Start selling jars from Hokage

Selling jars from Huangjun No. 482

Come to the high altitude and enter the watch mode.

Icalos seems to have been thinking about a while, then extending your hands towards silence.

"Master, potato chips."

"Icallos ..."

Silence is somewhat stunned.

So your own angel sister, is it bad?

But still pick up the potato chips, and give the .

They disappeared, let Kakasi's crisis reach the peak.

The most important thing is.

In front of this person, it is not a member! ?

Even if you want to use the stage of the fate to protect the good Lin and use it.

At this moment, the soil is staring at the place where the silence disappears.

He realized.

Cartry is not exaggerated at this person's evaluation.

Deep inequate.

But the other party does not seem to intervene.

A moment of silence, that is only one-eyed to Carti's direction.

Accurately say.

Staring at Lin!

"You can't protect her." The hoarse voice came out from the mask.

Kasi's eyes suddenly.

Sure enough, this person stared at Lin Lin!

In his mind, he thought of a lot in an instant. Silence has said, Lin's body has endless blood, brutal war, today I said, not a member, there is more painful thing.

no doubt.

These two are related to the masks in front of them!

"I don't understand." Kakasi's hand killed the death, "Lin is just an ordinary ninja, what is your purpose?"

This is also where he wants.

If the other side is staring because Lin is resurrected, there should be more important than Lin resurrection more important.

The resurrection of the fourth generation of fire.

Businessman from the same world.

So many things, why will this person still stare?

"You don't need to understand."

With the land of the face, it is already necessary to restrain your anger, but I look at Lin, he still rests.

The hoarse sound said:

"You just need to know, you can't protect her."

In an instant of the voice, his figure directly moved toward Kakasi.

"Be careful!" Kakasi handed over Lin's waist, returned to the back, "Lin, hold a little."


Lin is heavy, and the backhand will keep Carti and press the head on him.

She is very clear, I can't help my strength.

Don't give Causi to add chaos, it is the biggest help.

With the land look like this.

The anger is constantly emerged.

Obviously, I can't save the Len, and even let Lin died in his own hands, why can you make such a certain way to protect Lin.

Hand lifted, rapid printing.

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