The last words left by Dumbledore made Leon unconsciously give a middle finger to his departing back.

He helped him clean up the hidden threats in Hogwarts for free, and the old bee actually wanted to collect his own money, and he deserved that his wife was not around, it must be because of this stingy personality.

Glancing at the deep pit where the vine dragged the basilisk out of the basement, Leon did not hesitate and directly activated the skill: soared for nine days, spread his wings and flew towards the bottom of the pit.

In fact, for the Slytherin secret room, Leon is also quite interested, but he has never had the opportunity to go in and check it, and now the entrance has been made out by himself, and it is a pity not to go in and punch a card.

Of course, on the way down, Leon did not forget to use the repair spell, while flying to repair, he quickly filled the hole he came down, but the roof of the Slytherin chamber was immune to the magic of the repair spell and remained in a broken state.

Inside the chamber is a long corridor with snake-headed water sprayers carved on the walls on both sides, a pool below, a flat stone avenue in the middle, and a Slytherin statue at the end of the chamber.

Although it is rumored that Slytherin is a rare beautiful man, the appearance of this statue is really unacceptable, maybe it is old, or maybe it is just that the person who erected the statue has a grudge against Slytherin and deliberately blackens him.

Anyway, this monkey-like Slytherin statue, Leon didn’t think he really looked like the founder of the Snake House.

On the long platform of the secret room, you can also see traces of the basilisk once lived, such as the dragon scales that have fallen off and the traces of the basilisk crawling, but this secret room does not seem to meet the characteristics of a snake life, after all, snakes basically like to live in dark and damp holes.

This gave Leon an interest in exploring the snake cave, and following the basilisk’s movements, Leon came under the statue of Slytherin and saw a round stone hatch behind the statue.

There is no handle, there is no conspicuous mechanism, the hatch is so embedded in the wall, according to Leon’s speculation, this hatch should need to be opened by snakes, but Parseltongue himself will not, so Leon can only choose to violently dismantle.

A final flash smashed the stone door, Leon liked this range AOE skill that was much more powerful than RPG, almost after the last time he found that the spell casting action was not a social death act, Leon almost every time he broke the enchantment or gate, this skill was the first choice.

Behind the shattered stone door, there was a dark and damp hidden secret room, and the first thing Leon saw was the snakeskin of the basilisk that had fallen down, several of them, and he was going to test the toughness to see if he could use it.

But as soon as Leon’s hand touched these snake molts, the snake molts directly weathered into slag, fragile as tofu.

In addition to these weathered snake molts, Leon also saw the dead yellow bones of some small animals, of course, the freshest are the bones of the eight-eyed giant spider, it seems that the last time the basilisk went out to drive away the eight-eyed giant spider, he did not forget to add a meal to himself.

Leon also thinks that this basilisk is quite pitiful, not only to obey the control of parseltongue to shrink in this broken place, but also to eat and sleep poorly for thousands of years, a XXXXX dangerous level of magical animals, actually mixed is not as good as the small animals in the Forbidden Forest.

After continuing to explore this secret room, Leon never found any other special places, which made Leon not quite believe, after all, Voldemort once found the secret room, began to grow stronger rapidly, and made himself a person who was not a ghost, obviously got some secret inheritance.

The black magic books in the forbidden book area, Leon basically read the same, and did not find any particularly powerful taboos, at most involving some top black magic.

And the only one involving Horcruxes should have been taken by Dumbledore, Leon never found it anyway, but a single Horcrux, Leon does not think that Voldemort can use this to make his strength grow by leaps and bounds, and the biggest role of Horcruxes is still to survive.

So this little Tom has been involved many times, and also incidentally plagued Hagrid’s unlucky basilisk and secret room, which is definitely a way for little Tom’s strength to take off.

However, the basilisk was directly killed by himself, and Hagrid is afraid that he can’t settle his wrongs, but whether Hagrid can restore his reputation has nothing to do with the current Leon, this cute big man has no interest in himself, and he can only see the creation himself.

Unable to find the real secret room, Leon did not panic at all, took a bottle of magic perception potion again, Leon closed his eyes, reopened the 365-degree vision without dead ends, and began to rely on magic to sense what was wrong.

But to Leon’s surprise, he searched around and found nothing special, leaving him suspicious.

However, Leon did not give up, but left the old nest of the basilisk and continued to spread the magic search, Leon did not believe that Slytherin had placed a basilisk in this secret room.

“If you’re looking for a Slytherin lab, I’d advise you to give up early.”

Suddenly, a pleasant female voice appeared in Leon’s ears, and within Leon’s magical perspective, a young woman with a curvy figure and outstanding temperament appeared, standing beside her.

But when Leon opened his eyes, what he saw was a flat-haired beast, that is, the guardian eagle of Ravencra’s incarnation.

Rubbing his eyes, Leon closed his eyes, in the social power perception, the avatar of Ravenclaw was the appearance of a young woman, but when he opened his eyes, Leon saw an eagle, and Leon was suddenly puzzled.

“I didn’t expect that you have mastered the skill of using magic as a vision, which is indeed a very good way to deal with the basilisk opposite you, did you find that your eyes deceived you?”

The avatar of Ravenca landed on Leon’s shoulder and asked softly.

“I’d rather believe that my perception deceived me.” Leon complained unceremoniously, after all, the gap between the real vision and the naked eye’s vision is too big, and the big one is even more terrifying than some beauty cameras.

“You pay more attention to me now, or do you want to know more about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.” Seeing Leon’s disrespectful gaze, Ravencla’s avatar asked Lyon.

“Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, what do you mean I can’t find it?” Leon came back to his senses and asked.

He didn’t believe that the avatar of Ravencla was deliberately to ridicule and ridicule herself, since she dared to appear, then she must have asked for something, that is, there can be a deal between the two, after all, there is nothing to offer, either adultery or theft.

“The information in this laboratory is reserved for Slytherin blood, that is, the successor of his bloodline, you are not.” The Ravenclaw avatar explained.

“Therefore, if you have something to say directly, don’t talk about it.”

Leon rolled his eyes at the avatar of Ravenclaw, there is too much nonsense in this goods, it is better to directly throw out the conditions and talk directly about cooperation, who to grind and chirp?

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