Start with a blacksmith shop

Chapter 372 Landing an Asteroid

I believe that in the near future, this desert will be covered with green, and turning the desert into fertile farmland will no longer be a luxury.

There are a total of 700,000 square kilometers of desert in Kyushu. It is believed that under this model, the desert will turn into a large area of ​​fertile soil.

A space plane was flying towards the target asteroid in space. All the crew members on it were sitting seriously in their seats, because they were about to approach their destination.

In the cosmic space just in front of them, there is an asteroid flying in its fixed orbit at a constant speed, and this asteroid is the target of their investigation this time.

This is why the astronauts are all ready. First, after approaching the asteroid, they will adjust the flight attitude of the space plane to keep the plane and the asteroid at the same speed.

At this time, they will carry out mapping of asteroids and conduct various professional scientific surveys of asteroids in space. They will wait until they obtain first-hand information on these asteroids before continuing.

For the astronauts, they are not particularly unfamiliar with space. After all, they have been shuttled back and forth between the earth and the moon before. However, for the accompanying scientist, boarding into space is a strange experience. A novel experience.

And now they are about to approach an asteroid, and they are very excited. After all, what they are about to do is to approach an asteroid for the first time in the world, and they will even control the space in the following time. The spacecraft lands on an asteroid.

As the distance between the two parties continued to shorten, the emotions of the people on the plane also stabilized.

Through the unremitting efforts of the astronauts, the aerospace plane finally maintained the attitude of the aircraft at a constant speed with the asteroid, or this state is more appropriately called companion flight.

The aircraft stabilized. At this time, a mechanical arm stretched out from one side of the aerospace aircraft, and the mechanical arm carried an instrument with surveying and mapping functions.

After the instrument stretched out from the fuselage, the aerospace plane also took action and began to circle the asteroid with the asteroid as its center.

The aerospace plane flew around the asteroid in circles. Fortunately, the asteroid was not too big. Its diameter was one kilometer in total, and the orbiting time was not too long.

Moreover, there are anti-gravity systems on the current aerospace planes. Although they are orbiting the asteroid as a whole, they do not feel like they are orbiting.

Otherwise, if they are constantly circling the asteroid, everyone on the plane will have to be knocked unconscious. Maybe the astronauts can bear this feeling, but the scientists following the plane will definitely Can't stand it.

If you are constantly surrounded by this kind of thing and are really knocked out, your stomach will definitely be churning. The most serious situation is vomiting.

I can't bear to think about that scene. The whole helmet is filled with vomit. It feels absolutely sour.

They completed the mapping of the asteroid as quickly as possible, and finally they obtained the detailed topography of the asteroid.

After obtaining the entire terrain of the asteroid, the aerospace plane resumed flying with the asteroid. However, the astronauts on the plane gathered together, and all their eyes fell on the big screen of the plane.

What is now displayed on the screen is the topographic map of the asteroid they just mapped, and what they want to do now is to discuss how they will land at each location on the asteroid.

After final discussion, they chose to land at the highest point on the asteroid, which was also the most suitable place for landing after their comprehensive consideration.

They made plans for the next step, and then left one person on duty in the cab, while the others returned to the living area and began to rest.

Only when they have rested enough and their spirits have fully recovered will they proceed downward.

At the same time, another space plane that was also floating in the universe from the earth was only halfway to its destination Mars.

Their journey is still waiting, and they are flying towards Mars, just like the people who went to Mars the previous time, they are all working hard towards various movies and TV series.

In the space shuttle flying near the asteroid, all the astronauts were ready and tied their bodies to their respective seats.

After everyone was ready, the aerospace plane also started to move. The plane continued to adjust its posture in space, and the distance between the plane and the asteroid became shorter and shorter.

Since asteroids do not have an atmosphere and their gravity is not very strong, it is quite simple for aircraft to get close to asteroids.

However, this simplicity is also relative. The time for an asteroid to rotate once is only two hours at most. Think about a star with a diameter of only one kilometer. It only takes two hours to rotate once. Then its The rotation speed is unimaginable.

Therefore, the current flying speed of the aircraft is actually not that slow. It is also difficult for the aircraft to land on such a body.

In this state, the plane finally landed on the asteroid. When the plane successfully landed on the asteroid, the plane's engine did not immediately turn off, but was still running.

After the aircraft's landing gear came into contact with the asteroid, due to the gravity plus the high-speed rotation of the asteroid, in order to prevent the asteroid from throwing them into space, the landing gear stretched out after landing. A robotic arm.

The thing carried on the robotic arm is a small drilling equipment. This small drilling equipment continues to drill underground. After a while, the drilling equipment drills to a certain depth, and the drill bit is retracted and moved towards the newly drilled hole. Deep well, dropped an anchor.

Under the tug of this anchor, the plane finally stopped firmly on the asteroid, and it was at this time that the aerospace plane's engine could be turned off.

It sounds like this operation is very troublesome, but it does not take long. From drilling underground to dropping the anchor into the deep well to secure the aircraft, the total time spent does not exceed five minutes.

The role of the drilling just now is not only to fix the aircraft on the asteroid, but also the soil raised from the asteroid's underground drilling is the raw material that the astronauts will analyze next.

