Start with Ageless Youthful Art Chapter 66


Chapter 66 The King of Wu'an County

Chen Qingzhi made the Virtuous King of the Right understand once with practical actions , What is Innate Great Grandmaster.

The city wall with a history of more than 200 years is covered with deep and shallow knife marks. The deepest part is estimated to be two or three feet deep. It is hard to believe that this is just the momentum of one man one blade.

The left Virtuous King of the Right, who was about to be frightened, fled away from the tower that had made them uneasy under the protection of the guards beside him.

Nowadays, Zh Lou Quyi doesn't have any thoughts of bargaining. He just wants to open the city gate as soon as possible, for fear that the ruthless outside the city will blow open the city wall.

When the time comes, let alone the contribution of the city, it is good luck to have your head cut off and used as a wine vessel.

Under the surprised gaze of the white-robed Grandmaster, the closed gate of Beirong City suddenly opened, and a reckless man in a gorgeous fur robe scrawled out.

"I am the Virtuous King of the Left, Zhu Louquyi, representing the Rong King, and I am willing to bow down to the emperor!"

Fearing that Chen Qingzhi would misunderstand what he meant, from the very At the beginning, Zhu Lou Quyi raised his hands high to show that he did not carry any weapons in his hands.

"Virtuous King of the Left of the Northern Rong?"

Withdrawing the sharp blade glow on the sword, Chen Qingzhi couldn't grasp the opponent's intentions.

How could anyone rush to surrender the city before attacking it!

Maybe there is a fraud in it!

"Yes, what is your order?"

Zhu Lou Quyi's heart was up and down, for fear that the other party would be dissatisfied, he chopped himself up with one knife.

"How does Ben Hou know if your Excellency is deliberately swindling to surrender?"

Chen Qingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly stretched his hand towards the handle of the Beixuan knife.

"Great Grandmaster spare your life, Great Grandmaster spare your life!"

"You can ask any Beirong person casually, and you can prove Xiao Wang's innocence!"

Chen Qingzhi only showed a little imposing manner, Zhu Lou Quyi was already hurriedly kneeling on the ground, trying to prove his innocence like garlic.

Seeing Zhu Lou Quyi shiver coldly, with a terrified expression on his face, Chen Qingzhi had already believed it by three points.

However, out of caution, he insisted on waiting until he reunited with the main force, and brought in a traitor to confirm the identity of the Virtuous King of the Left.

Chen Qingzhi had just led 20,000 foot soldiers to take over the defenses of the king's city.

During the period, there was an accident, and the palace where the queen and Xiaobei Rong were imprisoned suddenly burst into flames.

When the soldiers put out the fire, there were only a few burnt and unrecognizable corpses in the palace.

Only relying on the fineness of the fabric and the size of the body, I can barely judge that it is two nobles and a few guards.

However, the golden blade and the king seal, which represent the identity of the King of Beirong, are now kept in the hands of Zhu Lou Quyi. The Court could have refused to admit it.

You say that you are the king of Beirong, come up with the evidence, I also said that I am also the king of Beirong!


Two months later, this royal city, which symbolized the glory of Beirong for two hundred years, finally turned into dust with a bang.

In addition to chiseling down this century-old ancient city that cost more than 100,000 Nanshuo slaves to build, on the way back, Chen Qingzhi also prepared three sacrificial offerings on the rock in Mangcang Mountain as a memory, engraving the Dashuo Northern Expedition to destroy the Rong feat.

Since then, the disaster that has plagued the Shuo Kingdom Northern Domain for hundreds of years has completely become history.

During this period, Chen Qingzhi also went out quietly once, with only a guide, and other than that, he did not tell anyone his whereabouts.

The guards only knew that their Marquis was seriously injured when they returned, and even the accompanying guide was gone.

What in the world could hurt a Great Grandmaster?

Although he is full of doubts, the person who can become Chen Qingzhi's personal guard is naturally tested over the years and is worthy of trust.

These people are more like retainers of Yongyi Hou's mansion than guards.

Chen Qingzhi's secret, they won't reveal it to death.


The summer of Changping sixteen years.

The army of 600,000 soldiers from the northern expedition of Quanrong had only 400,000 soldiers left when returning to the dynasty.

Except for some of them who died in the battlefield, more of them died of acclimatization, and many of them failed to survive the cold winter.

Chen Qingzhi made the feat of destroying the country, but behind how many families lost their pillars and how many brides lost their beloved.

A general success will die, and I am afraid it will be the same.

Of course, this kind of hard work is not without reward. More than 800,000 civilians from Beirong, more than 300,000 cavalry, and countless cattle and sheep were captured.

In addition to the kings and queens who don't know life and death, there are also King Beirong, Imperial Tutor Benya Shili, Zuo Virtuous King of the Right, Zuo Guli King, and the large and small nobles living in the royal city, all of them were killed by Chen Qingzhi. Send people to escort them back to Duyanjing in batches.

All adult males were assigned to dig mountains and roads, while their wives and daughters served as concubines and maids.

For those small tribes who had taken refuge in the Shuo Kingdom before, Emperor Changping naturally promised them a large area of fertile pastures.

It's just a bit of a trick!

The Changping Emperor enfeoffed more than 20 grassland kings in one breath, each occupying several fertile grasslands, and they more or less intersected with each other.

No one wants to have a hole in their Fiefdom. As a result, the large and small grasslands have been conquered all year round, completely cutting off the possibility of harassing the Central Plains.

As the biggest hero of this battle, Emperor Changping, who had always been against Chen Qingzhi in the past, actually defied all opinions and made a decision that went against his ancestors - making him a king!

Conquering Chen Qingzhi as the King of Wu'an County!

A province is used as the feudal country, hereditary is ineffective, Jiuxi, Mianjiuqi, false festival Yue, allow the opening of the government to build teeth, and the prince will drive!

Named as the king of the county, in fact, the power is even greater than that of most princes!

After all, the achievement of destroying a country is so great that if Chen Qingzhi is not crowned king, the Imperial Court does not know how to reward others.

And Chen Qingzhi's Fiefdom is not an ordinary province. It is the second and only Yan province in the south of the Yangtze River. Now it has changed its name to Wu'an County.

Of course, there is one thing that is not very good about this site, that is, it is next to Qianguo on the west side.

Whenever a war happens, he is the first to be hit hard.

Chen Qingzhi, the Innate Great Grandmaster, was fine at the time. Once he was a hundred years later, the land would have a fire beacon, and it would depend on whether the descendants could keep the wealth and honor.

Seeing Emperor Changping's sinister intentions, Chen Qingzhi's solution was simple.

In the autumn of the 31st year of Changping, the king of Wu'an commanded 900,000 troops to cut down the army. After another eight years, the army was destroyed, and the clan was returned to Yanjing.

As long as the dry country is gone, Wu'an County will no longer be an enclave sandwiched between the two countries.

Simple question isn't it?


[At the age of 138, you have a premonition that your end is approaching. As the Innate Great Grandmaster who has lived for two years, your wife and children have left you one after another, in this There is nothing in the world that is worth your nostalgia, because of the culture Ageless Youthful Divine Art, you died without a trace. ]

[Your second life has ended, do you choose to reopen it? ]

The third update is also completed, hurry up to sleep, you can't stay up so late in the future! Thank you for your monthly and recommended tickets!

(end of this chapter)

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