Start selling jars from Hokage

Selling cans range 502 from Huang

They reacted, they still didn't know the group hiding that had sacrificed, what kind of series of jars have been bought.

It is reasonable to say that the funds of the group should not be as weak.

"The group purchases ..." The apener smashed the lower lips, "It is the king series, his wish is to become a noodle."

"Wang Dao ..."

The people present in the field, except for the sleep in Xiaochun and water household, it is careful.

In particular, the elements of the family and other families.

After all, the impression hidden in their hearts is really not very good.

No one is not sure, the family will not become the same next day.

If this guy becomes nig, you can think about what it will.

"Wang Dao series, is a series of people, including a forces, a country's development knowledge, naturally also contains economic and productive development, such as animal husbandry." Silence said.

However, those things are not suitable for Ninja.

Or, the Ninja is a pure waste.

Although the Ninja of this world has all kinds of incredible power, most of them are only suitable for fighting and are not suitable for production.

Not everyone has the kind of Chakra with Naruto.

You can make countless, keeping the village to do hardship.

Ninja, after all, is born for the battle.

"Since the group hiding is the wish for the village, we should support." The wave of the water gates suddenly said. I am going to open up a farm in the area of ​​the northern part of the village, let the group to manage, the day is long, the people in your family, please also separate some people to assist the group. "

"Yes, Naruto adults." Daily and suits.

The eye angle of Xiachun, it seems to be twisted.

This is not to deprive the right of the group, allocated to the edge of the village and then monitor it?

The four generations did not seem to look so people lived.

Silence is early to know.

During this period, human animals were harmless.

People who will be slor may not be careful.

I don't know if I have resurrected resurrection, I found my competitors from the old classmates, and they didn't tolerate his waves. What kind of feelings would be a kind.

"Okay, everyone has already opened a night, the last issue, I want to take a part from the tin reserve, I will buy Ten three jars to get the nature of the fate of Kasi." The wave wind is finally said.

This is also one of the results after this night.

- tin reserve.

Take some part of the fiscal in the village. Everyone has the right to use a small part of the right, just like the ten medical jars just purchased.

But you must report afterwards.

And under the non-emergency state, if you want to use, you must first apply for consent.

Have to say, the wave wind door does have management talents.

"No objection."

"no problem."

"Cardi is too dangerous."

"I have bought it ..."

This group naturally has no opinion, and Kasi is always very good in the village.

"Since this is the case." The wave wind door looked at Kaki and laughed.

"..." Kakaki looked at the eyes of people around him, and finally helplessly said, "Just open it here."

Look at others, there is always a kind of feelings that open the eye.

And the same is tight and stimulated.

He also likes to see a jar.

Anyway, here are the core persons in the village, and have the qualifications of the peer intelligence, nor does it need to be deliberately hidden.

"It seems that you seem to be determined." Silent looked at Kaki said.

"Yes." Kakasi took a deep breath, "Silent House, I want to buy ten taboo series."

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