The joys and sorrows of people are not the same, at least Leon feels that these little snakes are quite unpursued, but most of the elders are mixed with Voldemort, why is a House Cup so excited?

If someone in the group pulled out his wand and pointed it at Dumbledore’s nose and asked the old man to issue him a diploma directly, Leon might consider being friends with them or something.

Just as it was close to lunchtime, the little wizards stayed in the auditorium, and began to discuss the basilisk with all their mouths, most of them were seniors who knew that the basilisk was giving science to the junior.

And Leon can also feel the curious gaze cast by the little wizard from time to time, which Leon said that he has become accustomed to.

“Is this the danger you mentioned during your summer vacation and I mentioned?”

Hermione also came over at this time and sat down next to Leon and asked.

“Hmm.” Leon nodded.

“Then I was warned not to go out casually at night because of this incident.” Penelo added as he consciously sat down on the other side.


Continue to answer perfunctoryly, Leon at this time is extremely helpless, after all, every day at dinner, there will be two more girls who like to chat, it is too troublesome.

“Why are there basilisk in schools?”

After getting Leon’s reply, Hermione and Penelo began to chat again, basically the two of them chatting halfway, Leon just listened quietly, until it was time to open the meal, which was considered a temporary relief from this boring small talk.

The afternoon time Leon is spent alone in the library, after all, Hogwarts is so big, there is basically nothing interesting, the Forbidden Forest does not want to go, the Black Lake is the territory of mermaids, at this time Leon is extremely nostalgic for the era of mobile phones and computers.

Unfortunately, the signal shielding of the Muggle world in Hogwarts is extremely serious, and the basic Muggle world technology supplies are an ornament at Hogwarts, and at the same time, in the era of nine years, the so-called mobile phone is really not suitable for killing time.

“Are you waiting for me?”

Just as Leon was bored flipping through a travelogue-type biography, Dumbledore’s voice suddenly appeared beside him.

“Have you been so idle lately?” Seeing Dumbledore appear, Leon was a little speechless, he couldn’t find the old bee in three days when school started, but now the old bee stays in Hogwarts almost all day.

“I’m looking for you to fulfill our promise, and by the way, I need your favor.” Dumbledore said and handed Leon a book wrapped in a black cover, and Leon took it and glanced at it, and suddenly became interested.

Title: “Top Black Magic Analysis and Application”.

This is after getting the basilisk in the morning, Dumbledore mentioned that he would send his own dark magic books, originally Leon thought that Dumbledore was perfunctory, but he didn’t expect that he actually sent the book.

“What do you need my help with?” It won’t be Hagrid’s verdict appeal. ”

Unceremoniously stuffing the book of Dark Magic into his wallet, Leon turned to Dumbledore and asked rhetorically.

“Yes, after all, you are the main participant in this incident, and you also know the basilisk, and I need you to testify for me.” Dumbledore replied with a smile.

“With your status and right to speak, it should be easy to get Fudge to revoke a decades-old sentence, do you need to be so polite?”

Leon glanced at Dumbledore, not understanding how Dumbledore, who obviously looked like a chaotic demon king a few days ago, began to engage in a set of dramas between virtual and snakes.

“Because it makes Hagrid a true innocent person in a legitimate way, I still need his help with some things for Hagrid.” Dumbledore explained.

“Teach Fantastic Beasts for next school year?” Leon asked rhetorically.

“Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from you, yes, the current professor of magical animal protection, Keitel Byrne is old, and the protection and cultivation of magical animals over the years has caused his body to suffer a lot of setbacks, I can’t bear to let such an old man who loves magical animals fall to Hogwarts, so I want to use Hagrid to replace his position.”

Dumbledore glanced at Leon, a little helpless, and a little relaxed, although chatting with a guy who knows everything always has the feeling of being seen through, but many things do not need to be explained by themselves, and it is still a matter of convenience.

“Are you sure Hagrid can do this job well, you know, for Fantastic Beasts, Hagrid’s cognitive sense is a little distorted, are you not afraid that he will make trouble?” Leon heard this and reminded Dumbledore, after all, Hagrid was a famous troublemaker.

“I believe in him.” Dumbledore shook his head and argued Hagrid.

“I don’t believe it.” Leon complained that he knew how much mess Hagrid would make when he took office, at least the disgusting thing of frying the tail snail, which he didn’t want to touch.

“Professor, how do you say that I only hang up my student status and don’t come to class? Or you can directly arrange for me to take O.W.L and N.E.W.T. ”

Considering that life in the future may be as boring as it is now, Leon suddenly thought about graduating early.

“But you’re not yet an adult, what are you doing out for?” Dumbledore’s expression was a little moved, but considering Leon’s age, he still did not let go.

“With my current height and size, not to mention my age, who knows that I am underage?”

Leon joked with a smile, and then took out the illusionist’s disguise and put it on his face, and in the next second, a mature and stable face covered Leon’s face.

“Who thinks I’m not an adult wizard when this face goes out?”

“Let me think about it.” Hearing this, Dumbledore stroked his beard and soothed Leon.

In fact, he was really excited about this proposal, after all, now Leon stayed at Hogwarts, really couldn’t learn anything, and it would bring bad influence to other little wizards.

After all, other little wizards don’t want Leon to have extraordinary strength, they only know that Leon has done a lot of shocking things, but they don’t know the danger, if Leon continues to stay at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore felt that one day the little wizards would have the urge to do it with me, and then cause an irreparable tragedy, and Leon’s current state, staying at Hogwarts Dumbledore was also a little scared.

God knows if Leon will suddenly rise up and start defying his authority and start tossing Hogwarts, and then it will be a lot of fun.

And the consideration he said was not to consider whether Leon would stay at Hogwarts at all, but to consider someone’s opinion, after all, which one is also Leon’s guardian, and if students want to finish early, they still have to ask the opinion of ‘parents’.

“I hope you can think about it.”

Leon is also looking forward to this, he can really leave Hogwarts, then, there are too many places he wants to go, the wizarding world is not only British, and rich wizards, not only British pureblood families.


I have some things to do in the next two days, and this year’s winter is unexpectedly cold and some things come in a hurry, I have to slow down, but I promise not to break it, but the update time is basically locked in the evening and morning.

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