Start with a blacksmith shop

Chapter 320 Named Fei Fei!

Li Zhenhua is very strong, not to mention that he often does machining in normal times, so Wang Yuesheng was pulled up by him without any resistance at all.

The military leader and the dean who were standing next to him sat on one side and did not move at all. Instead, they just sat on the side and watched their movements, both of them smiling.

Just like watching his junior showing off his achievements to his parents, seeing that he was being pulled to the car door by Li Zhenhua, the dean spoke from behind: "Xiao Li, you are just a You want Lao Wang to see the baby, but you just don’t care about the two of us?"

Li Zhenhua, who was about to open the door of the minibus, heard voices coming from behind him. He also reacted. He turned his head and looked at the two leaders who were also sitting in their seats, and stopped his movements quickly.

Looking at the two people with smiles on their faces, he smiled sheepishly. "Hey hey hey..."

After laughing, he got used to the embarrassment. He became thick-skinned and smiled and said to the two leaders who were still sitting in their seats: "Of course I have not forgotten you, but I was a little too excited just now. This is not a rush to think. You want to prove what I said!

Hey hey hey, three chiefs, come with me to see it, I really brought back a cabin full of lunar soil! "

Wang Yuesheng, who was pulled to the door of the car at this moment, finally came to his senses. Everything that had just happened was so urgent that he was a little overwhelmed at the time, but that was not the case now. His mind was already thinking.

Just when Li Zhenhua finished speaking and wanted to take the three of them to see the moon soil, Wang Yuesheng, whose hand was still held by him, leaned against the car door and spoke.

"You kid, you're already thirty, why are you still so unstable? Why are you so anxious about this? Let me ask you, what is the state of the lunar soil?"

Hearing Wang Yuesheng's question, he was a little anxious at this time. He didn't understand why the other party asked him like this. He thought that the other party didn't believe that he had brought back a cabin full of lunar soil, so he asked like this. It's a kind of confirmation.

Not understanding the meaning of Wang Yuesheng's words, he quickly gave a brief introduction to the three leaders including Wang Yuesheng.

"Chief, listen to me. This lunar soil contains a variety of mineral components. It is a small particle with a diameter of less than one millimeter and is extremely sticky.

And its structure is loose, mainly composed of rock fragments, powder, breccia and impact molten glass on the moon. It is actually similar to our desert, but to a small extent, it is worse than the sand in the desert. Be small.

Moreover, the color of the lunar soil is like black sand. The only thing that is very similar to it on the earth is sand! "

The three people were listening to his story carefully at this moment, because they were also curious about what the moon soil was like in Li Zhenhua's eyes.

Wang Yuesheng, who was leaning at the door, did not continue to stand at the door at this moment, but returned to the seat where he had just been sitting. Li Zhenhua, who was narrating, was now narrating vividly, without realizing that Wang Yuesheng had returned to his seat. superior.

When he finished speaking, he realized that among the three people in the car, he was the only one standing at the door, and he had just been chattering about his understanding of the moon soil.

And now that he had finished speaking, he also reviewed the knowledge he had just described in his mind, and suddenly realized that his actions just now seemed really inappropriate.

Because he was eager to prove it to the three leaders, he came back with a cabin full of lunar soil, which made him forget about the shape of the lunar soil. The shape of the lunar soil was actually very similar to powdered dry cement. Although The particles are still not as fine as dry cement, but they are still similar to sand.

Of course, not all the lunar soil he loaded back was in this state. There were still rocks on the moon in the middle, but the vast majority of the lunar soil was in this state.

And now he also thought about the weather in Longdi. At this time of year, if the small wind blows up, it will be so cool to blow up the lunar soil. The PM2.5 may be blown up by the wind!

He wanted the three leaders to see the lunar soil instead of exposing them to an extreme air environment. Moreover, if the small wind from Longdi blew, the lunar soil in the cabin would be blown away to the earth. Knowing where it will be blown by the wind, isn't the lunar soil blown away by the wind equivalent to a loss? It contains helium-3.

He really felt guilty for his lack of consideration, and now he was a little afraid to look at the three leaders sitting in front of him.

"I'm sorry, sir, I was a little reckless just now. When the protective measures were not taken, I actually forgot some important things in my eagerness to prove my statement. I really shouldn't have done this.

Next, the three chiefs are asked to make arrangements. When will the specific lunar soil be opened, then when will it be opened! "

The smiles on the faces of the three people sitting now are even brighter, especially the dean who met him for the second time. His sense of Li Zhenhua is getting better and better, and he feels that he is a very real person.

"Okay, Xiao Li, come and sit down. The lunar soil matter is not urgent. You flew a plane to the moon and put it back, so why are you in a hurry? You say so!"

Okay, let the Kyushu Space Administration handle the next thing. I believe it will be handled as soon as possible!

Let’s put aside the matter of the lunar soil on the plane for now, and let’s talk about this passenger… cargo…”

The dean said to him very kindly, and there was a lot of comfort in his words. Finally, he guided the topic to the plane itself. As for the lunar soil loaded back into the plane, he did not talk about it anymore. Anyway, it was already installed in the plane. , the moon soil can't escape again.

But when he was talking about the aircraft itself, he really forgot that Li Zhenhua gave the aircraft the extremely awkward name. It was not direct at all and was extremely unimpressive, so the dean forgot the name of the aircraft project.

Wang Yuesheng, who was listening on the sidelines, saw that the dean could not name the plane, so he quickly said to the side: "New passenger and cargo aircraft!"

"Ah, yes, yes, that's the name. I'd say Xiao Li, and so are you. Why did you choose such a popular name? I can't even remember it!

