Back at Hogwarts, Leon once again locked himself in his dormitory, staring at his system panel in a daze.

After experiencing the old hunter’s affairs, Leon found that he didn’t seem to have the desire to draw krypton gold card pools, although when he got this money, he always felt that it was a pity not to spend it.

But Leon thought about it and found that his current strength did not seem to need large-scale krypton gold, and it seemed more reasonable to leave some chips for emergencies.

But looking at the total 302652 chips and the account balance of 10035, Leon felt that he still had to Krypton a wave, otherwise he always felt a sense of suffocation of the brocade night walking, so Leon planned to take out all the fractions and krypton to get rid of it.

2652 chips are exchanged for gold gallons for 13260, plus the balance of 10035, a total of 23295, and the purple card pool can be drawn twelve times and ten times.

But just to draw the purple card pool reward, Leon almost has to wait a year, after all, this game once a month ten consecutive cooldown, so he divided this balance into two single draws of the golden card pool and one purple card pool of ten consecutive draws.

The first natural thing is to test the water of the ten purple card pools, different from when he first awakened the krypton gold system, the confidence in Leon’s waist bag is now much more sufficient, and his heart does not tremble when he pumps.

The familiar Russian turntable, the familiar green, blue-purple, it seems that this time the god of luck is on the side of Lyon, and a total of two purples, two blues and six greens are harvested.

“Congratulations to the host for extracting the magic essence! (purple)”

“Congratulations to the host for extracting the magic stone! (purple)”

“Congratulations to the host for extracting the Magic Spell and Disarming Charm! (Blue)”

“Congratulations to the host for extracting the Magic Dance Step Charm! (Blue)”

“Mana Essence: Liquid mana flowing down, after drinking, you can get a 50-point increase in mana.”

“Magic Stone: A mysterious stone that gathers magic, which can provide energy for magic items, and the mana reserve is 500/500, which can instill mana for mana reserve replenishment.”

As for the remaining six greens, not to mention, they are all consumable props.

For this receipt, Lyon is still very satisfied, two purple and two blue, just looking at the quality, it can already be regarded as full of European energy.

The magic essence was a gel liquid with a dark blue glow, which was packed in a small bottle, knowing that it could increase the upper limit of mana, Leon looked up and drank it for him, without any taste, not even water.

The entrance evaporated directly, but Leon could feel that the magic power available for his own deployment became thicker, that is, the magic ceiling number was not very good, two 250.

What about the magic stone, Leon feels not very good to say, after all, this play can not be used as a magic battery for himself, can only be used on magic items, Leon does not have any magic items that need to replenish mana, but since it is a purple item, Leon did not despise it, directly put it in his wallet, and used it when needed.

As for the two spells, it’s not bad, although the dance step spell Leon has always felt quite stupid, he didn’t learn it, the disarming spell is the same, why should he disarm the target directly, he doesn’t accept surrender, is there no shadow of the god front?

But since he has already obtained it, expand his own attack methods, Leon does not feel a loss, after all, this game is a level three, maybe in the future Defense Against the Dark Arts practical combat class can be used to bully and bully other little wizards.

The ten consecutive events of the purple card pool brought Leon good news, that is, his luck seemed to be good today, so Leon planned to take advantage of the victory and chase and directly switch to the golden card pool.

Although the 10,000-time draw is a little distressing even for Leon now, Lyon is not bad for money now, so, after ordering twice in a row, watching the two slot machines that appeared side by side spit out two rewards, one purple and one blue, I don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Congratulations to the host for drawing the top card pool to get the purple quality reward: Magic Mango Tree!”

“Congratulations to the host for drawing the top card pool to get the gold quality reward, skill: ultimate flash!”

“Magic Mango Tree: This is a magic mango tree from the mysterious continent, planting a mango tree can provide unlimited mango power. The fruit tree produces 3 mangoes immediately after planting, and then produces 1 magic mango per natural day. (Magic Mango: Eat a mango and instantly restore 100 mana.) )”

“Ultimate Flash: This is the ultimate magic mastered by a mage with refractive power from another mysterious continent, after release, it stores energy for 1 second, shoots a light wave with a diameter of two meters and a length of 60 meters, the light wave will destroy everything in the path, and it takes 200 mana points to release, and there is no cooldown.”

After watching the golden card pool harvest this time, Leon’s heart was full of desire to complain.

What the hell is the mysterious continent, just like the multiple casts last time, isn’t the magic mango tree from the Dota continent.

And what is the extra continent this time, seeing the skill name Leon also understood, Lax’s R skill, isn’t it the Valoran continent where League of Legends is located, this time one is the same, is it to avoid the balance between the game fans on both sides pinching each other?

Although the heart is wirelessly complaining, but I have to say that these two rewards are really fragrant, the magic mango tree provides itself with endless mangoes, one mango can restore a hundred mana points, after this mango has more savings, isn’t it as long as the stomach can eat it, he is a magic fortress?

And the ultimate flash also makes up for itself the embarrassing situation of more than one body and insufficient AOE scenes, if this skill was drawn last time, where do you need one magic spell after another single-point eight-eyed giant spider, the ultimate flash shoots everything.

It is that the power of this skill does not seem to be data-based, it is impossible to estimate what kind of attack it is, and the mana consumption is too large, Leon has a total mana ceiling of 250, which is afraid that he will be drained.

However, with magic mangoes as magic support, it seems that it is not impossible to shoot everything, I just don’t know if the posture of soaring to make chest expansion movements when Lax releases this magic, will it be repeated when Leon himself releases, if it will, in the future, this skill, go to eat ashes, it’s too shameful.

If Leon chooses, Leon feels that the release of this ultimate flash is still more suitable for himself with the action of straightening his waist and raising his crotch, think, a top of the waist, a flick of the crotch, a laser shot out, how angry.

“The host has decided on the ultimate flash release action, and when the ultimate flash is subsequently released, the action command is automatically executed.”



Only to find that many of the words I separated by spaces were canceled by the automatic typesetting of the system, and the next time I used symbols, I noticed that sorry

By the way, don’t say what the knife ring is angry, and don’t say anything about Demacia, I play both games, and they are very dish, you guys don’t make trouble.

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