It can be said that this move can be regarded as a double win. The astronauts in the plane, after the plane was completely stable, began to prepare for the next step out of the aircraft.

Because the landing was to be carried out before, the astronauts were fully armed just in case, so there was no need to prepare the equipment at this time. Just a few inspections were enough.

After checking that all the conditions of the spacesuits were in good condition, the astronauts began to pack up the various instruments that would be used when leaving the spacecraft.

They took out all kinds of testing equipment, large and small, one by one, and made a final inspection before leaving the warehouse. After getting everything in good condition, they separated two people to stay on the plane, and the remaining four people But he walked towards the airtight compartment of the plane.

On a small asteroid, a thirty-meter-long aircraft was parked steadily. At this moment, a circle of white mist appeared somewhere on the fuselage. Then, as the fog appeared, a white mist appeared on the fuselage. A hatch.

As the hatch opened, four fully armed astronauts wearing Wu Gang space suits stepped out of the aircraft.

When the four astronauts' feet stepped on the asteroid's soil, all the astronauts who were out of the space were inevitably a little excited.

That feeling was something they had never experienced before, and they accomplished a world feat.

Before this, no one on the earth had landed on an asteroid. Some studies on asteroids only used some instrument to come near the asteroid and impact it.

For example, a few years ago, when I was young, I hit an asteroid with something and did an extremely basic test on the asteroid.

Just a move like this can make Xiaori Ris famous in the aerospace industry for a long time, not to mention what they are doing now, which is much more advanced than what Xiao Rises is doing. Xiaori Ris is still smashing things against asteroids, and they But it has already transported people to the asteroid.

The technical difficulty and strength gap are very obvious to people.

The three astronauts and one scientist who got off the plane, after calming themselves down and others, also began to move around on the asteroid.

First of all, they used instruments and equipment to conduct a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of the soil they had just drilled underground to analyze the various components in the soil.

Because of the gravity on the asteroid, the astronauts never dare to loosen the traction rope hanging on themselves and move freely. If they can move freely, they may be free in this life.

Fortunately, they still carry a lot of weight, which makes it easier for them to move around asteroids.

Because the range of activities is limited, they can only move around the aircraft. In fact, compared to asteroids, their range of activities is not small. The size of the aircraft and the length of the traction rope allow their range of activities to reach A radius of one hundred meters.

Such a range of activities allows them to do a lot of things on the asteroid, even though the asteroid is not that big!

Time passed by minute by second, and everyone was carrying out various detection activities within the activity area. While they were still collecting various asteroid detection samples, the detection instrument they turned on first was Testing completed.

At this time, everyone also put down all their work. The four people who were originally divided into two groups and were active soon returned to the plane. Their eyes were all fixed on that and the instrument that completed the test.

The composition of the asteroid's soil was analyzed by the instrument. They transmitted the analysis results from the instrument to their personal terminals, and everyone watched attentively.

While the three astronauts were still looking at the analysis results, the scientist cheered excitedly, and his cheers were transmitted to the ears of several other astronauts through the communication channel.

At this time, all the astronauts looked at the scientists, and they all understood that this should be some important discovery made by the scientists in the analysis results, otherwise the scientists would not be performing like this.

Just as everyone's eyes were fixed on the scientist, the scientist also understood that others were waiting for his answer, but at this moment, he was so agitated that he could not finish a sentence at all.

Their eyes returned to the analysis results they had just obtained. The soil components extracted from the asteroid's underground were clearly displayed.

The entire soil composition actually contains many rare elements. Just that place contains two elements, and the content is extremely high.

Now, according to scientists' calculations, the entire asteroid may have soil composition like this. If it is true as he guessed, then the asteroid they are targeting this time is entirely composed of rare earths.

Just such a discovery, the asteroid under their feet, is worthy of them using all methods to drag it back to the earth. Although Kyushu is the country with the highest rare earth distribution in the entire world, who would dislike that they have so many good things? ?

And from the performance they have discovered now, they can actually make a rough guess about the origin of this asteroid.

One of the physical and chemical properties of rare earth elements is the lack of sulfide and sulfate, and rare earth elements are oxygen-philic.

In the universe, generally speaking, there is no oxygen, and there are so many oxygen-friendly rare earths on these asteroids. Isn't this a huge contradiction?

Therefore, in the scientist's speculation, this asteroid is likely to be part of a star that has sufficient oxygen. As for why the asteroid separated from the star, that is not something he can know.

Anyway, all the current discoveries are of great help to their understanding of asteroids, and this is theoretically helpful.

The value of the entire asteroid will only be higher. You must know that this asteroid contains a large amount of rare earth elements.

Just when the scientists were staring at the composition analysis table in front of them, an astronaut who had never received a response made another discovery on the composition list.

This discovery made him feel that it might be more important than the rare earth elements discovered. The astronauts' knowledge reserve was actually very rich, and they could understand some basic things.

For example, they can still understand the last few substances in the ingredient list. This is also because they have stayed at the moon base for a period of time before, making them very familiar with various organic compounds.

And now the astronaut discovered the presence of organic matter on the ingredient list in their hands.

They found organic matter in the soil of an asteroid in space!

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