Start with Batman

Chapter 133: shapeshifter

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One day ago, after the battle, outside the villain's stronghold.


Agent Luo Yajun lit another cigarette.

"You mean, can become like someone else?"

"That's right." Chen Meiyue said, "She can become exactly the same as the target object, regardless of appearance, height, or body shape. As for the transformation conditions...I guess it should be a DNA sample.

She took all of our blood so she could become everyone. But the memory should not be able to be copied—the purpose of her keeping us alive is to ask for some specific information, which is convenient for her to pretend to disguise. "

Luo Yajun glanced over the hostages. He noticed that most of the detainees in this base were young and beautiful girls, not to mention all of them were beautiful, at least they were all protruding. Although the long-term detention made them look like refugees fleeing from famine, they could vaguely see that their foundations were still good.

As long as the prisoner is a man, it doesn't take three years to drag him out and kill him, and he will definitely not be wronged. But according to the testimony, the prisoner seems to be a woman, so either this person is a **** with a preference for strange heavy flavors, or she may indeed have ulterior motives as Chen Meiyue said.

"You mean, she is a shape-shifter. And all of you hostages are her resource bank. She can change into any of you and use your identities to act."

"Yes. Her abilities are very dangerous. We must conduct a thorough investigation of the movement trajectories of all the hostages present during this period.

She could use our identities for anything, even..."

"It even includes stealing the identity of a senior agent and sneaking into the aircraft carrier of Secret Service Nine, right?" Luo Yajun answered.

Chen Meiyue trembled violently.

"You mean...could it have been..."

She rubbed her temples, feeling dizzy.


She pondered for a while, as if she couldn't think of what to say for a moment.

"Are the consequences serious?" She raised her head and asked.

"That depends on how you define 'serious.' Batman is here, and he's brought a white accomplice, and they've taken care of the worst guy in the mothership.

But someone stole a seemingly innocuous piece of evidence, and we don't know what it's for..."


Chen Meiyue repeated it. She had imagined that all kinds of bad things would happen after her identity was stolen. She thought she was mentally prepared, but now she realized that she was not.

Then she raised her head, glanced left and right, seemed to confirm that no one else was listening, then moved a little closer, and whispered to Luo Yajun in a low voice.

"She will come back every once in a while, sometimes she will take a hostage out, sometimes she will ask questions directly...they are all detailed questions, so that she can pretend to be a substitute.

But she never showed her real face when she came in, every time we saw her, she used one of our faces.

She was very careful, even for us detainees, she never let down her vigilance, and almost never left any clues that could link her identity. "

Chen Meiyue paused, her expression became more serious.

"But I'm not vegetarian either," she said.

Luo Yajun realized that she had handed something into his hand, and deliberately avoided other people's eyes.

"What's this?"

He tacitly put the thing away, without looking down, he just felt like some kind of almost imperceptible filament.

"One of her hairs." Chen Meiyue whispered, "She didn't notice, but I have been hiding this hair for several days, so that one day in the future, this hair may help us trace it back. identity of."

"Why did you leave it to me?" Luo Yajun frowned, "You should report it to your superiors and hand it over to the professional investigation team responsible for taking over the incident. Then..."


Chen Meiyue's voice became even lower, so low that it was almost just a mouth shape. But Luo Yajun understood what she meant.

I don't trust other people. she says.

Luo Yajun understood.

She believed that she was ambushed, captured by design, and the series of chain reactions triggered by the invasion of the mothership were not coincidences.

There may be other insiders in Secret Service Nine.

"You never really trusted this organization, which is good. I only trust you now." Chen Meiyue whispered, "I know I can entrust this to you.

Find her and prove her existence to others. And when you find her, just treat it as a favor to more ruthless. "

Luo Yajun: "..."

Later that day, Chen Meiyue was indeed imprisoned in a special cell on the mothership.

If what she said was true—that a shapeshifter had done those things in her guise—then the other hostages would have confirmed her story. But even then she is unlikely to be released immediately, there are many tests and evaluations to be done on her.

And judging from the situation, the headquarters may not buy her narration.

Not long after returning to the headquarters, Luo Yajun was interviewed by his superiors.

An agent in the action team reported what Chen Meiyue and the Luo Yajun agent who led the team had said after today's battle. The superiors have doubts about this, and they hope to get an explanation from Luo Yajun.

