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Selling Jars 1093 from Huang

And this must be in hand, but it is not Chakra big sword. It is just the same as a big Sui Issue!

The blade exudes an amazing chill, countless fierce and huge swords fall from the sky, toward the satellite.

Is this directly opened?

The reaction of the satellite is very timely, his shoes on the light of the texture, the body shape suddenly accelerates, in which the sword is around, avoiding, but a chain lock that is energy consisting of in the middle Fast formation is like messencing.

One side is a mesh that limits the action, while the exquisite is accurate from the southern girlfriend.

Two people are seamlessly seamless, even if there is no preparation.

"Will you succeed."

Roger laughed, the huge figure came to the side of the satellite in the air, and the fist covered with black armed colors, under the enhancement of the surge, a punch.


It's like a missile explosion, from the fist, the air turned into a lot of white sound burst clouds in the sorrow, and the wind rolled up is even enough to destroy a small town.

Altolia is completely shocked.

Even on the standstalk, it is still able to feel the force of the devastating.

Is this a gift from a gift?

Just just a punch, it is comparable to your own treasures.


Alice next to Alice is tightly grasped Altolia's arm, although in extreme gram, the concerns are still unable to cover up.

If it is the previous sashimi, just this balance of this battle can tear him into pieces.

Altolia looked at Alice Phil, reach out, grabbed her palm, and didn't realize the gentle tone:

"The Royal Lord sacrificed the huge amount of wealth, got a gift from the limit, and won't be so simple to defeat."

It seems to confirm his words.

After the white fog made of this boxing, after it is, it is a huge machine armor that is nearly 100 meters and the black gold!

One-hand sword, a mobile phone gun, head top with bright magic flavors, housing full of fine energy loops, surging powerful magic!

This is the transfer of the satellite through the equipment series.

- Magic Machine Master!

His exclusive jars after he transferred to strengthen this magic metal armor, various performance, all kinds of weapons, and today's mechanic already has a great force that is milling the world's military strength.

"Is it really not able to fight?"

The sound of the satellite squeezed from the machine armor, it seems to be the same.

But this is just a paralyzed language.

When he must fight, he will not escape.

The red magic of the instant light is like a huge figure that is like a hill-like huge figure to rush to the same huge need to rush.

The bullets of the machine gun have been reached one step.

Yuxi Hououou must succeed that the bullets were slammed, and the invisible energy, the invisible energy, the eye, the constant eroded, his Chakra.

"Special skill?"

Huge must lift the long knife in his hand and put on the gesture of the tuning.

Chapter 617: Cannon of the satellite

Yisiza is also ready to use skills.

Next moment.

Everything around seems to be suspended, the bullet coming, stepping on the black golden machine, even, including the torch of the machine, is like an angel generally circulating magic halo

Not a time suspension, but it increases his thinking at this moment.

It is also only the body as a knife to withstand such thinking acceleration.

The huge figure that must be protracted in this stationary world, calculated the killing blow.

He flexibly evaded most of the bullet attack with the smallest damage, and suddenly came to the satellite of the satellite. From the sword and the gap of the gun, the whole process was in the process, it was like thousands of times. Trying.

Skill name - Shura!

With heavy piercing sound, Alice Phil's scream has sounded.

The bar arts of the satellite were able to take tube with long knife by the long knife.

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