Start with Batman

Chapter 99: Where is my nightmare?

Even among the "dead warriors", few people know that the dreamwalker's ability has more than one usage.

His regular ability, as shown earlier, is to create a dream realm entirely within his control. He is invincible in the field, and he is omnipotent in rewriting the laws and turning the world around, and anyone who falls into a dream can only be manipulated by him.

But this realm was born from within Dreamwalker's own brain. It's like he built a room in his mind, and forcibly dragged all the players in the nearby area into his self-built room through the local area network. Here he is the absolute gm, the creator, other people can't resist or go offline, they can only let him manipulate.

Of course, this trick has proven to be ineffective against Moonlight Knight. So he switched to another trick.

There is a saying that I will go if I can't come over the mountain. Since I can't drag this white monster into my own dream, then he will take the initiative to invade the other party's dream.

Everyone has a nightmare in their hearts, the kind of illusion created by their own deepest fears, which makes everyone afraid to face the nightmare in which everyone is afraid of being drowned.

Dreamwalkers are best at spotting these. He found that nightmare from the darkest corner of his mind that was intentionally hidden by others, and then forced the other person to relive it countless times until he collapsed.

And he enjoys the process.

As soon as he entered the interior of the white knight, he immediately smelled a pleasant smell.

Dreamwalkers who have seen countless nightmares are very familiar with this breath. From the bottom of the moonlight knight's heart, he felt a hundred times stronger fear than others, the kind of extreme dream monster that ordinary people can't imagine.

Moonlight Knight Mark Spector lived almost his entire life in a nightmare from which he would never wake up. His negligent childhood negligence killed his own younger brother. He blamed himself almost desperately and failed to get comfort from his family. Instead, he was hated and blamed by his biological mother, and he grew up under the abuse of his mother.

Then he joined the army and became a mercenary. He experienced countless physical and psychological pains. His hands were stained with blood. Even after death, he was brought back from the underworld by the moon **** to work. The curse lives on.

Dreamwalker is fascinated by the smell. This is the ultimate nightmare that he has rarely seen in his life. He can hardly imagine that there is such a level of succubus in his heart. Under such long-term torture, normal people would go crazy long ago.

However, the moment before he was about to trigger the succubus, the painting style changed suddenly.

The great pain disappeared in an instant, as if the dark clouds in the sky were suddenly torn into pieces. All those pains, and the curse of blood, disappeared completely in an instant.

In the next second, the hell-like nightmare just now turned into forgetting to bring homework in class, being punished by the teacher to stand, being pranked by a brat, not being able to find a job, and having to work overtime after finding a job...


No, what about the extreme nightmare I just had? What about such a big nightmare?

Then he felt someone tap his shoulder from behind.

"What the hell...uh!"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a man with a hood and a white suit appearing behind him, and without a word, he was hit on the face with a stick.

This stick made Dreamwalker's brain "buzz" and he was stunned at the same time.

Wait a minute, am I not in a dream?

He has invaded countless dreams in the past, and in the dreams he has always been the absolute master. It was the first time that someone counter-gank in the dream realm.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's impolite to peep at other people's dreams?" the Yue Qi in the white suit snorted.

This is the second personality of Moonlight Knight, Steven Grant, who is relatively chatty among the three personalities.

Chu Cheng just pressed the "personality switch" button.

Immediately afterwards, before Dreamwalker could stand still, another hand reached out from behind, dragged him over, and then slammed his fist on his face, causing him to stumble again.

This time it's Moonlight Knight's main character, Mark Spector.

Chu Cheng was also surprised to find that he could control two characters at the same time. Or to be more precise, he can use the personality switching button to continuously switch between the two personality control rights. During this period, the personality that is not controlled by him is suspected to be automatically controlled by AI, and he can even cooperate with him in combos.

It is probably also because this is the dream of the Moonlight Knight, which can only be achieved in his own spiritual world.

This dream walker is indeed a bit brave, and he rushed into Yueqi's dream without even thinking about it. Spirit is Moonlight Knight's area of ​​expertise, and even if he doesn't have the blessing of spiritual attributes, you would never want to rush into the mind of a patient with severe schizophrenia.

So the two moonlight knights went up and it was a mixed doubles. Dreamwalker shuttled between various weird scenes while being beaten, and the surrounding scenes were constantly changing from the city to the desert to the school to the battlefield, as if shuttling back and forth between two completely different lives.

Dreamwalker was puzzled.

First of all, because the opponent can fight back like this in the dream realm, ordinary people have no power to fight back against him in dreams.

The second is another huge question in his mind.

Why does this person still sing double **** in the dream?

Everyone has only one self in the spiritual world, and he has invaded so many dreams without exception.

So if this guy in the white cape is his "ego," who's the old KFC guy next to him?

If Grandpa KFC is the main body, so what's the situation with this cloaked man?

Dreamwalker's brain is getting more and more confused. The rapid change between that sequence of scenes felt like a headache, like a soul being torn in two. He couldn't imagine how this strange man in white could usually endure such a chaotic nightmare.

But that's not all.

He was kicked on the chest by the Moonlight Knight of Mark's personality, and he rolled backward twice in embarrassment. When he got up, he was surprised to find that he had actually landed in a pile of skeletons.

The devastated battlefield, under the feet is a mountain of corpses piled up with skeletons and bones. Pairs of black eye sockets seemed to be staring at him, as if they wanted to devour him.

Unprecedented fear swept Dreamwalker's body. He hurriedly tried to get away, but found a pale hand protruding from the pile of skeletons, and a white knight like a mummy emerged from the pile of The face under the hood was pitch black, Staring at him is like staring into an endless abyss...


! "

The world was spinning again, the picture changed, and they returned to the command room of the mothership.

The agents in the command room saw only a brief stalemate between Dreamwalker and Moonlight Knight, and paused for a moment. Soon after, Dreamwalker suddenly uttered a strange cry, and backed away as if he had seen a ghost. He did not know what stimulated him.

"Impossible, it's not right... What's going on with your dream!?"

Even though he backed out in time, Dreamwalker's brain still had a splitting headache. He has already begun to reflect on whether the dream of invading this freak is the worst decision he has ever made in his life. Fortunately, he withdrew quickly enough, and if he stayed in that dream for a little longer, he wouldn't even know what he would become Sample......

He froze suddenly.

As if electrocuted, the eyes under the dreamwalker's mask were widened with extreme consternation and fear, and a scene reflected in the hole was unprecedented even in the most horrific dream created by himself.

A body as tall as a giant rose from the ground, with its head above the sky. The body tens to hundreds of meters high is contained in a huge robe woven like a shroud, without a neck, only a vulture-like head hanging in the air above the neck.

The sky completely turned into night, and endless stars dotted the night sky. The crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the bright moonlight shines down. The moonlight knight stood on the bridge, his body was bathed in the moonlight, his cloak moved without wind, and the giant humanoid bird stood behind him.

Dreamwalker was almost sluggish.

He quickly realized from the awed and shocked gazes of the other agents in the command room that everyone else could see the giant shadow just like himself.


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