Okay, let’s talk about your aircraft. We old guys are really interested in your project now. Please introduce your aircraft to us first to satisfy our curiosity! "

He didn't react at all to the dean's failure to remember the name he chose for the aircraft project. His reaction now just shows that he chose the name correctly and did not attract anyone's attention at all.

And when he looked at the three pairs of eyes opposite him that were full of curiosity, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

At this time, since the leaders had already asked, he formally explained it to the three people.

"Then let me tell the leaders. First, let me talk about the appearance of the aircraft!

It is thirty-five meters long, five meters wide, has a belly-to-ground clearance of three meters, is eight meters high, and the interior of the cabin is five meters high! The inner structure starts at the front end and reaches eight meters. This is the cargo cabin. Of course, it can be divided into several layers in the future and seats can be installed inside to turn it into a passenger cabin!

Walking eight meters back is the cockpit. Behind it are six crew escape cabins. One of the escape cabins is the highest authority driving position of the entire aircraft.

Behind the escape capsule is the core energy capsule and the aircraft's power system! "

Hearing what he said, the three of them couldn't help but sketch the specific structure inside the aircraft in their minds, and Li Zhenhua also stopped at this moment. What he just said was enough, and he always had to leave time for the three of them to digest it. .

He had been staring at the expressions of the three people, watching their eyes gradually light up again, and knowing that they had generally digested what he just said, he continued to speak.

"Now that we've talked about the structure, let's talk about the core technology! All of them are technologies independently developed by me. They can be said to be world-leading, and I estimate that other countries will be unsure about my technology within fifty years. Even if they look at it, When it comes to the real thing, it will take them twenty years of unremitting efforts to produce it!

There are three core technologies. One is known to both Commander Wang and the military leaders. The solar star nuclear fusion energy core uses thermonuclear fusion technology, which is an application of controllable nuclear fusion!

This technology is the beginning of everything. It can be said to be the foundation technology of the aircraft. It is extremely important!

I will not go into details about its specific parameters one by one. I will only talk about one data. Just one gram of helium-3 put into the core before can make the energy core burn for three years!

During the three years it burns, the energy core can keep the aircraft operating at full power for three years! "

When they heard this, the three people sitting there felt the strong smell emanating from Li Zhenhua, but it was not their fault. Li Zhenhua was really good at pretending. On the other hand, he also let them know Understand the awesomeness of this energy core!

"I gave it the name Sun Star, because inside it is a burning little sun! Now let's talk about the Golden Crow anti-gravity particles!

This particle is also a new particle that I artificially created by taking advantage of the unique operating method in the energy core of the sun star. I named it the Golden Crow particle.

This kind of particle is very useful. Using it can make anti-gravity technology a reality, and it is not only used in anti-gravity. To some extent, these Golden Crow particles are also used to make particle weapons.

Golden Crow particles can also neutralize and dissolve huge amounts of nuclear radiation, so this particle is also an extremely important core technology.

Then there is the Dijun anti-gravity engine, which is an application of the anti-gravity properties of Golden Crow particles.

The Dijun anti-gravity engine allows us to navigate within the solar system, and the distance between the earth and the moon is no longer out of reach!

The three technologies of Sun Star Nuclear Fusion Energy Core, Golden Crow Particles, and Dijun Antigravity Engine are the three most important technologies on my aircraft! "

At this time, the three leaders who were sitting and listening were confused. What did Li Zhenhua just say? If they hadn't secretly pinched their thighs to verify this and felt the pain coming from their thighs, they would have thought they were hearing some fantasy.

They are all thinking about one question, that is, are the technologies Li Zhenhua just talked about really the technologies that should exist on earth at this stage? This thing is definitely fifty years ahead of its time! Moreover, it is still 50 years ahead of Lao Mo, and what is leading is not compared to the technology displayed on the outside, but compared to the technology under Lao Mo's box.

They all say that there is Area 51, which specializes in alien black technology. But in their opinion, all the alien black technology in Area 51 is scum, and none of it can compare to the black technology created by Li Zhenhua. science and technology.

Just the existence of these three core technologies can allow Kyushu to truly take off, and fly upwards on a rocket, leaving the old mold and other countries in hot air balloons thousands of miles behind. The place.

While they were stunned, Li Zhenhua stood aside and waited for them to recover before continuing.

They were chatting happily, imagining what Kyushu would look like in the future, and on the planes of heads of state from all over the world, the leaders of all countries, this anxious mood was also reflected in their bodies, and they all got on board. When there is fire, some symptoms include constipation, yellow urine, aphtha, and mouth full of blisters.

Their planes landed at Kyushu Capital Airport one after another. Kyushu did not have much intention to receive them when they visited Kyushu, because the upper management of Kyushu all knew why these people came to Kyushu.

Although it is not very welcoming, the necessary etiquette is still required.

The most busy person during this period and the least busy person is the Foreign Minister. He really doesn’t want to receive foreigners from these countries. If he has the time, he might as well keep an eye on the big boss and go with him to see the big waves. Where's the plane!

For the arrival of these countries, Jiuzhou showed enough etiquette, but it was just etiquette.

Of course, the attitude towards Da Mao is the best among them. Who makes the relationship with them be a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation in the new era!

The easiest one to come to Kyushu is Da Mao. Even though they are adjacent to Kyushu, the two countries have relied on each other before, and now Kyushu has taken off. In the future, Kyushu will have the blessing of the sudden burst of aircraft. The situation in the country will never return to its previous state.

Their big hair is already in a completely weak position, so hugging their thighs is enough at this time.

All the heads of state who came to Kyushu all stayed at the Peking Hotel. It can be said that they gathered together to discuss some bad ideas. It would make the earth tremble, but the only country they can't affect now is Kyushu.

The difference in strength is too big, just like the gap between Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who were all acquaintances when they were hit, and Lao Mou.

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