think of.

But he's the Scarlet Reaper, and he's best at hitting impossible targets.

Now it's not the time for the black sun to announce, but this is what they planned. The killing announcement is just a gimmick, a gauntlet, to let people see their tough attitude, and to a certain extent save their face in the industry after being severely hit, but this is enough. They don't really plan to have to get some points before doing it.

Giving a specific kill time in the trailer will give people the illusion of "I'm safe until then".

But the Grim Reaper won't come back at that point.

The Scarlet Reaper squatted on the roof of the car, holding the gun and keeping aiming.

It was his most convenient gun, and the heavy weight in his hand seemed to be integrated with him. He felt the vibration of the train under him, and heard the rumble echoing in his ears.

Even the vibration of the train seemed to merge with him, and the high-speed storm passing by was also burned into his mind. He calculated accurately and performed countless drills in his mind, and the result of each deduction was a one-hit kill.

He couldn't see the possibility of his own failure.

The last building was left behind by the train, and the target building, the Sheriff's Department building, was exposed in his scope without any cover. He held his breath, and even his heart seemed to have stopped beating. His fingers felt the resistance of the trigger, and he stared intently at the other end of the scope.

He sees the target. Li Shou, director of the Public Security Department, sat at his desk with coffee in his hand, flipping through documents. Unprepared, unblocked, completely unaware of a few tenths of a second later, Death will swing its scythe.

Gunshots rang out.

However, the scarlet **** of death finally failed to pull the last trigger in his life.

Someone is faster than him.

It came from directly opposite the Public Security Department building, a bullet that was so outrageous that it didn't make sense. It directly blasted through the reinforced concrete wall, shattered a glass on a certain desk, penetrated one wall after another, entered the director's office, and almost flew close to Li Shou's cheek. However, the glass of the office was shattered with a "bang bang", and with a life-threatening melody, he whirled towards the figure on the top of the train 800 meters away.

Scarlet Reaper's sniper scope The bullet pierced through the scope as if he had eyes, and shot into his brain from his eyes. The exaggerated impact smashed most of his head into pieces, and his whole body fell backwards, like a piece of rotten meat being sucked into a storm, rolling and falling from the top of the train.

The public security department building exploded in an instant, and everyone was in a mess.

On the other side of the building, on the other side of the building, at the guard post guarding the sniper point, the security guards in charge of the guard did not even react.

They only see one man. A man in a red combat uniform, with some kind of silver high-tech metal helmet on his head, a dark red monocle mirror installed on his right eye, and a sci-fi gun barrel on the back of his hand.

From the perspective of the sheriffs, all they heard suddenly was a gunshot—it seemed to come from overhead. Immediately after turning their heads back, they saw with bewildered expressions that the man in red seemed to have suddenly descended from the sky, appearing from nowhere at all.

Deadshot, the most terrifying sniper on DC Earth.

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