Start with Batman

Chapter 180: Bats all over the sky

a few minutes ago.

"This is an urgent report from Jiangdu Daily. The chaos in the central square is still going on, and a large number of unknown creatures are gathering in the center of the square.

Secret Service Nine is maintaining order and controlling the situation, and there is also intelligence that they saw a suspected Batman flying over...

...oh wait! There is a new situation from the front line, a giant creature appeared in the central square..."

It was an aerial shot from a helicopter, and although the distance was very far away, it did not affect the clarity of the details in the picture. I saw that the ground of the central square collapsed suddenly, and the surrounding buildings seemed to be dragged into the ground by invisible hands.

Black things drilled out of the ground, and smoke and dust flew around. At first, it looked like some kind of cylindrical thing, and it was completely impossible to see its original appearance through the surging dust and thick smoke. But when the smoke dissipated and the camera zoomed in, it was found that the shape was a bit like the trunk of a tree, knotted like a twist, but the overall body shape and texture clearly resembled some kind of creature.

It has no apparent head, but has six arms. The distorted body on the top of the trunk opened a single eye, like a huge distorted curved mirror. The dilapidated streets, the surging dust and wreckage were clearly reflected on the mirror, and indifference was written all over it.

"God, I've never seen anything like this..."

The reporter opened his mouth, but was speechless as if he had temporarily lost his ability to speak.

That's something people never face. Not just because of its size, and not just because of its weird, unsettling physique. Looking at it is like looking directly at fear itself, and makes people shudder for no apparent reason.

Even people sitting at home and watching this thing through the TV and computer screens feel extraordinary horror. You may be able to find a magical creature with a design that is a hundred times more terrifying than it in the movies and TV screens, but you can't compare the shock you feel when you look at this thing directly with your own eyes.

"I... don't know how to describe it." The reporter tried hard to control his emotions, forcing himself to speak again with professionalism, "We can only pray for the heroes who are fighting on the front line... ..."

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper, Wang Zuo, was silent for a moment when he saw the scene captured by the reporter from the front line.

Then he suddenly picked up his cell phone and made a series of calls.

"Yes, it's me... Remember our little event next week? The preparations should be in place, right?" He paused, "Yes, that's right, it's now... yes, I'm not crazy.

My nephew was on that runaway train and that vigilante named Spider-Man saved him. So if there's anything we can do... I think now is the perfect time. "


In a few minutes, now.

A building collapses on top of Wolverine.

Although Uncle Wolf didn't lose much blood because of his rough skin and thick flesh, he was stuck in the ruins in a not-so-good position. Of course, it's no problem to dig it out with claws, but Chu Cheng didn't bother.

Chu Cheng directly switched to Batman, activated the Allen mode and flew out through shock and penetration.

Uncle Wolf's mission is over. Although his sharp claws were indestructible, giant creatures of this size were obviously not in his professional field, and more professionals had to be replaced to deal with them.

The number of ghouls coming out of the ground is also increasing, and the pressure on Luo Yajun's team is also increasing. Although it is said that reinforcements are on the way, it will obviously take some time.

The fastest reinforcements to arrive were a fighter jet from Division Nine. From a long distance away, he threw two missiles at the biggest and most eye-catching target, blasting out dazzling flames on that huge twisted body. Immediately after the plane swooped down, a series of machine gun bullets swept down, causing sparks to fly from the pitch-black body.

But to be fair, the shot of a single small plane catching a super-giant creature chugs, no matter how you look at it, Chu Cheng feels familiar. Visually, it looks like the giant of light is taking a shower with a missile before it shows up. And cupping bombing to prove how awesome the monster is.

Sure enough, a wave of firepower swept down, and it was really that scraping.

After finishing the work, one of the six palms of the thing suddenly opened, and a tentacle shot out from the palm, sweeping the air like a whip. Half of the fighter's wings were cut off in the middle, and it fell down with black smoke. After that, there is the repertoire of pilots catapulting and parachuting, and the plane plowing the land.

Chu Cheng understood immediately when he saw this scene. Oh, Feiyan No. 1, right? Even if I change the set and change the vest, I still recognize it.

Of course, although the plane was donated, its donation was not meaningless. In addition to proving that the monster that Li Changcheng called Latos seemed to be rough-skinned and thick-skinned and could not be cupped, it also helped Chu Cheng collect data.

While Batman was flying with the power of the armor, Chu Cheng did not stop the first-person scan in detective mode, and the results were sent back to the bat computer for auxiliary analysis by Friday.

