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Selling Jars from Huangjun No. 1073

Very terrible killing.

Not the kind of killing of countless people, or the battlefield, but truly regards life as an endless feeling, just like the prey in the eyes of the snake, even if it is not hungry, it will be fierce.

This is an "monster" that is indifferent to life.

So this person does not dare to move.

Because I don't know that my slight move will lead to death.

The real goal of the big snake pill is actually not in front of the Tong Helo, he is not an answer to Tongheoa, just venting his existence.

at last.

When the heart of Tong Hanoe is about to stop, the old voice came from the house.

"My family's waste begins, let two guests laugh."

With the opening of the door, the old man in the dark, a small man with a light blue hair, the binocular, and there is no goddess.

The big snake pill removed the line of sight.

Tong Tong Hei is like a tight heart suddenly breaks the same, so weak on the ground, the continuous mouth spit of white foam, even if it lives, I will not be clear.

But whether it is a big snake pill, or inside this old man seems to be completely unfinished.

Only Kapu frowned.

"It's a good girl."

The cold look of the big snake pill is just a circle of Tonghe City, and then moved to the girl's body, showing a smile.

Next moment.

The big snake pill has appeared behind the girl, the pale fingers touched her face, and the hoarse voice praised:

"Intelligent, strong, and this is the most fascinating sense, but unfortunately, your means is too bad."

The voice falls, the girl's face suddenly became ugly, but it is more difficult to see the expression of the elderly.

Because of the girl wow.

Glorn with your belly, spit out a lot of bugs from the mouth, mix the stomach fluid to constantly crawling on the ground.

"You ... Who is it?"

The old man, or the time between the tung, the skin is blezed out, and people are slow back.


Buried in the cherry of the cherry, even the one on the heart, and it is actually unknown.

How can this matter can be done, even if it is done, Sakura is not possible!

"You don't know who I am?"

The temperament of the big snake pill has completely restored the cold attitude, with the strange smile on the face, if you see enough to scare people in the middle of the night, but in the eyes of Tong Tong, the men in front of the face become more scary.

This cold is not because of other things.

It is dead.

It is a dead gas that he is familiar with.

In front of this person, like him, it has already been dead, and there should be no undead in this world.

"Finally, did you notice? My lovely post generation." The snake of the snake pill is like everything in the trunk, and the corner is more rising. "You use the means of yourself more and more serious, actually The soul attached to the dirty bug, like a small antity, so that this girl is in the body, is you ready to 'container'? "

For the big snake pill already already a mature big wiss.

The time in front of the bus is like a jeweler.

In order to pursue eternal life, it has paid a huge price.

But let him remember himself. If he only has this kind of choice, maybe it will turn himself into a bug, only to live.

Therefore, he is not too big in the trunk.

At least there is now.

However, there is nothing to realize this, and the biggest secret is said directly by the people who meet in the first five hundred years have never experienced such fear.

Who is this person in front of me?

This question stuffed his brain.

Because the Royal House of Tongjia is unable to communicate, there is no knowledge of the mad warrior, and there is no such thing as this holy gray war.

So what he thinks, it can't get an answer.

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