They told Luo Yajun that maybe Chen Meiyue claimed she was innocent, and maybe it seemed so. But they were in the business of being suspicious of everything, and they couldn't just trust her on that side of the coin.

Maybe the so-called shape-shifting people didn't exist at all, and they were all fabricated by Chen Meiyue. Maybe the ghost is herself after all, and she is doing this now just to regain trust.

Of course, testimonies from other freed hostages might prove she was telling the truth. But this needs further investigation, and if Chen Meiyue is really an insider, with the cooperation of other members of the dead, it is entirely possible to deceive the eyes of other hostages.

And they really should be concerned. Chen Meiyue handed him an important piece of evidence, any organization agent should report this situation, this is their bounden duty.

But Luo Yajun has never been a rule-abiding person.


He stood in the conference room, ignoring the eyes of the leaders.

"She told me about a shapeshifter who can pretend to be someone else, just as she told you. That's all."

Luo Yajun always said that he was a carefree guy, and there was no one worth caring about in this world, but he knew in his heart that this was not the case. If he had to pick out the half person he cared about in this world, Chen Meiyue should be that half.

It's not that he has any unreasonable thoughts about the young, beautiful and big boss, but purely as a friend and colleague who cares for each other. He is a person who never follows the rules, and he knows how many troubles he has made, but he can always get tolerance and understanding, even though he never asks for it.

He knew how much he was cared for.

Luo Yajun did not mention that hair to anyone. He borrowed a laboratory under the Ninth Division to conduct DNA comparisons, but made up an excuse and pretended that it was a private matter and did not register and report it.

For subordinate units, Luo Yajun's rank in the organization is considered superior, so the laboratory is also happy to help him with this. So soon, he got the result he wanted.

The computer automatically found a match from the database and quickly helped him pinpoint the owner of the hair.

Lin Yi, a fifteen-year-old girl.

A girl who died more than ten years ago.

This result undoubtedly surprised Luo Yajun.

It is not uncommon for people who are legally dead to rise from their graves to cause trouble before. Afterwards, it is often proved that there is a high probability that they may be infected.

People who are dying or who have just died, if the huge resentment and unwillingness have not dissipated, they may cheat the corpse after being infected.

The problem is, that's all recent.

A girl who has been dead for more than ten years?

There was no such thing as an infected person back then.

With doubts in mind, Luo Yajun visited the dusty files and checked the story about this girl.

A tragedy that is not new even in the past.

It would have been an ordinary weekend.

That week, Lin Yi's parents were away on business, so the girl had to stay at her uncle Lin Ruiming's house for a day, and she brought her best friend Shan Xue along the way.

Since she was born, my uncle has been watching her grow they live relatively close together, whenever her parents have something to go out and Lin Yi needs to take care of her, she will go to Uncle Lin Ruiming's house to borrow.

Uncle was a kind and gracious man, and treated her very well, as always.

Until that day, the night that changed the fate of all of them, a beast tore off its pious coat and showed its fangs.

Maybe it was a drink, or maybe it was a life blow that made the man lose his mind. He reached out his claws to the two girls who were living in his house.

A fight ensued.

Shan Xue was terrified. When her uncle was about to catch up with Lin Yi, she jumped out of the window and escaped. She ran for nearly a mile along the night street before meeting the first pedestrian, crying for help.

When the magistrate followed her back to the house, Lin Yi was already dead.

The cause of death was blunt blow to the head. But the murder weapon was not found, and it is speculated that it may have been taken away by the murderer.

Lin Ruiming also disappeared from the room. It is quite obvious that he accidentally killed his niece during the scuffle, and realizing that he had caused a catastrophe, he ran away before his niece's friend brought someone back.

But it wasn't long before he was caught. He was preparing to flee the city out of sight when the Sheriff's Department caught him, insisting his innocence, but almost all criminals say the same. In the face of conclusive evidence, the client's one-sided statement was meaningless, and he was sentenced.

Luo Yajun couldn't get more new clues from these old files. Although there are many discrepancies between the documented records and the current reality, one thing he knows is that DNA does not lie.

So that was the most likely explanation he could think of.

The girl named Lin Yi is still alive.

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