Start with a blacksmith shop

Chapter 139 Fly! fly! fly!

Under everyone's gaze, Falcon 1 pilot Wu Keming was sitting in the cockpit.

Looking at the cockpit, front and back, up and down, left and right, all surrounded by screens,

As well as the joystick, rudder, throttle pushrod and various instruments in front of him, it gave him the feeling of being in a real machine.

The only difference is that in his sight, there is a difference in height.

Everything in the cockpit was so familiar, and there was not much difference in the internal cockpit layout from the models he had flown before.

Wu Keming recalled the operation method that Li Zhenhua had just given him, and immediately started operating it in the cockpit.

As for the model aircraft on the runway, at the same time as he was operating, blue flames were sprayed out from the tail nozzle, and the scream of the turbojet reached the ears of everyone present.

When he heard the scream at the base, the unconcerned expression on his face disappeared.

His expression became serious, especially after seeing blue flames erupting from the tail nozzle of the model aircraft, his face became even more serious.

It is said that insiders know the rules, while laymen only see the excitement. If you don’t know anything, you might sum it up with the words “fuck you, that’s awesome” at this moment.

But in the eyes of an expert, it's quite different. The blue tail flame alone is very extraordinary.

Whether a turbojet engine has high technical content can be seen from the tail flame, except for some special tail nozzles, but most turbojet engines are applicable.

The color of the tail flame is an important indicator to distinguish the combustion temperature of the engine. The engine in front of him is not a special type of tail nozzle.

So what does the blue tail flame represent? It means that the tail flame of the vortex jet has reached 2,500 degrees at this moment.

The higher the temperature, the greater the thrust of the engine, which can reach a high temperature of 2,500 degrees. The small aircraft of only 3.5 meters in front of him is not simple.

After facing my own attitude, I felt a lot more pleased with the small plane in front of me.

As for the upright position, there are two other two cents and one cents and one cents and three that have also changed.

After Li Zhenhua instructed Wu Keming how to control, he also retreated to Chief Cui, and watched his masterpiece soar into the sky with several leaders.

The engine of the small plane started. After all the conceivable indicators showed normal, under the control of Wu Keming, the plane moved.

The aircraft's wings were still at a twenty-degree sweep angle at this moment, facing the wind. Driven by the large thrust engine, the aircraft was sliding faster and faster.

After taxiing less than 300 meters, the nose of the aircraft began to raise, and the solid tires slowly bounced on the runway.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Keming knew that the time had come to pull up and take off, and firmly grasped the control stick.

Under his control, the plane took off in a very sharp manner, leaving the ground and rushing up towards the blue sky.

"Okay, nice takeoff!" Zheng Si, who was watching, couldn't help but yelled "Okay."

The plane quickly climbed to an airspace of 500 meters. Just as the leaders looked up to find the plane, Wu Keming's voice came from the communication channel.

In fact, even if the communication channel is not set up, these people can still hear what Wu Keming said. Who allows the operation cabin to be placed next to them!

"Chief, please test the maximum flight speed in the 500-meter airspace!"

Chief Cui turned to look at Zheng Wei and cast a look at him. The two had been partners for many years, and Zheng Wei also knew what he meant.

"You are the military commander, you give the order!"

Chief Cui chuckled twice, then picked up the microphone and gave the order.

"Ke Ming, I am Cui Tianzhi, approve your application!"

After Wu Keming received the reply, he pushed the accelerator to the maximum.

In the low altitude of 500 meters, the speed of the small aircraft is increasing suddenly, and the data of the small aircraft is displayed on the radar.

It was only traveling at 800 kilometers per hour just now, but under their gaze, it reached a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour.

Under the control of Wu Keming, the small plane has maintained a flight path hovering over the base.

And just when the small plane reached their heads, it happened to fly at the speed of sound.

Under the watchful eyes of all the leaders, the small plane broke through the sound barrier,

The small plane flew away, and the sonic boom cloud that had just broken through the sound barrier also randomly disappeared. Then the sound of the small plane breaking through the sound barrier also reached their ears.

At this time, Zhengwei finally believed it. It turned out to be true and no one was lying to him.

"Old Cui, I admit that I was wrong, I made a mistake in my experience.

I really didn’t expect that this humble little thing could really reach the speed of sound. "

Just after Zheng Si finished speaking, Chief Cui pulled him to the front of the radar and pointed at it.

"Old man, I didn't lie to you. You can look at the data on the radar yourself.

This is calculated by our own radar. Look, it has reached Mach 1.3 in such a short time.

Just say it's awesome or not, look at the speed is still increasing! "

At this moment, Chief Cui felt proud. He didn't believe what he said before. Now that the facts are in front of him, he will believe it now!