"Its body has a similar composition to what was just called 'Tis Shield'." Friday quickly gave feedback, "But the scan found that its purity is not high, and it is doped with a lot of impurities of other conventional ingredients , should reduce the defensive performance."

"Is there any impurities?"

"Yes. I compared the black armor on Leng Ji I met in the underground ruins before. Now, by comparison, it should also be a type of 'Tis Shield', but it is also of lower purity.

Including his mass-produced avatars, they are also covered with similar substances, but the purity is lower. "

Continued on Friday.

"The 'Tis Shield' used by Li Changcheng is close to the purity of the creature in front of us. It is stronger than the part used in the Leng Era before. It is very hard but still mixed with impurities, so it is not completely indestructible."

"Is that so?"

To be reasonable, when Li Changcheng said that he was going to shake something similar to the old gods, he was still for a moment, and then he felt that something so big and with a little bit of weight popped out at the back. wonderful.

Judging from Li Changcheng's confident reaction before, maybe he himself didn't know that the thing called Tis shield in his body was not pure enough.

Of course, even so, it is quite hard.

Batman swooped in and got close enough to throw a Batbomb. The bomb blasted a ball of fire on the big man's body with a bang, but did not cause substantial damage.

But this time it clearly caught its attention. Lytos turned around, and the bats flying in mid-air were reflected in his huge one-eyed eyes. A thick arm came at it with a speed unsuitable for its size. Batman instantly released the hardening of the cloak and folded his wings, his head was down and his arms were folded, and he accelerated vertically downward in a free-fall posture, flexibly dodging the opponent's grasp. In the next second, the cloak was re-energized, the wings spread out again, and it took off with a handsome glide, and then slapped an electric shock device up, but the effect was also ineffective.

During the period, Liang Ye at the Ninth Office also freed up his hands to deal with this most striking enemy. Thunder fell from the sky, and the lightning roared and exploded on its pitch-black skin, but it still had little effect.

"Adamantium can penetrate that coat." Friday reminded.

"Yeah, adamantium can go through anything. But it's a bit too big for claws."

While speaking, Chu Cheng was manipulating Batman and dodged the opponent's grabbed arm with a set of gorgeous aerial stunts. After regaining his balance, he continued to accelerate forward.

"We need real heavy firepower. I've called in the Batwing..."

Before Chu Cheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by a bang. It was the sound of a huge fist hitting the ground, like a thunderous explosion, which caused a drastic change in the air pressure in the entire square.

The gust of wind raged like a rage, and the ground exploded at the rate that a roadman's blood pressure was full. An exaggerated huge crater was blown out on the ground, and the indiscriminate impact crushed a group of ghouls that were closer to the landing point into pieces.

Batman was swept in by the storm, and the wings he used to float made him more affected by the wind at this time. Therefore, he retracted his wings into the cloak form in time, extinguished the propulsion engine, and raised his hand to shoot a hook claw.

He swooped down from the air like a pendulum, knocked down a lamppost with a thud, and fell to the ground amidst the flying sparks everywhere.

The entire square fell, the underground pipes burst, and a large amount of water was thrown into the The ghouls and the agents of the nine offices were thrown upside down, and the scorching battle seemed to be ushered in for a while. Intermission.

Many ghouls were also instantly killed by this indiscriminate AOE, but the impact was not great. More ghouls were crawling out from the cracks in the ground, and some were crawling over from the surrounding blocks and roofs.

It's like endless.

Lytos was condescending, overlooking the small human beings staggering here and there, and there seemed to be a trace of contempt in that huge one-eyed eye.

Although it has been a long time since the era before it fell asleep, and the people who rule this planet seem to have changed a lot, it seems that human beings are still human beings after all.

Vulnerable, vulnerable, and insignificant. Even if it is far from the best condition, far from fully recovered, it is easy to sweep the world.

But in the next second, Laitos froze for a moment.

With a hint of doubt, the huge one-eyed looked up at the sky.

In the urban area not far away, a faint but very eye-catching golden light shot into the sky, leaving an unyielding circular light field in the vast and dark sky like an abyss.

a mark. In the middle of the circular searchlight is a shadow, which is intentionally drawn as a bat-shaped shadow.

Marking of the bat light.

Chu Cheng was taken aback.

Bat lights?

He did draw the Bat-Light from the prize pool a long time ago, but it was clearly not his hand. Because at this moment, the bat lamp is still lying in his backpack obediently.

Immediately afterwards, the second light hit the night sky. Coming from another area of ​​the city, the faint light condensed into a circular mark hanging in the sky, which was also the image of a bat.

Followed by the third, the fourth...

Until the whole city... full of bats.

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