Start selling jars from Hokage

Selling jars 340 from Huang

Unfortunately, this accidental award seems to be just a while.

The last forty jars did not open the grand prize again.

Until, the last jar.

The inside is a small group exudes a green transmissive group, as if the seed is the same.

"It seems." Silence looked at this seed, "This is your own item,"

Wonderful book house

Chapter 176: Luo Same Transfer Project

Destiny nature items ...

Luo Sanda learned from the information of the fate of nature items from the mind.

However, it is really hard to imagine.

The rest of the ninja also looks silent, it seems to be an explanation.

"The nature of the fate, in other words, it is the opportunity to give you a regeneration, it is like ..." Silent looked at everyone, "fate determines that you have the qualification of the Ninja, and Become a ninja, not a departure. "

It's just that all people understand.

They can also say that they are ninja.

Environment, qualification.

These are indeed the items given by fate and determine their life.

"Adults." Luo Sha doesn't help but ask, "the items of fate, usually bring a new one, completely different from the occupation of the Ninja,"

Although the previous items can bring them this village prosperity.

However, for all the power, you must have.

Luo Sand has never forgotten, the sense of crisis from the leaves.

"Yes." Silence I nodded, looked at this kind of green rays, said, "This is more common in the fate of the natural tanker, but it is not weak, This is - Druid's power. "

That's right, silent gives Luo Sand, is the natural seed of Druid.

This, when you want to change the power of the environment, you want to clear.

Natural series is preparing for this power.

"Druid ..." Luo Sand is a name, and it seems that it is not very understood.

"Druid is a profession that advocates nature." Silent laughed, "they learned about nature, amazing in nature, then draw strength from natural, they can survive in any environment, and have The force of retroving nature, and the first step is to feel the power of nature, really powerful Druid, can even manipulate everything in nature. "

This explanation is already very clear.

Because this is what they are eager.

Sand hunjacking village, from a life in a hard environment, but even then, it is only the second largest ambigue in the wood.

"You have sandy villages, starting from the second generation of wind, you will explore the sand as weapons." Silent looked at Luo Sand, then said, "You understand the terrible environment, but it is also in the environment, this, maybe You will open Druid. "

Luo Same is out.

He has already found himself and Druid from the silence.

Understand nature, control the natural, and finally ... change nature.

Everyone looked at their style, and there was tension in the expression and proud.

Each village has a will of every village.

For sand hungering villages.

In order to survive and fight everything, it is their will.

"It seems that this is my destiny."

Luo Sand has been prepared for failure, then reached out and touched this light group.

One moment.

Everything in front of him seems to have changed, he seems to come to the forest, then look at himself, it seems to become a quail, open the wings, flying in the forest, he felt the wind and saw various animals I saw the cruel killing, and I saw the beauty and warmth of life birth ...

It looks at the rest.

Luo Sum is like being wrapped in green light, and the whole person stands there.

"He is accepting the test of the natural power." Silent explained, "I can see himself."

Originally, transfers that Druid does not need this trouble.

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