Just as the two of them were looking at the radar data, the speed of the small plane, controlled by Wu Keming, had reached Mach 1.5.

It was also at this time that the speed could no longer be increased.

The radar also showed that the speed of the small aircraft had been maintained at Mach 1.5 for one minute, which can be said to be the maximum flying speed at this altitude.

"No wonder you are saying that the Raptors can't catch up. It's weird that they can catch up. Mach 1.5, this speed is enough!

I am becoming more and more curious about what test projects will come next! "

When Chief Cui faced the question from his partner, he didn't know what data to test, and then turned to look at Li Zhenhua, who was standing aside honestly.

"Xiao Li, come here and give me some advice from the perspective of a designer, which aspect should be tested next!"

Regarding Chief Cui's question, Li Zhenhua was also confused for a while. He was a designer of model aircraft, but now the other party's question seemed to be a bit too professional.

He couldn't help but wonder, if this was a real airplane, what kind of test procedure would it be?

He, who didn't understand this, could only say something vague.

"How about testing how high it can fly next? I have never tested this before, and I don't have the conditions to test it."

Maximum ceiling? Well, this is indeed a data that should be tested. Several people present felt that this should be tested.

Commander Cui didn't pick up the communicator this time, so he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Wu Keming, can you hear it from inside? Next, test the maximum ceiling and receive a reply."

He had just pulled down the throttle and was thinking about what tactical moves he would make with this small plane when he heard the commander's shout.

He left the matter of playing with flowers behind and hurriedly replied loudly.

"Received, I will test the maximum ceiling next."

After answering, he controlled the model aircraft and flew towards the base from a distance, waiting until he reached the sky above the base.

He pulled the joystick in his hand, and the plane in the sky also changed its movements.

The plane returned to the sky above the base, and everyone's eyes were focused on the small plane.

Just before their eyes, the plane was pulled almost vertically to the ground.

The engine sprayed out a long tail flame, and the plane flew upwards towards higher airspace under the power of great thrust.

Maintaining an upward flying attitude, Wu Keming looked nervously at the altimeter in the cockpit.

1000 meters, 1500 meters, 5000 meters, 10000 meters.

In a short time, the plane climbed to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and continued to climb toward higher airspace.

The leaders standing next to the radar were also looking at the data intently, fearing that they might miss a beat.

Zhengwei finally remembered what the old man said before coming here. He found a model aircraft that could fly Mach 1.5 and asked him to come to the runway quickly.

Fortunately at this time, he has been in charge for many years and has strong mental endurance, otherwise he would have to settle accounts with his old partner.

This is not the way to play people, but you are still a model airplane like this? I believe you, this bad old man is very bad!

"Old Cui, we have gone through ups and downs over the years. Please tell me the truth.

Which aircraft manufacturer in China made this? I'm sure this thing is a fighter jet. Don't use the model aircraft as an excuse to frustrate me. "

Chief Cui was really surprised. He, his old partner, didn’t know what he was thinking about at this moment!

Some didn't know what to say, and then they saw Li Zhenhua looking at the radar data with the old god beside him.

Chief Cui pointed directly at him and said to the front.

"Did you see that the little plane flying in the sky was made by that boy? This plane was really not made by a big domestic factory.

Ask him yourself and you will definitely get the answer you want! "

Li Zhenhua, who looked at the data honestly, was pushed out by Chief Cui.

Just when he was about to talk to Li Zhenhua, the radar soldier in front of the radar shouted loudly.

"Chief, we have reached an altitude of 15,000 meters!"

Zheng Wei had no intention of asking questions. The focus at the moment was not the person, but the small plane in the sky.

Several people gathered around the radar station, focusing on the radar display screen. Li Zhenhua, who was standing next to the radar screen just now, had been squeezed outside by these leaders.

Commander Cui looked at the screen, then turned to look at the control cockpit.

Walking from the radar to the cockpit, Wu Keming's posture at this moment was the same as that of a fighter plane climbing.

They are all postures with their back facing the ground and their face facing the sky.

Chief Cui stood outside the safe area of ​​the cockpit and asked Wu Keming inside.

"Xiao Wu, how do you feel about the current condition of the plane? Can it continue to climb?"

At this time, no one’s reference opinions are as intuitive as those of the pilots, because they know the aircraft best when they are driving it.

"Chief, the data on the instrument looks normal now. I think we can continue to climb!"

"Then keep climbing. When you feel you've reached your limit, stop and make up your own mind later.

Those of us on the ground will not get involved! "

In the end, the chief had the courage to hand over all control of the plane to Wu Keming.

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