Ferencze shook his head when he heard this, although he was still very good for wizard senses, but he really left his clan to live alone in the wizard world, and he was not mentally prepared.

Leon did not persuade much, although there is a future that can be referenced, but he came, God knows whether the so-called established fate can still be preserved, at least in the established history, Lily has not been resurrected.

After chatting with Ferencze for a long time, Ronan came in from outside, the expression on his face was calm, and as soon as he entered the door, he returned the M1 carbine that Leon had given him before, and said: “You go back, the elder does not want you to come to our tribe again.” ”

“Oh?” Leon raised his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything more, and directly took the gun and left.

After all, the eviction order has already been issued so obviously, and it is not appropriate for Leon to stay here if he does not leave.

It’s just that he is quite confused, business can’t be done, why do the so-called elders still let themselves not set foot in the tribe of horse people, if it is just an ordinary tribe, they will leave, but horse people are good at divination and stargazing, a horse man known as an elder let himself not come to the horse tribe, which makes it difficult for Leon not to think about it.

But Leon couldn’t go to the elder either, God knows where they hid such an important person? And he doesn’t want to go to war with the horse people, and it’s not easy to get into trouble if he farts. Therefore, this confusion can only be suppressed for the time being.

When he came empty-handed, he went back empty-handed, which made Leon feel that he should have run for nothing today, but doing business, success and failure is a common thing, Leon thought so, and looked away.

In the horse tribe, Ferencze stood in the camp with Ronan and watched Leon’s departure.

“What did the elder say?” Ferencze spoke first.

“Disaster.” Ronan replied.

“Because of Leon?” When Ferencze heard this, his face changed suddenly.

“I don’t know, but I know that this is a disaster that does not belong to us, but if we have too much contact with him, then this disaster, the horse people will be involved.” Ronan explained: “At least I think so, the elder now has little vitality, and can only barely spit out a word. ”

“So, didn’t the elders say that Leon was not allowed to enter the tribe?” Ferencze glared angrily at Ronan and questioned.

“I am for the safety of my people! Ferencze, you forgot, you are a horseman, not a wizard! Ronan roared angrily at Ferencze, and then turned away directly: “Go to the Ancestral Cave, I think you need to reflect on what you have done recently.” ”

When Ferencze heard this, his face turned livid and looked at the departing Ronan, and for a long time, he unwillingly walked towards the south with his hooves.

On the other hand, Leon returned to Hogwarts out of the Forbidden Forest, just in time for dinner, eat and sleep, and Leon began to return to his daily campus life as an ordinary Hogwarts student.

The next days, is a simple classroom, library, dormitory three o’clock rush, to say what is the difference from the past, that is, Lyon can almost receive a large number of fans every day, and many times are the same group of people, as if there is a Lyon does not reply to the letter, they will send emails to the death of the momentum, the whole Lyon almost did not resist to teach these people lessons, what is Zuan culture.

But the customer is God, so in order to get this done, Leon packed all the letters and sent them to Hans to help deal with them, after all, under the pretext of studying potions and studying, Hans, a guy who was idle drinking tea in the office, should have no reason to refuse.

January passed quickly, and this month’s golden card pool Leon was directly drawn after returning from the horse tribe, and the reward was the lowest quality in the golden card pool, purple. The thing is called longevity melon, eat it, you can add thirty days of life to yourself, or bound, so Leon can only swallow the stomach, don’t say, the melon is quite sweet.

But that’s not the point, the point is that the cooldown period for equivalent exchange is over, which means that Lyon is about to have a big income into its pocket.

But considering that the one-month cooldown time is too bad to pinch, it is too easy to expose some intelligence, plus Dumbledore is at school and can’t run away, so Leon dragged it out until mid-February to find Dumbledore.


“Professor Snape.”

As soon as he arrived at the door of the headmaster’s room, Leon saw Snape standing at the door, and he was stunned.

“Don’t you know the password for the principal’s office?” Leon asked curiously.

“I know, but the door won’t open.” Snape explained.

Leon was a little confused when he heard this, knowing that the password still couldn’t open the door, shouldn’t ah, is the old bee playing a handgun alone in the office? So deliberately controlled the door of the principal’s room to keep it from opening?

Just as Leon and Snape were about to leave, the stone statue at the door of the headmaster’s room suddenly gave way to the road, and the door of the headmaster’s room was opened.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time, I just came to an honorable guest, so I delayed for a while.” Dumbledore was in the headmaster’s room at this time, looking at Snape and Leon who came in, and explained with a smile.

Leon could see that on the table in the principal’s room, there were two teacups, a cup of black tea, a cup of green tea, and a cup of green tea, which was no longer tea, leaving only tea leaves.

“Oh, isn’t it Greenwald, no, he is a student of Durmstrang, that is to say, it is a person from the Bulgarian side, and the people over there do not seem to have the habit of drinking green tea, and it should be Dumbledore who goes to him, not him looking for Dumbledore, but Dumbledore mentioned the distinguished guest, presumably the status may be the same as Dumbledore, or even higher.”

Thinking about Dumbledore’s words and the information given by the scene, Leon first thought of Nick Flamel, who lived more than six hundred years old, and Nick Flamel is French, French people like to drink green tea, and must be of high quality, and add sugar cubes and fresh mint leaves to the tea soup.

However, there was no trace of mint leaves in that cup of tea and green tea, but because Dumbledore put the tea set away, Leon could not judge whether it was added with sugar.

“Professor Dumbledore, who is this distinguished guest who can be honored by you?” If you don’t understand, you ask, Leon asked directly.

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head: “When you should know, you will know, and I am curious, with your ability to know everything, can’t you guess who the guest I am entertaining is?” ”

“Not sure, too little is known.” Leon shook his head and replied, he didn’t really know everything, he was just familiar with the plot, really beyond the plot, it was also a black eye.

After all, his only full prophecy talent in front of him, with a pseudo-word, the real prophecy talent, only 0.

“Sooner or later you will meet, and then you will know.”

Dumbledore replied mysteriously, at this time he was a little proud in his heart, and finally found a secret that Leon did not know for the time being, which was interesting.


Come to work in the afternoon, go out to work for an afternoon, no more, sorry, after all, life is the mainstay, as for the recent increase in people, the comment area has become chaotic, I will not go to the comment area and talk to you, but someone guessed in advance what to do, then fulfill the promise, ten chapters, today should be no drama, but I will make up for it later.

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